

and WomenArts presents
Submission opportunities for women in theatre.
New Names! New Categories!
New Opportunities for Women in the Arts & Media!
Submission Opportunities Newsletter for Women in Theatre
(previously known as Theatre Funding Newsletter)

Submission Opportunities Newsletter for Women in Film & Video
(previously known as Film/Video Funding Newsletter)

All brought to you by the Women in the Arts & Media Coalition, WomenArts, and the League of Professional Theatre Women.

We're building up new opportunites, and we're organizing them differently as well:

#StageOpps will include Project Submissions (completed and self-produced),
Script Submissions, Onstage, Backstage, Funding, and Residences. #ScreenOpps will include Festivals, On screen, On set, Funding, and Residencies.

We may only have a few opportunities each month for actors, composers, designers, and women whose work fits in some of the newer categories, but it is important to us to broaden our base, and to build the available opportunities up however we can over time.

We will also have a Special Opp every month for both Stage and Screen. This Special Opp will either be just for newsletter recipients, or recipients will be given special attention. There will be a code for the subject line of your email to denote that your submission is through the Special Opp. To receive this month's submission code, click here.

We are looking for theatres, production companies, casting offices, and more to offer these Special Opps. For more info on submitting a Special Opp to the newsletter, click here.

*Opportunities in red are for selected populations.
**Opportunities starred and in red are for women only.

October’s Special Opportunity

Stable Cable Lab Co. is seeking a diverse group of six playwrights to participate in the Live Wire Playwright Festival, which will take place throughout the spring of 2015. Participating playwrights will receive a developmental staged reading of a full-length play, and will collaborate with the Stable Cable ensemble on an evening of new ten-minute pieces written by each playwright.  

To apply, please send a brief cover letter and a 15-page excerpt of a play to StableCableLabCo@gmail.com with "Live Wire Submission" in the subject line, and include this month’s #StageOpps code in the body. 

Visit http://www.stablecablelabco.org/ to learn more about their company.

Project Submissions
New York Musical Theatre Festival Next Link Project (2015, New York, NY) – Awards 12 subsidized production slots in the festival to new musicals. Selected projects receive automatic acceptance to the festival, production deposit waived, access to the Next Link dramaturg team, access to exclusive industry networking events, and substantially discounted technical support. Seeking musicals in a variety of styles and forms by new, distinct voices. Submitted works may not have had a commercial production in NYC. Applications must be submitted online; see website for complete guidelines. FEE: $75. New York Musical Theatre Festival Next Link Project, http://www.nymf.org/programs/next-link-project. Deadline: November 3, 2014
Frigid Festival (February-March 2015, New York, NY) - Seeking submissions for fully produced plays no longer than 60 minutes in length. Frigid’s selection process is uncensored, unjuried and entirely open. 100% of box office proceeds are returned to festival participants. $35 FEE. For guidelines for submission, visit http://www.frigidnewyork.info/. There is a maximum of one application submissions per company or individual producers. Deadline October 31, 2014

Script Submissions
Source Festival (June/July, 2015, Washington, DC) – Three-week performing arts festival. Seeking theatre artists interested in directing original plays, artists of all stripes (including filmmakers and playwrights) to create an original artistic blind date, and submissions of 10-minute play scripts. Play submissions are open to applicants living anywhere in the U.S. or abroad; all other applicants must be based in the DC metro area. See website for complete guidelines and application instructions. NO FEE.http://www.sourcefestival.org/opportunities.html. Receipt Deadline: October 14, 2014 @5pm

Mead Theatre Lab (2015/2016 Season, Washington DC) – Intensive program for performing artists and independent theatre companies, musicians, dancers, choreographers, and filmmakers, as well as producers and arts organizations presenting performing arts in any genres, with an emphasis on work that explores provocative new ideas. They are especially interested in productions that offer new perspectives and presenting techniques. Over the course of the season the program provides fifteen weeks of theatre space, production management support, and mentoring. Apply through website. FEE: $30. Mead Theatre Lab, Jenny McConnell Frederick, Producer, T: (202) 315-1306, FAX: (202) 315-1303, http://www.culturaldc.org/performing-arts/mead-theatre-lab-program/. Flashpoint, 916 G St. NW, Washington, DC 20001, jenny@culturaldc.org,http://www.flashpointdc.org/about/flashpoint.html.
Receipt Deadline: December 2, 2014
The Stanley Drama Award (2015, Staten Island, NY) – The Stanley Drama Award offers a first place prize of $2000 for an original full-length play, musical, or one-act play sequence that has not been professionally produced or received trade book publication. Writers of musicals are urged to submit music on tape or cd. We consider only one submission (a single full-length play, musical, or one-act sequence) per playwright. Plays entered previously in the competition may not be resubmitted. Former Stanley Award winners are not eligible to compete. FEE: $30 The Stanley Drama Award, Wagner College, One Campus Road, Staten Island, NY 10301, tiny@bricktheater.com, http://wagner.edu/theatre/stanley-drama/application/. Deadline: October 31, 2014
Show Off Playwriting Festival at Camino Real Playhouse (January 16-25, 2015, San Juan Capistrano, CA) – Seeking 7 high-quality 10-minute plays on any subject. No musicals or children’s plays. FEE: $10. ShowOff! 2011, Camino Real Playhouse, 31776 El Camino Real, San Juan Capistrano, CA 92675, T: (949) 489-8082, http://www.caminorealplayhouse.org/showoff-submit.html. Deadline: October 15, 2014
Luna Stage Theatre Company – Seeking script submissions from writers who are currently represented by a theatrical agent, hold an MFA in Playwriting, or are currently enrolled in an MFA Playwriting program. Those who do not meet this criteria may also submit scripts only if it is accompanied by a letter of recommendation from the Artistic Director or Literary Manager of an Equity theatre. You can also apply if your permanent residence is in the state of New Jersey. No email submissions! NO FEE. All Submissions mailed to: Luna Stage, 555 Valley Road, West Orange, NJ 07052 Email inquiries about submissions:submissions@lunastage.org, http://www.lunastage.org/submit-your-script.php.
Opened: September 15, 2014 Deadline: April 15, 2015
Mississippi Theatre Association Adult and Youth Playwriting Competition – Seeking original one-act scripts by Mississippi writers, either living in-state or abroad. The winner of the adult competition will receive $500 and the winner of the youth competition will receive $250. Both scripts will receive a staged reading at the MTA Conference in January 2014, and playwrights will receive hotel accommodation for the evening of the reading. Plays should be one hour or shorter; no musicals, full-lengths, or adaptations. There are no restrictions on theme or content. Cast size is limited to 6 actors. Only one entry per playwright. Entrance form must be filled out online; scripts can be uploaded or e-mailed, but do not include any author information on your title page or manuscript. Entrants to the adult competition must be 18 or older; youth competition entrants must be enrolled in a high school or home school program in grades 9-12 in the state of Mississippi. FEE: $10. Mississippi Theatre Association, 1247 Bardwell Rd., Starkville, MS 39759, T: (662) 323-1097, Stephen Cunetto, (adult competition contact), scunetto@gmail.com, Janice Weaver (youth competition contact):sojazzed@comcast.net, http://www.mta-online.org/?page_id=237. Deadline: October 18, 2014
Pride Films and Plays Great Gay Play and Musical Contest (Spring, 2015, Chicago, IL) – Seeking original plays that feature LGBT characters, history, or themes, written in English. Plays must be unproduced. Five finalists will each receive $400 and their scripts will be performed as enhanced staged readings during Gay Play Weekend at Center on Halsted, Chicago, in spring 2015. Some finalists may be offered developmental or production contracts by PFP. NOTE: Electronic submissions only, in PDF format; see website for complete guidelines and application instructions. FEE: $45. Pride Films and Plays Great Gay Play and Musical Contest,PridePlay@gmail.com, PrideMusical@gmail.com, http://pridefilmsandplays.com/industry-professionals/writing-contests/. Receipt Deadline: October 31, 2014
Stony Point 10-Minute Play Festival (2015, Stony Point, NY) – Seeking submission by internet only. All US playwrights can apply however local playwrights preferred (New York, Rockland County, Westchester, New Jersey). Plays should follow these guidelines: Must adhere to the theme “what is wrong with society?”, Cast of no more than four (4) actors – the more diverse the better, minimum props, must be no longer than 10 minutes. When submitting your script via email: Subject Name (Your last name/Society’s Hangups), Body of the email (Your complete contact information, and a one line summary of your script). NO FEE. With any questions, please contact Marie-Elena Ortiz dramaturgycentral@gmail.com, http://stonypointcenter.org/get-involved/latest-news/151-callforplaysnov2013#.UiiyNtKshca. Receipt Deadline: October 13, 2014, Midnight
Toronto Fringe New Play Contest (Toronto, Canada) – Open to playwrights who are permanent residents of Canada. Seeking plays that are new and original and have not been previously produced. Plays must have a performance time of 90 minutes or under. Only one submission per playwright. First place receives $1,250 cash prize plus a spot in the 2015 Toronto Fringe Festival (the play produced must be the one submitted to the contest); second place receives $200 cash prize; third place receives $100 cash prize. NOTE: Submit script via e-mail as a word document with “New Play Contest” in the subject line and fill out entry form on website. FEE: $30 CDN. Toronto Fringe New Play Contest, T: (416) 966-1062 ext.3, Claire Wynveen, creation@fringetoronto.com, http://fringetoronto.com/artists/new-play-contest/. Receipt Deadline: October 24, 2014 @5pm
The Griot Theater Festival (2015, New York, NY) – Seeking African American Playwrights from the New York/New Jersey Area. Plays must be between 40 and 50 minutes long. All plays must be unproduced works, this festival is for Non-Union/Non-Equity members only. Application must be complete with: A 100-200 word synopsis of the play, the complete script, your telephone number and home address and the telephone number of someone else in your production that they can contact, and your bio. Every play in the festival receives a three (3) performance run. The best six (6) plays of the festival will receive a fourth (4th) performance for final judgement on the Best Play $2,500 prize. There is also a $500 prize for Best Actor and Best Actress. NO FEE. griottheaterfestival@gmail.com, http://aatfny.com/. Receipt Deadline: December 24, 2014
Little Theatre of Alexandria One-Act Playwriting Competition (Spring 2015, Alexandria, VA)– Seeking original, unproduced, unpublished one-act plays (20-50 minutes). The top three shows will be given a staged reading or small-scale production. First prize is $350, second prize is $250, and third prize is $150. Submit script with pages numbered and author name and full contact information on title page, along with character breakdown and a brief synopsis. NOTE: Submit by postal mail. FEE: $20. Chairman One-Act Play Reading Committee, The Little Theatre of Alexandria, 600 Wolfe St., Alexandria, VA 22314, http://www.thelittletheatre.com/oneact.html. Deadline: October 31, 2014
Tennesse Williams / New Orleans Literary Festival One-Act Play Contest (March 2015, New Orleans, LA) – Seeking unpublished, unproduced one-act plays up to one hour in length. Grand prize winner receives $1,500, a staged reading at the 2015 festival, a full production at the 2016 festival, VIP all-access festival pass for 2015 and 2016, and publication in Bayou. Finalists will also receive a panel pass for the 2015 festival. Scripts should have small casts and minimal technical requirements. Playwrights may submit more than one play. NOTE: Electronic submissions preferred. FEE: $25. One-Act Play Contest, Tennessee Williams / New Orleans Literary Festival, 938 Lafayette St., Ste. 514, New Orleans, LA 70113, T: (504) 581-1144, info@tennesseewilliams.net, http://contests.tennesseewilliams.net/play-contest/. Deadline: November 1, 2014
The Ensemble Studio Theatre Sloan Project – Commissions, develops, and presents new works that explore how we view and are affected by the scientific world. Seeking proposals for projects that examine the struggles and challenges facing scientists and engineers, from moral issues to the consequences of their discoveries. Projects will be developed throughout EST’s developmental season, and receive one mainstage production in addition to workshops and readings in their annual First Light Festival. Commissions will be awarded to individuals, groups, and creative teams for full-length and one-act plays and musicals, and will range from $1,000-$10,000 (amounts determined on a case by case basis). Rewrite commissions for existing scripts range from $1,000-$5,000. Projects may relate to the issues, people, ideas, processes, cutting-edge discoveries, inventions, and/or history of the “hard” sciences and technology, including: Mathematics, Physics, Biology, Chemistry, Neuroscience, Anthropology, Archeology, Computer Science, Software and Computer Development, Engineering, and Space Research. Areas not considered for commissions include: Science Fiction, Medical Conditions/Diseases, and Psychology. Submit a one- or two-page description or simple outline/synopsis of project (describe how the science being portrayed would be inherently dramatic to the piece), and a resume or bio of each collaborator involved. NOTE: E-mail submissions preferred. NO FEE. The Ensemble Studio Theatre, Attn: EST/Sloan Project, 549 West 52nd St., New York, NY 10019, T: (212) 247-4982, sloanproject@ensemblestudiotheatre.org, http://www.ensemblestudiotheatre.org. Deadline: November 1, 2014
Snowdance Comedy Festival (Begins February 2015, Racine, WI) – Seeking original comedies with a running time of 10 minutes or shorter. Selected scripts will be produced by the festival and compete for prizes: Best in Show receives $300; second and third place winners receive $100. Plays must be unproduced and unpublished. No musicals, adaptations, or translations. One entry per playwright. Casts should be between 1-5 characters and have minimal set requirements. Scripts should be typed and bound. Author’s name and full contact information should be included only on the title page, along with cast list, set requirements, and a 1-3 sentence synopsis. Submit 1 hard copy of script. NO FEE. Snowdance, c/o Sixth Street Theatre, 318 Sixth St., Racine, WI 53403, T: (262) 632-6802,snowdance318@gmail.com, http://www.overourheadplayers.org/oohp15/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=103&Itemid=80. Deadline: November 1, 2014
Lark Play Development Center – Seeking full play submissions that are longer than 10 minutes, must be a full play – no multiple short one-acts. Those outside of the United States are allowed to submit their work as long as it was originally written in English. If submitting a musical, please mail the script/libretto along with any recorded score you may have. Email submissions preferred, but snail mail is accepted. If emailing the submission, make sure it is in a Word or PDF file. FEE: $20. Lark Play Development Center, ℅ Playwrights Week 2014 Submissions, 311 West 43rd St. Suite 406, New York, NY 10036.submissions@larktheatre.org, http://www.larktheatre.org/call-for-submissions-now-accepting-applications-for-playwrights-week-2015/. Deadline: October 15, 2014
Jewish Plays Project – Seeking plays from all types of playwrights, however the play content must include the Jewish Culture, more specifically from the 21st Century, tackling current day interest (social justice, economic justice, diversity, strong women in Jewish life, LGBTQ inclusion, new perspectives on Israel, environmentalism, and interfaith relations). Please check the website for submission eligibility. No musicals. NO FEE. David Winitsky (Artistic Director) david@jewishplaysproject.org, Jeremy Stoller (Resident Dramaturg & Contest Producer) jeremy@jewishplaysproject.org, http://www.jewishplaysproject.org/guide http://www.jewishplaysproject.org/. Deadline: October 9, 2014
Reva Shiner Comedy Award at The Bloomington Playwrights Project – Rewards an unproduced, unpublished full-length (75-135 minutes) comedy with a $1,000 cash prize, a full production as part of the theatre’s season, and up to $300 for playwright travel expenses. Winning playwrights are expected to take part in the development process, working with the director in person or long-distance; playwrights are encouraged to come to Bloomington for at least a portion of the development process. Include playwright name and contact information on title page only; include cover letter. If submitting a musical, include a demo tape and complete score. See website for complete guidelines and application instructions. NOTE: No e-mail submissions. FEE: $10 (waived for Dramatist Guild member with copy of membership card). Reva Shiner Contest, Bloomington Playwrights Project, 107 W. 9th St., Bloomington, IN 47404, literarymanager@newplays.org, http://www.newplays.org/node/7?subnid=71&left_node=7. Receipt Deadline: October 31, 2014
id Theater Seven Devils Playwrights Conference (June, 2015, McCall, Idaho) – Seeking full-length plays in any genre or style, particularly works that embrace, explore and challenge the diverse geographical, philosophical, cultural, aesthetic, and political landscape of the American experience – rural and urban, east and west, coastal and inland. 4 playwrights will be invited to participate in staged readings and will be provided with transportation, housing, access to a car, and a modest stipend. 2-4 playwrights will be invited to participate in a Playwrights Intensive Program of Sit Down Readings and will be provided with housing and access to a car during the conference. Invited playwrights are expected to be in residence for the entire two weeks of the conference. Submit a copy of the play you are interested in working on, bio or resume, full name and contact information, and a #10 business sized SASE. FEE: $10. Jeni Mahoney, co-Artistic Director, id Theater, 343 E. 30th St. #19J, New York, NY 10016, Attn: Seven Devils Playwrights Conference. http://www.idtheater.org/seven-devils.html Deadline: November 15, 2014
Lady Bits: Unsolicited Commentaries on Womanhood (Spring 2015, New Brunswick, NJ) - Submit to this original piece of collaborative, devised feminist theatre! All college aged/older individuals are welcome to submit a 2 to 5 minute monologue about an experience that shaped, defined, or otherwise influenced your perspective on what it means to be a woman in the spaces you inhabit. These monologues will be considered for incorporation into a larger presentation of monologues from women across the globe as a part of a Rutgers University Institute for Women’s Leadership sponsored Social Action Project. “Lady Bits” will be staged this spring in New Brunswick, NJ. Email submissions to justicehehir@gmail.com. Visit their facebook page at http://www.facebook.com/LadyBitsProject. Deadline October 15, 2014
Acadia University Theatre Company’s 22nd Annual Mini-Festival (January 2015, Acadia, Nova Scotia) - AUTC is looking for fresh new plays from new or experienced playwrights to stage at Acadia University Theatre Company’s 22nd Annual International MiniFest. This is a student-run festival coming up soon and would provide an excellent opportunity for playwrights to see their one act plays performed. NO FEE. For submission guidelines, please visit http://theatre.acadiau.ca/minifest.html. Deadline: October 15, 2014
Artemisia’s Fall Festival (Fall 2015, Chicago) - Seeking plays that are full length and must be carried by a woman. We require a leading, female protagonist. Artemisia produces plays that empower women.  Due to the number of submissions we receive, submission is limited to ONE play per writer.  If you submit more than one play, your submissions will NOT be considered.  Full-length is defined by a playing time of 90 minutes or more. Published plays and one-acts DO NOT meet Artemisia’s guidelines and will NOT be accepted.  We are unable to accept snail mail submissions.  Please submit your play as a single file PDF attachment (no other format will be accepted) to submissionsartemisia@yahoo.com. $10 FEE. Deadline: January 15, 2015
365 Women a Year: A Playwriting Project (Facebook Group Project) – Visit https://www.facebook.com/groups/429235263876823/ or search “365 Women a Year” on Facebook to request to join this writer’s group. They are seeking female identifying playwrights who want to join in their quest to write one acts about 365 women in history. A consolidated list of the historical women to choose from are listed at the top of page thread, and may be claimed by commenting on the post. Guidelines for submission can be found under the “files” tab on the group page. For questions, join the group and post a query.Deadline has been posted but historical figures are already being claimed, so join now if you want in on the fun! Deadline: December 31, 2014
Strawberry Theatre Festival (Union & Non-union; February 11-22, 2015, New York, NY) - Seeking performers for The Strawberry Theatre Festival, featuring full-length plays, musicals, and long one-act plays and The Strawberry One-Act Festival, featuring 15 to 30 minute plays. Awards for Best Actor and Best Actor are $150. Seeking performers ages 18+, all ethnicities, to perform in the festival. Actors Equity Approved Showcase Code. Submit pictures and resumes online so that you may be considered by participating directors. Join Email Club for notifications at http://www.therianttheatre.com/index.php?n=email_club. To download an application, go to www.therianttheatre.com or email rianttheatre@gmail.com. Submissions OPEN November 31, 2014.

Queens Theatre (Union; 2014-15 Season) - Casting for the 2014-15 season to include “The Cottage" (Sandy Rustin, writer; Adam Dannheisser, dir. Rehearsals begin Oct. 20; runs Nov. 7-16); Dickens' "A Christmas Carol" a co-production with Titan Theatre Company (Lenny Banovez & Gregory Isaac, adaptation; Lenny Banovez, dir. Rehearsals begin Nov. 17; runs Dec. 11-21); "Centennial Casting" (Gino DiIorio & Nancy Bleemer, writers. Rehearsals begin Feb. 16, 2015; runs Mar. 6-15); and "Shangri-La" a play with music by Rob Urbinati (Rehearsals begin Apr. 20; runs May 8-17).Prepare a brief contemporary monologue; or a one-minute contemporary monologue and short pop or musical theatre song if also auditioning for the musical. Bring sheet music; accompanist provided. Total audition time should be two minutes. Bring picture/resume, stapled together. EPA Rules are in effect. A monitor will be provided. For more info, visit www.queenstheatre.org. Auditions October 8 & 9, 2014.

FoodPlay Productions (Nonunion; Touring, Spring and Fall 2015) - Seeking actors for FoodPlay Productions' touring shows. FoodPlay Productions is an Emmy Award-winning nutrition media company which produces national touring theater shows for school assemblies, conferences, and special events designed to turn kids on to healthy eating and exercise habits. Coordinator states: "FoodPlay Productions has reached over three million children across the country using the power of live theater, amazing feats of juggling, music, magic, and audience participation to make nutrition come alive." Both actors must be able to present a good role model for young children, have a strong speaking voice, great stage presence, and an interest in working with children. To submit: Include a headshot and resume. Prepare a 90-second package for auditions. Singing is great, but not required. Apply via Backstage http://www.backstage.com/casting/foodplay-productions-46748/janeyjohnny-176634/

Center for Puppetry Arts (Internship, February-May 2015, Atlanta, GA) - Various internships available for the Spring session, including Puppet Building, Scene Shop, Graphic Design, Electrics, Performance, Marketing, Development and etc. Interns at the Center for Puppetry Arts are an integral part of their organization and their goal is to inspire interest in the arts through an in-depth view of their administrative and artistic process. 20-25 hours a week, no pay but college credit available. To apply, visit http://puppet.org/about/work.shtml#internships. For questions, email Megan Montague at internship@puppet.com.

Trinity School (Overhire, 2014-15 Season, New York, NY) - Looking for Overhire Carpenters, Electricians, Scenic Artists and Prop Artisans for 2014-2015 season. Pay rate is $20/hour. Please send your resume to Technical Director Jasmine Pai at jasmine.pai@trinityschoolnyc.org.

Martha Graham Dance Company (Permanent Wardrobe Supervisor, New York, NY) - Wardrobe supervisor for America's oldest modern dance company. 18 dancers. Skills needed include love of travel, excellent sewing, experience building and alteration of dance costumes, shopping, supervise large build projects, highly organized and interest in archival work. MGDC tours 15 - 20 weeks per year domestically and internationally. Pay $800/week. Pay rate does not include per diem while on tour. Email Director of Production Stacey-Jo Marine at sjmarine@marthagraham.org to apply.

Funding Opportunities
Multi-Arts Production Fund – Provides project-specific funding to playwrights, choreographers, directors, composers and performers experimenting in any performance tradition or discipline. Grants range from $10,000 – $45,000, with average awards of $25,000. Especially interested in work that brings insight to the issue of cultural difference, be that in class, gender, generation, ethnicity, form or tradition. Applicants must be a 501(c)(3) organization or fiscally sponsored project with 2 years of professional experience. The first step in the application process is an online letter of inquiry. See website for complete guidelines. Multi-Arts Production Fund, 73 Spring St., Ste. 401, New York, NY 10012, T: (212) 226-1677, FAX: (212) 226-7665, mapinfo@mapfund.org, http://mapfund.org/apply.html. Deadline (LOI): October 3, 2014

The Richard Rodgers Awards for Musical Theater – Administered by the American Academy of Arts and Letters, these awards subsidize full productions, studio productions, and staged readings by nonprofit theaters in New York City of works by composers and writers who are not already established in this field. The term “musical theater” is understood to include musicals, plays with songs, thematic revues, or any comparable work. Submission of innovative and experimental work encouraged. Submitted works must be of significant length to fill an evening, and may consist of a group of smaller, related pieces. Only one submission by a collaborative group or a sole creator will be accepted. Applicants must be citizens or permanent residents of the U.S. See website for complete guidelines and application procedures. Richard Rodgers Awards, American Academy of Arts and Letters, 633 West 155th St., New York, NY 10032-7599, T: (212) 368-5900, FAX: (212) 491-4615,http://www.artsandletters.org/awards2_rodgers.php. Receipt Deadline: November 1, 2014

The American Antiquarian Society (AAS) Fellowship for Creative and Performing Artists and Writers – Visiting fellowship for historical research by creative and performing artists, writers, filmmakers, playwrights, journalists, and others producing imaginative, non-formulaic works dealing with pre-20th century American history. Recipients receive 4-week period of uninterrupted research, reading, and collegial discussion at the AAS, a national research library and learned society of American history and culture, located in Worcester, MA; $1,350/$1,850 stipend (on campus/off campus housing). Period of residence may occur any time during 2013 calendar year. Applicants encouraged to rent rooms and prepare meals in AAS’s historic mansion across the street from the AAS library. See website for full application guidelines and procedures. James David Moran, Director of Outreach, Creative and Performing Artists and Writers Fellowship, American Antiquarian Society, 185 Salisbury St., Worcester, MA 01609-1634, T: (508) 471-2131, cmcrell@mwa.org, http://www.americanantiquarian.org/artistfellowship.htm. Receipt Deadline: October 5, 2014

The Emily List Fund for Performing Arts Therapy – Supports theatre, dance, and music projects aimed at helping the sick and disadvantaged in the interest of making their lives better and brighter through the performing arts. Grants of up to $1,000 to fund instruments or equipment for a music therapist working in a hospital; scholarships for young people to attend theatre camp; travel expenses for a chorus or theatre group; space for a dancer working with disabled or elderly people; payment for an instructor teaching arts to patients; tickets for groups to attend theatre performances they otherwise could not… and any other proposal along those lines. Grants are focused in the Pioneer Valley and at Mass General Hospital. Applications are accepted on a rolling basis year-round. Download and complete application form (available on website) and submit by e-mail or postal mail. Emily List Fund for Performing Arts Therapy, Karen List, klist@journ.umass.edu. Visit http://emilylistfund.com/about.html for more details. Deadline: Rolling

The Millay Colony for the Arts (April-November, 2014, Austerlitz, NY) – Residencies of an average of 1 month for visual artists, composers, and writers (including playwrights and screenwriters). Residency provides housing, food, and studio. Artist responsible for travel and materials. Application available online. FEE: $35. Calliope Nicholas, Residency Director, Millay Colony for the Arts, 454 East Hill Rd., PO Box 3, Austerlitz, NY 12017, T: (518) 392-3103, FAX: (518) 392-4144, apply@millaycolony.org, www.millaycolony.org. Deadline: October 1, 2014
Vermont Studio Center (year-round, Johnson, VT) – 2-12 week residencies for writers (including screenwriters and playwrights) and visual artists (excluding filmmakers). Organization provides housing, meals, and studios. Resident responsible for residency fee ($3,500 per month) and travel. Full and partial fellowships, as well as work-exchange fellowships, are available to offset residency costs; some fellowships include travel reimbursement and materials stipend. See website for application and information about fellowships. FEE: $25. Vermont Studio Center, PO Box 613, Johnson, VT 05656, T: (802) 635-2727, FAX: (802) 635-2730, info@vermontstudiocenter.org, www.vermontstudiocenter.org. Receipt Deadline: October 1, 2014
Ledig House International Writers Residency (March 21-June 6 and September 12-November 14, 2015, Omi, NY) – Residencies of one week to two months for published writers and translators of every type of literature from anywhere in the world. Residency provides meals and lodging; noted editors, agents and book scouts are invited to share dinner, give talks, and provide introductions. Submit a brief (2-page) statement about your work history, referencing publications, performances and writing credits (CV format accepted), a writing sample (50 pages maximum; indicate whether writing is published or unpublished), a one-page description of the work to be undertaken during the residency, and a cover letter. A separate letter of recommendation must also be submitted online. Some prizes and fellowships available. NOTE: Applications must be submitted online; see website for complete guidelines and application instructions. NO FEE. Writers OMI International Writers Residency at Ledig House,dwgibson@artomi.org, http://www.artomi.org/program.php?Writers-OMI-4. Receipt Deadline: October 20, 2014
Sundance Institute Theatre Lab (July 2015, Sundance Resort, UT) – 3-week play development retreat that provides a private creative environment for playwrights, directors, composers, and librettists to develop new work with the support of dramaturges and full casts. Applications welcomed for projects at any stage of development from playwrights, directors, composers, ensembles, performance artists, and choreographers. Plays without directors will be matched with directors. Submitted work may not have been previously produced. Both established and emerging theatre artists are invited to apply, as well as artists making transitions from areas outside of theatre. Participants must be available for the entire length of the lab. Only one application per artist. Each chosen fellow receives a $1,500 honorarium and company of actors (if applicable). Application must be submitted online, then supplemental materials sent via postal mail to address below (you must include the log number from the online application form); see website for complete guidelines and instructions. FEE: $35. Sundance Institute Theatre Lab Application, Log Number: [log number here], 180 Varick St., Ste. 1330, New York, NY 10014, T: (646) 822-9564,theatre@sundance.org, https://my.sundance.org/applications/theatre/. Deadline: November 15, 2014

ARTErra Residencias (Tondela, Portugal) – Residency that encourages cross-disciplinary artistic creation in a small rural village in Portugal. Artists may stay from 3 days to 6 months; average stay is 6-8 weeks. Artist responsible for travel, residency fee (budgeted on a case by case basis according to the artist’s needs), and meals (residency provides some fruit, vegetables, eggs and jam from the property; artists have access to fully equipped kitchen); residency provides room, work space, and some materials and tools according to the artists’ needs. NO FEE. ARTErra Residencias, R. Nossa Senhora do Crasto, nº380 Lobão da Bei, Tondela, Portugal 3460-207,arterra.geral@gmail.com, http://www.arterra.weebly.com. Deadline: Ongoing

Hawthornden Castle (Midlothian, Scotland) – International 1-month retreats for creative writers of all types from anywhere in the world to work without disturbance. Residency provides individual room/study in shared house and meals. Artist responsible for travel. Applicants must be published writers. Contact them for application instructions. NO FEE. Hawthornden Castle, Lasswade, Midlothian, EH18 1EG Scotland, United Kingdom, T: +44 131 4402180, FAX: +44 131 440 1989,http://www.transartists.org/air/hawthornden-castle.  Deadline: Ongoing

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#ScreenOpps #ScreenOppsMarch25

#ScreenOpps FILM FESTIVALS  She/Her Fest  She/Her Fest was created to empower, recognize, and promote art created by women identifying filmm...