
#StageOpps #StageOppsFeb19

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Submission Opportunities Newsletter for Women in Theatre

You can view #StageOppsFeb19 online by clicking on the links below.

Brought to you by the



Special Opportunity
14th Annual One Act Play Festival (OAPF)

Presented by Artists’ Exchange

July 11-27, 2019

Submission Guidelines: Plays should be original, short one act plays; ideal length 10-15 minutes with 20-minute maximum. Previously produced plays acceptable. Playwrights may submit up to three (3) plays maximum.

Seeking Short Plays: Comedic, absurd, dramatic, satirical, farcical, musical, etc. are all welcome for review. Works for actors of all ages (children thru seniors) and abilities are strongly encouraged. Selected plays will be performed at Theatre 82 in Cranston, Rhode Island from July 11-27, 2019 (more performance details below).

Special Deadline for Submission - Women in the Arts & Media Coalition:
For members of the Women in the Arts & Media Coalition, all plays must be received by Friday, April 19, 2019 - one week longer than the standard deadline. Any plays received or postmarked past April 19 will not be accepted for review. Members must include code for extended deadline offer.

Plays will be reviewed and judged by a panel of community directors and actors on their artistic and technical merits, and collectively decided on whether they are “selected for performance” or “not selected.” Total number of selected plays is TBD, based on factors including number of submissions, length of plays, etc.

Selected Plays for Performance: The One Act Play Festival (OAPF) Panel will finalize and announce all selected plays for performance by the end of May. Playwrights will receive notification only if their play(s) was/were selected for performance, and the selected plays will also be posted on the festival’s webpage. Playwrights will not be notified if their works were not accepted. By submitting works, playwrights agree to allow Artists’ Exchange to produce their play(s) in the festival for the public’s entertainment and benefit with no performance/royalty fees.

Selected Playwrights: Participation is volunteer; no stipends or monetary prizes are awarded to selected playwrights. All monies collected from ticket sales and submission fees will benefit Artists’ Exchange/Gateways to Change, Inc. and the continuation of the OAPF for years to come. Selected playwrights will receive at least two (2) complimentary tickets and recognition in the playbill and festival webpage, including a personal bio and contact information (if provided). Performances are not video recorded.

About the One Act Play Festival: Since 2006, Artists’ Exchange has hosted the One Act Play Festival for the entertainment and enjoyment of the Cranston community. Short plays are submitted from local, regional, and national playwrights and then selected for performance by a panel of directors/actors. Casts feature community actors of all abilities ranging in sex, age, and experience levels. This year marks the 14th annual year and aims to showcase new works by emerging and established playwrights and highlight the best short plays that were submitted for review.

About Artists’ Exchange: Artists' Exchange is a nonprofit arts collaborative whose mission is to create an atmosphere in which creativity, learning and discovery converge and individuality is celebrated. We are operated by Gateways to Change, a non-profit organization dedicated to enhancing the quality of life for all human beings.

Artists' Exchange is home to multiple art studios, a gallery, art boutique and cafĂ©, along with secondary venue Theatre 82, a multi-use performance, meeting and instructional space. Enriching classes and summer camps are offered year-round in art, ceramics, theater, and music; and a variety of events – including plays, music concerts, birthday parties, and fundraisers – are hosted at our venues.

To Submit: Please send all plays to Artists’ Exchange by physical mail or email and include your contact information and play title(s). Playwrights may only submit up to three (3) plays maximum. Contact Festival Artistic Director Jessica Chace with any questions or communications at jessica.chace@artists-exchange.org.

By Mail: Attention: One Act Play Festival Submission
Artists’ Exchange
50 Rolfe Square
Cranston, RI 02910

By Email: In Subject line, please write “One Act Play Festival Submission: [Your Name]” and send to Jessica Chace at jessica.chace@artists-exchange.org.

The application deadline has been extended to April 19th for #StageOpps subscribers. Don’t forget to email specialoppscode@gmail.com to get the special code for this month’s Special Opportunity!
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Women in the Arts & Media Coalition, Inc., 244 Fifth Avenue, Suite 2932, New York, NY 10001
Sent by info@womenartsmediacoalition.org in collaboration with
Constant Contact

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