
#ScreenOpps #ScreenOppsFeb19

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Submission Opportunities Newsletter for Women in Film & Video

You can view #ScreenOppsFeb19 online by clicking on the links below.



Special Opportunity

The Florida Animation Festival is a four-day film festival launched in 2016 by The Tallahassee Film Society in partnership with Wells Fargo and The Pod Advertising to showcase amazing animated films and spotlight both regional and global animation talent.

Our festival includes feature programming, free children’s shows, short animated film submissions from around the world, workshops, speakers, and more! The FAF is hosted in a historic Amtrak Station in the All Saints District of downtown Tallahassee; a unique, storied location from 1858 that speaks to the FAF’s identity as the only festival of its kind in North Florida.

Our logo represents our vision for the festival. Like thousands of digital pixels that come together to form a concrete picture, our wish for the festival is that patrons, artists, and filmmakers will come together to create a vibrant celebration of the art of animation.

There is an extended deadline of March 3rd for #ScreenOpps subscribers! Don't forget to email specialoppscode@gmail.com to get the special code for this month's Special Opportunity!

#ScreenOpps online 
#StageOpps online
Ongoing additional Funding Resources online

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