
#StageOpps & #ScreenOpps October 2014

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#StageOpps & #ScreenOpps
October, 2014

New Names! New Categories! 
New Opportunities for Women in the Arts & Media!


Submission Opportunities Newsletter for Women in Theatre
(previously known as Theatre Funding Newsletter)


Submission Opportunities Newsletter for Women in Film & Video
(previously known as Film/Video Funding Newsletter)

All brought to you by the Women in the Arts & Media Coalition, WomenArts, and the League of Professional Theatre Women.

We're building up new opportunites, and we're organizing them differently as well:

#StageOpps will include Project Submissions (completed and self-produced),
Script Submissions, Onstage, Offstage (Backstage), Funding, and Residences. #ScreenOpps will include Festivals, Onscreen, Offscreen (On Set), Funding, and Residencies.

We may begin with only a few opportunities each month for actors, composers, designers, and women whose work fits in some of the newer categories, but it is important to us to broaden our base, and to build the available opportunities up however we can over time.

We will also have a Special Opp every month for both Stage and Screen. This Special Opp will either be just for newsletter recipients, or recipients will be given special attention. There will be a code for the subject line of your email to denote that your submission is through the Special Opp. To receive this month's submission code, send an email here and you will automatically receive the code.

We are looking for theatres, production companies, casting offices, and more to offer these Special Opps. For more info on submitting a Special Opp to the newsletter, send an email request here and you will automatically receive all the submission information.

You can view both #StageOpps and #ScreenOpps for October 2014 online by clicking on the links below. In future, they will again be separate newsletters, so please make sure you're on the list to receive them both!


Brought to you by the

Our NEW Featured Special Opp:


Stable Cable Lab Co. is seeking a diverse group of six playwrights to participate in the Live Wire Playwright Festival, which will take place throughout the spring of 2015. Participating playwrights will receive a developmental staged reading of a full-length play, and will collaborate with the Stable Cable ensemble on an evening of new ten-minute pieces written by each playwright.  

To apply, please send a brief cover letter and a 15-page excerpt of a play to StableCableLabCo@gmail.com with "Live Wire Submission" in the subject line, and include this month's #StageOpps code in the body (email submissionoppscode@gmail.com for code). 

Visit http://www.stablecablelabco.org/ to learn more about their company. 


#ScreenOpps online 

#StageOpps online 

Ongoing additional  Funding Resources
on the WomenArts website.

To sign up for #StageOpps & #ScreenOpps Newsletters and/or to find out more about the Women in Arts & Media Coalition, 

The Women in the Arts & Media Coalition is a coalition of member organizations; if you are a member of one of our member organizations, you are a member of the Coalition!  The purpose of the Coalition is to focus the power of our member organizations together and to use that combined strength to address issues of concern to women in theatre, film, tv, radio, and new media.  We are committed to being the link between our member organizations as we collaborate to impact the various topics that affect women in our industry through advocacy, networking, and events. 

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