
WAM Coalition Historical Page from 2013 Collaboration Award Application

Collaboration Awards

About the Collaboration Awards

The Collaboration Award: Women Working With Women is designed to encourage professional women in the arts and media to work collaboratively with women from other arts and media specializations on the creation of new work. The award honors successful collaborations among women from different specializations in the arts and media. An award will be made to one winning collaborative team. Two other teams will be honored with a Certificate of Achievement. Eligible teams are those collaborating on a new work, a completed work or a work-in-progress. Winning collaborative teams will be invited to the Collaboration Award Gala celebrating the awards.
Quotes from Past Winners:
"It was an honor for Stefanie and I to receive the Collaboration Award. 
It came at a critical moment for the development of Electric Baby as
the award supported our work together on two developmental 
workshops and our world premiere production of the play at Quantum 
Theatre in Pittsburgh.  Not only did this award support our work 
financially, it gave our collaboration recognition in the field.  Stefanie 
continues to be a key collaborator of mine on subsequent projects
and having our relationship recognized publicly is invaluable."
  - Daniella Topol, Director, 2011 Winner

"New work needs momentum. It's simply not a reality that a play can 
be written in the attic and then magically find a production.  Or that one 
production will lead to a second or third production.  People need to 
hear about work. They need to hear about the artists who make the work. 
There is no question that this award not only helped The Electric Baby 
become a better play, but it gave the baby a life." 
  - Stefanie Zadravec, Playwright, 2011 Winner

"The Collaboration Award's encouragement of women working together 
is terrific. It made all the difference in providing my collaborator and I 
with the time and support we needed to create a complex and dynamic 
theatre work."  
  - Kristin Marting, Director, 2008 Winner
"The evening of the Collaboration Awards was imbued with theatrical 
magic. Wendy directed an excerpt from my play, Birds, that captured
the spirit of the play with great response from a wildly supportive audience. 
Birds is the third play of mine that we worked on together. It was a beautiful 
jumping off point for us in our process. It provided the opportunity for us
to mine even deeper in our exploration of the world of this complicated play, 
and the support, enthusiasm and appreciation of this body of amazing 
women helped carry us through to the next step of our artistic journey." 
  - Jen Maisel, Playwright, 2006 Winner

 2013 Collaboration Award Guidelines

The Collaboration Award: Women Working With Women is designed to encourage professional women in the arts and media from different specializations to work collaboratively on the creation of a new work.

The winning collaborative team will be awarded $1,000.

The aim of the award is to encourage women to work with members of other unions and guilds. Each collaborative team must be comprised of female members of DIFFERENT associations, unions, guilds, and affiliates:

Sponsors: The Coalition is comprised of all members of the following associations, unions and guilds: Actors’ Equity Association, Dramatists Guild of America, League of Professional Theatre Women, Screen Actors Guild-American Federation of Television & Radio Artists New York Local, Stage Directors and Choreographers, New York Women in Film &Television, Writers Guild of America, East.

Affiliates: WomenArts, The Rehearsal Club, The Women’s Media Center, Women Make Movies, Dancers Over 40, Professional Women Singers Association.

Applicants may suggest any form of creative collaboration on a new work that had a public performance* within the last two years, 2011-2013. Applications shall be judged on artistic excellence, diversity, and clarity. All topics and subjects will be considered. Special attention shall be given to those projects which reflect the goals of the Coalition: to advance women’s work and women’s issues.

*Public Performance can include, but not be limited to a staged reading, gallery show, concert series, etc. 

How to Apply
Applicants must complete an application form. Applications may be downloaded from the Coalition web site: www.wamcoalition.org

Address Collaboration Award questions to: collaborationawards2013@gmail.com 

The postmark deadline for the return of completed applications is midnight 11:59 PM Tuesday, April 30, 2013. Award winners will be announced by August 2013. 


 Application Form

Please note that you must have Adobe Acrobat Reader to download and view this application. If you do not have Adobe Acrobat Reader installed on your computer, you can download a free copy from Adobe's website by clicking here

2013 Collaboration Award:
Women Working With Women


1. Title of Collaborative Project *
2. Identify: TWO different Arts & Media Specializations: *
 Actors’ Equity Association 
 Dramatists Guild of America 
 The Rehearsal Club 
 League of Professional Theatre Women 
 The Women’s Media Center 
 Women Make Movies 
 Stage Directors and Choreographers 
 Dancers Over 40 
  Professional Women Singers Association 
 Writers Guild of America, East 
 New York Women in Film &Television 
 Screen Actors Guild-American Federation of Television & Radio Artists New York Local 

3. Name 1: *
First *
Last *
Street Address
Address Line 2
State / Province / Region
Postal / Zip Code

4. Name 2: *
First *
Last *
Street Address
Address Line 2
State / Province / Region
Postal / Zip Code



1. Describe the Project: *
In 400 words or less describe what inspired you and your collaborator to create this project? Explain your clear artistic vision to the panel as it is exemplified in your work samples.
2. The Collaboration Team:

a. The Collaboration Process
In 200 words or less describe the collaboration process. Provide a timeline that outlines the arc of the project and how it came to be realized.
b. Resume/Narrative Bio.
A 200 word resume that details your artistic career and how it relates to the collaboration. You may choose CV (bullet-pointed) or bio (paragraph) format. Resumes are available for panelists to contextualize the work. An artist’s career point, publication, or exhibition history is not a determining factor in this award.

3. Work Sample:

Please provide a work sample of the project that took place within the last two years 2011-2013. Please see PART III for formatting requirements.

a. Digital/Audio Files. Please upload up to 8 digital images using the following specifications:

• File Name: Images numbered in the order you would like them to be seen and labeled with your last name. Example: “Smith01.jpg, Smith02.jpeg, Smith03.jpg.”
• Dimensions: 1,240 pixels x 1,240 pixels (maximum)
• Resolution: 72 dpi (low resolution)
• File size: No larger than 4.0 MB (each image)
• File format: JPG, mp3
• Upload your images directly to your application. Do NOT send discs containing image files. No composite images will be reviewed. A composite image is a single image file that is comprised of multiple images. Images will be shown in the order they are uploaded, four at a time and will appear as you see them in image preview on the application. Images are viewed on widescreen, PC laptops and projected at roughly 30” x 40” per image via high-definition digital projectors.
Digital/Audio File #1
File format: JPG, mp3
Digital/Audio File #2
File format: JPG, mp3
Digital/Audio File #3
File format: JPG, mp3
Digital/Audio File #4
File format: JPG, mp3
Digital/Audio File #5
File format: JPG, mp3
Digital/Audio File #6
File format: JPG, mp3
Digital/Audio File #7
File format: JPG, mp3
Digital/Audio File #8
File format: JPG, mp3

b. Manuscripts. Please upload a PDF that includes:

• A title page with your name, title of your work(s), and year the work(s) was completed.
• Up to 10 pages, double-spaced. Finalists will be asked to submit the entire manuscript.
• Manuscripts must be in English, but can be translated into English by someone other than the artist.
Manuscript File:
File Format: PDF

c. DVDs and CDs:

• Keep in mind the panel views a large volume of material in quick succession; it is very important you document your work clearly. Please submit up to two 2-4 minute excerpted work samples, followed by the full piece(s) on one DVD or CD. The panel will view the excerpted work samples in the initial review round. Should you advance to the second round, it is likely that the panel will watch or listen to more of your submission.
• Label the DVD or CD with your name, title of work, whether it is work sample 1 or 2 and the chapter for each sample, running time, date of work (year completed).
• DVDs and CDs may be mailed to WAM:

WAM Coalition 2013 Collaboration Award
244 Fifth Avenue, Suite 2932
New York, NY 10010

d. WAM Coalition 2013 Collaboration Award does not return any manuscripts, DVDs or CDs. Please do not send originals.

4. Outcomes. . . the Future:

a. Does your work speak to advancing women’s work and women’s issues?
200 word limit
b. What makes your project unique? (200 word limit) *
200 word limit


1. Be sure you have completed Parts I & II.

2. Signed Application Form from both members of the collaboration as identified in Part I, questions 3 & 4.

3. No hand delivery.

4. Submission:
a. Electronically on the WAM website www.wamcoalition.org,
b. Email: Collaborationawards2013@gmail.com
c. Snail mail:
WAM Coalition 2013 Collaboration Award
244 Fifth Avenue, Suite 2932
New York, NY 10010

5. Formatting of Work Samples:

a. Digital/Audio Files. Please upload up to 8 digital images using the following specifications:
• File Name: Images numbered in the order you would like them to be seen and labeled with your last name. Example: “Smith01.jpg, Smith02.jpeg, Smith03.jpg.”
• Dimensions: 1,240 pixels x 1,240 pixels (maximum)
• Resolution: 72 dpi (low resolution)
• File size: No larger than 4.0 MB (each image)
• File format: JPG, mp3
• Upload your images directly to your application. Do NOT send discs containing image files. No composite images will be reviewed. A composite image is a single image file that is comprised of multiple images. Images will be shown in the order they are uploaded, four at a time and will appear as you see them in image preview on the application. Images are viewed on widescreen, PC laptops and projected at roughly 30” x 40” per image via high-definition digital projectors.

b. Manuscripts. Please upload a PDF that includes:
• A title page with your name, title of your work(s), and year the work(s) was completed.
• Up to 10 pages, double-spaced. Finalists will be asked to submit the entire manuscript.
• Manuscripts must be in English, but can be translated into English by someone other than the artist.

c. DVDs and CDs
• Keep in mind the panel views a large volume of material in quick succession; it is very important you document your work clearly. Please submit up to two 2-4 minute excerpted work samples, followed by the full piece(s) on one DVD or CD. The panel will view the excerpted work samples in the initial review round. Should you advance to the second round, it is likely that the panel will watch or listen to more of your submission.
• Label the DVD or CD with your name, title of work, whether it is work sample 1 or 2 and the chapter for each sample, running time, date of work (year completed).
• DVDs and CDs may be mailed to WAM (see above address 4c).

d. WAM Coalition 2013 Collaboration Award does not return any manuscripts, DVDs or CDs. Please do not send originals.

6. Postmark deadline: 11:59 PM Tuesday, April 30, 2013


Send your questions to collaborationawards2013@gmail.com
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