
Film/Video Funding News – January 2014 from Women in the Arts & Media Coalition and WomenArts

Women in the Arts & Media Coalition
and WomenArts
Film/Video Funding News –
January 2014

Film Festivals/Calls For Entry
Ongoing Festivals/Calls for Entry
Funding Opportunities
Other Resources

Film Festivals/Calls for Entry  **Female Eye Film Festival** (June 18-22, 2014, Woodbridge, ON, Canada) – An annual competitive international independant women directors film festival. Seeking entries in the following categories: Drama (Shorts: Maximum 40 minutes, Features: Minimum 40 minutes), Comedy (Shorts: Maximum 40 minutes, Features: Minimum 40 minutes), Documentary (Shorts: Maximum 40 minutes, Features: Minimum 40 minutes), Experimental (Shorts: Maximum 40 minutes, Features: Minimum 40 minutes), Animation (Shorts: Maximum 40 minutes, Features: Minimum 40 minutes), Canadian Feature (Minimum 40 minutes), Foreign Film (Minimum 40 minutes), Late NIGHT [horror, suspense, thriller] (any length). FEE: $20-$100. Female Eye Film Festival, 50 Wallace St., Woodbridge, ON L4L 2P3, Canada, Phone: (905) 264-7731, femaleeyefilmfestival@gmail.com, http://www.femaleeyefilmfestival.com/. Deadline: December 30, 2013 (regular), January 31, 2014 (late), February 28, 2014 (extended, via withoutabox.com)

San Francisco Green Film Festival (May 29-June 4, 2014, San Francisco, CA) – Aims to present forward-thinking programs of films and discussions that inspire collaborative environmental action and advocacy. Seeking entries that bring critical and contemporary environmental issues to light in the following categories: Documentary Feature (over 45 minutes), Narrative Fiction Feature (over 45 minutes), Short (under 45 minutes), and Interactive/Multimedia.  FEE: $0-$55.  San Francisco Green Film Festival, Ninth Street Independent Film Center, 145 9th St., Ste. 220, San Francisco, CA 94103, T: (415) 742-1394, info@sfgreenfilmfest.org, http://sfgreenfilmfest.org.  Deadline: December 13, 2013 (early), January 10, 2014 (regular), January 17, 2014 (late)

Frameline: The San Francisco International LGBT Film Festival (June 20-30, 2013, San Francisco, CA) – Aims to strengthen the diverse lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender community and further its visibility by supporting and promoting a broad array of cultural representations and artistic expression in film, video, and other media arts. Entries by women and people of color strongly encouraged. Seeking diverse works by, about, and of interest to the LGBT community in the following categories: Narrative Feature (40 minutes or longer), Documentary Feature (40 minutes or longer), and Short (under 40 minutes). FEE: $0-$55. San Francisco International LGBT Film Festival, c/o Frameline, 145 Ninth St., Ste. 300, San Francisco, CA 94103-2636, T: (415) 703-8650, FAX: (415) 861-1404, programming@frameline.org, http://www.frameline.org. Deadline: December 10, 2012 (early), January 22, 2013 (regular), February 15, 2013 (late), February 28, 2013 (extended, via withoutabox.com)

Cine Las Americas International Film Festival (April 22-27, 2014, Austin, TX) – Showcases contemporary films from North, Central, South America, the Caribbean and the Iberian Peninsula. Works made by or about Latinos and/or indigenous groups of the Americas are eligible to participate. Seeking entries in the following categories: First or Second Dramatic Feature, Documentary Feature, Dramatic Short, Documentary Short, Panorama (Non-Competitive Section), and Emergencia (Youth Film Competition; open to filmmakers age 19 and under). FEE: $0-$75. Cine Las Americas International Film Festival, PO Box 1626, Austin, TX 78767, T: (512) 535-0765, FAX: (512) 535-6268, entries@cinelasamericas.org, http://www.cinelasamericas.org. Deadline: December 13, 2013 (regular), January 17, 2014 (late), January 31, 2014 (extended, via withoutabox.com)

**Women and Minorities in Media Festival (WAMM)** (April 3-5, 2014, Towson, MD) – All works need to either be created with a woman and/or minority in a key creative role (video: writer, producer, or director, audio: producer, engineer, or mixer) or the subject matter needs to be of interest to women and/or minorities.  Seeking films in the following categories: Narrative Short (20 minutes or less), Documentary Short (20 minutes or less), Animation Short (20 minutes or less), Experimental Short (20 minutes or less) or Audio (10 minutes or less), Audio Narrative (Audio-Only, 15 minutes or less), Audio Documentary (Audio-Only, 15 minutes or less), Music Production (Audio-Only, 10 minutes or less), Music Video (10 minutes or less). FEE: $10-$60.  Women and Minorities in Media Festival, 8000 York Road, MC103, Towson, MD 21252, info@wammtu.com, http://wammtu.com. Deadline: December 8, 2013 (late), December 15, 2013 (extended, via withoutabox.com)

**San Francisco International Women’s Film Festival** (March 29, 2014, San Francisco, CA) – Seeking short films (20 minutes maximum) in the following categories: Narrative, Documentary, Animation, Hybrid, Experimental, Music Video. FEE: $30-$70.  San Francisco International Women’s Film Festival, 2721 Shattuck Avenue, Berkeley, CA 94705, sfwomensfilmfestival@gmail.com, www.sfiwff.com. Deadline: December 15, 2013 (late), January 31, 2014 (extended, via withoutabox.com)

Boston LGBT Film Festival (April 3-12, 2014, Cambridge, MA) – The largest, longest running LGBT media event in New England seeks films about topics of interest to the gay, lesbian, bisexual, and transgender community in the following categories: Documentary Feature, Narrative Feature, Narrative Short, Documentary Short, and Experimental. FEE: $0-$35. Boston LGBT Film Festival, 955 Massachusetts Ave. #361, Cambridge, MA 02139, T: (617) 233-1190,bostonlgbtprogramming@gmail.com, http://www.bostonlgbtfilmfest.org. Deadline: December 1, 2013 (early), January 2, 2014 (regular), February 1, 2014 (late), February 15, 2014 (extended, via withoutabox.com)

**Through Women’s Eyes** (April 5-6 2014, Great Falls, VA) – International festival featuring women directors, with a focus on international women’s issues, stories and lives. Seeking films directed by women in the following categories: Documentary, Feature, and Short. FEE: $40-$75. Through Women’s Eyes, 241 Bliss Lane, Great Falls, VA 22066, T: (703) 402-1428, tobrack@aol.com, http://www.throughwomenseyes.com, Deadline: December 7, 2013 (early), December 29, 2013 (regular), January 5, 2014 (late), January 10, 2014 (extended, via withoutabox.com)

AFI DOCS Documentary Festival (June 18-22, 2014, Silver Spring, MD) – Honors the creativity and passion of independent, non-fiction filmmakers and the power of the moving image to alter our perspective and expand our world-view. Seeking Feature (41 minutes or longer) and Short (40 minutes or shorter) documentaries that demonstrate a bold commitment to subject matter, excellence in cinematic craft, and innovation in storytelling. FEE: $30-$70. Silverdocs, 8633 Colesville Rd., Silver Spring, MD 20910, T: (301) 495-6720, FAX: (301) 495-6798, info@silverdocs.com, http://www.SILVERDOCS.com. Deadline: January 10, 2014 (early), February 7, 2014 (regular), February 28, 2014 (late), March 7, 2014 (extended, via withoutabox.com)

**LunaFest Film Festival** (Ongoing, traveling) – National traveling festival of short films by, for, and about women. Seeking a diverse range of films which embody the unique, humorous, touching, and inspirational roles of women in our local, national, and international communities. All entries must be 20 minutes or shorter and are accepted in the following categories: Documentary, Drama, Fiction, Animation, Comedy, and Narrative. FEE: $0-$25. LunaFest Film Festival, 1451 66th St., Emeryville, CA 94608, T: (510) 596-6607, lunafest@clifbar.com, http://www.lunafest.org/. Deadline: December 15, 2013 (early), February 1, 2014 (midway), March 1, 2014 (regular), April 15, 2014 (late)

Atlanta International Documentary Film Festival (October 9-12, 2014, Atlanta, GA) – Seeking independent documentary films in any style or genre from around the world in the following categories: Documentary Feature (46 minutes or longer), and Documentary Short (45 minutes or shorter). FEE: $30-$60. Atlanta International Documentary Film Festival, 1132 Virginia Ave. NE #18, Atlanta, GA 30306, T: (678) 773-2441, festivalleague@gmail.com, www.docufest.com. Deadline: December 2, 2013 (early), March 31, 2014 (regular), August 30, 2014 (late), September 5, 2014 (extended, via withoutabox.com)

**The Gracie Awards** – Given by the Alliance for Women in Media Foundation, honors outstanding programming for, by and about women, as well as individuals who have made exemplary contributions to the industry.  Programming entries must reflect subject matters of interest and concern to women; entries that reflect diversity in women’s issues are encouraged.  Entries must be produced, directed, or written by at least one woman.  See website for complete guidelines and application.  Applications must be submitted online. FEE: $35-$250. Alliance for Women in Media Foundation, Gracies Call for Entries, 1760 Old Meadow Rd., Ste. 500, McLean, VA 22102, T: (703) 506-3290, info@allwomeninmedia.org, www.thegracies.org.  Deadline: January 6, 2014

Ongoing Festivals/Calls For Entry 

ITVS International Call – Accepts proposal of single programs of standard broadcast length (one hour; feature-length works considered in rare cases) that have begun production and can be completed within one year of contract. Programs must be based in countries outside the U.S. and present other places, people, and points of view to an American audience. ITVS International provides a co-production investment in the program. Proposals must include a sample of applicant’s previously completed work and a work-in-progress video of the proposed program. See website for complete guidelines and application procedures. NOTE: Submissions are now accepted on a rolling basis and begin with submission of a project inquiry. ITVS International Call 2011, 651 Brannan St., Ste. 410, San Francisco, CA 94107, T: (415) 356-8383 x445, Cynthia_kane@itvs.org, http://www.itvs.org/funding/international.

**Opportunities in red are for women only.

Funding Opportunities
National Black Programming Consortium Digital Open Call – Awards up to $20,000 for interactive projects and web series concepts about the black experience globally. Content priorities include characters, stories, and locales that depict black life and experience in rare or overlooked contexts. Project concepts that utilize new distribution models to explore maximum engagement and provide a public platform for valuable networks of civic and cultural discourse will be considered most highly. See website for complete guidelines and application instructions. National Black Programming Consortium, c/o Programs Associate, 68 East 131stSt., 7th Floor, New York, NY 10037, http://blackpublicmedia.org/for-producers/. Deadline: December 1, 2013
Cinestory Fellowship and Awards – Seeking up-and-coming screenwriters for developmental mentorship program. Prizes include cash award, free tuition, room and board at the Cinestory Writers Retreat, 12-month fellowship with 2 Hollywood professionals, and other prizes for first place; cash, mentorship, and other prizes for second and third place. Submit original feature-length screenplay (85-130 pages) in any genre. Your name and contact information must not appear on the title page or in the file. See website for complete guidelines and application instructions. FEE: $35-$80. Cinestory, PO Box 661962, Los Angeles, CA 90066, T: (323) 900-0502, info@cinestory.org, www.cinestory.org. Deadline: December 15, 2013 (early), January 15, 2014 (regular), February 15, 2014 (late), March 5, 2014 (extended, via withoutabox.com)


NOTE: Visit WomenArts' Residencies With Ongoing Deadlines page for more opportunities.

Cinestory Fellowship and Awards – Seeking up-and-coming screenwriters for developmental mentorship program. Prizes include cash award, free tuition, room and board at the Cinestory Writers Retreat, 12-month fellowship with 2 Hollywood professionals, and other prizes for first place; cash, mentorship, and other prizes for second and third place. Submit original feature-length screenplay (85-130 pages) in any genre. Your name and contact information must not appear on the title page or in the file. See website for complete guidelines and application instructions. FEE: $35-$80. Cinestory, PO Box 661962, Los Angeles, CA 90066, T: (323) 900-0502, info@cinestory.org, www.cinestory.org. Deadline: December 15, 2013 (early), January 15, 2014 (regular), February 15, 2014 (late), March 5, 2014 (extended, via withoutabox.com)

free103point9 Distribution Grant for New York State Artists – Provides support up to $10,000 for the distribution of new works in film, video, sound, new media, and media installation.  Grantees will also be awarded the opportunity to work with a project mentor who has expertise in the grantees’ specific genre of media art.  Applicants must be New York State residents and must have all rights to distribute works.  Application process is electronic, through website. regrant@free103point9.org, http://free103point9.org/grants.  Deadline: January 1, 2014

San Francisco Foundation Arts and Culture Grants – Grants for projects that substantially benefit residents in at least one of the 5 Bay Area counties the foundation serves: Alameda, Contra Costa, Marin, San Francisco, and San Mateo. Eligible projects and organizations include those who: develop and present high quality and diverse artistic practices reflective of the myriad communities in the region; foster creativity, self-expression, cross-cultural exchange, and civic participation for children and young adults; increase opportunities for all to participate in diverse cultural and artistic experiences; engage in the arts to build communities. See website for complete guidelines and application instructions. The San Francisco Foundation, 225 Bush St., Ste. 500, San Francisco, CA 94104, T: (415) 733-8500, artsinfo@sff.org, www.sff.org. Deadline: January 24, 2014

National Endowment for the Arts (NEA) Our Town Grants – Organizational grants from $25,000-$200,000 for creative placemaking projects that contribute to the livability of communities and place the arts at their core. Supports projects in which communities, together with their arts and design organizations and artists, seek to improve their quality of life, encourage greater creative activity, foster stronger community identity and a sense of place, and revitalize economic development. Projects must involve two primary partners: a nonprofit organization (arts or design) and a local government entity. Additional partners are encouraged. See website for complete guidelines and application instructions. NOTE: Application must be submitted online. NEA Our Town Grants, 1100 Pennsylvania Ave. NW, Washington, DC 20506, OT@arts.gov, http://arts.gov/grants/apply/OurTown/index.html.  Deadline: January 13, 2014

Hearst Foundation Grants for Cultural Projects – Supports programs that enrich the lives of young people by engaging them in cultural activities, primarily through arts-in-education programs. Grants are awarded to major institutions and community organizations in the arts and sciences that address the lack of arts programming in pre-K through 12th grade curricula by providing comprehensive, on-site and/or outreach education activities. Considers requests from organizations with operating budgets under $1 million. Submit a brief cover letter, one-page executive summary, and a five-page proposal narrative and attachments. See website for complete guidelines and application procedure. NOTE: Applications by postal mail only. Organizations East of the Mississippi River should send requests to: The Hearst Foundations, 300 West 57th St., 26th Fl, New York, New York 10019-3741, T: (212) 586-5404, FAX: (212) 586-1917; Organizations West of the Mississippi River should send requests to: The Hearst Foundations, 90 New Montgomery St., Ste. 1212, San Francisco, CA 94105, T: (415) 908-4500, FAX: (415) 348-0887, http://www.hearstfdn.org/. Deadline: Ongoing

Other Resources 

NOTE: For more resources, visit WomenArts' Funding Resources pages.
Santa Fe Art Institute (August-December, 2014, Santa Fe, NM) – Residencies of an average of 1-3 months for visual artists and writers. Residency provides housing and studio space. Artist responsible for travel, materials, and residency fee ($1,000/month). Financial aid packages available. FEE: $35. Katie Avery, Residency Director, Santa Fe Art Institute, 1600 St. Michael’s Dr., Santa Fe, NM  87505, (505) 424-5050, residencies@sfai.org, http://sfaiblog.org/residency/application/.  Deadline: January 15, 2014

Elsewhere Collaborative (April-November, 2014, Greensboro, NC) – Residencies between 2-6 weeks for creative artists working in all media. The collaborative is a three-floor former thrift store turned into a living museum. Residents constantly compose and re-imagine the environment through projects that respond to layers of objects, artworks, collections, architecture, histories, and concepts within the building. Residents enter into an evolving collaborative artwork, inhabit production spaces, and establish living sites throughout the museum, using the resources from the 58-year-old inventory. Residency provides housing, workspace, and materials; artist responsible for program fee ($500), travel, and participation in food co-operative ($50/week). See website for application and complete guidelines. NO FEE. Elsewhere Collaborative, 606 and 608 S. Elm St., Downtown Greensboro, NC 27406, http://www.goelsewhere.org/residencies/. Deadline: January 10, 2014

Yaddo (May-February, 2014, Saratoga Springs, NY) – Residencies of an average of 5 weeks for creative artists working at a professional level in their field. Residency provides housing, meals, studio, travel assistance and materials stipend; artist responsible for materials. FEE: $30. The Corporation of Yaddo, PO Box 395 – Union Ave., Saratoga Springs, NY 12866, T: (518) 584-0746, FAX: (518) 584-1312, yaddo@yaddo.org, www.yaddo.org.  Deadline: January 1, 2014

WOMENARTS FUNDING LISTS - WomenArts maintains annotated lists of funders
categorized by art form in the Funding Resources section of our website at:
NYFA SOURCE - The New York Foundation for the Arts maintains the most
comprehensive national directory of awards, services and publications for
artists in the NYFA Source section of their website at:
WITHOUTABOX - Film/Video artists can check Withoutabox at http://www.withoutabox.com for a more comprehensive list of general-interest
film festivals.

Follow this link to the Theatre Funding Newsletter
on the website of our member organization, the

Follow this link to our affiliate member organization WomenArts 
who originally created the Film/Video and Theatre Funding Newsletters and
who list many ongoing Funding Opportunities.

Follow this link to Submit a Listing for the Funding Newsletters.

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