
#StageOpps #StageOppsMarch16

and WomenArts presents
Submission opportunities for women in theatre.

##Opportunities with hashtags are for selected populations.
**Opportunities starred are for women only.

Special Opportunity
**IN HER NAME - We are going to be doing two days of curated readings of 365 Women a Year and other short plays about historical women from NY area writers--a few maybe to workshop level--maybe one or two to full performance level  at 13th Street Repertory Theatre in NYC on Saturday and Sunday April 16 and 17 in a marathon. This event will be to celebrate and honor Edith O'Hara's 100th year--she is the Founding Director of the theatre, and the marathon will be to benefit the theatre. All pieces will be grouped--selected playwrights can recommend directors and actors, but we will have directors and actors involved as well. The series is being produced by Susan Merson (current Artistic Director at 13th Street) and myself. Submissions of short pieces (we may include a few up to 30 minutes, but most should be 10-20 minutes long) are welcome. Musicals okay. We really want people who are able to attend, so please let us know if you're available those dates. Really looking for diversity. For the focus--looking for courage, exploration, discovery, empowerment--especially about women who most people don't know, or don't know in the way we will be showing them. Please submit ONE PLAY PER PLAYWRIGHT. Original deadline 3/1--with StageOpps code deadline is 3/15, pdf preferred, any additional info you would like us to know (including other short plays of yours you think would be of interest) can go in the email along with a bio. Send to bondrovproductions@gmail.com and after the code make the subject line name of play - name of historical person - name of playwright. Also accepting submissions from directors with StageOppscode - also until March 15 - include DIRECTOR in subject line after the special code - attach pdf resume. We prefer advocacy/activism in your background - include a note in your bio in the body of the email.

Don’t forget to email specialoppscode@gmail.com to get the special code for this month’s Special Opportunity!

Project Submissions
14th Annual Fresh Fruit Festival (July 11-24, 2016; New York, NY) - All Out Arts is now accepting submissions for the 13th Annual Fresh Fruit Festival, New York City’s grassroots, multidisciplinary international festival of Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, and Queer arts and culture.  A cornucopia of various forms of artistic expression, the festival will occur July 6-19 at The Wild Project in Manhattan’s Lower East Side. Thanks to the generosity of New York City Department of Cultural Affairs and others, there are no submission fees for early applicants, and no performance fees are required. The Fresh Fruit Festival’s goal is to present the whole spectrum of LGBTQ lives as expressed through Performance Art, Dance, Theatre, Video, Film, Spoken Word, Graphic Arts, Music & various other forms of artistic expression. Submissions in all artistic disciplines & lengths are considered for presentation as long as they highlight or showcase a spectrum of the LGBTQ experience, and are finished, self-produced shows. The Festival provides AEA-approved performance venues & insurance, marketing & publicity assistance, ticketing services, professional theater staff (logistics manager; a light or sound technician; front of house), repertory lighting plot & sound system, networking events & more! Deadline: March 13, 2016 ($15 Late Fee)

Midtown International Theatre Fest (NYC) - MITF: Summer is a combination of short plays and musicals, a Variety division, the Short Play Lab, and staged readings. Short plays and musicals are the mainstay of the MITF Short Subjects. We're looking for any kind of short play or musical that fits the guidelines: * 25 - 60 min. long. Shorter plays will be given preference in selection. * Easy to produce in a no-frills festival * Any genre. (Plays using guns as props will not be considered). * Union and Non-Union shows accepted. * Plays must be sent in Word Document or PDF File. Pages MUST be numbered and script must be in standard playscript format.* The Festival will take place at the Workshop Theater's Main Stage and Jewel Box Theaters, 312 W. 36th St., NYC. MITF: Summer runs from July 18-August 7. The Short Play Lab runs Saturday, July 16 - Sunday, July 17 in the Jewel Box Theater. Short plays and musicals receive 3 performances, all in the same week. Producers receive a share of the profits, if any. Short Subjects receive a tech rehearsal equal to 2 times the running time of the show. Full-Lengths receive a tech rehearsal equal to 2.5 times the running time of the show. The Variety division spans cabaret, magic, improv, sketch comedy, stand-up, and burlesque. Acts can be solo or group affairs, so long as they fit within an hour, including setup and strike, and so long as they bring their own music director and so forth. The Festival provides a keyboard and amp. Shows receive a 1-hour tech rehearsal and a share of the profits, if any. The Short Play Lab is just like the regular Short Play Labs throughout the year: 2 programs of about 10 short plays each (not to exceed 10 min. in length, the shorter plays receive preference in selection), each program performed twice. The Festival takes the door; 2 cash prizes are awarded to the most popular shows, 1 from each program. Each show receives no more than 20 min. of tech rehearsal. For all shows, the Festival provides a theatre (the WorkShop Theater's Main Stage and JewelBox), shared scenery (rehearsal cubes, a table, and 4 chairs), front-of-house staff, a board op (NOT a lighting designer), and a keyboard plus amp if necessary. Shows must be fully produced (off book!). In addition to the fully produced shows, there will also be staged readings on weekday afternoons. Producers wishing to present a staged reading must make sure their reading doesn't exceed 3 hours and must pay a $200 fee. The Festival doesn't provide a board op or any technical rehearsal to speak of. To submit a project, mark it clearly "MITF: Summer," and let us know whether it is a short play or musical, a variety act, a 10-min. play, or a staged reading. We'll curate the entries as they come in, so you can start working on them as soon as possible. Please send all playscripts and all Variety submissions (video reels, youtube, etc.), to: john.chatterton@gmail.com. We look forward to your submissions! *12 pt Times Roman; character names in the middle on their own line; line spaces between speeches and stage directions; indented stage directions; 1" margins all around. Deadline: April 15, 2016 (Short Subjects and Full-Lengths); May 2, 2016 (Variety Acts); June 20, 2016 (Short Play Lab).

Thespis Theatre Festival (July 11- October 2, 2016; NYC) - Thespis is not only a festival, it's a competition as well. That means that there are prizes! The winner of the Best Play award will receive a prize of $3,500. Best Actor, Best Actress, Best Director and singer will each receive $500. Best Original play will receive $200, Best Musical score $300.Best Stage manager and Set designer $200. Please know that all genres are welcome, including MUSICALS. Several of our winners over the years have been musicals. We are all musicians, and know exactly what you need to make your show a success. ONE ACT PLAY WELCOME BUT THEY MUST BE 30 MINUTES OR LONGER. There is no question why Thespis has taken the world of playwriting festivals by storm, becoming the second largest festival in the country in just 5 years. It's because playwrights enjoy staging their plays with us! We are a group of playwrights who, after years of staging our plays in NYc festivals, said: "Why don't we create a festival that includes everything we dreamt of having while being part of others?" The result is beyond our wildest expectations. In just a few years, Thespis has caught fire as the number of submissions we receive continues to grow every year. Is this sheer luck or an acknowledgment of what we offer? Find out more: http://newyorktheaterfestival.com/thespis-festivals/thespis-theater-festival/ Next Deadline: June 15, 2016

Script Submissions
Luna Stage Theatre Company – Seeking script submissions from writers who are currently represented by a theatrical agent, hold an MFA in Playwriting, or are currently enrolled in an MFA Playwriting program.  Those who do not meet this criteria may also submit scripts only if it is accompanied by a letter of recommendation from the Artistic Director or Literary Manager of an Equity theatre.  You can also apply if your permanent residence is in the state of New Jersey.  No email submissions!  NO FEE.  All Submissions mailed to:  Luna Stage, 555 Valley Road, West Orange, NJ 07052  Email inquiries about submissions: submissions@lunastage.org, http://lunastage.org/submit-your-script.php.Deadline: April 15, 2016

Playfest at Orlando Shakespeare Theater (Orlando, FL) – Seeking new full-length plays that speak to the human condition in our fascinating and complicated contemporary world. They are interested in plays exploring important, challenging, and crucial social issues that affect our lives today; comedies and dramas welcome. Plays with 6 actors or fewer preferred, and they are interested in one-person shows. 7 new works will be presented as readings, and one or more may go on to be developed in a workshop or full production. Playwrights receive a stipend, travel and housing expenses. Plays must not have received more than 2 professional AEA productions, must not have received a Broadway or Off-Broadway production or an Orlando production in current form, and must not be published. Submit cover letter, bio, one-page synopsis, ten pages of dialogue from the play, character breakdown, and author name and contact info on the cover letter. Do not submit full script unless requested. NOTE: No electronic submissions. NO FEE. Cynthia White, Director of New Play Development, PlayFest 2016, Orlando Shakespeare Theater, 812 East Rollins St., Ste. 100, Orlando, FL 32803,http://www.orlandoshakes.org/plays-events/playfest/submit.html. Deadline: March 1, 2016

Neil Simon Festival New Play Contest (Cedar City, UT) – Seeking full-length (80-120 minutes) character-driven American comedies. Musicals accepted; plays should not be overtly political. Plays must be original and may not have been professionally produced. Up to 3 scripts will be selected for a staged reading during the festival, and may be considered for full production in a future season. Winning playwrights will be invited to be part of the staged reading process; a stipend to offset lodging and travel costs will be offered. Submit online, through website. FEE: $25 (no critique); $55 (with critique). Neil Simon Festival, New Play Contest, PO Box 83, Cedar City, UT 84721, newplays@simonfest.org, http://www.simonfest.org/new-play-contest.html. Deadline: March 1, 2015

Gulfport Community Players Script Submissions (Gulfport, FL) - The Gulfport Community Players (Gulfport, Florida) are seeking original one-act plays. Plays selected will be performed during the 15th Annual Summer One-Acts Festival being held July 7-17, 2016. Playwrights are encouraged to submit family-friendly, 5-20 minute plays. Plays should be submitted between January 15th and March 1, 2016. The Players prefer light-hearted comedies and light drama. Scripts must be simple to stage and produce. To enter the competition, send two non-returnable hard copies of the script to: Gulfport Community Players, 1619 49th Street S, Gulfport, FL 33707. Online submissions WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED. The play reading committee will select between 8 and 10 plays. Playwrights will be notified by the end of April. For additional information and submission guidelines, please visitwww.GulfportCommunityPlayers.org/one-act-play-contest. For answers to specific questions, please email gulfportplayers@yahoo.com. Deadline: March 1, 2015

The Wildfire National Playwriting Competition (Calgary, Alberta)  – The Major Matt Mason Collective in association with Sage Theatre is looking for playwrights 30 years of age or under to submit fresh, young scripts that embrace risk, grit and evocation. The winning script(s) selected by our jury will receive a cash prize and a one week development workshop culminating in a performance at the IGNITE! Festival in Calgary, Alberta (as well as full or partial reimbursement for travel). For more info: http://mmmtheatrecollective.com/wildfire. Deadline: March 20, 2016
Sky Blue Theatre International Playwriting Competition (Cambridge, England) – Seeking original plays with a running time between 10-30 minutes from playwrights of all nationalities. Plays must be written in English. Plays must be submitted using a pseudonym. Submit script as a word document by e-mail attachment with title of play in subject line; include a synopsis of no more than 50 words and an entry form (available on website). FEE: £15. Email: anne@skybluetheatre.com, and visit http://skybluetheatre.com/newplays.php to apply. Deadline: March 30, 2016

Theatre Conspiracy Annual Play Contest (Ft. Meyers, FL) - Theatre Conspiracy 10091 McGregor Blvd., Ft. Myers, FL 33919. $700 plus full production. Entry Fee waived for Dramatists Guild members! E-mail: tcnewplaycontest@gmail.com. Complete submission guidelines are available at www.theatreconspiracy.org.
Deadline: March 30, 2016.

The Arts & Letters Prizes Competition - For each of the four major genres (Seeking original, unpublished one-act plays in English for the Drama Prize), we offer the winner a $1,000 prize. Fiction, Poetry, and Creative Nonfiction winners are published in our Fall 2016 or Spring 2017 issue. The prize-winning one-act play is produced at the Georgia College campus (usually in March.) Our prizes are made possible through the following generous endowments: Dr. Barry Darugar, and Bahram and Fari Atefat. The entry fee is $20. Visit http://artsandletters.gcsu.edu/submit/annual-prize-contest/ to submit online. Deadline: March 31, 2016
Theatre Southwest Festival of Originals (Houston, TX) – Seeking 20-minutes plays in any genre or style on any subject. 5 plays will be chosen and given full productions with 5 different directors and casts. Entries must be unpublished and have more than one character. Selected playwrights will each receive $100. Submit script with numbered pages and full contact information, character breakdown, and one-paragraph summary. Note: Plays must be submitted through the mail. Theatre Southwest, 8944 Clarkcrest, Houston, TX 77063, Attn: Festival Submissions, http://www.theatresouthwest.org/foorules.html. Deadline: March 31, 2016
Berkshire Theatre Group (Pittsfield, MA) - Berkshire Theatre Group accepts submissions of plays, musicals, translations, and adaptations. All submissions are considered for productions at BTG and for development opportunities. Playwrights must submit their work either through established agents or by first sending a letter of inquiry, accompanied by a brief synopsis, cast breakdown, a ten-page dialogue sample, and a résumé. These materials will be reviewed and BTG will contact playwrights regarding its interest in reading a full manuscript. Berkshire Theatre Group will not read unsolicited manuscripts. Visit http://www.berkshiretheatregroup.org/about/employment/script-submissions for guidelines and to apply. Rolling Admissions

Thespian Production (New York, NY) – Seeking 10-15 minute plays in any genre with simple sets and a maximum of 4 characters. Submit script with title page containing full author contact information, a synopsis, setting, and character breakdown. They are also seeking one-act and full-length Gospel plays. NOTE: Electronic submissions only. NO FEE. Thespian Production, submissions@thespianproduction.com, www.thespianproduction.com Next Deadline: Ongoing.

Pittsburgh New Works Festival (Pittsburgh, PA) – The Pittsburgh New Works Festival (PNWF) is now accepting one-act plays that have never before been produced. Twelve one-act plays will be selected to be performed as mainstage productions for the festival’s 25th season, which begins in September; an additional six will be selected for staged readings, to be performed the last two Sundays of August. Each of the 12 playwrights whose plays are selected for mainstage production will receive a $50 honorarium. The playwright who receives the most votes for Outstanding Contribution by a Playwright in the balloting for the Donna Awards will receive $500, to be awarded at the Gala in October.  All playwrights will receive brief comments from at least two readers.  For more information, please contact us at info@pittsburghnewworks.org or call 412-944-2NEW (2639). Visit http://www.pittsburghnewworks.org/play-submission/ to submit. Deadline: April 3, 2016 @ 11:59pm
About Love Festival (June 14-18, 2016; Vancouver, BC) - About Love festival of short plays that is held in June/July of each year and is open to all plays. The 2016 festival will be June 14 to June 18 at Vancouver's storied Havana Theatre, 1212 Commercial Drive, Vancouver, BC. The goal of the festival is to provide encouragement for emerging playwrights and an opportunity for Vancouver area actors and directors to engage in new works on stage. International submissions are accepted. Submissions must be in English. There is a 10.00 Canadian dollars fee for submission of one script and 15.00 dollars for two scripts. There will be a 150.00 dollar prize to the winning playwright. For more information, and to submit, please visit http://www.tomosuruplayers.com/#!about-love-festival/aj4kd. Deadline: March 20, 2016
Weathervane Playhouse Fifth Annual 8x10 TheatreFest (Akron, OH) - Weathervane Playhouse in Akron, OH is seeking Ten Minute Plays for inclusion in its Fifth Annual TheatreFest on July 15 - 17, 2016. Each of the eight Finalists will receive a full production of his/her play(s), complimentary tickets to the Festival, and is guaranteed a cash award of at least $50. The top three, as voted by the audience, will receive: First Place: $350 Second Place: $250 Third Place: $150. There is a $10 administrative fee per playwright. Playwrights may submit two entries for this fee. 1. Maximum running time is ten minutes and no one-person plays, musicals, or children’s plays 2. Play must include the use of the hand mirror 3. Previously unproduced/performed 4. No more than three characters 5. The submitting author is the sole owner of the copyright of the script. For more submission details visit http://www.weathervaneplayhouse.com/8x10TheatreFest. Deadline: May 13, 2016

3rd Annual New Works Competition (Playhouse on the Square, Memphis, TN) - Playhouse on the Square, now in its 45th Season, is accepting scripts for the 3rd AnnualNewWorks@TheWorks Competition. A panel of local directors, actors, and designers will review all submitted scripts and select six to receive staged readings during the 2016-17 season. After the six readings have been presented, Playhouse on the Square will select two that will receive full productions during the 2016-17 Season. These two new works will receive world premieres at Playhouse's third performance space, TheatreWorks. Along with these fully mounted productions, the two winning works will each be awarded a prize of $500. There is a $15 submission fee. Members of the Dramatists Guild need only pay $10. Only check and money order will be accepted. 1. The submission must be written in the English language, must be an original, full-length play or musical that is unpublished 2. The submission must begin with a title page that includes the work's name and the playwright's name, address, telephone number, and email. This should also include a character list and scene breakdown if applicable. NOTE* If submitting a musical please include a score and demo 3. Submissions that have been previously produced or published will not be accepted 4. The manuscript must be easy to read. It must be typed in no less that 12-point type and page numbered 5. The cast for the play or musical must be limited to no more than ten 6. The script may have more than one author. Also, the playwright(s) may include a brief biography, but it is not necessary. Each playwright is limited to one submission per year. There will be no revisions accepted once a script has been submitted. Revised plays that have been previously submitted to the competition may be submitted again. Please send the manuscript to Playhouse on the Square, New Works Competition, 66 S. Cooper, Memphis, TN 38104. For questions, contact Director of New Works Jordan Nichols at jordan@playhouseonthesquare.org. For more submission details visit www.playhouseonthesquare.org. Deadline: May 30, 2016.

Capital Stage Playwrights’ Revolution Annual New Works Festival (July 25-29 2016; Sacramento, CA) - Capital Stage presents its annual new works festival PLAYWRIGHTS’ REVOLUTION. As Sacramento’s leader of bold, thought-provoking theatre, Capital Stage created this series of staged readings to identify and develop new plays and playwrights. Each year, a handful of plays are carefully selected from hundreds of submissions. Directors and actors are selected, and audiences are invited to participate in post-reading discussions to contribute to the development of the world’s newest plays. Qualifications: Capital Stage is particularly interested in plays that fulfill our mission to bring bold, thought-provoking work to the region. Plays must be full-length in any genre: comedy, drama, musical, etc. Translations, collections of one-acts, children’s plays and any play that has received a full-scale, professional production prior to submission are not eligible. Plays that have had a workshop, reading or non-professional production are still eligible. Only one submission per playwright is allowed each year. The Selection Process: Capital Stage’s competitive selection process consists of two rounds of selection. All play excerpts submitted during the first round, averaging 200 submissions, are reviewed. Then, selected playwrights are asked to provide a full manuscript of their play. Finally, Capital Stage invites 4 to 6 playwrights to have their work included in PLAYWRIGHTS’ REVOLUTION. Preference will be given to those plays that are aligned with Capital Stage’s mission to bring bold, thought-provoking work to our community. How to Apply: Send the following to Capital Stage between January 1 – March 31, 2016. Attn: Literary Management, 2215 J Street, Sacramento, CA 95816 or Email submission materials to literarymanager@capstage.org. Your contact information; A concise paragraph stating your previous playwriting credits; Title of the play; Character breakdown and description; Time and place of the play; Synopsis; and A ten page sample of the play. For more info: http://capstage.org/cap-events/playwrights-revolution/. Deadline: March 31, 2016

Fade To Black Play Festival (June 2016; Houston, TX) - Fade To Black play festival is set to return for its fourth season this year in June! This exciting event is Houston's first play festival to celebrate the new works of African-American playwrights across the nation. We are so proud of our success and want to keep this positive thing going! We are looking for new 10 minute play submissions written by African-American playwrights. If you know someone, please encourage them to participate. Script submissions will be accepted from Monday, February 1, 2016 until Friday, April 1, 2016. TO PREVENT DISQUALIFICATION Please adhere to contest requirements and guidelines. Remember: Your submission form MUST be completed before you email your play. See instructions below. The theme and subject matters of the work is open to the playwright's imagination.  Local Houston directors and actors are encouraged to participate. Selected playwright finalists will be contacted no later than Sunday, May 1, 2016. There is no fee to submit. Grand prize winner will be chosen by audience vote and awarded a cash prize. Only three (3) scripts submissions are allowed per playwright. All applicants must be at least 18 years of age. To apply: http://www.fadetoblackfest.com/. Deadline: April 2, 2016  

Greater Ocean City Theatre Company (June 26 - Aug 12; Ocean City, NJ) - Casting The Greater Ocean City Theatre Company Summer 2016 Season. Auditions are by appointment only! The 2016 Broadway Series will feature WEST SIDE STORY Directed/Choreographed by Dann Dunn and DISNEY'S THE LITTLE MERMAID Directed by Michael Hartman and Choreographed by Colleen Kreisel. The 2016 Theatre For Young Audiences Series under the direction of John Anker Bow and Billy D. Hart will feature A YEAR WITH FROG AND TOAD TYA, ROALD DAHL'S JAMES AND THE GIANT PEACH TYA, ALICE IN WONDERLAND, THE PRINCESS AND THE PIRATE, and PINKALICIOUS. Runs June 26-Aug. 12 at the Greater Ocean City Theatre Company in Ocean City, NJ. Pays stipend, housing, and travel stipend. Audition: March 13th in Ocean City, NJ. March 14th in New York, NY. To Submit: http://www.backstage.com/casting/the-greater-ocean-city-theatre-company-2016-summer-season-107157/.

East Village Chronicles (May, 2016; NYC) - Casting Equity actors for "East Village Chronicles," the 12th annual showcase festival of short new plays about the history and culture of the East Village/Lower East Side. Rehearses Mar. 22-May 1; runs May 1 in NYC. Pays $275 stipend. Equity Showcase-NY. Submit via Backstage: http://www.backstage.com/casting/east-village-chronicles-107036/.

Cyber PR is a boutique digital PR firm based in Brooklyn. We are seeking a strong writer who is also a detail-oriented multi-tasker to assist with the 100+ independent musicians who approach our company every month. 2 days in the office – hours & days are negotiable. In South Park Slope Brooklyn. $15 per hour trial for training for 3 weeks  - then $1K per month for 2 days in the office per week. Job Description/Responsibilities: - Assist the founder with all incoming leads. - Schedule calls with potential clients - Schedule qualified leads with next step calls with founder - Prepare proposals - Follow up calls and emails for all proposals out - Prepare contracts for clients - Prepare and track invoices and payments - You must check email in between in office days so no projects get left behind. Qualifications: - Must be detail-oriented w/ ability to multitask and handle multiple projects - Must be a strong sales writer  - Must be active on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram with an understanding of how brands and musicians use social media to engage with their customers - Must read/be knowledgeable about music blogs - Previous experience in sales, music business, entertainment or PR is a plus. Apply: http://cyberprmusic.com/.  

Social Media Manager - Playwrights Foundation is seeking a Social Media Manager! Theater artists are encouraged to apply to this remote, part-time position. We’re looking for creative ideas, innovative marketing strategies, and a love of new work for the theater. Candidates must possess a minimum of 3-5 years of social media marketing experience in a theater setting. To apply, please send your cover letter, resume, and links to your social media accounts to hiring@playwrightsfoundation.org with “Social Media Manager” in the subject line. For more information visit our website here: http://www.playwrightsfoundation.org/index.php?p=30.
**Asian Women Giving Circle Arts and Activism Grants – Funds Asian American women-led projects that use the tools of culture, arts and education to raise awareness and catalyze action around critical issues that impact Asian American communities with grants of up to $15,000. Eligible projects will build community and create social justice through programs that combine the arts with activism and highlight and promote women in central leadership and management roles. Projects should identify and address injustice within established social systems, institutions or the broader community, and inspire community members to become active social change agents. Applicants must work within the 5 boroughs of New York City and have 501(c)(3) nonprofit status or a fiscal sponsor with such status. See website for complete guidelines and application, email with questions: hali@asianwomengivingcircle.org, www.asianwomengivingcircle.org. Deadline: March 11, 2016, 5:00 pm EST

Mid Atlantic Arts Foundation ArtsCONNECT Program – Provides support for non-profit and government consortia to present high quality live performing arts shows to audiences in the mid-Atlantic region. Presenting consortia must include at least three presenting organizations from at least two mid-Atlantic states (Delaware, Washington, D.C., Maryland, New Jersey, New York, Pennsylvania, Virginia, West Virginia, and the U.S. Virgin Islands). ArtsCONNECT projects must involve professional touring artists in theater, dance, opera, music, jazz, and folk/traditional arts that have been touring for at least two years. Artists must reside out-of-state for a majority of presenters within each consortium. Projects must take place between July 1, 2016 and June 30, 2017. NOTE: Must submit application through website., Contact: Michelle Grove, Program Officer, Performing Arts, michelle@midatlanticarts.org, http://www.midatlanticarts.org/funding/pat_presentation/arts_connect/guidelines.html. Deadline: March 18, 2016

TCG’s On the Road & In the Lab & On the Stage Global Connections Grants - Global Connections supports geographically unrestricted travel to foster international collaborations between US-based artists and their colleagues around the world. The program offers funding in three different categories: On the Road travel grants of up to $5,000 each, In the Lab project development grants of $10,000 each and On the Stage touring grants between $10,000 and $15,000 each. To apply, visit http://www.tcg.org/grants/global_connections/globalcon_guidelines.cfm. Choose the correct Online Application Form based on applicant type (individual Theatre Professional or Organization) and the Global Connections Initiative. Deadline March 19, 2016 at noon EST

Princess Grace Awards – Identifies and assists emerging artists in theatre, playwriting, dance, and choreography. Theatre awards take the form of scholarships, apprenticeships, and fellowships at non-profit schools and theatres. Playwriting award includes a residency at New Dramatists, Inc. and the opportunity for the winning play to be licensed and published by Samuel French, Inc. Dance performance awards take the form of scholarships and fellowships. Choreography awards take the form of fellowships for collaborations with non-profit dance companies. See website for complete guidelines and to apply. Diana Kemppainen, Program Manager, Princess Grace Foundation-USA, grants@pgfusa.org, http://www.pgfusa.org. Deadline: March 31, 2016 (theatre and playwriting); April 30, 2016 (dance and choreography)

McKnight Theater Artist Fellowships at the Playwrights’ Center – Grants of $25,000 to theatre artists other than playwrights whose work demonstrates exceptional artistic merit and potential and whose primary residence is in the state of Minnesota. Selection is based on a commitment to theater arts, evidence of professional achievements, and a sustained level of excellence in the applicant’s work. It is important to declare your intent to apply and inform the Playwrights’ Center where and when your performances take place so that panelists may have ample opportunity to view your work in a live setting. See website for complete guidelines and application. McKnight Theater Artist Fellowships, Amanda Robbins-Butcher, Artistic Programs Administrator, amandar@pwcenter.org, http://www.pwcenter.org/fellows_fellowship.php. Deadline: April 14, 2016

Arts Midwest Touring Fund/Performing Arts Fund Grants (July 1, 2016-June 30, 2017) – Supports the inter-state touring of professional performing artists specializing in the fine arts of dance, theatre, music, youth and family entertainment, and other performing arts forms appropriate throughout Arts Midwest’s nine-state region. Grants range between $500-$4,000 and will cover 20% of the artist or ensemble’s contracted fee. Includes public performances and in-depth educational activities that reach audiences that lack access to the performing arts. Open to presenting organizations with government or 501(c)(3) status in Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Michigan, Minnesota, North Dakota, Ohio, South Dakota, and Wisconsin. Engagements must feature a professional performing artist from outside the applicant’s state, and must include at least one performance that is open and promoted to the general public, at least one in-depth educational activity, and must reach an underserved audience. NOTE: Application is now completely online. Email: performingartsfund@artsmidwest.org, website: http://www.artsmidwest.org/programs/paf/apply. Deadline: April 26, 2016

Jubilation Foundation Grants - We grant to individuals and organizations who have an exceptional talent for helping young people feel fully alive through rhythm - as expressed in music and dance. We grant two-year fellowships to those who serve as a link to a world filled with more joy. You must reside in the United States to be eligible. Special consideration will be given to organizations in the Pacific Northwest committed to one or more of the following: on-going skill building, working with children under 18, involving experts working and playing with non-experts, working toward synchrony and inclusion, overcoming barriers related to race and class, building community, and etc. For more thorough guidelines and to apply, visit http://jubilationfoundation.org/grant.html#4. Deadline for Organization applications: July 2016.  

TCG Leadership University - The overall intent of Leadership U[niversity] is to nurture and support an interdependent, inclusive, and sustainable theatre field by developing the individuals who are the core and future of theatre. One-on-One grants of $75,000 will be awarded to six visionary rising leaders from all areas of theatre for professional development via mentorships at TCG Member Theatres, with an additional $5,000 honorarium for their mentor. Up to an additional $10,000 Opportunity Fund will be available for one or more of the following: outstanding student loans; approved supplemental activities; and/or life needs (i.e. health care, child or elder care, or other medical expenses). Up to an additional $4,500 will be available for mentee and mentor travel. To apply: http://www.tcg.org/grants/leadershipu/guidelines.cfm. Deadline: March 16, 2016

Byrdcliffe Arts Colony/Woodstock Guild (Jun-Oct, 2016, Woodstock, NY) – Residencies of an average of 4 weeks for writers, visual artists, and composers. Residency provides housing and studio. Artist responsible for food, travel, materials, and residency fee ($600/month). Writers under the age of 35 who need financial assistance may apply for a $100 scholarship from the Patterson Fund (see website for more information). Additional fellowships for artists of all ages available based on financial need. FEE: $40. Byrdcliffe Colony/ Woodstock Guild, 34 Tinker St., Woodstock, NY 12498, T: (845) 679-2079, FAX: (845) 679-4529,franne@woodstockguild.org, http://www.woodstockguild.org. Deadline: March 15, 2015

Djerassi Resident Artists Program (4-5 week sessions, mid-March-mid-November, Woodside, CA) – Residencies, including living space, studio space, and all meals, for national and international visual artists, composers, choreographers, performance and media artists, and writers. Artists at all stages of their careers, from emerging to established, are encouraged to apply. Collaborative artists must send individual applications and fees, including a separate page describing the collaborative proposal. Artists in residence will share their work in progress during an annual open house. FEE: $45. Visit http://www.djerassi.org/residencies.html for guidelines and to apply. Deadline: March 1, 2016
Kenyon Playwriting Conference (Kenyon, OH) - Immerse yourself in the craft of playwriting surrounded by some of the most exciting early-stage play development in the U.S. and U.K. You will write every day, hear your work read in the evenings, and interact with the creative teams from powerhouse companies and three commissioned playwrights in residence. Please submit a paragraph (no more than 250 words) about why you are applying to this workshop and what you hope to take away from it. Additionally, please submit a sample scene of no more than 5 pages. If you are planning to workshop a particular play at the conference, your sample must be from that play. Please also submit a biography (no more than 250 words). After you have been accepted, if you plan to workshop a particular play, we ask that you submit the play to us by May 15 so your instructor can read it before the conference. Instructions for submitting your play will accompany your acceptance message. For more details on submitting, please visit http://www.kenyoninstitute.org/programs/playwrights-conference/ or watch https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PlJccRBI3U0. Applications accepted starting November 1, 2015

HERE Artist Residency Program (HARP) 2015 (NYC, NY) - HERE has been one of New York’s most prolific producing organizations since 1993, and today, stands at the forefront of the city’s presenters of daring new hybrid art. We have a long history of supporting unique and innovative artists, ensuring them the opportunity to develop and perform original work as well as assist them in enhancing their skill in all areas of artistic work. Through the HERE Artist Residency Program (HARP), artists are able to develop their work in a peer-based program designed to nurture new and unique work. Our community of mid-career resident artists meet monthly, show works-in-progress, develop workshop productions, and mount full-scale productions. HERE is currently accepting applications to HARP which commissions and develops new hybrid works over a 1- to 3-year period. For more information regarding the HERE Artist Residency Program and how to apply, please visit: http://here.org/programs/harp/. Deadline: February 3, 2016 by noon.

Anderson Center for Interdisciplinary Studies (Red Wing, MN) – Residencies of an average of 2-4 weeks for visual and performing artists, writers, and scholars of all kinds. Residency provides housing, meals, and studios; artist responsible for travel and materials. Special fellowships are available in July for emerging artists and writers from New York City or Minnesota; see website for details. Anderson Center at Tower View, PO Box 406, Red Wing, MN 55066, T: (651) 388-2009, FAX: (651) 388-5538, info@andersoncenter.org, www.andersoncenter.org. Deadline: February 1, 2016

Vermont Studio Center (Year-round, Johnson, VT) – Residencies of an average of 4-12 weeks for serious, emerging, or mid-career visual artists and writers of all types from all over the world. Residency provides housing, meals, and studios; artist responsible for travel and residency fee ($3,950/month; fellowships available; see website). Vermont Studio Center, 80 Pearl St., PO Box 613, Johnson, VT 05656, T: (802) 635-2727, FAX: (802) 635-2730,info@vermontstudiocenter.org, www.vermontstudiocenter.org. Deadline: February 15, 2016

Ragdale Foundation (June-December, 2014, Lake Forest, IL) – Residencies of either 18 or 25 for visual artists, musicians, writers, dancers, media artists, and choreographers. Organization provides housing, meals, and studio space; artist responsible for residency fee ($35/day), deposit ($100/two weeks), travel and materials. FEE: $40. Ragdale Foundation, 1260 N. Green Bay Rd., Lake Forest, IL 60045, T: (847) 234-1063, FAX: (847) 234-1063,info@ragdale.org, www.ragdale.org. Deadline: February 20, 2016
ARTErra Residencias (Tondela, Portugal) – Residency that encourages cross-disciplinary artistic creation in a small rural village in Portugal. Artists may stay from 3 days to 6 months; average stay is 6-8 weeks. Artist responsible for travel, residency fee (budgeted on a case by case basis according to the artist’s needs), and meals (residency provides some fruit, vegetables, eggs and jam from the property; artists have access to fully equipped kitchen); residency provides room, work space, and some materials and tools according to the artists’ needs. NO FEE. ARTErra Residencias, R. Nossa Senhora do Crasto, nº380 Lobão da Bei, Tondela, Portugal 3460-207,arterra.geral@gmail.com, http://www.arterra.weebly.com. Deadline: Ongoing

Hawthornden Castle (Midlothian, Scotland) – International 1-month retreats for creative writers of all types from anywhere in the world to work without disturbance. Residency provides individual room/study in shared house and meals. Artist responsible for travel. Applicants must be published writers. Contact them for application instructions. NO FEE. Hawthornden Castle, Lasswade, Midlothian, EH18 1EG Scotland, United Kingdom, T: +44 131 4402180, FAX: +44 131 440 1989, http://www.transartists.org/air/hawthornden-castle.  Deadline: Ongoing

Ragdale Foundation (2014, Lake Forest, IL) – Residencies of either 18 or 25 for visual artists, musicians, writers, dancers, media artists, and choreographers. Organization provides housing, meals, and studio space; artist responsible for residency fee ($35/day), deposit ($100/two weeks), travel and materials. FEE: $40. Ragdale Foundation, 1260 N. Green Bay Rd., Lake Forest, IL 60045, T: (847) 234-1063, FAX: (847) 234-1063,info@ragdale.org, www.ragdale.org. Deadline: May 15, 2016 for 2017 Residencies

Jack Kerouac Writer in Residence Project (Orlando, FL) – Provides four residencies a year to writers of any stripe or age, living anywhere in the world. Each residency consists of approximately a three-month stay in the cottage where Jack Kerouac wrote his novel Dharma Bums. Utilities and a food stipend of $800 are included. NOTE: Electronic applications only. FEE: $25. Visit http://kerouacproject.org or http://www.kerouacproject.org/submissions/ to apply. Deadline: March 13, 2016

Chicago Dramatists Resident Playwright Program (Chicago, IL) – Highly selective program offered to playwrights whose body of work, and theatrical experience have the potential to positively impact the American theatre repertory. Open to emerging or established Chicago-area playwrights (within 100 miles of the Chicago city limits) who wish to develop their skills, plays and careers through Chicago Dramatists’ programs. Open to playwrights with demonstrated artistic and professional accomplishments, including at least some of the following: productions, workshops and readings at professional theatres, film and television productions, and professional playwriting awards, grants, fellowships, and residencies. NO FEE. Visit http://www.chicagodramatists.org/apply-for-residency to apply and for guidelines. Deadline: April 1, 2016

Bogliasco Foundation (Spring 2017, Bogliasco, Italy) – Residencies of an average of 32 days for qualified persons engaged in advanced creative work or scholarly research in archaeology, architecture, classics, dance, film/video, history, landscape architecture, literature, music, philosophy, theatre, and visual arts. Residency provides housing, meals, and studios; artist responsible for travel, materials, and any additional living expenses. $30 APPLICATION FEE. Visit http://www.bfny.org/en/apply/requirements to apply. Deadline: April 15, 2017

Banff Literary Arts Self Directed Writing Residency (Banff, Alberta) - The Banff Literary Arts Self Directed Writing Residency is a retreat for writers looking for focus and inspiration. Writers in all genres are invited to apply. Applications are evaluated through an adjudicated process. Minimum residency length is three days. Participants are housed in single rooms which also serve as their private workspaces. For more information: www.banffcentre.ca/programs. Submission is ongoing.

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#ScreenOpps FILM FESTIVALS  She/Her Fest  She/Her Fest was created to empower, recognize, and promote art created by women identifying filmm...