
#ScreenOpps #ScreenOppsMarch16

Submission opportunities for women in film/video.

##Opportunities with hashtags are for selected populations.
**Opportunities starred are for women only.

Special Opportunity
**St. John's International Women's Film Festival**
We are now accepting submissions to our 2016 Festival.

Short film submissions MUST:
  • Have been Directed and/or Written by a female filmmaker. Co-gender productions will be considered.
  • Be 30 minutes or under in length, including credits;
  • Have been completed after June, 2015;
  • Include an English language track or English language subtitles.
About Feature length dramas and documentaries (+30 minutes):

Feature-length dramas and documentaries will be selected by curation only at this time. We are most grateful, however, to receive expressions of interest from female feature filmmakers. Please write to info@womensfilmfestival.com, including:

– Your feature film’s title
– Name of Director(s) Writer(s) and Producer(s)
– A brief synopsis
– Date of completion
– Runtime, including credits
– Status of release
– Trailer link

We will direct your email to our Programming Committee. If we are able consider your feature film for SJIWFF27 we will contact you to request a screener.

View our full Rules and Regulations Here:
Download our 2016 submission form here:
Please direct courier packages to:
SWIWFF Programming Committee
28 Cochrane Street, Suite 101
St. John’s, NL, A1C 3L3
*Please ensure that your package is marked “NO COMMERCIAL VALUE.” Any package incurring brokerage fees will be returned unopened.
You can also submit films online through Withoutabox.

Waiver of fee for all #ScreenOpps readers. Email specialoppscode@gmail.com for instructions.
DEADLINE: March 11, 2016

##Outfest LA (July 7-17, 2016; LA, CA) - Outfest Los Angeles 2015 promises to be the biggest and most exciting festival in our history. Outfest Los Angeles is unique among LGBT film festivals for our high quality programming, outstanding press coverage, and sensational parties and receptions, which connect filmmakers with motion picture industry professionals. Outfest Los Angeles additionally features a juried competition with awards for excellence in US, international and documentary feature filmmaking. Outfest is seeking films and videos that are of interest to lesbian, gay, bisexual, queer, intersex and/or transgender people and/or relate to gender or sexuality issues and/or feature an LGBTQ main character. The entries may be narrative, documentary, experimental and animated films and videos (both features and shorts). We are also seeking Submissions and/or proposals for multi-media, performance and interactive projects for inclusion in Platinum, the experimental and new media section of the festival. A submission constitutes agreement to our Submission Terms and Conditions. To submit: http://www.outfest.org/submit/. Deadline: March 2, 2016 (Regular), March 9, 2016 (Late), March 16, 2016 (Extended).

##QFest New Jersey LGBT Film & Digital Media Festival (April 1-3, 2016; Ocean Grove, NJ) - QFest New Jersey LGBT Film and Digital Media Festival strives to support and promote LGBT film & digital media, the individuals who create it, and the people and stories they highlight. Festival submissions must have content about or connection to the LGBT community with preference given to unreleased work, work by New Jersey residents, and work that exemplifies artistic expression (in multiple forms), education or inclusion. QFest, the only annual LGBT film & digital media festival in NJ, is produced byQSpot, one of New Jersey’s largest LGBT community centers. Entry categories are Feature/Short Film, Feature/Short Documentary, Animated Feature/Short, Music Video, Mobile Device App, Video Game and Website. Winning submissions in all 10 categories will receive prizes. To submit: http://qfestnj.org/. Deadline: March 5, 2016 (Late); March 15, 2016 (Extended)

**Women’s Independent Film Festival (December 2015; Encino, CA) - Our mission is to celebrate and give voice to the many diverse and unique perspectives offered by women in cinema from every part of the world. We seek to offer a platform in Los Angeles for the many diverse perspectives of women within the world of independent film. Women's Independent Film Festival awards and screens the best independent films made by women filmmakers from around the world. In order to qualify for entry, a woman must fill AT LEAST ONE of the following key positions on the film: Director, Producer, Writer, Lead female Protagonist, Editor, or Cinematographer. We hope to give voice to the many talented and underrepresented women creating great work in the independent film world. To submit: https://filmfreeway.com/festival/WomensIndieFest. Deadline: March 8, 2016 (Late); March 29, 2016 (Extended)

##Capital City Black Film Festival (August 25-28, 2016; Austin, TX) - The Capital City Black Film Festival (CCBFF) welcomes features, shorts, documentary features and documentary/short films as well as music videos for its competitive program. CCBFF accepts film submissions from all filmmakers including student filmmakers; however, to be eligible for the festival’s competitive program, one of the film’s creative principles, i.e. the writer, director, producer or actors in principle roles must be Black or of African heritage. All other films will be considered for our invitational program. Please notify the festival in your application if your submission does not meet the requirements for the competitive program and you wish to be considered for the invitational program. Feature films should be at least 60 minutes in length; short films should be 30 minutes in length or less. Music videos must be original and seven minutes or less. All submissions must be postmarked on or prior to the “Late Deadline” date. Submit: http://www.capcitybff.com/submissions/. Deadline: March 27, 2016 (Early); May 23, 2016 (Regular); July 17, 2016 (Late)

Indigo Moon Film Festival (October 7-9, 2016; Fayetteville, NC) - GroundSwell Pictures is pleased to announce the formation of Indigo Moon Film Festival. Set to launch October 7-9, 2016, IMFF will feature the best in filmmaking from filmmakers in grade school to adults and first time filmmakers to seasoned pros! The film  festival will include opening night and closing night films, closing night film awards, filmmaker talks, equipment displays and of course, GREAT FILMS! A special award will be given to North Carolina filmmakers. Tell us your connection in your cover letter! All awards, inclluding audience awards and Best of Fest will be given at the Closing Night Awards Gala. Submit: http://www.groundswellpictures.com/film-festival/. Deadline: April 1, 2016 (Early); May 15, 2016 (Regular); July 1, 2016 (Late).

San Francisco Frozen Film Festival (July 21-24, 2016, San Francisco, CA) – Celebrating “razor’s edge independent films and bands” during July, the coldest month of the year in San Francisco. Seeking entries in the following categories: Filmstock Film (all forms, lengths, and genres; must be shot on 8, 16, or 32mm), Digital Film (all forms, lengths and genres; must be shot with a digital camera), Feature Documentary (45 minutes or longer), Short Documentary (under 45 minutes), Animation, First-Time Director, Student Director (filmmaker must be enrolled in high school or college during production), Surf/Skate Video (videos about skaters, surfers, and snowboarders; winners may be asked to skate or perform at opening gala), Music Video, International Film (made outside the U.S.), Music Documentary, and Environmental Film. FEE: $20-$55. San Francisco Frozen Film Festival, 588 Sutter St. #103, San Francisco, CA 94102, T: (415) 846-1375, FAX: (415) 392-7500, frozenfilmfestival@gmail.com, http://www.frozenfilmfestival.com. Deadline: March 31, 2016 (late), May 31, 2016 (extended, via withoutabox.com)

AFI DOCS Documentary Festival (June 22-26, 2016, Silver Spring, MD) – Honors the creativity and passion of independent, non-fiction filmmakers and the power of the moving image to alter our perspective and expand our world-view. Seeking Feature (41 minutes or longer) and Short (40 minutes or shorter) documentaries that demonstrate a bold commitment to subject matter, excellence in cinematic craft, and innovation in storytelling. FEE: $30-$90. Silverdocs, 8633 Colesville Rd., Silver Spring, MD 20910, T: (301) 495-6720, FAX: (301) 495-6798, info@silverdocs.com, http://www.SILVERDOCS.com. Deadline: February 5, 2016 (regular), March 4, 2016 (late)

Open City Documentary Festival (London, UK) - Open City Documentary Festival creates an open space in London to nurture and champion the art of creative documentary and non-fiction filmmakers. The festival takes place over six days in venues across London and the programme offers a chance to see the best in contemporary, international documentary as well as filmmaker Q&As, industry panels, workshops, live music, networking and parties. 5th edition of Open City Docs Fest will take place on 16-21 June 2016. OCDF accepts documentary films of all lengths and subject matter, originating from anywhere in the world. For 2015 edition, all entries must be completed after 1 January 2015. All film entries must be in English or contain English subtitles. Only completed entries (Entry Form, Preview Screener, Payment) will be processed and considered for screening.
 Visit http://www.opencitydocsfest.com/submissions to apply and for more information. Deadline: March 4, 2016 (late)

Navi Mumbai International Film Festival (Navi Mumbai, India) - The first ever film festival of Navi Mumbai, NMIFF(Navi Mumbai International Film Festival) is founded with the idea to showcase the talent & creativity of filmmakers under the sky of this beautiful city. Navi Mumbai, formerly known as New Bombay, has lived for a long time in the shadows of her neighbour city, Mumbai – THE HOME OF BOLLYWOOD. With the inaugural NMIFF in 2014, film-makers now have a reputable film festival that will give a global exposure to their creativity and innovative ideas while film-goers have a repository of fine movies of different taste & calibers from across the globe, to enjoy. Entries at NMIFF are open to all International, national, and regional films of different tastes & calibers from across the globe.Year of production of the film should not be before 2011. Subtitles: Films can be with dialogs, silent or without dialogs. Films submitted in languages other than English must be presented with English subtitles. Short films cannot be longer than 30 minutes. Feature films cannot shorter than 60 minutes. Participants can send multiple entries. However, please submit a separate submission form and entry fee for each film. By submitting movie to NMIFF, filmmaker/producer takes the whole responsibility of copyright issues of music, script and other creative and technical aspects of film. Festival programmers shall determine selections and award winners at their sole discretion. Decision of the NMIFF festival authorities regarding all matters not expressly provided for in these rules and regulations or which require interpretation of the clauses mentioned above shall be final and can not be challenged. Visit http://www.nmiff.in/ to apply. Deadline: March 31, 2016 (Early), July 15, 2015 (Regular), August 15, 2016 (Late)

**Female Eye Film Festival (June 2016, Woodbridge, ON, Canada) – An annual competitive international independant women directors film festival. Seeking entries in the following categories: Drama (Shorts: Maximum 40 minutes, Features: Minimum 40 minutes), Comedy (Shorts: Maximum 40 minutes, Features: Minimum 40 minutes), Documentary (Shorts: Maximum 40 minutes, Features: Minimum 40 minutes), Experimental (Shorts: Maximum 40 minutes, Features: Minimum 40 minutes), Animation (Shorts: Maximum 40 minutes, Features: Minimum 40 minutes), Canadian Feature (Minimum 40 minutes), Foreign Film (Minimum 40 minutes), Late NIGHT [horror, suspense, thriller] (any length). FEE: $20-$100. Female Eye Film Festival, 50 Wallace St., Woodbridge, ON L4L 2P3, Canada, Phone: (905) 264-7731, femaleeyefilmfestival@gmail.com, http://www.femaleeyefilmfestival.com/. Deadline: March 31, 2016 (extended, via withoutabox.com)

##Workers Unite Film Festival (May 2016, New York, NY) – Celebrating Global Labor Solidarity. Seeking films that highlight the struggles, successes, and daily lives of workers in their efforts to unite and organize for better living conditions and social justice. Seeking entries in the following categories: Feature Narrative, Narrative Short (under 50 minutes), Documentary Feature (over 60 minutes), Documentary Short (under 50 minutes), Films from the Front Lines (3-30 minutes; dealing with current labor struggles either in the U.S. or globally), and Working Lives Screenplay Competition. Workers Unite Film Festival, PO Box 1525, Radio City Station, New York, NY 10101-1525, T: (646) 455-2225, FAX: (646) 328-4559, info@workersunitefilmfestival.org, http://www.workersunitefilmfestival.org/. Deadline: March 6, 2016 (regular), March 16, 2016 (late), March 28, 2016 (extended, via withoutabox.com)

Shriekfest (October 6-9, 2016; LA, CA) - Shriekfest, the Los Angeles Horror/SciFi Film Festival continues its tradition as Los Angeles' Premier horror film event, directed by Denise Gossett, and presenting an exciting program of films each fall with beautiful Los Angeles as its backdrop. Now, in its 16th year, Shriekfest takes place at the legendary Raleigh Studios, which is the largest independent studio operator in the country. We offer filmmakers and film fans alike an ideal setting in a world-famous city. Both established and emerging filmmakers gain media exposure, connect with the region's diverse audiences, and participate in an acclaimed event attended by industry professionals as well as horror and scifi fans. Over the past Fifteen years, Shriekfest has welcomed numerous indie icons into its family. We are looking for original films and screenplays. We are accepting films/screenplays in five categories: narrative feature, narrative short, narrative super short, feature screenplay, and short screenplay. Shriekfest has a NEW category and we are very excited about it. "We wanted to come up with a category that would allow more people to be involved and receive exposure in the festival." said Denise Gossett, Festival Founder and Director. "Most filmmakers don't have a project to submit every year and this will allow everyone to be involved in the festival." This new category will cover demo reels from anyone in the industry: directors, producers, editors, actors, writers, sound design, visual fx, makeup, etc. Most industry people have a demo reel and many have trouble getting people to watch it. This new category allows industry people to judge it and then the top demo reels will screen at the festival! Demo reels can be any genre and must be 2 min or less. We will be awarding prizes to the winning filmmaker in each category. Last year's festival was a great success. We had our biggest audience yet, with a 20% increase over the previous year and more than 35 filmmakers in attendance. HOW TO ENTER Entry form and information: www.shriekfest.com. Deadline: May 1, 2016 (Regular); July 1, 2016 (Late); July 10, 2016 (Extended).

Sophie Webb Films - **CASTING** Los Angeles based, female performers/artists between the ages of 21 - 35 who identify as Queer, Lesbian, Bi-sexual. Filmmaker Sophie Webb is looking to fill multiple roles in a new 6 part narrative episodic project. Performers will be paid $100 per shoot day and we are accepting submissions from both SAG and Non-Union performers. You don't need to have much acting experience, just have life experience and be an interesting person! For more info or to set up a meeting time please email us at: samesexseries@gmail.com.

The Art of Being (March 18-26, 2016; Washington, DC) - W/D: Matthew Cavanaugh; EP: Matthew Cavanaugh, Peter Jarvis, Matthew Meyer; THE ART OF BEING is dark comedy [web pilot] about Allen Hughes, a struggling comedian who, after losing his car, goes on a hunt through Washington DC to retrieve it. With each failed attempt, he begins to see the effect of his tactless personality. Although, it's nothing that can't be solved with a colt 45, a satchel full of girl scout cookies and a little street dancing. Stock Films is a Washington D.C. and Los Angeles based production company, Stock Films was formed by Los Angeles Film School alums Matthew Cavanaugh and Tommy Logtens along with Peter Jarvis. The three filmmakers together have endeavored to create films with a unique vision and advanced production technique. Stock Films' first feature film, THE THREE SESSIONS (threesessions.com), is currently in final stages of post-production and has already earned accolades at the Richmond Film Festival when it screened in competition as a work-in-progress. Founders Matthew Cavanaugh and Tommy Logtens manage a separate video production arm, Stock Productions, which has established itself as a leader in the Washington, DC area as a for-hire video production company. Co-Founder Peter Jarvis works at industry-leading talent management and production company Management 360 in Los Angeles. Most scenes will be filmed in D.C., primarily in Mount Pleasant and Adams Morgan. One day of shooting will be in Leesburg, VA. We will be shooting both on Super 16mm film and 4KHD. This will be a great opportunity to add dynamic and professional footage to your reel. We are looking for a variety of passionate and talented actors to play a wide range of characters. While we will be shooting from a script, improv may be expected on some occasions. We will be offering $200 a day, plus a meal, travel compensation and a copy of the final film. Auditions will be held between 2/23-3/6. Apply: http://www.backstage.com/casting/the-art-of-being-107173/.

Hero Rises - Casting "Hero Rises", epic fictional film, female lead transforms hearts of fans to become a champion athlete. Shoot dates TBD in NYC. Pays $100/day, plus travel and meals provided. Apply: http://www.backstage.com/casting/hero-rises-107162/.

Cyber PR is a boutique digital PR firm based in Brooklyn. We are seeking a strong writer who is also a detail-oriented multi-tasker to assist with the 100+ independent musicians who approach our company every month. 2 days in the office – hours & days are negotiable. In South Park Slope Brooklyn. $15 per hour trial for training for 3 weeks  - then $1K per month for 2 days in the office per week. Job Description/Responsibilities: - Assist the founder with all incoming leads. - Schedule calls with potential clients - Schedule qualified leads with next step calls with founder - Prepare proposals - Follow up calls and emails for all proposals out - Prepare contracts for clients - Prepare and track invoices and payments - You must check email in between in office days so no projects get left behind. Qualifications: - Must be detail-oriented w/ ability to multitask and handle multiple projects - Must be a strong sales writer  - Must be active on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram with an understanding of how brands and musicians use social media to engage with their customers - Must read/be knowledgeable about music blogs - Previous experience in sales, music business, entertainment or PR is a plus. Apply: http://cyberprmusic.com/.

Cinestory Fellowship and Awards – Seeking up-and-coming screenwriters for developmental mentorship program. Prizes include cash award, free tuition, room and board at the Cinestory Writers Retreat, 12-month fellowship with 2 Hollywood professionals, and other prizes for first place; cash, mentorship, and other prizes for second and third place. Submit original feature-length screenplay (85-130 pages) in any genre. Your name and contact information must not appear on the title page or in the file. See website for complete guidelines and application instructions. FEE: $45-$70. Cinestory, PO Box 661962, Los Angeles, CA 90066, T: (323) 900-0502, info@cinestory.org, www.cinestory.org. Deadline: March 15, 2016 (extended)

Sundance Documentary Film Program - The Sundance Documentary Film Program supports non-fiction filmmakers worldwide in the production of cinematic documentaries on contemporary themes. Established in 2002 with founding support from Open Society Foundations, the Program is a vibrant global resource for independent non-fiction storytelling. Led by Tabitha Jackson, the Documentary Film Program believes that art changes the way we reach people. We focus on those values of Art, Reach and Change through encouraging excellence and experimentation in form; championing under-represented voices; facilitating the strategic distribution of grantee projects where needed, and supporting the social and creative impact of this work upon release. In summary, the year-round support of filmmakers through the documentary fund, the labs, a fellows program and strategic advice from development to distribution amounts to a commitment to documentary as an increasingly important global art form and a critical cultural practice in the 21st century. Apply: http://www.sundance.org/programs/documentary-film.  Deadline: March 3, 2016

Bertha BRITDOC Journalism Fund - The Bertha BRITDOC Journalism Fund is an international film fund dedicated to supporting long form feature documentaries of a journalistic nature. This is a rolling application fund. We aim to respond to applicants within 8 weeks. We are looking for films that break the important stories of our time, expose injustice, bring attention to unreported issues and cameras into regions previously unseen. This fund recognises such films are often delicate and protracted, making them difficult to fund. With a mission to enable in-depth analysis of issues through long-form investigative filmmaking, we are particularly looking to work with filmmakers with a journalistic background or those who are collaborating with journalists. It is key that the journalistic intent is embedded within the film itself rather than the film simply being about a journalist or journalistic institution. Apply: https://britdoc.org/bertha-journalism/. Deadline: March 4, 2016

The David Ross Fetzer Foundation for Emerging Artists - The film award consists of a grant of $5,000 to a U.S filmmaker 35 or under at the time of application for the production of a short film that will be shown as a private screening with the filmmaker in attendance at the annual foundation event in Salt Lake City the year the grant is awarded. Visit http://thedaveyfoundation.org/grants-2/film-grant/. Deadline: March 15, 2016
**Asian Women Giving Circle Arts and Activism Grants – Funds Asian American women-led projects that use the tools of culture, arts and education to raise awareness and catalyze action around critical issues that impact Asian American communities with grants of up to $15,000. Eligible projects will build community and create social justice through programs that combine the arts with activism and highlight and promote women in central leadership and management roles. Projects should identify and address injustice within established social systems, institutions or the broader community, and inspire community members to become active social change agents. Applicants must work within the 5 boroughs of New York City and have 501(c)(3) nonprofit status or a fiscal sponsor with such status. See website for complete guidelines and application, email with questions: hali@asianwomengivingcircle.org, www.asianwomengivingcircle.org. Deadline: March 11, 2016, 5:00 pm EST

TCG’s On the Road & In the Lab & On the Stage Global Connections Grants - Global Connections supports geographically unrestricted travel to foster international collaborations between US-based artists and their colleagues around the world. The program offers funding in three different categories: On the Road travel grants of up to $5,000 each, In the Lab project development grants of $10,000 each and On the Stage touring grants between $10,000 and $15,000 each. To apply, visit http://www.tcg.org/grants/global_connections/globalcon_guidelines.cfm. Choose the correct Online Application Form based on applicant type (individual Theatre Professional or Organization) and the Global Connections Initiative. Deadline March 19, 2016 at noon EST

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#ScreenOpps #ScreenOppsMarch25

#ScreenOpps FILM FESTIVALS  She/Her Fest  She/Her Fest was created to empower, recognize, and promote art created by women identifying filmm...