
#ScreenOpps #ScreenOppsDec15

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Submission Opportunities Newsletter for Women in Film & Video

You can view #ScreenOppsDec15 online by clicking on the links below.

December's Special Opportunity


Liverpool Lift-Off is the only Film Festival in Liverpool and is one of the best attended international film festivals in the North of England. With sell out screenings that span a week of celebration, where the focus is sat heavily on the directors and teams behind each piece that we showcase. All of the awards are audience choice and our winners get to enjoy full official selections at every-single subsequent Lift-Off Film Festival around the world.

Hong Kong has a film industry bursting with opportunity for filmmakers from any where the world. Hong Kong is a priority city for the Lift-Off Global Network. As more and more film professionals head there from countries all over the world, this mega city for cinema is quickly becoming an alternative professional destination for filmmakers outside of NYC, LA and London.

Liverpool and Hong Kong Lift-Offs are film festivals that form part of a wider network of connected film festivals around the world. A unique channel consisting of ten global cities and an on-demand platform. By submitting to any Lift-Off Film Festival you are giving your work the unique possibility of joining the only real alternative to global distribution.

If your work wins Liverpool or Hong Kong Lift-Off then you could be screened to audiences in Hong Kong, Liverpool, Tokyo, Las Vegas, Vancouver, Los Angeles, Amsterdam, Singapore, Sydney and London. Along with the possibility of earning money by forming part of Lift-Off's On-Demand Initiative at the end of the respective season.

Lift-Off's aim is to help you launch your professional life in film.

Showcasing your work, building press coverage, exposing you to global production companies, industry agencies, and worldwide producers.

Our motto and selection ethos...

Look beyond the gloss. Put talent before technology.

If your work is rich in substance, has exceptional subject matter, a superior execution of story structure and you want to screen your work to a truly remarkable and global audience then this is your film festival.

FOR DISCOUNT CODE: Be sure to email specialoppscode@gmail.com to retrieve the discount code for 30% off of the submission fee - available only to #screenopps subscribers!
#ScreenOpps online 
 #StageOpps online
#StageOpps online 
Ongoing additional Funding Resources
on the WomenArts website.

To sign up to receive any of our newsletters or to change your preferences, link here.

The Women in the Arts & Media Coalition is a coalition of member organizations; if you are a member of one of our member organizations, you are a member of the Coalition!  The purpose of the Coalition is to focus the power of our member organizations and use that combined strength to address issues of concern to women in theatre, film, tv, radio, and new media. We are committed to being the link between our member organizations as we collaborate to impact the various topics that affect women in our industry through advocacy, networking, and events. 

Affiliate Member Organizations:

Academic Affiliate:

We are adding new Member Organizations all the time! 
Watch this space ... or, better yet, join with us if you haven't already!

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