
#ScreenOpps #ScreenOppsMarch16

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Submission Opportunities Newsletter for Women in Film & Video

You can view #ScreenOppsMarch16 online by clicking on the links below.


We are now accepting submissions to our 2016 Festival.

Short film submissions MUST:
  • Have been Directed and/or Written by a female filmmaker. Co-gender productions will be considered.
  • Be 30 minutes or under in length, including credits;
  • Have been completed after June, 2015;
  • Include an English language track or English language subtitles.
About Feature length dramas and documentaries (+30 minutes):

Feature-length dramas and documentaries will be selected by curation only at this time. We are most grateful, however, to receive expressions of interest from female feature filmmakers. Please write to info@womensfilmfestival.com, including:

- Your feature film's title
- Name of Director(s) Writer(s) and Producer(s)
- A brief synopsis
- Date of completion
- Runtime, including credits
- Status of release
- Trailer link

We will direct your email to our Programming Committee. If we are able consider your feature film for SJIWFF27 we will contact you to request a screener.

View our full Rules and Regulations Here:
Download our 2016 submission form here:
Please direct courier packages to:
SWIWFF Programming Committee
28 Cochrane Street, Suite 101
St. John's, NL, A1C 3L3
*Please ensure that your package is marked "NO COMMERCIAL VALUE." Any package incurring brokerage fees will be returned unopened.
You can also submit films online through Withoutabox. 

Waiver of fee for all #ScreenOpps readers. Email specialoppscode@gmail.com for instructions.

DEADLINE: March 11, 2016

#ScreenOpps online 
 #StageOpps online
#StageOpps online 
Ongoing additional Funding Resources
on the WomenArts website.

To sign up to receive any of our newsletters or to change your preferences, link here.

The Women in the Arts & Media Coalition is a coalition of member organizations; if you are a member of one of our member organizations, you are a member of the Coalition!  The purpose of the Coalition is to focus the power of our member organizations and use that combined strength to address issues of concern to women in theatre, film, tv, radio, and new media. We are committed to being the link between our member organizations as we collaborate to impact the various topics that affect women in our industry through advocacy, networking, and events. 

Affiliate Member Organizations:

Academic Affiliate:

We are adding new Member Organizations all the time! 
Watch this space ... or, better yet, join with us if you haven't already!

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