
#StageOpps #StageOppsMarch19

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Submission Opportunities Newsletter for Women in Theatre

You can view #StageOppsMarch19 online by clicking on the links below.

Brought to you by the



Special Opportunity
Open call for new work by playwrights of color!

WTF! (Women's Theater Festival) is a small festival of new work by women and gender-non-conforming artists. The Festival is in its third year, and attracts a large, enthusiastic, and diverse audience.  Three new plays each get a small-scale workshop with a week's rehearsal in our 77-seat theater in Hartford, CT. Playwright is integral in deciding how to allocate a modest budget to best serve the needs of the project.  Playwright is usually present for the rehearsal process, but it is not required. Travel and housing is available.
One slot in the season is reserved for a HartBeat Ensemble member.  Open submissions for the other two slots are open to PLAYWRIGHTS OF COLOR who are female, trans, or non-binary.  

Play must not have received a full professional production.  

Works in progress and proposals for devised work are also welcome.  No particular theme is sought, but a glance at our website (hartbeatensemble.org) and mission might help to understand the kind of work we do.  

Submissions can be emailed to hannah.simms@hartbeatensemble.org.  

The application deadline has been extended to March 5th for #StageOpps subscribers. Don’t forget to email specialoppscode@gmail.com to get the special code for this month’s Special Opportunity!
#ScreenOpps online
#StageOpps online
Ongoing additional Funding Resources

To sign up to receive any of our newsletters or to change your preferences, link here.
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Women in the Arts & Media Coalition, Inc., 244 Fifth Avenue, Suite 2932, New York, NY 10001
Sent by info@womenartsmediacoalition.org in collaboration with
Constant Contact

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