
Newsletter - December 2014 - Upcoming Events and More

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Newsletter IV:12December 2014
In This Issue
She's Beautiful When She's Angry - 12/7 - w/ NYWIFT & WMM
The Brightness of Heaven - Discount
#StageOpps & #ScreenOpps
Member Organizations
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As we head towards the end of the year, we are looking for some great folk for 2015, for the following projects:
     2015 Collaboration Award and Gala
     #StageOpps & #ScreenOpps Newsletters
     Fundraising & Grantwriting
     Social Media

We are also continuing to develop our

If you have any problem reading  these flyers, you can see them on our Online Blog.  

Hope to see you soon,
Shellen Lubin and Avis Boone
for the Board of Representatives
Women in the Arts & Media Coalition, Inc.

December 7th - w/ NYWIFT & WMM

Please join us on Sunday, December 7 at 7:15 p.m.
At the Landmark Sunshine Cinema for a Special Presentation of:

Followed by a Q&A with Producer/Director Mary Dore,
Producer Nancy Kennedy &
Exec Producers Elizabeth Dreihaus & Pamela Tanner Boll

This special celebration of women filmmakers
is co-presented by: 
Women in the Arts & Media Coalition
New York Women in Film & Television 
Women Make Movies
The Chicken & Egg Pictures Team
Fork Films Team 

SHE'S BEAUTIFUL WHEN SHE'S ANGRY resurrects the buried history of the outrageous, often brilliant women who founded the modern women's movement from 1966 to 1971. 

SHE'S BEAUTIFUL takes us from the founding of NOW, when ladies wore hats and gloves, to the emergence of more radical factions of women's liberation; from intellectuals like Kate Millett to the street theatrics of WITCH (Women's International Conspiracy from Hell!).

SHE'S BEAUTIFUL aims not to romanticize the early movement, but to dramatize it in its exhilarating, quarrelsome, sometimes heart-wrenching glory. The film does not shy away from the controversies over race, sexual identity and leadership that arose in the women's movement.  SHE'S BEAUTIFUL WHEN SHE'S ANGRY captures the spirit of the time -- thrilling, scandalous, and often hilarious.
US * 2014 * 16:9 * Stereo * 92 mins * Not Rated 

a new play by Laura Pederson
directed by Ludovica Villar-Hauser
Cherry Lane theatre
38 Commerce Street

$38 per ticket with our special code:  BHWAM
(a portion of your ticket price will be donated to the Coalition)

The Kilgannons are a typical Irish family in 1974 Buffalo. However, the world is changing fast, the generation gap is widening, and the future is up for grabs. Will the Kilgannons find the serenity to accept the things they cannot change and the wisdom to know that what needs changing most is sitting around the dinner table? THE BRIGHTNESS OF HEAVEN is a witty drama about Family, Faith, and the ties that bind - sometimes too tightly.

Wednesdays at 3PM & 7PM, Thursdays & Fridays at 7PM
Saturdays at 3PM & 7PM, Sundays at 3PM

A drama with comedy that may be inappropriate for anyone under 10.
Approximately 90 minutes with no intermission.
Schedule & pricing may change at any time.

JOIN OUR MAILING LIST to receive Submission Opportunities for writers, directors, actors and more for Stage and/or Screen.  (You get to pick what you receive, and we will not send you information that is not requested.)
Link to #ScreenOpps online

Link to  #Stage Opps online

Link to #Stage Opps online
Link to ongoing additional Funding Resources
on the WomenArts website.

Member Organizations:              

Affiliate Member Organizations:

We have more new Member Organizations pending! Watch this space ...
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This email was sent to womenartsmediacoalition.news@blogger.com by presidents@womenartsmediacoalition.org |  

Women in the Arts & Media Coalition, Inc. | 244 Fifth Avenue | Suite 2932 | New York | NY | 10010

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