
Rehearsal Club Notecards

Exclusive Rehearsal Club Notecards
designed by Terry Baughan

8 cards for $12 (plus $6 shipping)
(Up to 3 boxes per $6 shipping charge)
NYers can pick-up directly from Terry

As we move forward raising funds for the documentary, we're going to need thank you cards!  You are invited to PRE-ORDER for your own personal use, gifts or whatever.  No need to pay up front -- just let us know you want to order so we can make sure our membership and friends are covered. 
Contact:  Terry Baughan:  tallrose@aol.com 

In the meantime, we hope you are outreaching to influencial co-workers and Foundations who might be supportive to our mission and the completion of our documentary. 

Build it and they shall come . . .
The trailer is on our website to help inform & inspire
Use your own social media network to spread the word
Like us on Facebook  Follow us on Twitter  View our profile on LinkedIn  Find us on Pinterest  
See you at the premiere!

Thank you to our Regional Reps for promoting our mission in your region!  As we move forward raising funding for the documentary, we encourage you to help "brand" our campaign by using this letterhead for your personal Rehearsal Club letters.  Download from the link above.

 Alice and Arthur Anderson

We regret to inform everyone of Alice Middleton's passing this week.  She is pictured above during our Centennial Celebration in 2013 with her husband, Arthur.  Arthur's health, too, is failing.  Your cards and letters would be greatly appreciated.

Arthur Anderson
13 West 13th Street #4GS
New York, NY  10011
We've actually had a team for a few years, but it's usually just my husband & myself (& Dottie Belle came last year - whoohoo) who walk the walk & raise the funds in honor of all those dancer gypsies we shared a stage with who are now dancing among the angels -- most prominently for us  . . . Michael Bennett.

BC/EFA, too, has always supported the RC whenever we ask so it's our way of keeping the RC name alive in the theatrical community.  If interested in
joining us for the walk in NY this year, reply to this e-blast.  Join our team, donate, and/or help raise funding under the RC name HERE
Denise Pence, Chair

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