
#StageOpps #StageOppsFeb17

and WomenArts present

Submission opportunities for women in theatre.

##Opportunities with hashtags are for selected populations.
**Opportunities starred are for women only.


Unquowa Repertory Theatre is now accepting submissions for UN-Charted, New Works Festival. The Festival will take place this July, 50 miles from Manhattan, in Fairfield, CT. Unquowa Repertory Theatre is a new, non-profit, professional theatre company in the town of Fairfield, Connecticut. Our mission is to bring together the highest quality writers, actors, designers, composers and lyricists – both established and emerging – and give them a welcoming destination for collaboration and creation.
What is UN-Charted?
UN-Charted is a New Works Festival dedicated to giving playwrights, composers, librettists and lyricists an opportunity to have their work performed by professionals.
How does it work?
Selected writers will work daily with a director and company of Equity performers, as well as a music director, should the piece be a musical. A stipend, and transportation from NYC are provided for each artist selected. Writers who do not live in the NY Metro area should still apply as financial aid for transportation or housing may be available.
What can be submitted?
Submitted projects should be works in development and not have had a professional production prior to the UN-Charted Festival. We will consider both original and adapted works, providing that the rights to any material not in the public domain have been granted in writing and a copy has been included with the applicant’s materials.
How Do I Submit?
To apply for inclusion in the Festival you will need to submit the following:
•    A letter of introduction including contact information; email address, phone number, mailing address
•    A synopsis (no more than one page, please)
•    A character breakdown specifying age, gender and ethnicity (if important)
•    The first 30 pages of the script/libretto
•    4 Demo tracks in mp3 format, if the piece is a musical (demos do not need to be produced in a studio)
•    Biographical information for each member of the writing team
•    Proof of rights, if the work is an adaptation of copyrighted material 

To submit, click on the link below and fill out the application form. http://www.unquowarep.org/un-der-development-theatre-festival/ Unquowa Repertory will send an email acknowledging receipt of the materials. Important Dates Unquowa Repertory will be accepting scripts until February 28th, 2017. If we feel your piece is a good fit for UN-Charted, we will request a full script and further demos by mid
to late March. 

Final decisions for UN-Charted 2017 will be made by the end of April, 2017 when all applicants will receive an email either thanking you for your submission or inviting you to present at UN-Charted. 

The application deadline has been extended to March 7th(till 11:59 pm) for #StageOpps subscribers. Don't forget to email specialoppscode@gmail.com to get the special code for this month's Special Opportunity!


Playwrights' Revolution
As Sacramento’s leader of bold, thought-provoking theatre, Capital Stage created the PLAYWRIGHTS’ REVOLUTION. This series of staged readings seeks to identify and develop exciting new plays and playwrights. These new works are brought to theatrical life through a series of staged readings performed by professional actors in Capital Stage’s intimate theatre. Capital Stage invites audiences to take part in the new play development process by attending readings and participating in post-reading discussion.
  • When/Where: 2017 in Sacramento, CA
  • Deadline: February 28, 2017
  • Application Fee: Free 
  • Eligibility: Capital Stage is particularly interested in plays that fulfill our mission to bring bold, thought-provoking work to the region. Plays must be full-length in any genre: comedy, drama, musical, etc. Translations, collections of one-acts, children’s plays and any play that has received a full-scale, professional production prior to submission are not eligible. Plays that have had a workshop, reading or non-professional production are still eligible. Only one submission per playwright is allowed each year.
  • Categories: Any Genre
  • Address: Attn: Literary Management, 2215 J Street, Sacramento, CA 95816
  • Contact: literarymanager@capstage.org 
  • Submission Information

Indie Boots Theatre Festival
Indie Boots creates and celebrates art featuring underrepresented perspectives on whose stories are worth telling, what's funny, and how the world works. Indie Boots projects encourage collaboration and coalition building among artists and activists.
  • When/Where: 2017 in Chicago, IL
  • Deadline: January 31, 2017 (Regular), February 14, 2017 (Late)
  • Application Fee: Free
  • Eligibility: All plays must use the word "Zoe" in the title ("Zoe's Room," "Guitar Lessons with Zoë," etc.) Selected plays usually run 5-10 minutes. (No minimum. 15 minute max.) Cast size: 2-10 actors (3-6 are encouraged). All characters are played by adults. Writers may submit more than one script. There are no premiere requirements. Directors are encouraged to cast underrepresented actors (POC, trans folks, etc). Writers may leave character descriptions blank, supply general info or suggestions, or state specific requirements the director must follow when deciding which actors to cast. Dialogue may be in any language, but scripts will be selected with consideration for our primarily English-speaking audience. Ableist language is common in contemporary writing, and while its use is usually inadvertent, we encourage the use of more inclusive language. Other forms of inadvertent derogatory language are also discouraged. We understand language is complicated, relative, and always changing.
  • Categories: Comedies and plays featuring underrepresented characters (women, queer folks, etc) are encouraged. All genres will be considered.
  • Address: N/A
  • Contact: IndieBootsOrg@gmail.com   
  • Submission Information

MITF: Summer 2017
MITF: Summer is going to be the biggest theatre festival in NYC-don't miss your chance to be a part of our exciting line-up. The summer festival is a combination of short plays and musicals, full-length plays and musicals, a variety division, the Short Play Lab, and staged readings.
  • When/Where: July 15-August 6, 2017 in New York, NY
  • Deadline: April 15, 2017 (Short Subjects and Full-lengths), May 2, 2017 (Variety Acts), June 20, 2017 (Short Play Lab)
  • Application Fee: Free but $250 for Staged Readings
  • Eligibility: 30 - 60 min. long. Short plays are the mainstay of MITF: Summer and will be given preference in selection over Full-lengths. (30-45 minute plays are the most desirable of all). Easy to produce in a no-frills festival. Any genre. (Plays using guns as props will not be considered). Union and Non-Union shows accepted. Plays must be sent in Word Document or PDF File. Pages MUST be numbered and script must be in standard playscript format. For the full-length category we are looking for: Plays 61-90 min. long. Any genre. Full-length musicals can be up to 120 min. long. Full-length plays and musical using guns as props are accepted. Variety: The variety division spans cabaret, magic, improv, sketch comedy, standup, and burlesque. Acts can be solo or group affairs, so long as they fit within an hour, including setup and strike, and so long as they bring their own music director and so forth. The Festival provides a keyboard and amp for any Variety Show, if needed. SPL's: The Short Play Lab has 2 programs of about 10 short plays each (not to exceed 10 min. in length, the shorter plays receive preference in selection). Each program is performed twice
  • Categories: A combination of full-lengths, short plays, and musicals, children's plays, a Variety division (Magic Acts, Improv, Stand-up, Cabaret, Sketch Comedy, etc), the Short Play Lab, and staged readings.
  • Address: 312 West 36th Street, NYC
  • Contact: john.chatterton@gmail.com 
  • Submission Information

Headwaters New Play Festival
To be considered for the Headwaters New Play Festival, a play must never have had a professional production and the playwright must be available to attend the workshop week (August 21-26, 2017). Since 2015’s festival, our goal has been to more accurately reflect the diversity of human experience by reserving one of our two slots for a female playwright. We will continue this at this season’s festival.
  • When/Where:  August 21-26, 2017 in Creede, CO
  • Deadline: February 16, 2017
  • Application Fee: Free
  • Eligibility: The Headwaters program is the source of new plays of the West: plays set in the current, historic, or mystic western United States; plays by playwrights originally from or living in the West; plays that deal with themes connected to the real or mythic West; and plays that re-imagine what “West” means.
  • Categories: Full-Length Plays 
  • Address: Creede Repertory Theatre, Attn: Headwaters, PO Box 269, Creede, CO 81130
  • Contact: headwaters@creederep.com 
  • Submission Information

East End Fringe Festival
This diverse and intimate theatrical event will debut Summer 2017 at the historic Vail-Leavitt Music Hall.  As a catalyst for cultural and community development, The East End Fringe Festival is dedicated to connecting adventurous emerging and established artists, appreciative audiences and supportive businesses and organizations to foster the growth of creative arts on Long Island.
  • When/Where: July 26- August 6, 2017 in Riverhead, NY
  • Deadline: Early Bird December 15, 2016, Regular March 16, 2017
  • Application Fee: Free before December 15, 2016, $25 after 
  • Eligibility: We are interested in receiving new, creative and edgy works from a very diverse population, all inclusive.
  • Categories: Plays and Poetry
  • Address: N/A
  • Contact: eastendfringefestival@gmail.com
  • Submission Information

Festival of New Theatre
We are looking for bold, theatrical voices and are passionate about supporting the craft of both emerging and established writers in service of our commitment to developing new work for the American theatre. The purpose and power of the theatrical event has always been to come together in the theatre and discover a new understanding of ourselves. By developing and producing work that explores and celebrates the human experience, we engage in a dialogue about what it means to be human, what it means to be an American and what it means to be a global citizen, in the 21st century. 
  • When/Where: 2017 in Rochester, NY
  • Deadline: Window to submit January 1- April 30, 2017
  • Application Fee: Free 
  • Eligibility: Please do not send us the first draft of a play. Due to the number of scripts we receive, we can only read any play one time, so make sure you are sending us your best work. Plays for consideration in our play development series must not have had more than one production at another theatre.
  • Categories: Full-Length Plays
  • Address: 75 Woodbury Boulevard, Rochester, New York 14607
  • Contact: 585.232.4382
  • Submission Information

Humana Festival
Since its inception, the Humana Foundation has placed an emphasis on civic and cultural development in communities where Humana has a meaningful presence. In a long-standing and thriving partnership, the Humana Foundation supports Actors Theatre of Louisville and its remarkable Humana Festival of New American Plays, demonstrating a joint commitment to artistic exploration and appreciation at home, across the region and around the globe
  • When/Where: March 17-19, March 24-26, March 31- April 2, April 6-9, 2017 in Louisville, KY
  • Deadline: Year round but recommended by August 1, 2016
  • Application Fee: Free 
  • Eligibility: New, previously un-produced full-length plays from literary agents. If no agent, submit a letter of inquiry along with a synopsis and a 10-page selection from one of your plays. 
  • Categories: Full-Length Plays
  • Address: Actors Theatre of Louisville, 316 West Main Street, Louisville, KY 40202
  • Contact: 502.371.0956 
  • Submission Information


Martha's Swan Day Song Competition
I am happy to report that as part of my birthday celebration this year, I have decided to create a Support Women Artists Now Day Song Contest.  I am donating $1,500 to WomenArts today to create 8 cash prizes – one for $500, 2 for $250, and 5 for $100 for songs that celebrate the diversity and power of women’s creativity. 
  • Deadline: February 20, 2017
  • Application Fee: Free 
  • Eligibility: We want songs that people can learn fairly quickly and sing together.  If the song is not in English, please submit a translation of the lyrics and at least one verse in English.
  • Categories: Please upload your song to YouTube, Vimeo, Facebook, your website, or some other online location, and then send us the link using our SWAN Song Submission Form. You may submit a maximum of 3 songs.  Please use a different submission form for each song.
  • Contact: WomenArts, 1442A Walnut Street, Suite 67, Berkeley, CA 94709 
  • Submission Information

WomenArts Blog
As part of our celebration of SWAN Day 10, we want to feature new voices in the WomenArts Blog. We are especially interested in writers who can provide diverse perspectives in terms of race, class, religion, age, sexual preference, gender identity, disability or other characteristics.  We will pay for every article we publish that has not been published elsewhere.
  • Deadline: Ongoing
  • Application Fee: Our maximum fee will be $200 for articles of 500 – 1,000 words that we publish that have not been published elsewhere.  The fee will be negotiated on a case by case basis for shorter or previously published articles. WomenArts reserves the right to edit every article, and we will retain non-exclusive publishing rights. The author will have the right to publish the article on her own website or elsewhere after we have published it.
  • Eligibility: We prefer articles that are 500 – 800 words in length. It is extremely rare for us to publish articles longer than 1,000 words.  We will also consider shorter articles if they fit one of the categories below.
  • Categories: Inspiring Women – Articles about extraordinary or inspiring women artists and their accomplishments; articles about women artists overcoming obstacles; reports on festivals of women artists. Gender Parity Research & Actions – Articles summarizing research studies, legal actions, demonstrations or other activities related to the struggle for gender parity in any art form. Helpful Resources – Articles with tips for women artists on publicity, fundraising, crowd-sourcing, job-hunting or other business aspects of their work; articles about helpful directories, websites or other resources.
  • Contact: 510.868.5096
  • Submission Information

Urban Stages Emerging Playwright Award
Our $500 Emerging Playwright Award (coupled with press coverage) is given to playwrights who show excellence and dedication throughout this process – from development to the stage. Out of hundreds of submissions a year, we select 15-20 plays for readings. From these, we select 1-3 plays annually to go on to our workshopping phase. Our workshops are meant to prepare a play for our Off-Broadway stage. From our workshops, we select 1-2 plays for full productions, complete with a playwright’s contract and compensation (separate from the award).                                      
  • Deadline: Submissions are ongoing.
  • Application Fee: None.
  • Eligibility: Plays may have been developed or produced elsewhere, but never produced in New York City. Plays from overseas and throughout the US are accepted and considered, but special attention will be given to playwrights who live in or near New York.
  • Categories: Full Length Plays
  • Contact: (212) 421-1380
  • Submission Information


JL, Inc
  • Untitled Haitian American StagePlay, A day in the life story of American children trying to live an American life under their immigrant parent's roof and rules; Haitian Immigrants. Living out your dreams can be tough with parents who were born outside America. (Looking for understudies as well. Possible double cast can happen. Still seeking a Female Stage Manager needed with experience.)
  • Auditions: February 2017
  • Production Dates: Projected Performance date 4/28 or 5/5 in NYC. More dates may be added. All rehearsals are in NYC.(Looking for understudies as well. Possible double cast can happen. Still seeking a Female Stage Manager needed with experience.)
  • Pay: Yes
  • Audition Information

Esther Morgan Productions
  • Sisterhood by Larry Brown
  • Auditions: By Appointment February 3, 2017
  • Production Dates: Rehearsals begin Feb. 25; Performance will be April 29 in AZ
  • Pay: Stipend Pay
  • Audition Information

Starlight Mountain Theatre 2017 Season
  • Starlight Mountain Theatre is casting its 2017 season of six Broadway musicals, to be performed in repertory. Shows include Seven Brides for Seven Brothers, Disney’s Beauty and the Beast, Guys and Dolls, Little Shop of Horrors, and Sugar (the Some Like it Hot musical). Project Description: Starlight Mountain Theatre is a Summer Stock Theatre Company in its 18th season, located 55 miles north of Boise, in Garden Valley ID. 
  • Auditions: Feb 18, 2017 in Salt Lake City, UT; Feb 10, 2017 in Ephraim, UT
  • Production Dates: Commitment is from May 11-Aug. 22 or Sept. 3, in Garden Valley ID
  • Pay: Yes
  • Audition Information

For more Onstage opportunities, visit Backstage.com; ActorsAccess.com; and Playbill.com.


Prop Designer
Red Tape and Walkabout Theatre are looking for a Prop Designer for a devised show that is already in rehearsals and will perform 3/22 thru 4/16. Load In and Tech Week is 3/13 thru 3/21. 
  • Position Type: Contract
  • Eligibility: Looking for someone to jump right in and start right away. Stipend and expectations on further contact.
  • Application Information

Costume First Hand
Tuacahn Center For The Arts inspires the human spirit through professional world class family entertainment and an unparalleled artistic experience that matches the majesty of our canyon.
  • Position Type: Contract
  • Eligibility: Assists Cutter in the creation of patterns. Cuts fabric based on patterns supplied by Cutter. Makes patterns for facings and linings based on original pattern supplied by Cutter. Grades pattern supplied by Cutter to other sizes as needed. Supervises Stitchers and advises on methodologies for made to order garments and fitting alterations. Attends fittings to assist and take notes for Cutter. Prepares alterations from fittings for Stitchers. Manages time, including that of any crew members, in an effective manner. Performs other duties as assigned by Cutter.
  • Application Information

Sound Technician
The Shakespeare Theatre of New Jersey seeks an experienced Sound Technician for our 2017 season. Basic proficiency in Vectorworks, Microsoft Office, QLab, and audio editing software (Cubase or ProTools recommended) is expected. Must be proficient with Yamaha digital audio consoles, as well as a variety of analog and digital audio equipment. 
  • Position Type: Contract
  • Eligibility: Experience with lighting equipment, especially ETC lighting consoles is a plus. Must be comfortable working at heights around 25 feet and be able to safely lift 50lbs. The ability to stay focused through long work hours, communicate well, follow directions precisely, and manage multiple projects at one time while keeping a positive attitude are absolute musts.
  • Application Information


Inviting Performance Proposals
The New York Society Library invites applications from women playwrights, composers, and musical performers, or writers who focus on theater, ballet, art music, and opera, for grants toward a one-session performance of new or recent work.
  • Deadline: March 15, 2017
  • Application Fee: Free
  • Eligibility: The work’s title, author(s)/composer(s), and length, The style or genre of the presentation (sung music, play reading...), The number of performers or presenters involved, A list of setup or logistical needs (e.g. a platform, special lighting), A brief synopsis of the work, A brief explanation of why the work is appropriate for support, Full contact information for one or more people making the proposal
  • Address: 53 E 79th St, New York, NY 10075
  • Contact: events@nysoclib.org  
  • Application Information

Princess Grace Theatre Awards
APPRENTICESHIPS and FELLOWSHIPS for artistic compensation for an individual artist (exclusive of benefits) nominated by a professional, non-profit theater company. Nominees may not have worked with the company for more than five years at the time of application. Please note, the strength of the partnership between the company and the artist is taken into serious consideration during the adjudication process.
  • Deadline: March 31, 2017
  • Application Fee: Free
  • Eligibility: Please make sure the link submitted is live and accessible by March 31, 2016 through July 31, 2016 to give the panel ample time to view the sample. It is strongly recommended that live streaming links be secure and you must provide the Princess Grace Foundation-USA with passwords. The total of all selections must not exceed 10 minutes. Samples longer than 10 minutes will not be viewed. Please submit at least one monologue and one scene work sample. Please ensure that the performer is clearly visible. In at least one piece, please position the camera to enable a static shot framing the performer’s body from the waist up.
  • Address: PGF-USA 150 East 58th Street, 25th Floor New York, NY 10155
  • Contact: grants@pgfusa.org 
  • Application Information


ARTErra is a private structure of incentive for artistic creation which aims to facilitate encounters between different artists and aesthetic disciplines. ARTERRA is strongly committed to offering the residents a cheerful and productive stay. Because of that, partnerships have been established with several partners such as the Municipality of Tondela and Lobão da Beira and many others crafters, schools and artists.
  • Deadline: Ongoing
  • Application Fee: Free
  • When: 1 week- 6 months
  • Eligibility: Curriculum Vitae; and Bio, Portfolio, videos, photos , music; Description of the project to be undertaken at ARTERRA, including the project’s objectives, needs and expectations of residence ,work methodologies, and all the details necessary to understand the proposal
  • Address: N/A
  • Contact: arterra.geral@gmail.com 
  • Application Information
Green Olive Arts
Green Olive Arts is an international art studio and urban art residency in Tetouan, Morocco, specializing in connecting the creatives of the world with the culture, beauty and creatives of Morocco. Our mission is to resource creative individuals of both emerging and established artistic talent from around the world in seasons of inspiration, production, collaboration and cultural exchange here in Morocco.
  • Deadline: Ongoing
  • Application Fee: Free
  • When: 1 week to 4 months
  • Eligibility: 8 studio spaces are available. Applications will be assessed and Residencies awarded by our local Selection Panel according to caliber of the artist's work and fit of the artist's residency proposal with the goals and capacity of Green Olive Arts. Approved applicants may expect a phone interview request before a final decision.
  • Address: B.P. 10001 Sidi Al Mandri, Tetouan, Tetouan 93000, Morocco
  • Contact: arthouse@greenolivearts.com
  • Application Information

Artcroft Center for Arts and Humanities
Residencies of an average of 2-8 weeks for visual artists, writers, actors, and performance artists. Residency provides housing, studio, and meals; artist responsible residency fee ($40/day), deposit (10% of residency fee), travel, materials, and local transportation.
  • Deadline: Ongoing
  • Application Fee: $25
  • When: 2-8 weeks
  • Eligibility: Residencies are available to established and emerging visual and literary artists 18 years of age and older without regard for race, gender, sexual orientation, or religion.
  • Address: Artcroft Center for Arts and Humanities, 2075 Johnson Rd., Carlisle, KY 40311
  • Contact: artcroft@msn.com 
  • Application Information


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#ScreenOpps #ScreenOppsMarch25

#ScreenOpps FILM FESTIVALS  She/Her Fest  She/Her Fest was created to empower, recognize, and promote art created by women identifying filmm...