
CORONAVIRUS PLAYS #1MPF: A Rapid-Response Call To Action

CORONAVIRUS PLAYS #1MPF: A Rapid-Response Call To Action
For those of us in the artistic community who are sad, scared, heartbroken, confused, depressed, exhausted, sick, worried, lonely, or in isolation. In the past few days we've seen all of our regional theatres shutting down day by day, our playwrights having their productions cancelled, and the entirety of NYC theatre & Broadway going dark for an unknown period of time. Let's channel some of the sadness and uncertainty into some positive energy! 
Here's quick writing assignment: The Coronavirus Play Project 

Please write a rapid-response two character microplay, that is no more than 150 words max. (No monologues or solo plays please.) The play should address how you are feeling right now, living in this turbulent moment. Or, if you are looking for a bit of hope, you might want to write a love letter to our artistic community. Or, you might want to imagine what our future is going to look like. Or, you might want to vent. Or, you might want to explore some big questions with which you've been grappling right now. Or, you must just want to write something silly or funny. Whatever you want to write about. There are no rules and there is no specific theme. This opportunity is open to anyone around the world who wants to participate. 

You should write a play that any two humans can pick up, read, and be successful in, regardless of sex, gender, age, race, or culture, or physical ability. If we do a final project, we're going to have unknown community participants, who'll be signing up to be actors for this on the fly. We aim to include as many people as we can. There will be no casting process. We hope to avoid offensive representations with inappropriately cast community readers, regardless of the shape of the final project. The more general the casting needs are, the more inclusive we can be of our readers. 

To submit your work, please email coronavirusplays@gmail.com by Friday, March 20th, 2020, at 5pm EDT. The subject line of your email should be "Coronavirus Play, (Your Full Name)." Be sure to include the following information in the body of the email:
Your name, address, city, country, and contact info. Let us know who you are, where you're from, and the best way to get in touch with you. Please include your play as a .doc or .pdf attachment with the formatting "Lastname.Playtitle.CO1MPF.pdf (or .doc)." We ask that you do not include any cover pages or extra paper. This means no Final Draft style cover pages or gratuitous pages; just put your play name and author name at the top of the draft. Please only send one play. We can't accept multiple submissions. 

We plan to create a master file or document and share all of the work with everyone, so we can all read the responses. We're also examining the possibility of doing a Zoom-based performance of select/curated submissions, at a time next week, to be announced. 
For now, we just want to offer you an opportunity to create in the uncertain time. It's more about the act of writing and staying creative during this moment, than the final result. We wanted to provide a creative outlet, as an act of solidarity: a way to connect, stay busy, and engage with our craft, and each other. 

Sending love and respect to you all! Please take care of yourselves and your loved ones.
Hudson Valley Regional Ambassador

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