
Produced By NY 2014

PRODUCED BY: NEW YORK at Time Warner Center
For six years, the Produced By Conference has sold out in Los Angeles. On October 25, the industry's top forum for producers arrives in New York for one day only.

How has digital distribution changed the business plan for independent film? What do you need to know to produce video games?  How do you create and sell content for young audiences? What does it take to get a series greenlit for cable TV? Produced By: New York gathers dozens of the most celebrated names in the entertainment business to answer those and other key questions. Where else will you be able to hear from figures like Harvey Weinstein, James Schamus, Donna Gigliotti, Terence Winter, Bruce Cohen, Mark Gordon, Jenni Konner, Lori McCreary, Stephen Totilo, Tom Fontana, Gary Lucchesi and yes, even Cookie Monster on the same day?

Built around sessions like "Window Shopping: Customizing Financial Models in the Era of Hybrid Distribution," "The Ms. Factor: The Power of Female-Driven Content" and "Tax Credit Financing – The New Essential Element," Produced By: New York likewise provides opportunities for networking, socializing, and the popular small-group Mentoring Roundtables. If you're producing entertainment content in New York, you owe it to yourself to be there.

Registration is open and sessions are filling up, so REGISTER NOW <http://bit.ly/1scLNyy>  
as an Industry/Affiliate/Partner at producedbyconference.com <http://producedbyconference.com> . Women in the Arts & Media Coalition members receive $25 off with this discount code: PBNY14WAMC. (*Note: code expires 10/17) 

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