
#StageOpps #StageOppsOct15

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Submission Opportunities Newsletter for Women in Theatre

You can view #StageOppsOct15 online by clicking on the links below.

October's Special Opportunity

Jewish Women's Theatre Salon Theatre Submissions (January 17-February 1, 2016; LA, CA) - JWT gives voice to Jewish women in America today by creating original works that broaden the view of Jewish women, by ensuring these works are performed and seen, and by creating a lasting legacy for future generations. What is Salon Theatre? JWT takes the tradition of Jewish women hosting salons to a new level.  Salon Theatre is a thematically driven evening of theatrical entertainment in which works of art and live performance are presented in intimate settings.  At-Homes Salon Theatre evenings may include: plays, poetry, music, humorous monologues, an adaption of literary material, fine art, and dance, followed by lively discussion...and, of course, food. This call is for

Salon Evening 1: January 17 - February 1, 7:30 PM. Theme: TEMPTATION.
A delicious and dangerous discovery of secrets of Jewish women in this sometimes shocking and mostly surprising show that will surely evoke laughter and tears, but most of all, remind you how seductive temptation can be. Directed by Susan Morgenstern.
Extended Deadline for #StageOpps Readers Only: October 30, 2015*

Salon Evening 2: March 6 - March 21, 7:30 PM, Theme: BEYOND JACOB'S LADDER
Ripped from the pages of our sacred text and reimagined for the modern age, this hilarious and provocative show of newly commissioned pieces by top notch writers explores yearning, betrayal, and loss, and just might upend your preconceptions about how much modern women are cut from the same cloth as biblical women.  Directed by Eve Brandstein.  Underwritten with a generous gift from Lynne and Phil Himelstein.
Extended Deadline for #StageOpps Readers Only: November 30, 2015*

Salon Evening 3: May 15 - May 30, 7:30 PM. Theme: CHUTZPAH & SALSA
Our sisters south of the border serve up funny, poignant and pivotal moments in their lives as they share what it means to have a Latina heart and a Jewish soul. Directed by Susan Morgenstern.  Produced by Suzanna Kaplan.
Extended Deadline for #StageOpps Readers Only: December 31, 2015*

We start our eighth season filled with gratitude. Our community has grown exponentially. NOT THAT JEWISH by Monica Piper sold out shows for 10 consecutive months and more than 10,000 people laughed and cried together!  JWT launched The Braid, our new performance and art space in Santa Monica, and we witnessed the blossoming of classes, art shows, performances and Shabbat services. Salons sold out.  While these statistics are impressive, our work is far from over.  Some might say, it is just beginning - developing new and important shows this season like ones exploring the stories of Russian-speaking Jews or Latina Jews.  And creating new commissions for full-length shows that delve into Jewish identity.  We are creating a legacy of stories that reflect our lives today.   

*Please email specialoppscode@gmail.com for the special code to qualify for the extended deadline; then follow the submission guidelines:

Submission Preference: Stories, one-acts, poems, songs all under 1500 words.
SUBMIT TO:  ronda@jewishwomenstheatre.org
See guidelines at www.jewishwomenstheatre.org


ARTErra 2016 Call for Artists & Projects
Multidisciplinary residency in Portugal

ARTErra is a multidisciplinary artistic residency placed in a green and friendly village. In this place you can find a comfortable house where you can live and a garden where the work rooms and facilities are. We also have a workroom in the main square of the village where small exhibitions, talks and performances can be presented. Our residency is prepared to host different kind of art projects and work processes. Depending on the needs and requests of each project we will be pleased to help you achieve your goals with our resources and contacts. The application process is simple and quick.

Extended Deadline for #StageOpps Readers: October 30, 2015

Please email specialoppscode@gmail.com for the special code to qualify for the extended deadline; then follow the submission guidelines:
To apply for being a artist in residency in ARTErra, please send us a mail to: arterra.geral@gmail.com.
or call us +351963779054 + INFO. www.arterra.weebly.com

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Ongoing additional Funding Resources
on the WomenArts website.

To sign up to receive any of our newsletters or to change your preferences, link here.

The Women in the Arts & Media Coalition is a coalition of member organizations; if you are a member of one of our member organizations, you are a member of the Coalition!  The purpose of the Coalition is to focus the power of our member organizations and use that combined strength to address issues of concern to women in theatre, film, tv, radio, and new media. We are committed to being the link between our member organizations as we collaborate to impact the various topics that affect women in our industry through advocacy, networking, and events. 

Affiliate Member Organizations:

We are adding new Member Organizations all the time! 
Watch this space ... or, better yet, join with us if you haven't already!
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