
Feminist Art Submissions due to NOW by June 30

June 2022 National Organization for Women (NOW) Art-a-Thon

Submit Your Feminist Art - by June 30

The first-ever NOW Art-a-Thon is open to NOW members and non-members alike. Participants will have their artwork featured on our Virtual Art Gallery on the NOW website, as part of our and featured on our 2022 National NOW Conference slides. One lucky participant will also win two free tickets to the 2022 National NOW Conference.

Art Submission Guidelines:  https://now.org/art-a-thon/

Online Art Submission Form:  https://airtable.com/shrLjxGfDUXN2YL0o

Brooklyn-Queens NOW (BQNOW)
National Organization for Women - Brooklyn-Queens Chapter

Follow us on Twitter: @BklynQnsNOW

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