
Support ERA on social media 8/26 for Women's Equality Day!

Promoting VISIBILITY and increasing OPPORTUNITIES for WOMEN in the professional THEATRE
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support era TOMORROW FOR women's equality day 

The LPTW will be supporting a social media campaign on Women's Equality day tomorrow, Wednesday, August 26th. We are demanding our representatives vote for #ERAnow (www.eracoalition.org).

The ERA was written in 1923 and approved by Congress. It was sent to states in 1972 with a 10 year deadline for ratification. However, by 1982 supporters had only managed to sign on 35 of the 38 states needed to add the amendment to the Constitution. So, it never happened.

Therefore, 92 years after the ERA was written, this simply worded sentence is still NOT in the United States Constitution:

Equality of rights under the law shall not be denied or abridged by the United States or by any state on account of sex.

Laws can be repealed. Judicial attitudes can shift. Our democracy rests on the principle of "liberty and justice for all." We need the ERA to ensure that this concept applies equally to women.

1. POST A PHOTO: Take a photo of yourself striking the iconic Rosie the Riveter pose (see below for examples)

2. SPREAD THE WORD ON SOCIAL MEDIA: Share your photo on social media along with the hashtag
#ERAnow. You can use the following caption:

Support the Equal Rights Amendment. Share your pic & tell your reps to vote for #ERAnow! bit.ly/ERArep

You can also give your Facebook or Twitter profile picture an #ERAnow theme by clicking here!

3. TAKE ACTION: Visit the ERA Coalition's website to let your representative know where you stand on this issue.

In order to make the biggest possible impact, ERA is asking everyone to share their posts on the morning of WednesdayAugust 26th. They will launch this campaign at 8 AM (EST), and will continue to share all of your posts and content throughout the day.

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