
Project Funding Series—Part 3 Working the Film Festival Circuit: Getting a Return on the Investment

Date of Event: June 21, 2011, 6:30 PM

Location of Event: Microsoft 1290 Avenue of the Americas New York, New York

Description of Event: A film festival screening is your premier chance to grow your audience and make the professional connections that will further your project, as well as your career. It is also a marketplace for distribution opportunities and press reviews that generate buzz.

NYWIFT has assembled a panel of top festival programmers and sales agents to guide you as you prepare for your screening. They'll reveal the materials you should have available, provide advice on invitation lists and let you know who to hire, as they help you make the most of your festival experience.
Panelists include: Marian Masone, Director, Festivals and Associate Director, Programming for the Film Society of Lincoln Center, producer of the New York Film Festival, Martha Tien, Program Manager, Asian American International Film Festival

Registration Fee: $30 to NYWIFT members $45 to Nonmembers
RSVP by prepayment online

1 comment:

  1. Wow - a very content packed blog.Nice blog with some very useful info


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