
#StageOpps #StageOppsOct23



The Caribbean Writer 

The Caribbean Writer (TCW) has issued a call for submissions for Volume 38 under the 2024 theme: Legacies: Reckoning and Resolve.  We inherit the legacies of our those who march before us, if not directly, some other way and so reckoning has become a way of life. Some suggests that what will save us is our resolve. Contributors may submit works of fiction, nonfiction, poetry, essays or one act plays which explore the ideas resonating within the region and its diaspora. The Caribbean should be central to the work, or the work should reflect a Caribbean heritage, experience or perspective. Prospective authors should submit all creative works: drama, fiction and poetry manuscripts, through the online portal ONLY at www.thecaribbeanwriter.org/online-submission. Submit Word files only (no PDFs) . Note that TCW no longer accepts hardcopy submissions.

o Deadline: December 31

o Application Fee: No Fee 

o Eligibility: Individuals may submit poems (3 maximum), short stories (2 maximum) and personal essays (2 maximum) on general topics as well as on the theme. The maximum length (for short stories and personal essays) is 3500 words. Only previously unpublished work will be considered. The term "previously published" covers print and electronic publication —including on social media platforms, and self-published items. The Caribbean Writer does not accept simultaneous submissions (items being considered for publication elsewhere). The prospective author should provide contact information including mailing address, phone number, any professional affiliations, brief biographical information (no more than 100 words and such as appears under the "Contributors" section of the journal). In the event that the author's contact information changes, all updates should be made by the author by logging into the online account.

o Categories: One-Acts 

o Contact: submissionsofvenus@gmail.com

o Submission Information 


The Dayton Playhouse invites playwrights of all races and ethnicities, all gender identities, all physical abilities, and all ages to submit your scripts for consideration as a Finalist for FutureFest 2024. Festival dates: July 19 – 21, 2024. The Dayton Playhouse will hold the 2024 festival in person.

o Deadline: October 31 

o Application Fee: $20 submission fee per script. This fee will be waived for members of the Dramatists Guild. Checks and money orders should be made payable to "The Dayton Playhouse".

o Eligibility: Entry must be an original work written for THE STAGE. No musicals or plays for children will be accepted. The script must not have been published, or produced where admission was charged, prior to FutureFest 2024. Staged readings/workshop productions are not necessarily disqualifying factors. Plays must be full length with a run time of at least 75 minutes

o Categories: Full-Length Plays 

o Contact: futurefest@daytonplayhouse.com 

o Submission Information 

Venus Theatre: Frozen Women/Flowing Thoughts 

We are launching a brand new project called, "Frozen Women/Flowing Thoughts". It's designed to roll-out in different segments. We are ready to begin the first phase. This will entail taking monologue submissions to consider for our upcoming VERY FIRST anthology to be published. (I've been wanting to publish an anthology of our writers forever.)

o Deadline: December 15

o Application Fee: No Fee 

o Eligibility: A single female-identifying character monologue up to 15 minutes in length, with an optional 2-minute edit for actors to use as audition pieces. No props and the set can not be larger than a 7' blackbox contained space. Email submissionsofvenus@gmail.com with the subject heading FWFT: (name of your short play) (name of the playwright). ATTACH a digital copy of the script.

o Categories: Monolouge 

o Contact: submissionsofvenus@gmail.com

o Submission Information

Long Beach Short Play Festival 

Submissions are now being accepted for the 2024 Long Beach Short Play Festival, to take place on May 4-5, 2024, at the Temple Emanu-El ballroom, which seats 150. Seeking original, unpublished short plays (maximum 30 minutes running time) that can be staged with minimal production requirements. Selected plays can be self-produced at the playwright's option. Up to two (2) submissions per playwright will be reviewed. Submission is free, but each play selected for production requires a $150 participation fee to help defray some of the production expenses.

o When/Where: Long Beach, NY 

o Deadline: December 3 

o Application Fee: No Fee 

o Eligibility: A digital copy of your script in PDF format must be emailed to lbshortplayfestsubmissions@gmail.com

  • (Submissions via mail or hand-delivery will not be accepted)

  • Script pages must be numbered

  • On the cover of your script, please include

    • Play Title;

    • Playwright's Name;

    • Playwright's Contact information [Address, Telephone Number & Email].

  • On the second page of your script, please Include a character breakdown

  • Include the Setting where your play occurs and the Time it takes place (to be used in the program)

  • Provide a statement that the play submitted is original and unpublished.

  • Provide a short biography of the playwright to be used for Festival promotion (if selected)

  • If self-producing, provide

  • Name, contact information and resume/CV for the director attached to the play submitted

  • Vision statement for how the play submitted will be staged (should be succinct, with one-page maximum length).

o Categories: Short Plays 

o Contact: lbshortplayfestsubmissions@gmail.com

o Submission Information 

Fifth Annual Eric H. Weinberger Award for Emerging Librettists

The Eric H. Weinberger Award for Emerging Librettists is a juried cash and production grant given annually to support the early work and career of a deserving musical theatre librettist. It commemorates the life and work of playwright/librettist Eric H. Weinberger (1950-2017), who was a Drama Desk Award nominee for Best Book of a Musical (Wanda's World), and the playwright/librettist of Class Mothers '68, which earned Pricilla Lopez a Drama Desk Award nomination.  The winner will receive $2,000 to help with cost-of-living expenses. The winning musical will receive development assistance in the 2023 New Works Development Program of Amas Musical Theatre, culminating in an Amas Lab production with New York theatre professionals. Amas, which is administering the award, was the development home for several of Mr. Weinberger's musicals, and which produced the World Premiere of Wanda's World and the New York Premiere of Tea for Three. We are grateful to be afforded this opportunity to continue making theatre and creating an impact in our community. We are excited to begin work with our 2023 winners Annie Dillon and Samantha Caps on their piece Show Me Eternity and welcome a new wave of inspiring voices to our musical theatre family.

o When/Where: New York, NY 

o Deadline: December 1

o Application Fee: No Fee 

o Eligibility: Be a full-length show (at least 80 minutes)

  • Have no more than seven actors (actors may play multiple roles, if so please include a suggested breakdown of role distribution)

  • Be complete and ready for readings, workshops and/or productions

  • Have a demo that is an accurate representation of the music and style of the show (at least five songs)

  • Have full underlying rights clearance of any pre-existing material used in the script (music, source material, etc.)

  • Not have had a full production or be published in any way, even if with a different name.

o Categories: New Musicals 

o Contact: amas@amasmusical.org

o Submission Information 


The Richard Rodgers Awards 2023 

The Richard Rodgers Awards were created and endowed by Richard Rodgers in 1978 for the development of the musical theater. These awards subsidize full productions, studio productions, and staged readings by nonprofit theaters in New York City of works by composers and writers who are not already established in this field. The winners are selected by a jury of the American Academy of Arts and Letters. The Richard Rodgers Awards are the only awards for which the Academy accepts applications.

o When/Where: New York, NY 

o Deadline: November 1

o Application Fee: No Fee 

o Eligibility: The name(s) of the author(s) must not appear on any of the items submitted, with the exception of the application form. Include only the title of the work on the script and plot summary. Please be sure author names are not included in music file metadata.

  • Entry must include:Script with lyrics, in PDF format.

  • Half-page synopsis of the action and a list of characters, in PDF format.

  • A separate track sheet (PDF) of recorded songs with page numbers indicating where they appear in the script and specifying the total number of minutes recorded.

  • At least 45 minutes of music, including a minimum of eight songs. Orchestrations are not necessary; piano and vocals are sufficient. Songs must be numbered in sequence (e.g. 01 Song Title.mp3) and each song's lyrics clearly typed into the script where it appears. Tracks must be uploaded in the order they appear in the script.

  • Application form signed by all collaborators (see below). Applicants submitting work that has already been produced must give full information concerning these productions, including programs. A work is not eligible if one of the collaborators is deceased.

  • If applicable, a statement of intent declaring how the applicants would use the award if their musical is a winner. If the piece is already attached to producers or a theater, even if tentative, these associations must be declared here.

  • If the submitted work (or a portion thereof) is an adaptation of material which is not in the public domain, candidates must submit licenses, permissions, or authorizations necessary to permit the work to be produced in conformity with applicable copyright laws. The music must be original.

  • Applicants will be notified of the jury's decision by March 2024.

o Categories: Musicals

o Contact: 212-368-5900

o Submission Information 

Downtown Urban Arts Festival (DUAF)

Downtown Urban Arts Festival (DUAF) is seeking theatrical works (plays, musicals, and solo performances) for its 22nd annual season to be held in June 2024 in the Theatre District in New York City. DUAF supports diverse, new, and emerging voices from America's burgeoning multicultural landscape. Over 200 playwrights have participated in DUAF and some have gone on to greater success on Broadway and have claimed top prizes such as the Pulitzer, Tony and Obie awards and nominations.

o When/Where: New York, NY 

o Deadline: November 10

o Application Fee: No Fee 

o Eligibility: Eligible Projects: Plays do not exceed 70 minutes

  • Plays should be new or existing work with minimal exposure 

  • Plays should not have any other production in New York City during the 30-day period before and after the 2024 festival

  • Playwright's Supports: No submission or participation fees

    • $750 (short) and $1,000 (full) playwright stipends

    • Actor and director stipends

    • Casting support 

    • Technical design and operation 

    • Reimbursed rehearsal space rentals

    • Actor's Equity Showcase Code application administration

    • $1,000 awards for best full, short and audience

  • Submission Checklist:

    • Playwright's bio with contact info including name, address, phone # and email

    • Photo of playwright

    • Synopsis of theatrical work

    • Complete script of theatrical work

    • Estimated running time of work

    • Actor/director/crew bios, if available

    • Description of stage set (if any) and production needs (i.e. sound and lighting) 

    • Please submit all attachments as .pdf. Photos must be in either .jpg or .jpeg. 

o Categories: Short Plays, Full Length Plays 

o Contact: Please submit to coordinator@duafnyc.com. For more info about DUAF, visit: duafnyc.com.

o Submission Information 

The Richard Rodgers Awards 2023 

The Richard Rodgers Awards were created and endowed by Richard Rodgers in 1978 for the development of the musical theater. These awards subsidize full productions, studio productions, and staged readings by nonprofit theaters in New York City of works by composers and writers who are not already established in this field. The winners are selected by a jury of the American Academy of Arts and Letters. The Richard Rodgers Awards are the only awards for which the Academy accepts applications.

o When/Where: New York, NY 

o Deadline: November 1

o Application Fee: No Fee 

o Eligibility: The name(s) of the author(s) must not appear on any of the items submitted, with the exception of the application form. Include only the title of the work on the script and plot summary. Please be sure author names are not included in music file metadata.

  • Entry must include:Script with lyrics, in PDF format.

  • Half-page synopsis of the action and a list of characters, in PDF format.

  • A separate track sheet (PDF) of recorded songs with page numbers indicating where they appear in the script and specifying the total number of minutes recorded.

  • At least 45 minutes of music, including a minimum of eight songs. Orchestrations are not necessary; piano and vocals are sufficient. Songs must be numbered in sequence (e.g. 01 Song Title.mp3) and each song's lyrics clearly typed into the script where it appears. Tracks must be uploaded in the order they appear in the script.

  • Application form signed by all collaborators (see below). Applicants submitting work that has already been produced must give full information concerning these productions, including programs. A work is not eligible if one of the collaborators is deceased.

  • If applicable, a statement of intent declaring how the applicants would use the award if their musical is a winner. If the piece is already attached to producers or a theater, even if tentative, these associations must be declared here.

  • If the submitted work (or a portion thereof) is an adaptation of material which is not in the public domain, candidates must submit licenses, permissions, or authorizations necessary to permit the work to be produced in conformity with applicable copyright laws. The music must be original.

  • Applicants will be notified of the jury's decision by March 2023.

o Categories: Musicals

o Contact: 212-368-5900

o Submission Information 

International Human Rights Art Festival Ten-Minute Play Festival 2023

New York City's International Human Rights Art Festival (IHRAF.ORG), NYC's pre-eminent arts and human rights performance event, and The Tank Theater issue a call for proposals for its ten-minute play festival (scripts no longer than 10-pages, double-spaced, 12 point Times Roman font) as part of the International Human Rights Art Festival this winter. The Festival will take place in The Tank's 98-seat main stage. We are looking for self-produced pieces which are built around a social concern. We are especially interested in work exhibiting the values of beauty, sincerity, vulnerability, engagement and celebrating diversity; work inspired by the open-heart of the artist, and not their anger, disgust or disapproval.Selected plays will receive two hours of free rehearsal space at ART-NY (520 8th Ave.); a 30-minute tech rehearsal, full tech support, PR and marketing, and free photography documentation as part of the festival. There is no fee to apply, and a production stipend of $100 per selected play will be paid.

o When/Where: December 4-10 

o Deadline: October 1

o Application Fee: None

o Eligibility: Please send the script, links, resume and any other information which might be of help in our decision to Festival Assistant Producer Costanza Bugiani: costan za@ihraf.org, with the subject line: "IHRAF 10-minutePlay Festival Submission"

o Categories: Short Plays 

o Contact: costanza@ihraf.org

o Submission Information


New York Theater Festival Fall/Winter Fest 

WELCOME TO THE BIGGEST AND MOST PRESTIGIOUS PLAYWRIGHT/MUSICAL We strongly believe that self producing a play or a musical can offer a very important tool for the growth of every playwright's work. Once a playwright sees their work onstage, it provides an opportunity for the playwright to improve or modify their story. It's also a great opportunity to invite people from the industry to see your production. People are more likely to go see a show than to read an unsolicited script, as some industry people receive on average thousands of submissions per month, and they understand that the journey for a show to be successful often goes through several productions. Our team is completely dedicated to help get your work seen. We are always with you to help, from the first moment of your tech rehearsal to the closing of your last show. You will never be left alone during the process. We will help you to choose some of the 85 set/furniture props we offer to dress your stage for your run, and give you a complete crash course on how to use the audio/light/video system, which are intentionally very user friendly.After we show you how to use the tools we provide and how to utilize the space, you will be able to rehearse your tech rehearsal with whatever plan works best for you and your production. A team member will be present to provide prime responses to every inquiry, as well as a telephone # you can call anytime during relevant hours throughout the run of your show. In 11 years and 19 seasons we have successfully hosted 1,200 plays and 300 musicals and rewarded with cash prizes over 300 artists who participated in our Festival. Yours could be the next production onstage!

o When/Where: New York, NY 

o Deadline: TBD 

o Application Fee: No Fee 

o Eligibility: All genres/submissions accepted from playwright that live no further than 30 miles from Manhattan and provided they are between 5 and 90 minutes long. Productions must run with a complete cast and crew from NYC or 30 miles radios. Equity productions are welcome to participate. PLAYS AND MUSICALS SUBMITTED MUST BE UNPRODUCED, OR PRODUCED BEFORE 2017, IN WHICH CASE CAN ONLY PARTICIPATE WITH A COMPLETELY NEW CAST AND CREW

o Categories: Full-Length Plays, Musicals 

o Submission Information 

Stay True Theatre Company

Stay True Theatre Company is a small theatre company based in New York City, founded in Summer 2019 in honor of World Pride by Andrew Victor Myers and Morgan Bartholick, following a one-off production benefitting Gay Men's Health Crisis. In 2020, Anne Karyna Bakan joined the administrative staff as the company's new Associate Artistic Director. Together, Andrew and Anne strive to produce and support work that embodies the vast medley of identities and groups that comprise the entire LGBTQIA+ community. At Stay True Theatre Company, we pride ourselves on creating, producing, and performing pieces of theatre by, for, and with the LGBTQIA+ community. We believe in staying true to who we are, and expressing identity through the arts opens the doors to understanding, acceptance and community.     

o When/Where: New York City

o Deadline: Rolling

o Application Fee: Free

o Eligibility: We are always accepting submissions for new work written by LGBTQIA+ playwrights. Send a PDF of your play, musical, devised manual or other written work. 

o Categories: New Works, theatre, imusica, comedy

o Contact: staytruetheatrecompany@gmail.como Submission Information 

Freshwater Theatre 

Freshwater Theatre prides itself on constantly working with new artists, expanding our family. We're always on the lookout for new scripts and new technical artists to work with.

o Deadline: Ongoing

o Application Fee: Free

o Eligibility: While we certainly are interested in world premieres of new plays, we also are very interested in second and third productions of new works, as we believe this to be the key to finding the works that will propel theater into the future.
We will only respond to playwright submissions for plays that come into serious consideration for future production. We cannot give any specific time frame on if/when a response will be given.

o Categories: New Plays 

o Contact: info@freshwatertheatre.com

o Submission Information 


NY Theatre Festival Spring/Summer 2024 

This is a unique opportunity to invite people from the industry to see your production! People are more likely to go see a show than to read an unsolicited script - some industry people receive on average thousands of submissions per month. They understand that the journey for a show to be successful often goes through several productions and this is your chance to show that you can start that process!  Our dedicated team is here to help you get your work out. We are with you from the moment you begin tech rehearsals, all the way through to your closing performance. You will never be left alone during the process. We will help you choose from the 85 set/furniture pieces we offer to dress your stage for your run, and we will give you a complete crash course on how to use the audio/light/video system in just 3 minutes, which are intentionally designed to be very user friendly. 

After we show you how to use the tools we provide and how to best utilize the space, The Festival's team will provide prime responses to every inquiry, as well as a telephone # you can call anytime during relevant hours throughout the run of your show In 12 years and 22 seasons we have successfully hosted 1,400 plays and 300 musicals, as well as rewarding over 300 participating artists cash prizes.

o Deadline: TBD 

o Application Fee: None 

o Eligibility:  Submissions Accepted from a 30-mile radius outside of Manhattan and only run if the entire cast and crew are from New York City. Plays are considered on a first-come, first-serve basis. The earlier you submit, the better your chances are of having your script invited to the festival.  Each applicant is fully responsible for all elements of their production, including directing, casting, stage-managing.  We know exactly what you need to make your show a success and we welcome you into our community of playwrights and theater innovators!

o Categories: Plays, Musicals 

o Submission Information 

Downtown Urban Arts Festival 

Downtown Urban Arts Festival (DUAF) is seeking theatrical works (plays, musicals, and solo performances) for its 22nd annual season to be held in June 2024 in the Theatre District in New York City. DUAF supports diverse, new, and emerging voices from America's burgeoning multicultural landscape. Over 200 playwrights have participated in DUAF and some have gone on to greater success on Broadway and have claimed top prizes such as the Pulitzer, Tony and Obie awards and nominations.

o Deadline: November 10

o Application Fee: None 

o Eligibility:  Plays do not exceed 70 minutes

  • Plays should be new or existing work with minimal exposure 

  • Plays should not have any other production in New York City during the 30-day period before and after the 2024 festival 

  • Playwright's Supports: No submission or participation fees 

  • $750 (short) and $1,000 (full) playwright stipends

    • Actor and director stipends

    • Casting support 

    • Technical design and operation 

    • Reimbursed rehearsal space rentals

    • Actor's Equity Showcase Code application administration

    • $1,000 awards for best full, short and audience

o Categories: Short Plays, Full-Length plays 

o Contact: coordinator@duafnyc.com

o Submission Information 

Spectrum Theatre Ensemble New Playwrights Initiative 2024

Neurodiverse. NeuroQueer. NeuroBIPOC. Because of the enormous response/requests from playwrights and theatres across the country, Spectrum Theatre Ensemble's NEW PLAYWRIGHT'S INITIATIVE is back!! STE's is the nation's leader in developing the plays and careers of Autistic+/Neurodiverse/(Dis)abled writers. Our alumni are award-winning professional writers with readings and productions all across the country. Spectrum Theatre Ensemble is who the theatre industry looks to for Neurodiversity Innovation in the Arts. 


o Deadline: October 31

o Application Fee: None 

o Eligibility: SEEKING NEW ONE-ACT PLAYS. We are looking for plays that surprise us. Multiple forms of theatrical performance will be considered, this is about you and celebrating your creative impulses and expression.Give yourself permission to imagine without restrictions.Six one-acts will be chosen through a concealed author process by  artistic and literary directors at some of America's most respected and inclusive theaters.All plays will be fully produced at STE's Neurodiversity New Play Festival, Summer 2024. Authors will receive a 200. stipend, a press packet (reviews, press materials, interviews), promotion through our new PR campaigns, and two tickets to the festival for each author. It is our goal to be able to bring the authors to the festival (travel/housing) to fully participate in the production. We are currently working on funding so, for now, this remains only a possibility.

o Categories: One-Act Plays 

o Contact: newwork@stensemble.org

o Submission Information 

Flint Repertory Theatre 

Flint Repertory Theatre is seeking new plays and musicals for the 2024 New Works Festival April 23 – 28, 2024. Flint Repertory Theatre's New Works Festival is an annual weeklong event featuring staged readings and workshops of new plays and musicals. Playwrights and composers from around the country are in residence in Flint during the process, where audience members experience these new works before anyone else and meet the artists working to bring the future of American theatre to life.

  o Deadline: October 31

o Application Fee: None 

o Eligibility: To be considered for a staged reading, playwrights must submit an original, unproduced, full-length script. Only one submission per playwright is permitted. To submit your work, please fill out this google form: https://forms.gle/LcdvZS1KbD7bqEWR7

o Categories: new plays, musicals 

o Contact: Contact Emily Nichter (Assistant to the Producing Artistic Director) at enichter@flintrep.org with any literary questions or concerns. 

o Submission Information 


Obsidian cultivates, through publication and critical inquiry, Black imagination, innovation, and excellence—supporting Black, African, and African Diaspora creatives globally. Obsidian celebrates nearly fifty years of continuous publication and is dedicated to publishing contemporary poetry, fiction, drama/performance, visual and media art biannually in print and year round online. Supported in part by a grant from the National Endowment for the Arts, Obsidian: Literature & Arts in the African Diaspora is a peer-reviewed journal published by the Publications Unit in the Department of English at Illinois State University, a body corporate and politic of the State of Illinois and a 501(c)(3) organization. Founded in 1975 and recognized for editorial achievement by the Council of Editors of Learned Journals and the Illinois Arts Council Agency, Obsidian's full archive is available through JSTOR.


  o Deadline: October 15 

o Application Fee: None 

o Eligibility: Drama/Performance: submit one act or a collection of short scenes no longer than twenty pages (20) following Samuel French or the Dramatists Guild suggested formatting. Excerpts of longer works are welcome if self-contained.

o Categories: Short Plays

o Submission Information 

NY Theatre Festival Fall/Winterfest 2023 

We strongly believe that self producing a play or a musical can offer a very important tool for the growth of every playwright's work. Once a playwright sees their work onstage, it provides an opportunity for the playwright to improve or modify their story. It's also a great opportunity to invite people from the industry to see your production. People are more likely to go see a show than to read an unsolicited script, as some industry people receive on average thousands of submissions per month, and they understand that the journey for a show to be successful often goes through several productions. Our team is completely dedicated to help get your work seen. We are always with you to help, from the first moment of your tech rehearsal to the closing of your last show. You will never be left alone during the process. We will help you to choose some of the 85 set/furniture props we offer to dress your stage for your run, and give you a complete crash course on how to use the audio/light/video system, which are intentionally very user friendly. After we show you how to use the tools we provide and how to utilize the space, you will be able to rehearse your tech rehearsal with whatever plan works best for you and your production. A team member will be present to provide prime responses to every inquiry, as well as a telephone # you can call anytime during relevant hours throughout the run of your show. In 11 years and 19 seasons we have successfully hosted 1,200 plays and 300 musicals and rewarded with cash prizes over 300 artists who participated in our Festival. Yours could be the next production onstage!

o Deadline: TBD 

o Application Fee: None

o Eligibility: All genres/submissions accepted from playwright that live no further than 30 miles from Manhattan and provided they are between 5 and 90 minutes long. Productions must run with a complete cast and crew from NYC or 30 miles radios. Equity productions are welcome to participate. PLAYS AND MUSICALS SUBMITTED MUST BE UNPRODUCED, OR PRODUCED BEFORE 2018, IN WHICH CASE CAN ONLY PARTICIPATE WITH A COMPLETELY NEW CAST AND CREW. ONLY ONE SUBMISSION PER PLAYWRIGHT IS PERMITTED

o Categories: Full Length Plays, New Plays

o Submission Information 

Diversionary: Seeking new, full-length LGBTQIA+ works

Diversionary is always seeking new, full-length LGBTQIA+ works for consideration. Please follow the guidelines below if you would like to submit your work. Because of the volume of submissions, those that do not follow the guidelines will not be considered.                             

o Deadline: None 

o Application Fee: None

o Eligibility: Please send all of the above items as a single document in pdf format to frankie@diversionary.org. For music, please send the items in mp3 format or include a link to be accessed. No physical submissions sent to the theatre will be considered.

  • a one-page synopsis, character breakdown, and playwright bio

  • a development/production history of the submitted work (including date written and any readings, workshops, and full stagings)

  • a ten-page sample of the work

  • three audio recordings of music, twelve minutes total, if it's a musical

o Categories: Full Length Plays, Musicals 

o Contact:  frankie@diversionary.org

o Submission Information 

Murmation Theatre 

Murmuration Theatre Company is seeking plays that have a cast size between 2-11 for our 2023 & 2024 seasons Accepting work for consideration in the following categories: New Voices Showcase: Curated selection of 4-10 new plays (scripts 2 - 40 pages); fully staged and directed by our creative team. Mainstage Show: a one act or full length play (scripts 35 - 120 pages); fully staged and directed by our creative team. In development: Actor's Lab Performance Series: a monthly selection of scenes or short plays (any length), performed at workshop or staged reading level.Playwrights selected for our mainstage production will receive $30 per performance of their one-act or full length play; playwrights selected for our New Voices Showcase will receive $10 per performance of their short or one-act.

o When/Where: Brooklyn, New York 

o Deadline: None 

o Application Fee: None 

o Eligibility: Please submit PDF copies of scripts via the google form below, and feel free to reach out to murmurationtheatreco@gmail.com with any questions or concerns. Multiple submissions are allowed. Preference will be given to playwrights who are able to attend at least one performance of their work in the NYC area.

  • We will be accepting submissions on a rolling basis, and hope to be in touch with responses within 30 days of submission. Please feel free to reach out after that point if you have not received word from our team.

  • Solo Shows, Theatre for Young Audiences and Musicals will not be considered.

  • New writers as well as writers with voices that have historically been underrepresented in the theater industry (gender identity, sexual orientation, race, ethnicity, religion, ability status, etc.) are encouraged to apply.

o Categories: Full-Length Plays, One-Acts

o Contact:  murmurationtheatreco@gmail.com 

o Submission Information 

Manhattan Repertory Theatre Play Production Program 

Self-Produce a production of your best play in New York City as live theatre comes back to life in this New Renaissance of Theatre. We will do all the work, from hiring a production team and staff, to casting, directing, building costumes, set design, lighting design, payroll and more. From 3 performances to 20 performances for one simple Production Fee. Pre-Pandemic, 2017 - 2019, we produced 60 plays in Midtown Manhattan for playwrights all over the world. Production time frames available: Late Autumn 2021, Winter/Spring 2022.Currently, as we move back into production in New York City, we are only accepting Full-Length plays and Musicals - 60 to 150 minutes. Production fees range from $12,000 to $50,000 depending on the "size" of your production, scenic elements, and the number of performances.                             

o Deadline: TBD

o Application Fee: None

o Eligibility: If you are serious about self-producing your play in New York City, please forward us: An email cover letter with information about you and your work. your play attached as a .pdf, an attached Synopsis of your play, with the approximate running time, and your set, lighting and costume requirements.

o Categories: Full Length Plays, New Plays

o Contact: manhattanrep@yahoo.com

o Submission Information 

The Rep New Works Festival

Currently, we accept full-length play submissions for season consideration and our upcoming New Works Festival.

o Deadline: Ongoing 

o Application Fee: Free

o Eligibility: Please email plays to the Artistic team with the subject line: "Submission: TITLE OF PLAY."

In the body of the email, please include:

• A brief synopsis of the play

• The development history of the play

• A brief, personal bio

Submissions made under these guidelines may be sent to The Rep by email.

o Categories: (musical, play, one-act, 10-minute, etc.)

o Address: 130 Edgar Road St. Louis, Missouri 63119

o Contact: 314-968-7340 PLAYSUBMISSION@REPSTL.ORG 

o Submission Information 

Shubert Fendrich Memorial Playwriting Contest 

To encourage the development of quality theatrical materials for the educational, community and children's theatre markets, Pioneer Drama Service is proud to sponsor the annual Shubert Fendrich Memorial Playwriting Contest.

This is an ongoing contest, with a winner selected by June 1 each year from all eligible submissions received the previous year.  All eligible plays accepted for publication will be considered contest finalists, from which the winner will be selected.  The contest winner will receive a $1,000 royalty advance in addition to publication.

o Deadline: Ongoing

o Application Fee: None

o Eligibility: You can start the submission process by contacting us here.

  • We will only consider manuscripts with a running time between 20 and 90 minutes.

  • Submissions must be family friendly in both subject and language. NO cursing. NO explicitly adult content.

  • We prefer casts that are either balanced or favoring females. The more gender neutral roles, the better.

  • We favor plays and musicals with ensemble casts, where more than just a few have a chance to shine.

  • Plays with elaborate set, costume or technical requirements are not appealing because of the limited resources of many of our customers. Pictures, sketches or descriptions of your vision are always helpful.

  • We recommend your submissions have had at least one production or reading, hopefully staged. We feel this fundamental field test is necessary before a play can be considered for publication since plays are created for the purpose of performance.

  • Manuscripts must be computer-printed in dark ink. We do not require specific formatting. However, your efforts to ensure your script is free of misspellings and typos will help the submissions editor.

  • We hope that Pioneer Drama is your first choice as a publisher, and we encourage you to submit to us exclusively. However, we do accept simultaneous submissions with the understanding that you will accept the first contract you're offered and not use the situation to seek multiple offers from which to choose. If you receive another offer, please notify us immediately so we may rescind your submission.

  • The following information must accompany your submission or query:

  • 100-200 word synopsis.

  • Cast list that indicates the number of female roles, the number of male roles and the number of roles that can be performed by either gender. We do not accept one-person shows.

  • Running time.

  • CD and/or score for musicals. We appreciate the opportunity to hear the music, if possible.

  • Set design(s). Please feel free to provide diagrams and/or pictures.

  • Proof of production or staged reading (i.e., review, program, etc.) A DVD of your performance is ideal, though not required.

  • Age of intended audience.

  • A self-addressed envelope of sufficient size with appropriate postage for the return of your materials. We will NOT return manuscripts or accompanying material if this is not included.

  • Cover letter and/or resume.

o Categories: family friendly

o Address: Pioneer Drama Service, Inc. Attn: Submissions Editor PO Box 4267

Englewood, CO 80155-4267

o Contact: https://www.pioneerdrama.com/ContactUs.asp?ID=6

o Submission Information 

Urban Stages Emerging Playwright Award 

Our $500 Emerging Playwright Award (coupled with press coverage) is given to playwrights who show excellence and dedication throughout this process – from development to the stage. Out of hundreds of submissions a year, we select 15-20 plays for readings. From these, we select 1-3 plays annually to go on to our workshopping phase. Our workshops are meant to prepare a play for our Off-Broadway stage. From our workshops, we select 1-2 plays for full productions, complete with a playwright's contract and compensation (separate from the award).                                      

o Deadline: Ongoing

o Application Fee: None

o Eligibility: Plays may have been developed or produced elsewhere, but never produced in New York City. Plays from overseas and throughout the US are accepted and considered, but special attention will be given to playwrights who live in or near New York

o Categories: Full Length Plays, New Plays

o Contact: 212.421.1380

o Submission Information 

ONSTAGE Audition 

& Juliet (Broadway) - NYC EPA 10.18.23 

Equity actors for possible future replacements of principal roles in the Broadway production of & JULIET (See breakdown). & JULIET welcomes diversity and inclusion across the spectrum of race, gender, gender identity, gender expression, sexual orientation, religion, neurodiversity, and artists with disabilities. There are no available stage management positions at this time.

o Preparation: Please prepare a short cut of a pop song. Please, no musical theatre. Please bring sheet music, an accompanist will be provided. Please bring your headshot and resume stapled together.


o Pay: Production (League) $2537 weekly minimum

o Audition Information 

For more Onstage opportunities, visit Backstage.com; ActorsAccess.com; and Playbill.com.


Producer, Williamstown Theatre Festival 

Producer serves as primary point person and communication conduit for planning and implementation of all artistic programming at Williamstown Theatre Festival. Collaborating with all departments, the Producer manages and facilitates artistic processes and timelines to ensure staff and artists have the resources they need and that projects are implemented on time and within the allotted budget.

o Essential Duties: Responsibilities and Expectations

  • Responsible for collaborating with all departments to produce the Festival's summer seasons as well as any off-season programming, such as the annual Holiday Walk in Williamstown and the Festival's annual Gala in NYC.

  • Lead day-to-day producing operations, including:

  • Negotiating and issuing all artist offers, working with agents and managers

  • Maintaining up-to-date season calendars, artist information forms, contract tracking sheets, audition calendars, etc;

  • Shepherding the production process, including drafting of rehearsal, tech, and performance schedules and budget-tracking

  • Budgeting and Expense Tracking:

  • Work with Artistic Director and Business Manager to draft project budgets for upcoming seasons

  • Manage and track project personnel, travel, housing, and other line items of organizational budget

  • Contracting:

  • Draft, negotiate, and finalize all artist contracts

  • Work with Business Office to make sure signed contracts are filed with appropriate the unions

  • Casting:

  • Support casting processes with Artistic team, external casting directors, and creative teams

  • Work with Artistic Team on the planning and implementation of auditions, including Equity Principal Auditions as required by Actors Equity Association

  • Working with Unions:

  • Ensure Festival is abiding by all its collectively-bargained agreements

  •  Prepare and manage annual bonding process with Actors Equity Association

  •  Submit all necessary reports and documentation required by Festival's union agreements

  • Collaborate with the seasonal Company Manager and Company Management team to ensure housing and travel arrangements and needs are met within Festival's budget and available resources.

  • Support Artistic Associate and seasonal Artistic Team in administrative and logistical support of developmental readings, Fridays@3, workshops, and residencies

  • Hiring and Supervisory Responsibilities:

  • Hire, on-board, supervise, and lead a seasonal Producing department

  • Hire, on-board, and supervise the seasonal Company Manager

  • Participate in hiring of seasonal Company Management team.

  • With Director of Production, hire all Stage Managers needed for summer season

  • Liaise with Williams College:

  • Act as primary contact between Williamstown Theatre Festival and Williams College regarding housing coordination and facilities, schedules, and procedures related to on-campus living

  • Attend monthly planning meetings with Williams College and additional topic specific meetings as needed

  • Act as a liaison between artists and internal departments such as Marketing & Development, Box Office, and the Business Office

  • Review and edit programs, press releases, and marketing materials on behalf of the Producing Department

  • Attend weekly staff meetings and topic specific meetings as needed

  • Schedule and facilitate weekly Festival Planning/Production meetings

  •  Embrace the Festival's commitment to Equity, Diversity, Inclusion, Accessibility (EDIA) and Anti-Racism by actively participating in and encouraging behaviors among staff members that exemplify respect; interrupting microaggressions and other behaviors that hinder our EDIA and Anti-Racism efforts; engaging in the diversification of the workforce; demonstrating a degree of cultural competency that encourages healthy relationships with all company members

  • Adhere to all Festival safety protocols

o Compensation:  $67,000-72,000

o Submission Information

Technical Director, Cleveland Playhouse 

The Technical Director leads the scene shop, carpenters and build process for a 8-9 play season. Responsibilities include analyzing scripts and designer drawings, estimating build costs, creating build and install schedules, make construction drawings, communicate with designers and director, and cultivate a collaborative, inclusive and anti-racist culture.

o Essential Duties: Leadership and Supervision:

  • Partner with the Associate Technical Director (ATD) to hire, train and supervise IATSE Scene Shop Head Carpenter, Deck Carpenter, four Scenic Carpenters, and occasional Overhire Carpenters; CPH is an IATSE apprentice house

  • Work closely with Paint Shop Charge Scenic Artist to plan shared work
    Cultivate a collaborative, inclusive, and anti-racist culture in the scene shop by building culturally competent and generative relationships among staff, and immediately addressing instances of micro aggressive or harmful language or behavior

  • Support scene shop staff participation in CPH learning opportunities

  • Attend and run department meetings

  • Manage direct-report timesheets and personnel records

  • Maintain a safe and healthy work environment

  • Designer Support and Collaboration:

    • Communicate with Designers to support and execute designs with a high artistic standard within resources of time, labor, materials, and budget

    • Ensure design changes are communicated to production team

    • Foster a design process that includes accessibility and cultural competency

    • Communicate with Stage Manager and Designer on rehearsal and tech notes

  • Scenic Construction/Install/Tech Process:

    • Estimate materials and labor costs from Designer's preliminary drawings; refine estimates with final drawings to ensure efficiency, cost-effectiveness and safety, while maintaining the design vision

    • Create Vectorworks and CAD construction drawings from Designer's plates
      Source and purchase materials in a timely, resource-efficient way, prioritizing local, diverse and socially responsible vendors

    • Work with all production departments to create build, load-in and strike schedules
      Manage construction, load in, installation, tech rehearsal and strike of all scenery
      Train Run Crew in moving scenery

  • Shop Maintenance:

    • Maintain shop, tools, equipment, stage rigging, theatrical systems, and stock

    • Recycle and reuse material as is possible and cost effective

    • Manage Scenic capital improvements

  • Administration:

    • Maintain updated and accurate theatre plans

    • Maintain timely and up to date scenic expense tracking

    • Collaborate in policy setting, season planning, script reading and budgeting

    • Uphold CPH policies and procedures

o Compensation:  $66,000-75,000

o Submission Information

Development Associate, Lincoln Center Theatre 

Lincoln Center Theater has produced over 200 plays and musicals at the Vivian Beaumont, Mitzi E. Newhouse, and Claire Tow Theaters at Lincoln Center and other theaters on and off-Broadway, as well as touring productions nationally and around the world.  LCT is committed to developing and producing new works and classics with an emphasis on the work of new and emerging playwrights, directors, and designers. LCT's education program, Open Stages, reaches thousands of public-school students annually with curriculum-related projects, teaching artist support, and tickets to LCT productions. LCT is committed to increased diversity, equity, inclusion, and access in all areas of its structure and operations as attention to these goals makes it stronger and helps better serve the artists, staff, crew, audience, and community at large. Lincoln Center Theater welcomes candidates who are fully committed to joining an organization that is proactively focused on diversity, equity, and inclusion. Applicants from populations underrepresented in theater and who align themselves with LCT's values and goals are strongly encouraged to apply. The Development Assistant/Associate reports to the Executive Director of Development & Planning, and broadly supports the work of a highly professional, fast paced ten-member development department raising $13+ million annually in addition to special purpose campaigns. This position provides ongoing administrative support to the LCT Board of Directors and to various Board committees, processes contributions, maintains donor records and handles VIP ticketing in addition to providing administrative support to the Executive Director and the Director of Major Gifts.

o Responsibilities: Process, track and reconcile gifts to LCT; coordinate and write acknowledgements for Board members, major donors and institutional funders.

  • Enter gift data and maintain specialized gift records including multi-year pledges in Raisers Edge; maintain working knowledge of software upgrades and best use standards; maintain discretion with sensitive information.

  • Schedule and prepare materials for full Board and Board Committee meetings, department meetings and donor meetings; reserve meeting space and maintain calendar and attendance lists.

  • Manage house seat requests for Board and institutional funders for LCT productions, Broadway and Off-Broadway shows,

  • Organize and maintain department's computer and hard copy filing systems

  • Maintain contact information and mailing lists for the Board and major donors.

  • Assist with travel and restaurant reservations for Executive Director of Development & Planning and Director of Major Gifts.

  • Prepare expense reports for Executive Director of Development & Planning and Major Gifts Director.

  • Assist at special events (must be available for some evening/weekend work).

  • Interface with LCT departments including Finance, Marketing, General Management, Production and Artistic, and ensure smooth communication.

  • Other projects as assigned.

  • 2+ years of experience in an administrative role, or commensurate experience in academic program

  • Ability to multi-task in a fast-paced office environment; self-starter with ability to prioritize

  • Comfort with Excel and budget documents; experience with Tessitura or Raiser's Edge a plus

  • Strong writer

  • Detail-oriented

  • Easy verbal communicator – ability to engage regularly and comfortably with Board members, major donors and senior staff

  • Passion for creative work environment; flexible; strong team player

  • Interest in problem-solving

o Compensation:  This is a full-time, exempt, salaried position with an annual salary range of $60,000 - $64,000. Lincoln Center Theater provides comprehensive benefits including: Paid Medical, Dental, and Vision Insurance, 403(b) and Employer Match, and Paid Time Off. 

o Submission Information

Theatre Director, Woolly Mammoth Theatre Company

The Technical Director leads the scene shop in its successful and safe execution and implementation of scenery for the stage, ensuring the process is completed smoothly, within the allotted time, budget, and scope, and in alignment with and service to Woolly's mission and values.

o Requirements: Minimum of five years of experience in technical direction or theatrical production

  • A broad skill base and knowledge in carpentry, rigging, welding, engineering, and automation

  • Ability to quickly solve problems that may arise unexpectedly in order to get work done efficiently and safely

  • Ability to research an unknown process or material so it may be applied to a technical solution for a scenic element 

  • Knowledge of standard theatrical scenic construction methods to use in technical designs

  • Knowledge of a wide variety of construction materials and methods used in the theater to implement in technical designs

  • Skill in preparing budgets and labor estimates to keep projects within an allotted time frame, budget, and scope

  • Familiarity with Microsoft Office and CAD software, especially AutoCAD and VectorWorks to create plans and drawings for scenic construction

  • Excellent communication skills

  • Active engagement and leadership development in your individual position is integral to the overall health of our organization. This will be reviewed and defined with your supervisor to set individual goals. Woolly encourages employees to take personal responsibility and pride in their work

  • See the larger picture and pull out the relevant details to diagnose problems. Think creatively about how to solve problems including new ways of working together. Woolly values innovative thinking, big ideas, and bigger passion

  • Collaborate with and adapt to a wide variety of people and personalities, working styles, and artistic visions

  • Ability to lead and/or supervise employees to get work done efficiently and safely with an appropriate level of quality and expectations

  • Ability to communicate and delegate tasks to others in order to keep the flow of work moving forward at an efficient rate

o Compensation:  Starting at $63,000

o Submission Information

Costume Design Lecturer, UC Berkley

The Department of Theater, Dance, and Performance Studies at the University of California, Berkeley seeks applications for a Lecturer faculty position in the area for Costume Design for Performance.

o Requirements: The Department seeks candidates who are interested in designing at least one production per semester in addition to their teaching duties. 

  • It is expected that all courses will be conducted in person, and that instructors will be present in the classroom.

  • Courses include:

    • Costume Design for Performance - This studio class explores some fundamental approaches and techniques for designing costume.

    • Performance Design - will be approached as a product of all the performative tools and contexts – text, visuals, sound, space, kinetics, etc – with particular focus for this class on the scenographic role of the performer. Through personal expression and collaborative investigation students will be given some basic tools allowing them to conceptualize, communicate and realize costumes. Previous art training is helpful but not essential. The student must provide most art supplies. The final evaluation will include a presentation in lieu of an exam.

  • In addition to teaching responsibilities, general duties include office hours, assigning grades, advising students, preparing course materials (e.g., syllabus), and interacting with students outside of class time via email and/or bCourses.

  • Some courses may require supervision of discussion sections taught by graduate students.

o Compensation:  $64,329–$91,718

o Submission Information

Milwaukee Repertory Theatre 

o Seeking: Various Roles 

o Location: Milwaukee, WI 

o Website: https://www.milwaukeerep.com 

For more information: https://www.milwaukeerep.com/about/work-us/jobs/?fbclid=IwAR2lXyj99fIOhY8MmQ5n4XRveG1wEqPl2mL_9w7A1-WVpLoZhqwUDc-2Crc

Milwaukee Repertory Theater is an Equal Opportunity Employer and values and encourages a diverse workforce. We invite you to review jobs that are currently available. 

Full-time employee benefits include health, dental and voluntary vision and disability insurance; flexible spending accounts; retirement plan; parking programs and complimentary tickets.

Application Instructions

Send your letter, resume and salary history (PDF or Word attachments only) to the email address listed in the job listing.

Oregon Shakespeare Festival 

o Seeking: Various Roles  

o Location: Ashland, Oregon

o Website: https://www.osfashland.org

For more information: https://www.osfashland.org/work-with-us?fbclid=IwAR2cqx7fSs1YYwa2I86SMVxJjZ8ns4ba2RqsEr51mMKIVWdiIL7ByQ4Lv8U

Located in the beautiful Rogue Valley of southern Oregon, the Tony Award-Winning Oregon Shakespeare Festival presents a season of eleven plays in rotating repertory across three theatres between the months of February and October. Additionally, OSF offers extensive educational opportunities to students, teachers, and theatregoers of all ages during our performance season.

We offer employment and career opportunities in a wide range of positions (acting, other performing opportunities, scenery, costumes, lighting, marketing, finance, etc.). We encourage you to check our website regularly for openings.

Two River Theater

Two River Theater annually produces a theatrical season that includes American and world classics, new plays and musicals, programs for young people, and festivals of new work. Each year, we also offer 40+ events that reflect our diverse community of Red Bank, New Jersey. Two River celebrates and honors our core values of Artistic Excellence; Education and Community Engagement; Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion; and Operational Excellence. Anyone who joins our team quickly becomes part of putting all of our initiatives into action day in and day out. Two River Theater is led by Artistic Director John Dias and Managing Director Michael Hurst.Two River Theater is dedicated to the goal of building an equitable and culturally diverse work environment and strongly encourages applications from members of underrepresented groups.

o Seeking: Various Roles 

o Location: Red Bank, NJ

o Website: https://tworivertheater.org/jobs/

The Kate Spade New York Foundation

o To honor Kate Spade's legacy of empowering and inspiring women and girls, the National Council for Behavioral Health is excited to provide complimentary Mental Health First Aid trainings to communities throughout the five boroughs of New York City and New Jersey and in partnership with organizations that specifically support these populations. 

What is Mental Health First Aid?

Just as CPR helps you assist an individual having a heart attack, Mental Health First Aid helps you assist someone experiencing a mental health or substance use-related crisis. In the Mental Health First Aid course, you learn risk factors and warning signs for mental health and addiction concerns, strategies for how to help someone in both crisis and non-crisis situations, and where to turn for help.

The National Council for Behavioral Health shares Kate Spade New York Foundation's belief in "the power of women to transform their communities" through empowerment.  In support of this mission, we are offering through a competitive application process, select Mental Health First Aid and Youth Mental Health First Aid trainings, fully funded!  

o Location: New York, NY 

o Website

o Application information

For more Offstage opportunities, visit OffStageJobs.com and Playbill.com.


NYC Women's Fund for Media, Music and Theatre 

The NYC Women's Fund for Media, Music and Theatre provides grants to encourage and support the creation of digital, film, music, television, and live or online theatre content that reflects the voices and perspectives of all who identify as women.The NYC Women's Fund for Media, Music and Theatre ("Women's Fund"), administered by the New York Foundation for the Arts (NYFA) in partnership with the City of New York Mayor's Office of Media and Entertainment (MOME), is part of a groundbreaking series of initiatives that address the underrepresentation of women in film, music, television and theatre. The Fund provides grants to encourage and support the creation of content that reflect the voices and perspectives of all who identify as women. The $2 million to be awarded in the fourth cycle brings the grand total of funding to $7.5 million, allocated to a total of 335 recipients (89 in Cycle 3, 94 in Cycle 2, and 63 in Cycle 1).

o Deadline: November 1

o Application Fee: Free

o Eligibility: In addition to being made by, for, or about all who identify as women, projects are eligible if they feature a prominent woman perspective; and/or include a woman-identified director and/or producer and/or writer/songwriter and/or engineer (for recordings) and/or woman-indentified protagonist(s) or lead musical role.

o Address: 538 9th Street, Suite 210 Oakland, CA 94607

o Contact: 415.391.1474

o Application Information 

Audible Emerging Playwrights Fund 

In 2017, Audible launched a theater initiative, intended to radically increase access to exceptional plays and performances. A core pillar of the initiative is the Emerging Playwrights Fund, a program that invests in and nurtures self-identifying emerging playwrights, some of our most inventive, delightful, and provocative storytellers. Through the Fund, Audible aims to connect extraordinary performers with remarkable original work, amplifying new voices and harnessing the power and potential of audio to reach millions of listeners. The Fund specifically supports the creation of original dramatic work, written with audio in mind, but theatrical in spirit. Audible is dedicated to commissioning, developing, and producing work that reflects the diversity of our members and our world. To accomplish this, Audible is committed to granting at least 50% of emerging playwright commissions to artists of color and women.

o Deadline: None

o Application Fee: Free

o Eligibility: please submit all of the following to AudibleTheater@audible.com:

  • One full-length script for an original or adapted play (in English language only) that represents your voice ("Script"). The Script can be in any genre and may include one-acts and solo pieces;

  • A short biography; and

  • A brief statement about why audio plays appeal to you.

  • If you have an idea for an original audio play, you are welcome to include a pitch or summary along with your statement (this is encouraged, but not required)

o Contact: AudibleTheater@audible.com

o Application Information 

Steven Schwartzberg Grants for Mental Health & Wellness

Writers are the beating heart of theater, whom we rely upon to take us on journeys and inspire us to think. During these unprecedented times, DGF has created the Steven Schwartzberg Grants to provide financial support for mental health and wellness services for writers. To help connect writers to therapists, DGF has partnered with Advekit, an online therapist matching service, to expand access to mental health support that might be out of your reach.

Please complete the form to receive $1,000 toward therapy through Advekit, courtesy of DGF.

If you already have a therapist or are seeking mental wellness support other than Western talk therapy, DGF is working on ways to support you in your wellness.


NYC Department of Cultural Affairs (DCLA)

The NYC DCLA is dedicated to supporting and strengthening New York City's vibrant cultural life. Among our primary missions is to ensure adequate public funding for non-profit cultural organizations, both large and small, throughout the five boroughs.

They have many grants tailored to the needs of artists living and working in the city throughout the year.

o Deadline: Ongoing

o Application Fee: Free

o Eligibility: Independent Artists and Groups

o Address: New York City Department of Cultural Affairs 31 Chambers Street New York, New York 10007

o Contact: 212.513.9300

o Application Information 

SubletSeries@HERE Program

This creative curated rental program has allowed many upstart companies and emerging artists to realize their full artistic vision on a small budget. The program provides subsidized performance and rehearsal space, technical assistance, and administrative support, including a fully staffed box office. SubletSeries@HERE artists can also access equipment that is not typically available in venues our size such as video projectors, wireless microphones, color scrollers—all for free or at subsidized rates. We accept applications from artists all over the world for the opportunity to show work.

o Deadline: Ongoing

o Application Fee: Free

o Eligibility: Independent Artists and Groups

o Address: HERE Program 145 Sixth Ave New York, NY 10013

o Contact: 212.647.0202

o Application Information 

Annenberg Foundation

The Annenberg Foundation does most of their funding in the arts, culture, and humanities to organizations in the counties of Los Angeles, Orange, Riverside, San Bernadino, and Ventura. The Annenberg Foundation's arts and humanities grants are available to agencies that serve the greater Los Angeles region, typically with budgets over $5 million.

o Deadline: Ongoing

o Application Fee: Free

o Eligibility: Arts, culture, and humanities in greater Los Angeles region

o Address: 2000 Avenue of the StarsSuite 1000S Los Angeles, CA 9006

o Contact: info@annenberg.org

o Application Information 


The Players Theatre Improv and Sketch Residency 

The Players Theatre is dedicated to creating space for those to create.  Improv and Sketch Comedy is an art form like no other which sparks ideas and generates a unique unity between audience and performer.  We want you here!  Submit your proposal for The Players Theatre Improv and Sketch Residency.

o Deadline: December 31 

O Application Information

New Harmony Residency 

For more than three decades, The New Harmony Project has gathered world-class writers and artists along the banks of the Wabash River for an intensive, creative residency and retreat program in the spring of each year. Throughout that time, Pulitzer Prize, Tony, Emmy, and Academy Award-winning artists have worked alongside early and mid-career writers, students, and the local community to create a one-of-a-kind experience in Utopia. With a unique focus on people over product, The New Harmony Project clears space and provides a supportive environment for each writer and artist to build their own experience.

o Deadline: October 2

o Eligibility: This year, through our open selection process, we're seeking storytellers who are interested in an artist-centered residency that will provide a creative and nurturing environment, supportive artistic community, and dramaturgical resources in a bucolic setting. These residencies will not include a full developmental workshop with actors and a creative team, but there will be opportunities to hear your work out loud in informal settings. At the 2024 conference, we will also be supporting 1-3 Productions in Residence selected in collaboration with partner organizations outside of the open selection process. These projects will be receiving a full developmental workshop with actors and a creative team, but will be shorter in duration.

o Contact: If you have any questions, please email applications@newharmonyproject.org (please, no phone calls). We look forward to reviewing your applications, and thank you for taking the time to apply!

O Application Information

Dance and Social Justice Fellowship Program 

Made possible by the generous support of the Ford Foundation, Dance/NYC invites disabled dance workers to submit applications for awards through the third iteration of the Disability. Dance. Artistry. Dance and Social Justice Fellowship Program. Selected individual disabled dance workers will receive awards scaled from $1,500-$4,000, to reimburse expenses incurred from engaging in dance and/or social justice activities from July 1, 2022 through June 30, 2023. Dance/NYC anticipates awarding up to 40 grants.

o Deadline: October 10

o Eligibility: Identify as a disabled dance worker, as defined by the following:

  • dancer, dance performer, choreographer, dance photographer, dance videographer, dance teaching artist, dance writer/critic, dramaturg, dance scholar and/or

  • related artistic and technical personnel such as: technicians (lighting, stage management, production, etc.), dance musicians/accompanists, independent presenters, producers, agents and/or managers, dance theatre personnel (ushers, in-house vendors, etc.), organizers and social justice advocates, access doulas and accessibility coordinators

  • Reside (live for the majority of the year) in the metropolitan New York City area, including the five boroughs of New York City (The Bronx, Brooklyn, Manhattan, Queens, and Staten Island) as well as Nassau, Rockland, Suffolk, and Westchester counties in New York State, and Bergen and Hudson counties in New Jersey; 

  • Undertook dance and/or social justice activities during the period July 1, 2022 to June 30, 2023 which were completed within or disseminated from (in the case of online activities) the metropolitan New York City area; and

  • Are able to provide the following information to process digital payment:

  • A Tax Identification Number, which can include any of the following: social security number (SSN), employer identification number (EIN), or an individual taxpayer identification number (ITIN)

O Application Information

Artcroft Center for Arts and Humanities

Residencies of an average of 2-8 weeks for visual artists, writers, actors, and  performance artists. Residency provides housing, studio, and meals; artist responsible residency fee ($40/day), deposit (10% of residency fee), travel, materials, and local transportation.

o Deadline: Ongoing

o Application Fee: $25

o When: 2-8 weeks

o Eligibility: Residencies are available to established and emerging visual and literary artists 18 years of age and older without regard for race, gender, sexual orientation, or religion.

o Address: Artcroft Center for Arts and Humanities 2075 Johnson Rd. Carlisle, KY 40311

o Contact: artcroft@msn.com

O Application Information

Other Resources 

NOTE: For more resources, visit our pages of Resources - Funding, Submissions, and more.

NYFA SOURCE - The New York Foundation for the Arts maintains the most comprehensive national directory of awards, services and publications for artists in the NYFA Source section of their website.

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#ScreenOpps FILM FESTIVALS  She/Her Fest  She/Her Fest was created to empower, recognize, and promote art created by women identifying filmm...