
Urgent Action for TV Diversity

Urgent Action Needed for TV Diversity

For years the industry has talked about the lack of diversity in television - not enough women and people of color writing and directing shows, not enough diversity in storytelling and therefore in on-screen talent.  Now is our chance to do more than talk.  Now is our time to take action.
Legislation is pending in Albany to modify the very successful production tax credit slightly so it would provide an incentive to networks and producers to hire women and people of color to write and direct television in New York.  This would also indirectly help to diversify more of the industry, and to build a more stable base of TV work here.  This legislation has the support of all the entertainment unions.

But time has almost run out; the Assembly and the Senate are scheduled to finish their session this week, and will not return for the rest of the year.  We need this bill voted before the session ends.

Your help is needed, and it is needed now.

CLICK HERE to email the Speaker of the Assembly asking that the bill be voted on immediately. This email has been created by the Writers Guild of America East.

We thank you for your support for this united effort.

In solidarity,

Lowell Peterson
Executive Director
Writers Guild of America, East

Shellen Lubin & Maria Nieto
Women in the Arts & Media Coalition, Inc.

Member Organizations:

Affiliate Member Organizations:

We have more new Member Organizations pending! Watch this space ...

Forward this email

This email was sent to womenartsmediacoalition.news@blogger.com by presidents@womenartsmediacoalition.org |  

Women in the Arts & Media Coalition | 244 Fifth Avenue | Suite 2932 | New York | NY | 10001

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