
#StageOpps #StageOppsSep20

and WomenArts present

Submission opportunities for women in theatre.

##Opportunities with hashtags are for selected populations.
**Opportunities starred are for women only.


*Exclusive #StageOpps Listing*

Check back next month for new Special Opps!

TO SUBMIT: Include the Special Opps Code, which can be retrieved by emailing specialoppscode@gmail.com,

COVID-19 Financial Assistance & Resources

Artist Relief - Cycle IV

To support artists during the COVID-19 crisis, a coalition of national arts grantmakers have come together to create an emergency initiative to offer financial and informational resources to artists across the United States.

Artist Relief will distribute $5,000 grants to artists facing dire financial emergencies due to COVID-19; serve as an ongoing informational resource; and co-launch the COVID-19 Impact Survey for Artists and Creative Workers, designed by Americans for the Arts, to better identify and address the needs of artists.

  • Deadline: September 23rd, 2020

  • Application Fee: Free

  • Eligibility: 

    • Practicing artists able to demonstrate a sustained commitment to their work, careers, and a public audience.

    • Experiencing dire financial emergencies due to the COVID-19 pandemic

    • 21 years of age or older.

    • Provide a W9 and Social Security Number (SSN) or Individual Taxpayer Identification Number (ITIN)—we will collect this information after you’ve been notified of your selection.

    • Residing and working in the U.S. for the last two years.

    • Not a full-time employee, board member, director, officer, or immediate family member of any of the coalition partners.

    • Not previously awarded a relief grant from this fund.

  • Address: N/A

  • Contact: info@artistrelief.org

  • Application Information

The Actor’s Fund

To help our community manage during this public health crisis The Actors Fund has partnered with several industry organizations to provide emergency financial assistance to those who have immediate financial needs. Please note, while some of the funds are for members of entertainment unions, you do not need to be a union member to receive help from The Actors Fund. Please know that we are experiencing an extremely high volume of requests and ask for your patience during this time.

Emergency financial assistance is available for people who are unable to pay their basic living expenses (food/housing/health care) over the next two months. We ask that if you have the resources to cover that period, please wait to apply. These are unprecedented times and we all must steward our resources very carefully.

  • Deadline: Ongoing

  • Application Fee: Free

  • Eligibility: 

    • Based on current financial need (inability to pay next two month’s bills).

    • A minimum of five years of recent entertainment industry employment with earnings of at least $6,500 for three out of the last five years OR a minimum of 20 years of industry employment with a minimum of 10 years of earnings of at least $5,000 (please note that income from teaching does not qualify).

    • Eligibility requirements for dancers—three years of recent dance earnings of at least $2,000 a year.

  • Address:

    • The Actor’s Fund National Headquarters

      729 7th Ave 10th floor

      New York, NY 10019

  • Contact: 

    • New York City: 800.221.7303

    • Chicago: 312.372.0989

    • Los Angeles: 888.825.0911

  • Application Information

Arts and Culture Leaders of Color Emergency Fund

The Arts and Culture Leaders of Color Emergency Fund is intended to help those pursuing careers as artists or arts administrators whose income has been directly impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic. This fund is for those who self-identify as BIPOC (Black, Indigenous, People of Color). If you fit this description and you are in need of short-term, immediate financial assistance – we would like to help. 

  • Deadline: Ongoing

  • Application Fee: Free

  • Eligibility: All BIPOC artists who need financial assistance during this crisis are encouraged to apply.

  • Address: N/A

  • Contact: info@aacdmv.org

  • Application Information

The Bret Adams & Paul Reisch Foundation Emergency Grant

Playwrights, composers, librettists and lyricists who have had a full professional show cancelled, closed, or indefinitely postponed due to COVID-19 are eligible for a $2,500 emergency grant.

  • Deadline: Ongoing

  • Application Fee: Free

  • Eligibility: A playwright, composer, lyricist, or librettist who has had a full professional production (defined for these purposes as a LORT, Off-Broadway, or Broadway full production, not a reading or workshop) of which you are a writer that was cancelled, closed, or indefinitely postponed due to the COVID-19 closures.

  • Address: N/A

  • Contact: kate@bretnpaulfoundation.org

  • Application Information

DGF Emergency Grant for Writers

DGF is processing Emergency Grants based on severity of need, especially as it relates to COVID-19. DGF is sensitive to the inherent economic challenges that will arise in relation to CDC recommendations for social distancing.

  • Deadline: Ongoing

  • Application Fee: Free

  • Eligibility: All writers in need are encouraged to apply.

  • Address:

    • Claire Hackett

      Dramatists Guild Foundation

      417 Myrtle Ave Suite 34

      Brooklyn, NY 11205

  • Contact: applications@dgf.org

  • Application Information

Emergency Survival Fund for LGBTQ2S Artists, Performers & Tip-Based Workers

Glad Day Bookshop has set up an emergency fund to help LGBTQ2S artists, performers & tip-based workers. This fund is not meant to help people recover lost income.

  • Deadline: Ongoing

  • Application Fee: Free

  • Eligibility: All LBBTQ2S artists, performers, & tip-based workers are encouraged to apply.

  • Address: 

    • Glad Day Bookshop

      499 Church Street

      Toronto, Ontario, Canada

  • Contact: michael@gladday.ca

  • Application Information

League of Professional Theatre Women Emergency Loan Fund

The League of Professional Theatre Women is offering full members of the League, in good standing, access to an emergency loan fund.

  • Deadline: Ongoing

  • Application Fee: Free

  • Eligibility: Full members of the League who are in good standing and are in financial need.

  • Address:

  • League of Professional Theatre Women

  • 520 8th Avenue 24th Floor

  • New York, NY 10018

  • Contact: 888.297.3117 x1

  • Application Information

Musicians Foundation

The Musicians Foundation provides grants to U.S. musicians in any genre in a time of acute need due to personal, medical, dental, or family crisis, natural disaster, or other emergency situation.

  • Deadline: Ongoing

  • Application Fee: Free

  • Eligibility: All musicians in need are encouraged to apply.

  • Address:

    • Musicians Foundation

      875 Sixth Avenue Suite 2303

      New York, New York 10001

  • Contact: info@musiciansfoundation.org

  • Application Information

SAG-AFTRA Disaster Relief Fund & SAG-AFTRA Motion Picture Players Welfare Fund 

The SAG-AFTRA Foundation and the SAG-AFTRA Motion Picture Players Welfare Fund (MPPWF) have a COVID-19 Disaster Fund to provide urgent financial support to SAG-AFTRA members and families affected by this global pandemic.

  • Deadline: Ongoing

  • Application Fee: Free

  • Eligibility: All SAG-AFTRA members in need are encouraged to apply.

  • Address: N/A

  • Contact: https://sagaftra.foundation/emergency-assistance-contact/

  • Application Information


The Breath Project

Our mission is to select, curate and archive work from multidisciplinary theater artists of color who are responding to our current moment in history, and to build relationships  between artists of color and producers of live theater in their city, state and/or region. Please know that 100% of any funds raised in connection with the 2020 virtual festival will be given directly to the curating and presenting artists.   

  • Deadline: September 14th, 2020

  • Application Fee: Free

  • Eligibility: All submissions must come from an artist of color, be a digital recording of a live performance that is 8-minutes-and-46-seconds in length, and contains all (unproduced) original work (and/or work that is in the public domain).

  • Categories:  Short Plays, New Works, Drama, Theatre

  • Contact: thebreathproject2020@gmail.com

  • Submission Information

The Trans Play Of Remembrance

The Trans [Plays] of Remembrance Festival is currently accepting submissions of short plays written by members of the transgender community. The plays should fit the theme of The Transgender Day of Remembrance, but that doesn’t mean they need to be sad or somber; we encourage you to submit works celebrating and remembering life not only in the past, but in the present and future as well.

The Transgender Day of Remembrance is a day meant to honor and memorialize those in the trans* community lost to anti-transgender bigotry and violence. The origin of the Transgender Day of Remembrance was in 1999 by Gwendolyn Ann Smith as a vigil in tribute to the life of Rita Hester, an African American transgender woman. In remembrance of Rita, and the many other BIPOC members of the trans* community, we aspire to feature their voices in this festival.

  • Deadline: September 5th, 2020

  • Application Fee: Free

  • Eligibility: To submit a script, you must identify as a member of the trans* community, and we ask that you send a short paragraph explaining your connection to the Transgender Day of Remembrance  with your play. Any submission without this will not be considered. Plays should be 10 minutes or shorter in length, and be able to be performed digitally over Zoom. We look forward to reading all your brilliant pieces.

  • Categories:  Short Plays, New Works, Drama, Theatre

  • Contact: N/A

  • Submission Information

The Woodward/Newman Drama Award

The Woodward/Newman Drama Award is an exclusive honor offered by Bloomington Playwrights Project, remembering the many great dramas Joanne Woodward and Paul Newman performed in together.

It presents the best unpublished full-length drama of the year with a cash prize of $3,000 and a full production as part of the BPP’s Mainstage season, along with travel reimbursement. Submissions for the 2021-22 competition must be submitted by Dec 1, 2020.

  • Deadline: December 1st, 2020

  • Application Fee: $10 Administrative Fee

  • Eligibility:

    • “Full-length” plays should have a complete running time of between 1 hour 15 minutes (75 minutes) to 2 hours 15 minutes (135 minutes).

    • Plays submitted must be unpublished at the time of submission.

    • Each submission should be sent to BPP via email.

    • Your email should include the following: Tell us you are submitting to the Woodward Newman Drama Competition, your name, phone number, the name of your play, and how you are paying the $10 administrative fee

    • Attach a PDF file containing your script with the following information included in the following order: Title page with author name, synopsis (1 page or less), character list/breakdown, production history for the play—include readings and productions, a brief bio of the playwright, full script, submissions that fail to include all requested information in the order listed will be disqualified from the contest, plays submitted in previous years will be accepted, two separate submissions per playwright per annual competition are allowed as long as each submission has all the required materials.  

  • Categories: New Works, Drama, Theatre

  • Contact: literarymanager@newplays.org

  • Submission Information

Freshwater Theatre

Freshwater Theatre prides itself on constantly working with new artists, expanding our family. We’re always on the lookout for new scripts and new technical artists to work with.

  • Deadline: Ongoing

  • Application Fee: Free

  • Eligibility: While we certainly are interested in world premieres of new plays, we also are very interested in second and third productions of new works, as we believe this to be the key to finding the works that will propel theater into the future. We will only respond to playwright submissions for plays that come into serious consideration for future production. We cannot give any specific time frame on if/when a response will be given.

  • Categories: New Plays

  • Contact: info@freshwatertheatre.com

  • Submission Information


NY WinterFest 2021

Now calling all playwrights: Here’s a chance to have your play live on a New York City Stage! Submit your work to the Winterfest 2021 festival competition. Accepting plays and musicals of all genres between 5-90 minutes in length. New York Theater Festival has been a haven for playwrights for 17 seasons. Total cash prizes up to $7,000. 

  • Deadline: Ongoing

  • Application Fee: Free

  • Eligibility: Submissions Accepted from a 30-mile radius outside of Manhattan and only run if the entire cast and crew are from New York City. Plays are considered on a first-come first-served basis. The earlier you submit, the better your chances are of having your script invited to the festival.  Each applicant is fully responsible for all elements of their production, including directing, casting, stage-managing.  We know exactly what you need to make your show a success and we welcome you into our community of playwrights and theater innovators.

  • Categories: Short Plays, Full Length, One Act

  • Contact: NYwinterfest@gmail.com

  • Submission Information

Broadway Bound Theatre Festival 2021

We would like to invite Black playwrights, theatre-makers, and composers to submit their new scripts to BBTF for a spot in our 2021 Winter Festival at Theatre Row in Manhattan. We’ve waived both our $25 Reader Fee for all submissions and the $1000 Acceptance Fee, if your play or musical is selected.

  • Deadline: September 6th, 2020

  • Application Fee: $25; *Free for Black Artists

  • Eligibility: Musicals: Max 120 minutes plus a 10 minute intermission. Straight plays: Max 90 minutes in length; min 60 minutes with no intermission. This is an opportunity EXCLUSIVE TO BLACK ARTISTS.

  • Categories: New Works, Drama, Comedy, Theatre

  • Contact: hello@broadwayboundfestival.com

  • Submission Information

Middle/High School Plays by BIPOC Playwrights

Theatrefolk Inc. is seeking one-act Middle School & High School play submissions by BIPOC playwrights for immediate publication. Our mission is to represent student voices and to let students know they are not alone. It has been made clear where we have succeeded and where we have failed in this pursuit. We want to do better. It’s crucial that students know there are playwrights out there speaking directly to them and for them.

  • Deadline: Ongoing

  • Application Fee: Free

  • Eligibility: Plays must be contemporary, feature characters that are of Middle School and High School age, and have simple staging requirements. Although not required, plays that can be performed online or in a social distancing scenario will receive more productions.

  • Categories: New Works, Drama, Comedy, Theatre

  • Contact: submissions@theatrefolk.com

  • Submission Information 

Fire Escape Plays

The New Jersey Repertory Company is soliciting 30-45 minute plays or musicals that are newly written and previously unproduced, and that can be staged on a multilevel fire escape. Playwrights should keep in mind that cast size is limited to 1-3 actors and performers will be on separate levels with separate entrances and there will be no physical contact. Audiences will sit in their cars as in a drive-in movie or in safely distanced and designated spaces with portable seats. 

  • Deadline: Ongoing

  • Application Fee: Free

  • Eligibility: Performers will be on separate levels with separate entrances onto the fire escape and no physical contact. All submissions must comply with this.

  • Categories: New Works, Plays, Musicals

  • Contact: njrep@njrep.org

  • Submission Information

Project Y Theatre Company

Project Y is now accepting plays, scenes, and monologues that are written with the context of the scene being a Zoom (or Skype) call. Plays can be two characters, or more. Context is key -- there must be a realistic need for this to be a Zoom call: teenagers talking late at night, a couple separated by borders, classmates trying to Zoom for a class project, lovers making plans to elope, etc.

This effort is sponsored by Project Y Theatre Company, NYC. All submitted plays will be considered for professional production with Project Y in NYC. In addition, the Project Y Co-Artistic directors are theater professors at Carnegie Mellon University and Middlebury College, respectively, and are in search of material to use with their classes. All plays chosen for production will receive a stipend for their work.

We are in the midst of an unprecedented temporary departure from the traditions of theatre as we know it, so let's make some new work for this new world.

  • Deadline: Ongoing

  • Application Fee: Free

  • Eligibility: All submissions will be eligible for professional production with Project Y Theatre Company NYC. 

  • Categories: New Works, Plays, Musicals

  • Contact: info@projectytheatre.org

  • Submission Information

Panglossian Productions

What are you working on?  What are you excited about?  What would you like to discuss and develop with a creative team?  Bring it on. Panglossian is seeking new full-length plays for our new global/local developmental reading series, Plays in Progress. We work with writers across the globe to develop work locally here in Williamsburg. Selected playwrights will discuss their goals for the script with our staff, attend one or two discussions/rehearsals, and participate in a public reading, which will be streamed online. Writers who are not local may participate virtually over Skype.

  • Deadline: Ongoing

  • Application Fee: Free

  • Eligibility: Playwrights at different stages in their careers who share our sense of daring and passion, and a desire to develop their work in a collaborative, supportive setting. Plays that show muscular language and strong theatricality and that say something universal in a unique way. While we are open to any genre, we would love to receive more comedic full-lengths and smart plays for young audiences.

  • Categories: New Plays

  • Contact: literary@panglossian.org

  • Submission Information

Urban Stages Emerging Playwright Award 

Our $500 Emerging Playwright Award (coupled with press coverage) is given to playwrights who show excellence and dedication throughout this process – from development to the stage. Out of hundreds of submissions a year, we select 15-20 plays for readings. From these, we select 1-3 plays annually to go on to our workshopping phase. Our workshops are meant to prepare a play for our Off-Broadway stage. From our workshops, we select 1-2 plays for full productions, complete with a playwright’s contract and compensation (separate from the award).                                      

  • Deadline: Ongoing

  • Application Fee: None

  • Eligibility: Plays may have been developed or produced elsewhere, but never produced in New York City. Plays from overseas and throughout the US are accepted and considered, but special attention will be given to playwrights who live in or near New York.

  • Categories: Full Length Plays, New Plays

  • Contact: 212.421.1380

  • Submission Information



The Connecticut Repertory Theatre at the University of Connecticut is seeking video auditions for its pre-recorded virtual production of the radio play adaptation of IT'S A WONDERFUL LIFE. Due to COVID-19 concerns, accepting video submission auditions in lieu of live Equity auditions. Please limit video submission to 3 minutes maximum. Prepare ONE CONTEMPORARY COMEDIC monologue of your choosing in the style of IT'S A WONDERFUL LIFE. Time limit includes your slate (your name, name of play, and character you will be performing). Please upload your video audition to Vimeo and include a link for viewing in your email submission. Youtube links are also acceptable, but Vimeo is strongly preferred. Please do not share via WeTransfer, Google Drive, Dropbox, iCloud or other file sharing platforms. If the actor prefers, we will also accept the same material in AUDIO format for this production. Follow the above guidelines for submission in this format as well. See breakdown for general self-tape suggestions.

  • Production Dates: 10/20-11/20

  • Union: AEA

  • Pay: URTA $688/week (rehearsal/first week of pre-recorded performances); $229/week (subsequent pre-recorded performance week)

  • Audition Information


TheatreSquared in Fayetteville, Arkansas is requesting that Equity actors interested in auditioning for our 2020-2021 Season submit a self-taped audition in lieu of live local Equity auditions. (See breakdown for character descriptions and video submission guidelines.)

  • Production Dates: 09/20-11/20

  • Union: AEA

  • Pay: SPT $619/week, plus travel and accommodations.

  • Audition Information


The Allied Theatre Group in Fort Worth, Texas is seeking Equity video submissions for its upcoming production of October Playlets. Stage West will be accepting video submissions through Saturday, September 12, 2020. Sides are available at stagewest.org/auditions. Scripts are available at Stage West. Please call the box office to make an appointment to read a script at 817-784- 9378. Please use the free service WeTransfer (wetransfer.com) to email audition submission to dana@stagewest.org, and include headshot, resume, and video audition.

For more Onstage opportunities, visit Backstage.com; ActorsAccess.com; and Playbill.com.


Professor of Scenic Design - UCLA

UCLA seeks applicants for a full time, tenured position for an Associate or Full Professor of Theater in the area of Scenic Design beginning July 1, 2021. The University of California, Los Angeles, and the Department of Theater are interested in candidates who are committed to the highest standards of professional activities and to the development of a campus climate that supports equality and diversity. Women and people of color are strongly encouraged to apply.

  • Position Type: Full Time

  • Eligibility: 

    • Minimum of 8 years professional experience designing at national and/or international venues. MFA in Theatrical Design, additional experience in film and television, art direction, and production design desirable but not required. 

    • A cooperative approach to theater education and ongoing collaborative relationships in the field.

    • A welcoming approach to students with a broad range of knowledge and skills in theater performance, production, and scholarship.

    • Ability to teach traditional and current design practices at both undergraduate and graduate levels.

    • Additional research and teaching interests such as projection, AR/VR immersive technology, immersive theater, or installation.

    • Ability to work with a wide range of culturally diverse students.

  • Application Information


The Cleveland Playhouse is seeking to hire a Stage Manager for our remote Zoom workshop script development of a new play September 24 & 25, 2020, as well as an SM for a separate, second remote Zoom workshop script development of new play October 20- 23, 2020. This SM will work with the director, playwright, cast and CPH staff.

  • Position Type: Full Time, Temporary

  • Eligibility: The candidate should send a cover letter, resume including three (3) references by September 6, 2020 to: Tyler Jacobson, Director of Production at cph_production@clevelandplayhouse.com Please indicate in the cover letter how you heard about this position.

  • Application Information


NYC Department of Cultural Affairs (DCLA)

The NYC DCLA is dedicated to supporting and strengthening New York City's vibrant cultural life. Among our primary missions is to ensure adequate public funding for non-profit cultural organizations, both large and small, throughout the five boroughs.

They have many grants tailored to the needs of artists living and working in the city throughout the year.

  • Deadline: Ongoing

  • Application Fee: Free

  • Eligibility: Independent Artists and Groups

  • Address:

    • New York City Department of Cultural Affairs

      31 Chambers Street

      New York, New York 10007

  • Contact: 212.513.9300

  • Application Information 

SubletSeries@HERE Program

This creative curated rental program has allowed many upstart companies and emerging artists to realize their full artistic vision on a small budget. The program provides subsidized performance and rehearsal space, technical assistance, and administrative support, including a fully staffed box office. SubletSeries@HERE artists can also access equipment that is not typically available in venues our size such as video projectors, wireless microphones, color scrollers—all for free or at subsidized rates. We accept applications from artists all over the world for the opportunity to show work.

  • Deadline: Ongoing

  • Application Fee: Free

  • Eligibility: Independent Artists and Groups

  • Address: 

    • HERE Program

      145 Sixth Ave

      New York, NY 10013

  • Contact: 212.647.0202

  • Application Information

Annenberg Foundation

The Annenberg Foundation does most of their funding in the arts, culture, and humanities to organizations in the counties of Los Angeles, Orange, Riverside, San Bernadino, and Ventura. The Annenberg Foundation's arts and humanities grants are available to agencies that serve the greater Los Angeles region, typically with budgets over $5 million.

  • Deadline: Ongoing

  • Application Fee: Free

  • Eligibility: Arts, culture, and humanities in greater Los Angeles region

  • Address:

    • 2000 Avenue of the Stars

      Suite 1000S

      Los Angeles, CA 9006

  • Contact: info@annenberg.org

  • Application Information


Object Movement

OBJECT MOVEMENT is a residency program for developing new works by puppeteers and object theater artists. Object Movement supports the development of new work and advances existing works-in-progress that address eternal human questions and the urgent challenges of our society today through puppetry and object theater, and produces an annual festival of performances. The Fall 2020 Digital Puppetry Lab will focus on the creative opportunities and challenges of making puppetry and object theater for a virtual audience with the tools of modern technology.

Eight participants will meet weekly on Zoom to share the questions they’re wrestling with and the discoveries they’ve made. Participants will take turns sharing works in progress and offering peer feedback, with moderation and support from the curators. Group meetings are on Tuesday evenings from 8:00pm to 9:30pm starting September 29, culminating in an online festival of “lab experiments” over four evenings, Thursday 11/19 through Sunday 11/22. The final meeting of the lab to reflect on the process will be on Tuesday, November 24.

  • Deadline: September 11th, 2020

  • Application Fee: Free

  • When: September-November

  • Eligibility: All eligible artists are encouraged to apply.

  • Address: 

    • The Center at West Park

      165 West 86th Street, 

      New York, NY 10024

  • Contact: info@centeratwestpark.org

  • Application Information

Artcroft Center for Arts and Humanities

Residencies of an average of 2-8 weeks for visual artists, writers, actors, and performance artists. Residency provides housing, studio, and meals; artist responsible residency fee ($40/day), deposit (10% of residency fee), travel, materials, and local transportation.

  • Deadline: Ongoing

  • Application Fee: $25

  • When: 2-8 weeks

  • Eligibility: Residencies are available to established and emerging visual and literary artists 18 years of age and older without regard for race, gender, sexual orientation, or religion.

  • Address: 

    • Artcroft Center for Arts and Humanities

      2075 Johnson Rd.

      Carlisle, KY 40311

  • Contact: artcroft@msn.com

  • Application Information


NOTE: For more resources, visit our pages of Resources - Funding, Submissions, and more.

NYFA SOURCE - The New York Foundation for the Arts maintains the most comprehensive national directory of awards, services and publications for artists in the NYFA Source section of their website.

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#ScreenOpps #ScreenOppsMarch25

#ScreenOpps FILM FESTIVALS  She/Her Fest  She/Her Fest was created to empower, recognize, and promote art created by women identifying filmm...