

Submission opportunities for women in film/video.
New Names! New Categories!
New Opportunities for Women in the Arts & Media!
Submission Opportunities Newsletter for Women in Theatre
(previously known as Theatre Funding Newsletter)

Submission Opportunities Newsletter for Women in Film & Video
(previously known as Film/Video Funding Newsletter)

All brought to you by the Women in the Arts & Media Coalition, WomenArts, and the League of Professional Theatre Women.

We're building up new opportunites, and we're organizing them differently as well:

#StageOpps will include Project Submissions (completed and self-produced),
Script Submissions, Onstage, Backstage, Funding, and Residences. #ScreenOpps will include Festivals, On screen, On set, Funding, and Residencies.

We may only have a few opportunities each month for actors, composers, designers, and women whose work fits in some of the newer categories, but it is important to us to broaden our base, and to build the available opportunities up however we can over time.

We will also have a Special Opp every month for both Stage and Screen. This Special Opp will either be just for newsletter recipients, or recipients will be given special attention. There will be a code for the subject line of your email to denote that your submission is through the Special Opp. To receive this month's submission code, click here.

We are looking for theatres, production companies, casting offices, and more to offer these Special Opps. For more info on submitting a Special Opp to the newsletter, click here.

*Opportunities in red are for selected populations.
**Opportunities starred and in red are for women only.

October’s Special Opportunity
**Vicarious Films Predator/Prey Short Film Competition**

Vicarious Films is sponsoring a short film competition inspired by the article Casual Predation by Arikia Millikan, as published in LadyBits on Medium.

As evidenced by the #yesallwomen thread on Twitter, and the murders in California that inspired it, women live in a different world than men even while side by side with them. Mention certain experiences and all the women in the room will nod their heads in sympathy and recognition, while the men in the room will scratch their heads in puzzlement. The experience of feeling like Prey is one of them.

In keeping with Vicarious Film's mission of providing opportunities for women both in front of and behind the camera, submissions to the contest will be required to have a majority representation of women in key creative roles. Details are here: http://dawnalden.com/film-contest.htm

San Diego Latino Film Festival (March 2015, San Diego, CA) – Seeking innovative works by, about, or for the Latino community that have been produced between 2012-2014. Seeking entries in the following categories: Narrative Feature (40 minutes or longer), Documentary Feature (40 minutes or longer), Documentary Short (under 40 minutes), Narrative Short (under 40 minutes), Local Work (features, shorts, and documentaries produced or directed by a current resident of San Diego/Tijuana Border Region), Youth Work (film and video works shot, directed, and produced by youth under 18 years of age), Animated Feature (40 minutes or longer), and Animated Short (under 40 minutes). FEE: $15-$60. San Diego Latino Film Festival, c/o Media Arts Center San Diego, 2921 El Cajon Blvd., San Diego, CA 92104, T: (619) 230-1938, FAX: (619) 230-1937, info@mediaartscenter.org, http://www.sdlatinofilm.com/. Deadline: October 11, 2014 (regular), November 8, 2014 (late)

Film Independent Directors Lab (TBD, Los Angeles, CA) - Designed to help directors who are prepping their feature films, the Directors Lab is an intensive eight-week program running in Los Angeles in February and March. The primary focus of the Lab is on learning to work with actors and the rehearsal process. Under the guidance of the lab instructor, Directors Lab Fellows select short scenes from their scripts to workshop. Additionally, Fellows go through a mini-production, learning how to break down a script into a shot list, collaborate with cinematographers, and construct a scene in the editing process. Film Independent provides the Lab participants with camera and sound packages to shoot their scenes. All scenes will be shot on digital video and critiqued by the Lab Instructor as well as the other Lab participants. A maximum of eight projects are selected. Submit complete feature-length screenplay, logline and synopsis, bios of key cast and crew, project status and history, cover letter explaining your interest in the lab, and prior work sample. See website for complete guidelines and application instructions. FEE: $65 ($45 for Film Independent members). Contact: Jennifer Kushner, Filmmaker Labs Manager, T: (310) 432-1275, JKushner@filmindependent.org, http://www.filmindependent.org/labs-and-programs/directors-lab/. Deadline: October 6, 2014

Seattle True Independent Film Festival (May 1-9, 2015, Seattle, WA) – Seeking diverse new voices in independent film from the Northwest and the rest of the world in the following categories: Short, Feature, Student Short (director must be enrolled at time of submission in a film school, college film program or high school; 16 minutes or under), Indepenetration (subjects that most people would find offensive), Documentary Feature, Documentary Short, Experimental, Web Series Episode. FEE: $20-$60. Seattle True Independent Film Festival, 2311 N. 45th St., #194, Seattle, WA 98103, T: (206) 650-7470,contact@trueindependent.org, www.trueindependent.org. Deadline: November 1, 2014 (regular), December 1, 2014 (late), January 3, 2015 (extended, via withoutabox.com)

**Women’s International Film & Arts Festival** (March 1-8, 2015, Fort Lauderdale, FL) – Seeking films that were either produced, directed, written, or edited by women.  Seeking films in the following categories: Narrative Feature (50+ minutes), Narrative Short (49 minutes or less), Documentary Feature (50+ minutes), Documentary Short(49 minutes or less), Reel girls, Real women (student film about girls issues), Family films (suitable for all ages), Music Video (between 3-5 minutes, with a “G” or “PG” rating).  FEE: $20-$80.  Women’s International Film & Arts Festival, P.O. Box 120666 Fort Lauderdale, FL 33312, info@womensfilmfest.com, www.womensfilmfest.com. Deadline: October 31, 2014 (late), November 15, 2014 (extended, via withoutabox.com)

Full Frame Documentary Film Festival (April 9-12, 2015, Durham, NC) – Intimate festival atmosphere that aims to foster community and conversation between filmmakers, film professionals and the public. Seeking Feature (41-180 minutes) and Short (1-40 minutes) Documentaries on any topic. FEE: $40-$60. Full Frame Documentary Film Festival, 324 Blackwell St., Ste. 500, Washington Building, Bay 5, Durham, NC 27701, T: (919) 687-4100, FAX: (919) 687-4200, info@fullframefest.org, http://www.fullframefest.org. Deadline: October 15, 2014 (regular), December 15, 2014 (late)

New York Indian Film Festival (May 3-9, 2015, New York, NY) -  Celebrating alternative, independent cinema from the global South Asian community. Seeking works by veteran as well as emerging South Asian filmmakers in the following categories: Feature (over 40 minutes), Short (under 40 minutes), Documentary (over 40 minutes), and Short Documentary (under 40 minutes). FEE: $20-$75. Indo-American Arts Council, 517 East 87th St., Ste. 1B, New York, NY 10128, T: (212) 594-3685, nyindianfilmfest@gmail.com, http://www.iaac.us. Deadline: October 1, 2014 (early), December 1, 2014 (regular), February 1, 2015 (late)

Crossroads Film Festival (April 9-12, 2015, Jackson, MS) - Seeking films in the following categories: Feature Narrative (45 minutes minimum), Short Narrative (45 minutes maximum), Student (film by an Undergraduate or Graduate Student 18+, any runtime), Feature Documentary (45 minutes minimum), Experimental (any runtime), Youth (must be under the age of 18 on date of submission, any runtime), Short Documentary (45 minutes maximum), Animation (any runtime), Mississippi Music Video (maximum 9 minutes). FEE: $0-$65. Crossroads Film Festival, P.O. Box 22604 Jackson, MS 39225, T: (601) 345-5674, F: (769) 233-8893, info@crossroadsfilmfestival.com, www.crossroadsfilmfestival.com/. Deadline: October 31, 2014 (regular), November 15, 2014 (late), November 30, 2014 (extended, via withoutabox.com)
San Francisco International Film Festival (April 23-May 7, 2015 San Francisco, CA) – Sharing the best of global filmmaking with audiences eager for visions from outside the multiplex. Seeking entries in the following categories: Narrative Feature (50 minutes or longer), Documentary Feature (50 minutes or longer), New Vision Feature (experimental film and video in which personal expression and aesthetic exploration are the primary concerns), Animated Feature (50 minutes or longer), Animated Short (under 50 minutes), Documentary Short (under 50 minutes), Narrative Short (under 50 minutes), New Vision Short (under 50 minutes; experimental film and video in which personal expression and aesthetic exploration are the primary concerns), Youth Works (produced by filmmakers age 18 and younger; include a photo ID indicating proof of age at time of production; under 50 minutes), Family Films (under 50 minutes; suitable for ages 7 and up), Television Documentary Long Form (over 50 minutes; financed and produced for broadcast; premiere telecast must have been on or after January 1, 2013), Television Documentary Short Form (under 50 minutes; financed and produced for broadcast; premiere telecast must have been on or after January 1, 2013), Television Narrative Long Form (over 50 minutes; financed and produced for broadcast; premiere telecast must have been on or after January 1, 2011), and Television Narrative Short Form (under 50 minutes; financed and produced for broadcast; premiere telecast must have been on or after January 1, 2013). FEE: $0-$225. San Francisco International Film Festival, San Francisco Film Society, 39 Mesa St., Ste. 110, The Presidio, San Francisco, CA 94129, T: (415) 561-5014, FAX: (415) 440-1760, gga@sffs.org, http://www.sffs.org. Deadline: October 6, 2014 (early), November 3, 2014 (regular), December 1, 2014 (late for shorts), December 8, 2014 (late for features)

**Post Alley Film Festival** (February 2015, Seattle, WA) – Celebrating the female voice in film by showcasing female-centric and eccentric short films by both women and men. Open to established and emerging filmmakers, seeking Short Films (3-20 minutes) in any style or genre that are thought-provoking, challenging, entertaining, intriguing, wacky, and bold. See website for complete guidelines and application instructions. FEE: $10-$25. Women In Film Seattle, Post Alley Film Festival, Virginia Bogert, Curator, 1506 35th Ave., Seattle, WA 98122, T: (206) 324-9861, Virginia@laughingdogpictures.com,www.postalleyfilmfestival.com. Deadline: October 21, 2014 (regular), November 9, 2014 (late), December 1, 2014 (Absolute end)

Los Angeles Asian Pacific Film Festival (May 2015, Los Angeles, CA) – Celebrating the achievements of Asian Pacific American and Asian international cinema artists. Seeking works produced by and/or about Asian Pacifics with themes involving, but not limited to, Asian Pacific American and/or Asian Pacific diasporic culture, history and experiences in the following categories: Narrative Feature Film (50 minutes or longer), Documentary Feature Film (50 minutes or longer), Narrative Feature Video (50 minutes or longer), Documentary Feature Video (50 minutes or longer), Narrative Short Film (40 minutes or shorter), Documentary Short Film (40 minutes or shorter), Digial and Transmedia Projects, and Youth Media (filmmakers age 20 and under).FEE: $20-$45. Los Angeles Asian Pacific Film Festival, 120 Judge John Aiso St., Basement Level, Los Angeles, CA 90012, T: (213) 680-4462 x68, FAX: (213) 687-4848, info@vconline.org, http://asianfilmfestla.org/2014. Deadline: October 18, 2014 (early), November 26, 2014 (final), January 2, 2015 (extended, via withoutabox.com)

**World of Women Film Festival** (March 3-13, 2015, Sydney, Australia) – Predominantly a short film festival that awards the talents of women directors, producers, screenwriters, editors, cinematographers, and other roles in the Australian and international film industry. Seeking Short Fiction, Documentary, Animation, Multi-Platform Media, and Student Films (under 55 minutes) with women in key creative roles.  FEE: $25-$60 AUD. World of Women Film Festival, PO Box 12, Potts Point, Sydney NSW 1335, Australia, +61 0410 840 259, wowfilmfestival@wiftnsw.org.au, www.wift.org/wow. Deadline: October 24, 2014 (regular), November 14, 2014 (late), November 21, 2014 (extended, via withoutabox.com)

**WAMM (Women and Minorities in Media Festival)** (April 2015, Towson, MD) – Seeking works created with a woman and/or minority in a key creative role (writer, producer, or director), or the subject matter needs to be about women and/or minorities. Seeking Short (20 minutes or under) films and videos in the following categories: Narrative, Documentary, Animation, Experimental, Audio Narrative, Audio Documentary (maximum 15 minutes), Music Production (maximum 10 minutes), and Music Video (maximum 10 minutes). FEE: $10-$60. WAMM, 8000 York Rd., MC 103, Towson University, Towson, MD 21252, T: (410) 704-4544,info@wammtu.com, http://wammtu.com. Deadline: October 31, 2014 (early), November 30, 2014 (regular), December 8, 2014 (late), December 15, 2014 (extended, via withoutabox.com)

Seattle International Film Festival (May 14-June 7, 2015, Seattle, WA) – Bringing people together to discover extraordinary films from around the world at the largest film festival in the U.S. Seeking entries in the following categories: Feature (31 minutes or longer), Short (30 minutes or shorter), Documentary Feature (31 minutes or longer), Documentary Short (under 30 minutes), FutureWave (made by youth age 18 or younger at time of submission; under 10 minutes; submit proof of age with submission). FEE: $15-$115. Seattle International Film Festival, 305 Harrison St., Seattle, WA 98109, T: (206) 464-5830, FAX: (206) 264-7919,info@siff.net, http://www.siff.net. Deadline: October 6, 2014 (early), Novemer 3, 2014 (regular), January 5, 2015 (late), March 2, 2015 (extended, via withoutabox.com)

Qu: A Literary Journal (April 2014) - Seeking to publish short, 10 minute plays and screenplay excerpts.  Seeking unproduced and unpublished work that are no more than 10 pages of provocative, original theatre and film scripts reflective of contemporary culture.  Multiple submissions are acceptable, but please inform the literary journal if your work is accepted somewhere else.  Writers will be compensated $10 per play/screenplay/prose piece, and $5 per poem.  All application must be sent in electronically: https://quliteraryjournal.submittable.com/submit. Deadline: December 1, 2014

The DIY Film Festival  (Year-round screenings, Los Angeles, CA, and touring) – Seeks to honor independent filmmakers and self-produced films that demonstrate that great art can be created without large expenditures. Seeking entries in the following categories: Dramatic Feature, Documentary Feature, Comedic Feature, Animation, Dramatic Short, Documentary Short, Comedic Short, and Student (any genre or length as long as it was produced under the auspices of an educational institution).  Feature lengths being minimum of 30 minutes, and short lengths being a maximum of 30 minutes.  FEE: $15-$50. The DIY Film Festival, 7095 Hollywood Blvd., Ste. 864, Hollywood, CA 90028-0893, T: (323) 665-8080, FAX: (323) 372-3883,martinifilm@yahoo.com, http://diyfilmfest.com.

Cinemonde (New York, NY) – Private film series with screenings of American and international films throughout the year (approximately 6 to 9 events over every 12-month period) followed by a discussion with the films’ creative teams, along with a gourmet reception for guests and filmmakers. Seeking compelling, thought-provoking works from around the world with universal themes, that are able to entertain, enlighten, transport, and inspire audiences in the following categories: International Feature, American Independent Feature, Documentary, and Short (maximum 20 minutes). FEE: $20-$40. Cinemonde, 49 West 27th St., Ste. 801, New York, NY 10001, T: (212) 343-1910, FAX: (212) 965-1338,cinemonde@mistralartistmanagement.com, http://www.mistralartistmanagement.com.

**Women Action Media’s Boston Film Festival** (March 21st, 2015, Boston, MA) - WAM!Boston is seeking submissions in all genres for a film festival centered on films by and about women. All subjects are welcome — drama, comedy, documentary, experimental, short and feature length alike. The film must be directed and/or produced by a female-identified filmmaker. The story/topic of the film should feature women, or be about an issue of concern to women. The film was released in 2012 or later (in order to highlight current films), with preference given to films that are released in 2014 or going to be released in 2015. Visit http://womenactionmedia.org/2015-boston-film-festival/ to submit. NO FEE. Deadline: November 7, 2014

**Filmic Front** (New York, NY) - Casting "Pixie Dust," a fantasy drama short film. Synopsis: "When a little girl with dormant magical powers is forced to care for her mentally ill mother, getting her mother to take her medication becomes a matter of life and death." Table readings and shooting late-Fall 2014 in NYC. Pays: $100/shoot day, plus meals. Producers plan to apply for SAG-AFTRA contract. Seeking submissions from: NY; NJ; CT for characters “Faye,” an African American actress ages 10-14 and “Ms. Wilkinson,” an African American actress ages 30-40, both leads. To submit, http://www.backstage.com/casting/pixie-dust-46504/. Casting notice expires November 30, 2014

**Twilight Child Productions Corp** (Northern Oregon & California) - Seeking actress (lead, 19-45) for a TV half-hour series pilot that combines live action with hand-drawn animation, exploring different cultures and how they co-exist together. Synopsis: When a university student finds herself sharing her room with otherworldly animated characters in her apartment on the very first day of classes, her entire life as she knows it is thrown for a loop-de-loop. Shoots mid-2015 in California and northern Oregon. Pay is TBD. Will meet union standards. Transportation, lodging, and meals provided. Seeking submissions nationwide/worldwide. To submit, http://www.backstage.com/casting/live-action-and-animated-cable-pilot-47296/. Casting notice expires October 30, 2014

The Hoboken Boys Productions, LLC (New York, NY) - Must be available by October 10, 2014; shoots in NJ/NYC. Seeking second crew, including: wardrobe, script supervisor, production mgr., DP, camera, sound, makeup, continuity, etc., and producers with experience. Email production at Contact@thehobokenboysproductions.com (be sure to use a capital C). For more info, visit www.thehobokenboysproductions.com. Pays $150-300/day.

Tribeca Film Festival (New York, NY) - Seeking a Writer/Editor for the 2015 Festival, job dates February 1- April 26, 2015. The Writer/Editor is responsible for overseeing the content and overall quality of Tribeca Film Festival publications, including but not limited to the Festival Pocket Guide (64 pages) and the Filmmaker Industry & Press (FIP) Guide (200+ pages). Working closely with supervisor and the content and design departments, this position will establish production timelines covering all Festival copy needs, ensure the quality and accuracy all copy and graphic resources, and oversee the layout and design of Festival publications. In addition, the Writer/Editor will work with multiple Festival departments to ensure the quality, consistency, and accuracy of information across the Festival’s print, digital, online, and public relations platforms. Please submit your cover letter, resume and 3 writing samples (indicating publication and publication date, if applicable) to festjobs@tribecafilm.com. Please reference “Writer/Editor” in the subject line. Due to the high volume of responses, only candidates who are selected for an interview will be contacted. Upon interview, 3 references will be requested. See http://tribecafilm.com/festival/jobs for more info.

Soros Justice Media Fellowships – Supporting individuals with innovative projects that address criminal justice-related issues, particularly in relation to the needs of low-income communities; communities of color; immigrants; gay, lesbian, bisexual, and transgender communities; and women and children. Fellowships are 1 year and support print and radio journalism, film and video post-production and dissemination, and book projects. Award includes a stipend of $50,000-$70,000, up to $4,000 for project-related expenses, $2,500 for health insurance, funds to attend fellowship-related gatherings, and access to ongoing technical assistance resources.. Projects should begin in Spring or Fall of 2013. For experienced filmmakers only. NOTE: Applications must be submitted online through website. Christina Voight, Soros Justice Fellowships, Open Society Foundations, 400 W. 59th St., New York, NY 10019, T: (212) 548-0600, sorosjusticefellowships@sorosny.org, http://www.soros.org/grants/soros-justice-fellowships. Receipt Deadline: October 22, 2014

Pacific Islanders in Communications (PIC) Research and Development, Production and Completion Fund – PIC funds and distributes film, video, and new media and offers scholarships, training, and professional development, in order to support development of national public broadcast programming that enhances public recognition of and appreciation for Pacific Island history, culture, and society and to support development of indigenous Pacific Islanders as creators of broadcast and new media programming. Up to $15,000 for Research and Development, up to $50,000 for Production Proposals and up to $50,000 for Completion Proposals. Projects must be intended for national public TV broadcast. Criteria for all PIC funding include: Pacific Islanders hold key creative positions; projects adhere to PBS standards of objectivity and balance; producer must be U.S. citizen or legal resident. Producer need not be Pacific Islander, but PIC only funds authentic, well-told stories about the Pacific and what it means to be a Pacific Islander. See website for complete guidelines and application procedures. Pacific Islanders in Communications, 1221 Kapi’olani Blvd., Suite 6A-4, Honolulu, Hawaii, 96814-3513, Contact: Leanne Ferrer, Program Manager, T: (808) 591-0059 ext. 15, lferrer@piccom.org, www.piccom.org. Receipt Deadline: October 11, 2014, 5pm HST for Production and Completion; January 9, 2015 for Research and Development

Frameline Film and Video Completion Fund Provides grants of up to $5,000 to emerging and established lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender filmmakers. Projects must be about LGBT people and their communities; any film or video format of any length and genre is eligible. Applicant must have creative and financial control of project; students may apply as long as they maintain control. Projects must have 90% of production finished and be in the post-production phase or ready to begin post as soon as funding is in place. See website for complete guidelines and application. Frameline Completion Fund, 145 Ninth St., Ste. 300, San Francisco, CA 94103, T: (415) 703-8659, FAX: (415) 861-1404, info@frameline.org, http://www.frameline.org/filmmaker-support/frameline-completion-fund. Deadline: October 31, 2014

The American Antiquarian Society (AAS) Fellowship for Creative and Performing Artists and Writers – Visiting fellowship for historical research by creative and performing artists, writers, filmmakers, playwrights, journalists, and others producing imaginative, non-formulaic works dealing with pre-20th century American history. Recipients receive 4-week period of uninterrupted research, reading, and collegial discussion at the AAS, a national research library and learned society of American history and culture, located in Worcester, MA; $1,350/$1,850 stipend (on campus/off campus housing). Period of residence may occur any time during 2014 calendar year. Applicants encouraged to rent rooms and prepare meals in AAS’s historic mansion across the street from the AAS library. See website for full application guidelines and procedures. James David Moran, Director of Outreach, Creative and Performing Artists and Writers Fellowship, American Antiquarian Society, 185 Salisbury St., Worcester, MA 01609-1634, T: (508) 471-2131, cmcrell@mwa.org, www.americanantiquarian.org/artistfellowship.htm.Receipt Deadline: October 5, 2014

Ledig House International Writers Residency (March 21-June 6 and September 12-November 14, 2014, Omi, NY) – Residencies of one week to two months for published writers and translators of every type of literature from anywhere in the world. Residency provides meals and lodging; noted editors, agents and book scouts are invited to share dinner, give talks, and provide introductions. Submit a brief (2-page) statement about your work history, referencing publications, performances and writing credits (CV format accepted), a writing sample (50 pages maximum; indicate whether writing is published or unpublished), a one-page description of the work to be undertaken during the residency, and a cover letter. A separate letter of recommendation must also be submitted online. Some prizes and fellowships available. NOTE: Applications must be submitted online; see website for complete guidelines and application instructions. NO FEE. Writers OMI International Writers Residency at Ledig House, dwgibson@artomi.org, http://www.artomi.org/program.php?Writers-OMI-4. Receipt Deadline: October 20, 2014

ARTErra Residencias (Tondela, Portugal) – Residency that encourages cross-disciplinary artistic creation in a small rural village in Portugal. Artists may stay from 3 days to 6 months; average stay is 6-8 weeks. Artist responsible for travel, residency fee (budgeted on a case by case basis according to the artist’s needs), and meals (residency provides some fruit, vegetables, eggs and jam from the property; artists have access to fully equipped kitchen); residency provides room, work space, and some materials and tools according to the artists’ needs. NO FEE. ARTErra Residencias, R. Nossa Senhora do Crasto, nº380 Lobão da Bei, Tondela, Portugal 3460-207, arterra.geral@gmail.com, www.arterra.weebly.com. Deadline: Ongoing

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#ScreenOpps #ScreenOppsOct24

#ScreenOpps FILM FESTIVALS Submissions are now open for the 2025 Women in the Arts and Media Coalition Collaboration Awards  Playwrights, Sc...