
League of Professional Theatre Women: Parity Study

Supporting theatrical work written, directed, and designed by women.

In This Newsletter: November 24, 2015

Dear Friends, Members, and Supporters,

The holiday season approaches! For most, this is an opportunity to relax and reboot as the year comes to a close. In that spirit, Works by Women will be on hiatus for the month of December.

this doesn't mean that the work for Parity stops!

If you would like us to promote your production during December, please send us all relevant info by Thanksgiving - November 26, 2015.

Happy Thanksgiving!

In Solidarity,
The Works by Women Team

Women Count:
Women Hired Off-Broadway 2010-2015

by Judith Binus
Martha Wade Steketee

October 2015

The League of Professional Theatre Women (LPTW), as part of a larger initiative called Women Count, has issued findings from its second annual analysis of the status of women employed in New York City theatres off-stage and outside the Broadway district.

The 2015 study, conducted by LPTW members Judith Binus and Martha Wade Steketee, analyzes employment in 13 professional roles (including playwrights, directors, and designers) in 455 Off- and Off-Off-Broadway productions in 22 theatre companies for five complete seasons, 2010-2011 through 2014-2015.

                                            MORE ABOUT THE STUDY HERE


The Likhachev Foundation (St. Petersburg, Russia) and the Boris Yeltsin Presidential Center (Moscow, Russia), with support of the Committee on External Relations of Saint Petersburg announce a competition for 2-week cultural fellowships in Russia (St. Petersburg) from May 9 until May 22, 2016 for foreign professionals in the field of arts and culture who work on projects related to Russian culture and history and aimed at a broad foreign audience. Airfare (economy class) and accommodation in St. Petersburg will be covered by the organizers.

DUE: February 1, 2016

Ellen Stewart International Award Nominations Open
Deadline: November 30th
The new Ellen Stewart International is an Award given to an individual theatre artist or theatre company whose work promotes social change, and community participation with a particular focus on the engagement of young people. Named for La MaMa founder Ellen Stewart, The International award celebrates her remarkable lifetime achievements in the theatre and her dedication to creating a world theatre which embraces all traditions and cultural identities.
Through the theatre, countless younger people were inspired by Ellen Stewart as artists and generators of personal and social change. With the support of the ITI International Theatre Institute, La MaMa New York and Italy, and the Spoleto Festival of 2 Worlds, the recipient of The Ellen Stewart International Award will attend the ITI World Congress, receive an artistic residency at La MaMa Umbria to create a new work, and the financial and production support to present the new work at the Spoleto Festival of 2 Worlds, and subsequently at La MaMa Experimental Theatre Club in New York.

For more information: 
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/EllenStewartInternationalAward/
Email: estewartaward@gmail.com
Submit to the Susan Glaspell Contest!

The Centenary Stage Company, an Equity theatre in residence on the campus of Centenary College in Hackettstown, NJ is accepting submissions for the 2016 Women Playwrights Series (WPS) and Susan Glaspell Contest. Now in its 24th year, the WPS is a developmental program dedicated to providing a working forum for the unique and underserved voice of women writing for the theatre today.


Please join The Ziegfield Club on Thursday January 14th, 2016 at 7 pm for a performance of the delicious Broadway comedy SYLVIA!

Funny and heartwarming, SYLVIA is about what happens when a smart, sassy, captivating canine befriends a New Yorker in Central Park and changes his life— and his wife's life forever.

All tickets are orchestra seats and cost $200 each - purchase

We hope you will take advantage of this opportunity to join us for this incredible comedy and support the Ziegfeld Club as we endeavor to help women create new work in musical theater. We must receive your orders no later than December 9th.


Written by Renee Philippi
HERE Arts Center
145 6th Avenue

In a world created entirely of paper, in which women and water are metaphors for one another, this heartwarming new work explores themes of conservation and regeneration, and at its heart, our eternal quest for happiness. 

directed by Katrin Hilbe
The Cell
338 W. 23rd Street
Between 8th and 9th Avenues
New York, NY
November 27- December 20, 2015
It's Christmas time in Georgia as two Catholic spinsters are suddenly thrust into a verbal smackdown with a perky evangelist who as arrived at their doorstep to save their souls.

The discount code allows for $14 Adult Web tickets and $12 Senior Web Tickets. 

Written by Terry Berliner

Beckett Theatre on Theatre Row
410 West 42nd Street

Local politician David Carver's meteoric rise has caught the eye of the heavy political hitters in NYC and beyond. But the burgeoning career of the charismatic campaigner is threatened by a startling accusation. PROMISING is at once a scathingly funny and shocking indictment of our current political climate.


$20 (Regularly $25)
ONLINE: Visit 
TelechargeOffers.com and use code TRPROMRRM
PHONE: Call 
212-947-8844 and mention code TRPROMRRM


In MEMBER CORNER, members of Works by Women can share productions they are working on which feature many women artists, but either have a run of less than 2 weeks or do not meet the 50/50 writer, director, design team Works by Women requires. If you would like your project to be included, please email  info@worksbywomen.org with the subject "Member Corner and Title of Your Show" by Monday at noon.
Women w/o Walls
written by Robin Rice
directed by Frances Loy

The Lounge Theatre

6201 Santa Monica Blvd, Los Angeles, CA
November 7- December 12, 2015

based on the myth of Charon the ferryman on the River Styx, inspired by Dante's
 Inferno and Sartre's No Exit.

For more information
click here

Tickets $22
by Laurence Leamer
directed by Caroline Reddick Lawson

The Clurman Theatre, Theatre Row
410 West 42nd Street, NYC

November 21 – December 13, 2015

Featuring Kathleen Chalfant
Rose is the Kennedy story as told by the matriarch who lived it all. Set in 1969 at the Kennedy's Hyannis Port compound the week after Teddy's fateful accident at Chappaquiddick, Rose struggles with all the tragedies the Kennedys have overcome and finds new understanding of the choices she made as well as those made by her husband and children.

THAT "CERTAIN AGE" - Short Operas about aging with Grace & Humor
Mira J Spektor - Artistic Director & Friends 
 TUESDAY DECEMBER 1 -  7:30pm 
330, 7th Ave
New York, NY 
in American, French, Italian, Japanese & Jewish musical stories!!!!
Stage Director: Rina Elisha
Music Director: Barbara Ames   
Composers: Anne Phillips, Alice Shields, Mira J Spektor, Seymour Barab, Haim Elisha, 
LPTW ...Made possible in part by a grant from NYWC to Anne Phillips 
Reception Included - Admission: $20 
For INFORMATION & RESERVATIONS: email mirasjpektor@earthlink.net

Do you have a service to offer, are you a business owner interested in supporting Works by Women in exchange for publicity? To get in touch please email info@worksbywomen.org

We depend on donations from our members and
supporters to continue to advocate for change.

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