
WMM June New Catalog, Great Festivals, Diversity Initiatives and more!

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      • 2016/17 Digital Online Catalog Available
      • SONITA Closing Night at Human Rights Watch Film Festival
      • 9 Films from WMM at Sheffield Doc Fest
      • WMM Co-Sponsors Filmmaker Forum on Diversity at AFI DOCS
      • Diversity and Inclusion for Writers and Directors
      • Filmmaker News, Submission and Funding Deadlines
  2016/17 Digital Online Catalog Available
2016_17 online catalog

We are thrilled to announce that the new 2016/17 Digital Online Catalog is here! These acclaimed and award-winning films features new releases and cover critical hot button topics of today: a new collection on race, identity, and racial justice; LGBTQ issues;  immigration and Latin America; technology /STEM; violence against women; feminism and the environment; and even a film on the current struggle for equity for women filmmakers, plus more!
Trailers and clips are available for nearly all new titles on our YouTube channel.

SONITA Closing Night Feature 
at the Human Rights Watch Film Festival


The Human Rights Watch Film Festival runs from June 10-19! Browse the HRWFF program guide, and get your tickets now before they're sold out - click here! The line up will feature three films from WMM supported projects: 
OVARIAN PSYCOS (Joanna Sokolowski, Kate Trumball-LaValle) the acclaimed film featured a Q&A with Sokolowski and film subjects Xela de la X and Andi Ramirez;
SONITA (Rokhsareh Ghaem Maghami) will close the festival on June 19th, and it is also the film's New York Premier! The screening is followed by a discussion with Ghaem Maghami and Liesl Gerntholtz, Women's Rights division director of Human Rights Watch;
JACKSON (Maisie Crow) was held at the Film Society at Lincoln Center's Walter Reade Theater, with a conversation featuring the director Maisie Crow, producer/editor Jamie Boyle, film subject Shannon Brewer, moderated by Meghan Rhoad, US researcher, Women's Rights division of Human Rights Watch.

sheffield doc fest

Several great WMM supported projects are screening "on the other side of the pond" at the fantastic Sheffield Doc Fest! Here's a look at the line up:
Debra Zimmerman will be participating in the future producers school, meet market, and several Q&As featuring WMM programs.

WMM Co-Sponsors Filmmaker Forum on Diversity at AFI DOCS

AFI DOCS presents the best documentaries from the US and around the world! The fest runs from June 22-26 and WMM supported projects include: NORMAN LEAR: JUST ANOTHER VERSION OF YOU (Heidi Ewing, Rachel Grady) as the Closing Night feature; VISTOR'S DAY (Nicole Opper) will have its World Premier; and SONITA (Rokhsareh Ghaem Maghami) will also be featured on the film slate. 
In additional exciting news, WMM's Debra Zimmerman will moderate the "Women's Issues" segment of the "From Diversity to Inclusion" conference. 
Diversity and Inclusion for Writers and Directors

Our friends at Writers Guild of America, East would deeply appreciate your support by helping to get an important bill passed! The NY State TV Diversity bill has the potential of creating more writing and directing jobs in New York for women and people of color. The bill needs to get through the Senate by June 16th.  WMM has been committed to diversity and the inclusion of women storytellers. This is another way that our community can help move the needle forward.  Please read the letter from the Writer's Guild of America, East below, and then take action. Your voice and vote can make a difference!
The television diversity bill championed by the Writers Guild of America, East and Directors Guild of America successfully passed the New York State Assembly. We're writing you because we need your urgent help to get this bill through the Senate before this legislative session ends on June 16th.

In short, New York State Senator Majority Leader John Flanagan will decide if the Senate votes on a TV Diversity Bill that would expand the successful Empire State Film Production Tax Credit to include women and people of color who write or direct television in New York.

It would be of great help if you could take a minute to call Senator Flanagan's office at 518-455-2071 and let him know that bill S-5448A, the TV Diversity Credit, needs to be passed this legislative session.

To learn more about why this bill matters, read this "impassioned plea to diversify television" from Robin Thede, writer and on-air alent for THE NIGHTLY SHOW WITH LARRY WILMORE.

Thank you for your support,
- Writers Guild of America, East


WMM is proud to have several supported projects invited into the Sundance Institute's 2016 Screenwriters Lab, Doc Edit and Story Labs! The films and their talented filmmakers include: 
The programs allow artists to collaborate across different creative practices and focus on experimentation in storytelling.

WOLF AND SHEEP (Shahrbanoo Sada) won the Art Cinema Award, the top prize at the Directors' Fortnight.
SWIM TEAM (Lara Stolman),  93QUEEN (Paula Eiselt), and CANARY IN A COAL MINE (Jennifer Brea) were chosen for the annual IFP Labs.
CAMERAPERSON (Kirsten Johnson) was recently picked up by Janus Films.
THE FITS (Anna Rose Holmer) is currently playing in theaters around the country.
WEINER (Josh Kriegman, Elyse Steinberg) and THE FITS were listed on Indiewire's Best of 2016 So Far list.


Atlanta Film Festival
Deadline: June 30, 2016 - Earlybird Deadline

Big Sky Documentary Festival
Deadline: July 1, 2016 - Earlybird deadline               

Palm Springs International Film Festival
Deadline: Submissions open July 1, 2016

AFI Fest 
Deadline: July 15, 2016 - Final Deadline

Starz Denver Film Festival
July 1, 2016 - Official deadline for all submissions
July 31, 2016 - Withoutabox extended deadline

Ann Arbor Film Festival
Submissions open July 1, 2016
Early Deadline: August 1, 2016

International Documentary Film Festival Amsterdam
Deadline: August 1, 2016 - Final Deadline

Middleburg Film Festival
Deadline: August 15, 2016

Sundance Film Festival
Deadline: Early: August 15, 2016 (Features)  
Early: August 8, 2016 (Shorts)

Dubai International Film Festival
Deadline: August 31, 2016


Hedgebrook's 2nd annual Screenwriters Lab
Deadline: June 16, 2016, 11:59pm

Roy W. Dean 2016 Summer Film Grant
Deadline: June 30th, 2016

National Endowment for the Humanities: America's Media Makers: 
Development & Production Grants
Deadline August 10, 2016 for Projects Beginning April 2017

Sundance Documentary Fund
Rolling deadline:

Catapult Film Fund
Deadline: Ongoing - accepting applications on a rolling basis

nextPix/firstPix Grant
Submissions accepted on rolling basis:

Fledgling Fund
Submissions accepted on rolling basis:


Hedgebrook's 2016 Screenwriters Lab
Deadline: June 16th
The Screenwriters Lab takes place OCTOBER 15 - 22, 2016 at Hedgebrook's celebrated retreat on Whidbey Island, WA - and it is completely unique: 5 writers join 2 mentors for a week of workshops, one-on-one sessions and time in retreat to develop their projects.
About WMM:

Since our beginnings in 1972, WMM has grown from a feminist filmmakers' collective into an industry-leading nonprofit media arts organization and distributor. For over 40 years, WMM has transformed the landscape of filmmaking for women directors and producers, bringing the issues facing women around the world to screens everywhere. Now, with more than 550 films in our catalog, including Academy®, Emmy®, Peabody and Sundance nominees and award winners, WMM is the largest distributor of films by and about women in the world. Women Make Movies. By Women. About Women. For Everyone. 
Women Make Movies gratefully acknowledges the support of our funders: The National Endowment for the Arts, the New York State Council on the Arts with the support of Governor Andrew Cuomo and the New York State Legislature and the New York City Department of Cultural Affairs in partnership with the City Council. The Andy Warhol Foundation, the Academy of Motion Picture Arts & Sciences, and the Hollywood Foreign Press Association.  




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