

and WomenArts presents

Submission opportunities for women in theatre.
New Names! New Categories!
New Opportunities for Women in the Arts & Media!
Submission Opportunities Newsletter for Women in Theatre
(previously known as Theatre Funding Newsletter)

Submission Opportunities Newsletter for Women in Film & Video
(previously known as Film/Video Funding Newsletter)

All brought to you by the Women in the Arts & Media Coalition, WomenArts, and the League of Professional Theatre Women.

We're building up new opportunities, and we're organizing them differently as well:

#StageOpps will include Project Submissions (completed and self-produced),
Script Submissions, Onstage, Backstage, Funding, and Residences. #ScreenOpps will include Festivals, On screen, On set, Funding, and Residencies.

We may only have a few opportunities each month for actors, composers, designers, and women whose work fits in some of the newer categories, but it is important to us to broaden our base, and to build the available opportunities up however we can over time.

We will also have a Special Opp every month for both Stage and Screen. This Special Opp will either be just for newsletter recipients, or recipients will be given special attention. There will be a code for the subject line of your email to denote that your submission is through the Special Opp. To receive this month's submission code, click here.

We are looking for theatres, production companies, casting offices, and more to offer these Special Opps. For more info on submitting a Special Opp to the newsletter, click here.

*Opportunities in red are for selected populations.
**Opportunities starred and in red are for women only.

December’s Special Opportunity

365 Women a Year

365 Women a Year: A Playwriting Project will have a full slate of plays for 2015, and will be needing women directors all across the country (and even around the world!) to direct those plays in festivals, readings, and productions. If you send in your resume, they will forward it on to wherever appropriate. We will also be creating an online database of female directors.

If you are a female theatre director, please send your resume with DIRECTOR as the Subject Line followed by the Special Opps Code for December to: 365womenayear@gmail.com. Include your bio in the body of the email, and attach your resume as a pdf. Also include in your email where you live, as well as other regions where you regularly work, if any.

You can visit 365 Women a Year’s Wordpress or Facebook page to check out their mission!

TO SUBMIT: Include the Special Opps Code, which can be retrieved by emailing specialoppscode@gmail.com, and “DIRECTOR” in the subject line.

Project Submissions

Piccolo Spoleto Festival (May 22 - June 7, 2015; Charleston, SC) - Focusing primarily on artists of the Southeast region, Piccolo Spoleto is the perfect complement to the international scope of Spoleto Festival USA, its parent festival, and its 700 events in 17 days transforms Charleston into an exhilarating celebration of performing, literary and visual arts. Piccolo Spoleto’s traditional program offerings include visual arts exhibits, classical music, jazz, dance, theatre, poetry readings, children’s activities, choral music, ethnic cultural presentations, crafts and film. Applications for participation are now available at http://www.piccolospoleto.com/?cat=164. Deadline: December 1, 2014

Money Lab: An economic vaudeville (March 20- April 12, 2015, NYC, NY) - is looking for performances for its March 20 – April 12 run at HERE theater. All performances must address an aspect of economic theory (Keynes, Marx, the gold standard, the meaning of the word free, etc.) All performances must address an aspect of economic theory. Every show act will receive 2 – 6 performances during our run, the majority of which will be in one of the weeks of the run. For more details and to apply, visit http://emergingplaywright.com/call-for-submissions-money-lab/. Deadline: December 20, 2014

United Solo Theatre Festival (September 17 - November 22, 2015; New York, NY) - UNITED SOLO THEATRE FESTIVAL™ is an annual international festival for solo performances held in New York City. The Festival explores and celebrates the uniqueness of the individual through a variety of one-person shows. Productions are selected from open submissions and presented at the highly acclaimed Theatre Row, located in the heart of the New York City theatre district on 42nd Street. Renowned solo performers and new talents bring their works in many categories (e.g. storytelling, puppetry, dance, multimedia, documentary, musical, improv, stand-up, poetry, magic, performance art, tragedy or comedy). The artists benefit from being presented by United Solo, a company made up of artists and producers with vast experience in solo performance. Theatre companies are given the opportunity to reach out to the industry, generate income from ticket sales from up to eight performances at the Festival, and receive media attention through previews, profiles, and reviews. Shows are also considered for participation in the exclusive United Solo showcase in Europe, as well as for script publication and Festival awards. Selected participants are announced in spring. $50 Fee. For application guidelines and to apply visit http://unitedsolo.org/submit/. Deadline: December 29, 2014.

Midtown International Theatre Festival (July 13 - August 9, 2015; New York, NY) - We welcome any kind of stage play, musical or otherwise, new or classical, mainstream or specifically focused on an ethnic or cultural niche, even new interpretations of classical plays. We also encourage productions of all racial and sexual stripes, in all genres. The chief restrictions on submissions are the length of a show and how well it can be done with minimal scenery in a festival setting. Otherwise, three things make up a successful entry in the MITF: a good play, acompetent producer, and a marketing plan. It takes all three to field a successful Festival entry. For more info and instructions to submit, visit http://www.midtownfestival.org/. Deadline: January 26, 2015

Script Submissions

Luna Stage Theatre Company – Seeking script submissions from writers who are currently represented by a theatrical agent, hold an MFA in Playwriting, or are currently enrolled in an MFA Playwriting program.  Those who do not meet this criteria may also submit scripts only if it is accompanied by a letter of recommendation from the Artistic Director or Literary Manager of an Equity theatre.  You can also apply if your permanent residence is in the state of New Jersey.  No email submissions!  NO FEE.  All Submissions mailed to:  Luna Stage, 555 Valley Road, West Orange, NJ 07052  Email inquiries about submissions: submissions@lunastage.org, http://lunastage.org/submit-your-script.php.
Opened: September 15, 2014 Deadline: April 15, 2015

**Jewish Women’s Theatre Culture Klatch** (2015 Season, Los Angeles, CA) – Gathers women in homes to listen to new stories and share thoughts, while enjoying coffee and dessert! Seeking submissions of plays, monologues, poems, essays, stories, songs, etc. that have an element of Jewish resonance and feature women or a woman’s point of view. Works may be of any length, but short one-acts (10 minutes maximum) and monologues (7 minutes maximum) are preferred. Plays should be topical for the 21st century and have small casts. Previously produced or published work is welcome (include production and/or publication history). Submissions should address the season’s themes: March salon “Uncuffed:” This funny, poignant, perfect for Passover show explores how Jewish women break the ties that bind.; May Salon “Reckoning with Dad:” Whether we love or hate the father figures in our lives, there comes a time when we must make war or peace with them. Be prepared for an evening that is as often brutal as it is amusing. Any preconceptions are sure to be upended with this hilarious and provocative show of newly commissioned pieces. Submissions should be in Word, PDF, or Final Draft format; include cover letter with brief bio and history of the material (if applicable). NO FEE. Jewish Women’s Theatre, 521 Latimer Rd., Santa Monica, CA 90402, info@jewishwomenstheatre.org, http://jewishwomenstheater.org/ways-to-give/submit-material/.  Deadline: December 1, 2014 (evening 3)
Theatre InpiraTO Festival (2014, Toronto, ON, Canada) – First prize is $500 CDN. Selected plays will be fully produced by Theatre InspiraTO. This year’s submission challenge is to submit a 10-minute play that deals with the theme “Urban Jungle.” Submit a sample (no longer than 15 pages) from a play you have written; 12 playwrights will be selected to work with a dramaturge and a director to create and develop a new 10-minute play. See website for complete guidelines and application instructions. Submissions must be made online, through website. NO FEE. InspiraTO Festival, http://www.theatreinspirato.ca/create/play. Deadline: December 1, 2014

**2Cents Theatre Group 2nd annual Acting Out INK Fest** (Hollywood, CA) - Deadline extended; accepting script submissions for their of one-act plays by women. This year, the INK tagline is a quote from The Age of Innocence: "Everything may be labelled- but everybody is not." (Don't feel the need to take this literary quote too literally, it can be interpreted in a vast number of ways.) The goal is to produce plays that present a variety of themes and stories with art that crosses lines, leaps bounds, and inspires artists and audiences to explore uncharted territory. Requirements: Up to 75 pages in length. PDF ONLY! Submit work as an attachment to: fsubmissions@2centstheatre.com with ONE ACTS- TITLE OF PLAY in the subject line. Deadline: December 5, 2014
The Julliard School’s Playwright Program (New York, NY) - The Drama Division's Lila Acheson Wallace American Playwrights Program offers one-year, tuition-free, graduate-level fellowships to four or five writers. Selected playwrights may be invited to continue their studies through a second academic year, thereby completing a total of 52 credits for the two-year fellowship period and earning an Artist Diploma in Playwriting. $60 Application Fee. More information about the program may be found here. Questions should be directed to dramaadmissions@juilliard.edu. Visit http://www.juilliard.edu/apply-audition/application-audition-requirements/playwrights-program-application-requirements?destination=node/14855#programs-and-eligibility to apply. Deadline: December 15, 2014
**Live Girls! Theater** (Seattle, WA) - We are currently seeking submissions of 10-minute plays written by women for our 16th annual festival of short plays, Quickies. Email submissions only. Quickies is a Live Girls! trademark event and their longest running program. This short play event will include 7 short plays by women, as well as feature up and coming local directors and actors. This spring we will be working with the themes of “Risk” & “Reward.” Plays that fit with either or both of these themes in some way are highly encouraged, though not required. Quickies Volume 16 will be performed in association with Annex Theatre in June 2015. New works are encouraged but submissions that have had previous productions outside of Seattle will be accepted. Please send all submissions to submissions@lgtheater.org. Visit http://lgtheater.org/get-involved/submissions/ for detailed submission instructions. Deadline: December 15, 2014

Indie Boots (Chicago, IL) - Indie Boots is currently accepting short play submissions for the third annual festival featuring independent theatre with different perspectives on whose stories are worth telling, what\'s funny, and how the world works. All plays must use the word \"Ella\" in the title of the piece. Plays under 10 minutes, comedies, and plays featuring underrepresented characters (women, LGBTQ characters, etc) are especially encouraged. The finalists will be performed this spring in Chicago, IL as part of Indie Boots Theatre Festival 2015: The Ella Plays. An audience award (and cash!) will be presented to one play. Casts may be as large as 10 actors or as small as 2 actors (casts of 3-5 are encouraged). Writers may submit more than one script. To submit, please visit www.indieboots.org/playsubmissions.html. Deadline: December 15, 2014 (regular), January 15, 2015 (late)

Ashland New Plays Festival (October 21-25, 2015, Ashland, OR) – International playwright festival. Seeking full-length dramas or comedies (2 acts, total 90-120 minutes running time) that are previously unproduced. Cast is limited to 8 characters. No adaptations, translations, musicals, or children’s plays. Selected playwrights will participate in at least 2 rehearsals culminating in 2 public readings, a playwriting workshop led by the host playwright, and scheduled social events. Playwrights receive lodging and $1000 stipend to help defray travel and other expenses. One submission per playwright. Submissions may be made online or by postal mail; see website for complete guidelines and application form. FEE: $15 online or $10 money order. Ashland New Plays Festival, PO Box 3314, Ashland, OR 97520, T: (541) 488-7995, submissions@AshlandNewPlays.org, www.AshlandNewPlays.org. Deadline: January 15, 2014

**Boiling Point Players** (Houston, TX) - Call for submissions for original, female-driven material to add to our cabaret show lineup that creatively addresses this year’s show theme(s) in some way! We are specifically looking for female-driven one-acts, sketches and/or monologues. The themes are: “Flight Night” and “Get Lucky.” Please visit www.boilingpointplayers.com for additional details and to submit. Deadline: December 15, 2014

Austin Latino New Play Festival (Austin, TX) - Teatro Vivo is pleased to announce a call for applicants for their annual Austin Latino New Play Festival (ALNPF), presented in collaboration with Austin ScriptWorks, to run May 14-16 2015. Participants are invited to submit original bilingual scripts that provide a window into the Latino/a community. Three scripts will be chosen for festival production. Now in its fifth year, the ALNPF provides an opportunity for playwrights to hear, see, and receive feedback on their original works. The festival format brings playwrights together to work with a dramaturg, director, and actors to bring a play to life as a staged reading in front of an audience. The rehearsal process for each stages reading is approximately one week. Selected playwrights will be available and willing to collaborate with a dramaturg and director chosen by Teatro Vivo. Additionally, playwrights will be available to attend the reading of their play and participate in a facilitated talk aback with the audience immediately after the reading. The staged readings are workshop-style presentations. After each reading, the playwright and director participate in talkback sessions with the audience. Visit http://teatrovivoatx.wordpress.com/ for information or email Dolores Diaz at AustinLNPF@gmail.com. Deadline: December 15, 2014

The Griot Theater Festival (2015, New York, NY) – Seeking African American Playwrights from the New York/New Jersey Area. Plays must be between 40 and 50 minutes long. All plays must be unproduced works, this festival is for Non-Union/Non-Equity members only. Application must be complete with: A 100-200 word synopsis of the play, the complete script, your telephone number and home address and the telephone number of someone else in your production that they can contact, and your bio. Every play in the festival receives a three (3) performance run. The best six (6) plays of the festival will receive a fourth (4th) performance for final judgement on the Best Play $2,500 prize. There is also a $500 prize for Best Actor and Best Actress. NO FEE. griottheaterfestival@gmail.com, http://aatfny.com/. Receipt Deadline: December 24, 2014

The Mountain Playhouse International Playwriting Contest (Jennerstown, PA) – Seeking full length scripts. Winner will receives $1,000 and be guaranteed a reading before the end of 2015. NO FEE. To submit your entry, you will need to download the Playwriting Contest Agreement, print and sign it, then mail your play with the agreement to 7690 Somerset Pike, P.O. Box 205, Jennerstown, PA 15547. Visit http://www.mountainplayhouse.org/index.php/about/playwriting-contest for detailed instruction. Deadline: December 31, 2014

National Latino Playwrighting Award (Tucson, AZ) - Submissions for the 2015 National Latino Playwriting Award are now being accepted. Latino playwrights residing in the United States, its territories or Mexico are encouraged to apply. Each script will be read and evaluated by a culturally diverse panel of theatre artists. Finalists will be judged by Arizona Theatre Company artistic staff. Visit http://www.arizonatheatre.org/inside-atc/artistic-department/latino-playwriting-award to apply.
Deadline: December 31, 2014

**Shorties** (Los Angeles, CA) -  10-minute festival of comedic plays written by local women.  Shorties is the first show created by Green Light Productions dedicated to producing comedic plays by women- because we need more funny women represented on our stages.Shorties is slated for a full production in March 2015. No entry fee. One submission per playwright. For guidelines and details please visit GreenLightProductions.org. Deadline December 31, 2014

Kitchen Dog Theatre New Works Festival (2014, Dallas, TX) – Seeking full-length plays (one hour or longer) on any topic or theme. One selected script will receive a fully staged production as part of the regular season (a 5-week run), and the playwright will receive paid travel to Dallas to work on the production, as well as a royalty stipend. Six other scripts will be presented as staged readings at the festival. Plays should have between one and 5 actors. One script per playwright. Submit full script with cover letter. NOTE: Submit by postal mail only. NO FEE. Attn: Tina Parker, Co-Artistic Director, Kitchen Dog Theater, 3120 McKinney Ave., Ste. 100, Dallas, TX 75204, http://www.kitchendogtheater.org/script-submissions/. Deadline: January 1, 2015

Premiere Stages Play Festival at Kean University (March, 2014, Union, NJ) – Seeking unproduced scripts from playwrights born or currently residing in New Jersey, New York, Pennsylvania, and Connecticut. Festival winner will be awarded $2,000 and a full Equity production in Premiere’s 2015 season. The runner-up will receive $750 and a 29-hour Staged Reading; two other writers will receive Staged Readings in March and a cash prize of $500. Scripts must be full-length, unproduced and unpublished, and have a cast size of no more than 8. No musicals. Agents may submit full scripts; playwrights should submit script sample and synopsis. See website for complete guidelines and submission instructions. NO FEE. Premiere Stages Play Festival at Kean University, 1000 Morris Ave., Union, NJ 07083, www.kean.edu/premierestages. Deadline: January 15, 2015

**Artemisia’s Fall Festival** (Fall 2015, Chicago) - Seeking plays that are full length and must be carried by a woman. We require a leading, female protagonist. Artemisia produces plays that empower women.  Due to the number of submissions we receive, submission is limited to ONE play per writer.  If you submit more than one play, your submissions will NOT be considered.  Full-length is defined by a playing time of 90 minutes or more. Published plays and one-acts DO NOT meet Artemisia’s guidelines and will NOT be accepted.  We are unable to accept snail mail submissions.  Please submit your play as a single file PDF attachment (no other format will be accepted) to submissionsartemisia@yahoo.com. $10 FEE. Deadline: January 15, 2015

Rough Writers New Play Festival (Colorado Springs, CO) - The Colorado Springs Fine Arts Center is proud to be producing our bi-annual Rough Writers New Play Festival in the spring of 2015. This two week-long festival will feature readings of new scripts submitted by playwrights worldwide. Playwrights whose work is included in the festival will have the opportunity to have readings of their scripts in front of an audience with a moderated talkback session immediately following. A panel of theatre professionals will adjudicate the submissions. In an effort to celebrate the FAC’s “Year of Georgia O’Keeffe”, we ask that this year’s submissions be related to the life and/or the work of Georgia O’Keeffe. The plays may utilize Georgia O’Keeffe as a character, use her art as a springboard for the story or, in a larger sense, explore the lives and art of groundbreaking women. The submissions may be full-length, one-act or 10-minute plays or musicals. Submissions must be in a state of development, and not have a history of productions. The Rough Writers New Play Festival will be held between June 4 and 14, 2015. Please send cover letter and copy of formatted script (along with Demo CD for musicals) to: Nathan Halvorson, Associate Director of Performing Arts c/o The Colorado Springs Fine Arts Center, 30 West Dale St., Colorado Springs, CO 80903, or via email at: nhalvorson@csfineartscenter.org. Deadline: March 1, 2015

HRC Showcase Theatre (Hudson, NY) - Each submitted play should be previously unpublished, run no more than 90 minutes (excluding intermission), require no more than six actors, and be suitable for presentation as a staged reading by Equity actors. No musicals or children’s plays will be considered. The 2013-2014 HRC season runs from September, 2015 to June, 2016. Several of the previous prize winners "BILLY AND RAY" and "HELLMAN VS McCarthy" have recently gone on to be produced off-broadway in New York. Judges will select the winner of the W. Keith Hedrick award ($500), which will be presented as the final staged reading of the season. Several of the previous prize winners "BILLY AND RAY" and "HELLMAN VS McCarthy" have recently gone on to be produced off-broadway in New York. The authors of the four runners-up also selected for readings will each be awarded $100. If you are interested in receiving the guidelines request them via an email athrcshowcaseplaycontest@gmail.com. Or visit http://www.hrc-showcasetheatre.com/play_contest.html for more information. Deadline: March 15, 2015

Berkshire Theatre Group (Pittsfield, MA) - Berkshire Theatre Group accepts submissions of plays, musicals, translations, and adaptations. All submissions are considered for productions at BTG and for development opportunities. Playwrights must submit their work either through established agents or by first sending a letter of inquiry, accompanied by a brief synopsis, cast breakdown, a ten-page dialogue sample, and a résumé. These materials will be reviewed and BTG will contact playwrights regarding its interest in reading a full manuscript. Berkshire Theatre Group will not read unsolicited manuscripts. Visit http://www.berkshiretheatregroup.org/about/employment/script-submissions for guidelines and to apply. Rolling Admissions.

Casa Manana (Fort Worth, TX) - Rehearsals begin Jan. 17. 2015; runs Jan. 27-Feb. 22 in Fort Worth, TX. Pays $461/wk. Equity TYA Tier 1 Contract. Casting a variety of roles. Prepare a short monologue. Actors should be prepared for cold readings from the script. Bring picture and resume stapled together. For more info, visit www.casamanana.org. By appointment only. Email lindsey.atkinson@casamanana.org. EPA Rules are in effect. A monitor will not be provided. The producer will run all aspects of this audition. Visit http://www.backstage.com/casting/charlottes-web-53378/ to submit. Auditions held December 6th in Fort Worth, TX.

Buena Vista Theatre Group (NYC, NY) - Seeking male and female singers who move very well and dancers for possible future replacements in the Broadway and national touring productions of "The Lion King." Runs in NY and nationwide. Pays $1861/wk. Equity Production (Disney) Contract. Seeking Actors, Dancers and Singers, all ages, all ethnicities. Be prepared to sing one brief classic R&B, pop, or rock and roll song that shows off voice and range. Do not sing material from "The Lion King." No standard Broadway theatre music. Bring picture/resume stapled together. Visit http://www.backstage.com/casting/the-lion-king-bway-53429/ to submit. Auditions will be held December 11th, December 15th and December 16th in New York, NY.

Blue Man Group (NYC, NY) - Best known for multimedia performances that feature three bald and blue characters, Blue Man Group is theater, ritual, comedy, rock music, and dance party all rolled into one. The character has strong roots in the downtown New York performance art scene as well as significant nods to vaudeville and Le Coq's principals of playfulness, togetherness, and openness. Seeking performers between 5ft10-6ft2 with an athletic build. Strong candidates frequently have backgrounds in physical theater and improvisation and are compelling and genuine non-verbal storytellers. Must thrive in a constantly evolving team environment on and off stage. Drumming skills/musicianship are an advantage but a good sense of rhythm is necessary. Apply via Actors Access: http://www.actorsaccess.com/projects/?view=breakdowns&breakdown=431506&region=2. Interviews held December 7th in NYC.


U/RTA Graduate School Auditions and Interviews (January 24- February 7, 2015; NYC, Chicago, San Francisco) - An opportunity to apply for over 40 graduate theatre training programs. Visit http://www.urta.com/NUAI/candinfo.html for application information and to apply. Deadline: December 12, 2014 (Late application deadline, late fee applicable)
Unified Professional Theatre Association Interviews (February 7, 2015, Memphis TN) - Interviews for industry professionals available to work with any number of the 49 companies currently registered as UPTA members. Interviews will occur on Saturday, February 7th only. Technical, administrative, and artistic positions will be posted at the Sheraton Memphis Downtown. Interviews will occur at the Sheraton Memphis Downtown with sign-up sheets on the companies’ hotel doors. Deadline: January 26, 2015.
College of Charleston Visiting Assistant Professor of Theatre (Charleston, SC) - COLLEGE OF CHARLESTON is now accepting applications for a nine-month, tenure-track Assistant Professor of Theatre position in the Department of Theatre and Dance, which begins August 16, 2015. We are seeking a candidate with a specialization in Playwriting to join our department. Secondary areas of specialization are open, but may include: non-Western performance, musical theatre, directing, theory and criticism, dramaturgy, multicultural theatre, devised performance. Visit https://jobs.cofc.edu/postings/3613 for information on how to apply. Deadline: January 1, 2015.

Flea Theatre Artistic Director (New York, NY) - The award-winning Flea Theater seeks an Artistic Director to lead the company in the 2015/16 season and to lead their inaugural seasons at their new three-theater performing arts complex in the 2016/17 season. The Flea is seeking a leader with commitment to and experience in the Off-Off-Broadway arena. With the mandate to "raise a joyful hell in a small space," the Artistic Director should have a unique understanding and love for the particulars of Off-Off-Broadway production and a desire to raise every aspect to its highest potential. Experience and familiarity with the operation of a theater plant is also necessary. The Artistic Director of The Flea should have a vision large enough to populate its three performance spaces, and the experience and ingenuity to run all three concurrently. The Flea Artistic Director should have energy, vitality, charisma and the ability to inspire and support the work of the diverse group of artists working under the umbrella of The Flea. For questions, contact carolo@theflea.org or visit http://m.playbill.com/jobs/job_detail/seeking-artistic-director-for-the-flea-theater-335825 for application instructions.

Theater for the New City Designing Talent (New York, NY) - Seeking designer talent for a new production opening in late December. Pay is stipend based on experience, begins early December. Contact Vincent Sessa via www.theaterforthenewcity.net/ or visit http://offstagejobs.com/jobdetail.php?jobID=28639 to apply.


Shubert Foundation – Awarding unrestricted grants of $5,000-$275,000 to not-for-profit professional U.S. theatre companies for general operating support. The Foundation factors in artistic achievement, administrative strength, and fiscal stability in its evaluation. No grants to individuals; no funds for project support, audience development, direct subsidy of reduced-price admissions, conduit organizations, renovation projects, loans, or capital or endowment campaigns. No emailed queries or applications. Shubert Foundation, Attn: Applications, 234 W. 44th St., New York, NY 10036, T: (212) 944-3777, FAX: (212) 944-3767,www.shubertfoundation.org/grantprograms/theatre.asp. Receipt Deadline: December 2, 2014, 6pm

US Artists International Travel Grants – Funds American dance, music, and theatre ensembles and solo artists that have been invited to participate in international festivals outside the U.S. Open to dance, music, or theatre ensembles, including folk and traditional forms, that work at a professional level and have 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization status or have a fiscal sponsor with such status. A majority of members must be citizens or permanent residents of the U.S. Eligible festivals must be sponsored or organized primarily by a non-U.S. based organization; be international in scope with representation from at least two countries outside the host country, or have a U.S. theme with representation from at least three U.S. performing groups; reach a wide audience and be open and marketed to the general public; provide the applicant with a signed letter of invitation or signed contract to perform at the festival; and provide some support to the invited ensembles in the form of cash remuneration, paid travel-related expenses, or in-kind contributions. See website for complete application information. Brigid Myers, Program Assistant, International, US Artists International, Mid Atlantic Arts Foundation, 201 North Charles St., Ste. 401, Baltimore, MD 21201, T: (410) 539-6656 x113, brigid@midatlanticarts.org, http://www.midatlanticarts.org/funding/pat_presentation/us_artists/index.html. Receipt Deadline: December 5, 2014 (for projects taking place between March 1, 2015 and February 28, 2016); April 17, 2015 (for projects taking place between July 1, 2015 and June 30, 2016)

San Francisco Foundation Arts and Culture Grants – Grants for projects that substantially benefit residents in at least one of the 5 Bay Area counties the foundation serves: Alameda, Contra Costa, Marin, San Francisco, and San Mateo. Eligible projects and organizations include those who: develop and present high quality and diverse artistic practices reflective of the myriad communities in the region; foster creativity, self-expression, cross-cultural exchange, and civic participation for children and young adults; increase opportunities for all to participate in diverse cultural and artistic experiences; engage in the arts to build communities. See website for complete guidelines and application instructions. The San Francisco Foundation, 225 Bush St., Ste. 500, San Francisco, CA 94104, T: (415) 733-8500, artsinfo@sff.org, www.sff.org. Deadline: January 21, 2015

The Emily List Fund for Performing Arts Therapy – Supports theatre, dance, and music projects aimed at helping the sick and disadvantaged in the interest of making their lives better and brighter through the performing arts. Grants of up to $1,000 to fund instruments or equipment for a music therapist working in a hospital; scholarships for young people to attend theatre camp; travel expenses for a chorus or theatre group; space for a dancer working with disabled or elderly people; payment for an instructor teaching arts to patients; tickets for groups to attend theatre performances they otherwise could not… and any other proposal along those lines. Grants are focused in the Pioneer Valley and at Mass General Hospital. Applications are accepted on a rolling basis year-round. Download and complete application form (available on website) and submit by e-mail or postal mail. Emily List Fund for Performing Arts Therapy, Karen List, klist@journ.umass.edu. Visit http://emilylistfund.com/about.html for more details. Deadline: Rolling


Kenyon Playwrighting Conference (Kenyon, OH) - Immerse yourself in the craft of playwriting surrounded by some of the most exciting early-stage play development in the U.S. and U.K. You will write every day, hear your work read in the evenings, and interact with the creative teams from powerhouse companies and three commissioned playwrights in residence. Please submit a paragraph (no more than 250 words) about why you are applying to this workshop and what you hope to take away from it. Additionally, please submit a sample scene of no more than 5 pages. If you are planning to workshop a particular play at the conference, your sample must be from that play. Please also submit a biography (no more than 250 words). After you have been accepted, if you plan to workshop a particular play, we ask that you submit the play to us by May 15 so your instructor can read it before the conference. Instructions for submitting your play will accompany your acceptance message. For more details on submitting, please visit http://www.kenyoninstitute.org/programs/playwrights-conference/ or watch https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PlJccRBI3U0. Applications accepted starting November 1, 2014
ARTErra Residencias (Tondela, Portugal) – Residency that encourages cross-disciplinary artistic creation in a small rural village in Portugal. Artists may stay from 3 days to 6 months; average stay is 6-8 weeks. Artist responsible for travel, residency fee (budgeted on a case by case basis according to the artist’s needs), and meals (residency provides some fruit, vegetables, eggs and jam from the property; artists have access to fully equipped kitchen); residency provides room, work space, and some materials and tools according to the artists’ needs. NO FEE. ARTErra Residencias, R. Nossa Senhora do Crasto, nº380 Lobão da Bei, Tondela, Portugal 3460-207,arterra.geral@gmail.com, http://www.arterra.weebly.com. Deadline: Ongoing

Hawthornden Castle (Midlothian, Scotland) – International 1-month retreats for creative writers of all types from anywhere in the world to work without disturbance. Residency provides individual room/study in shared house and meals. Artist responsible for travel. Applicants must be published writers. Contact them for application instructions. NO FEE. Hawthornden Castle, Lasswade, Midlothian, EH18 1EG Scotland, United Kingdom, T: +44 131 4402180, FAX: +44 131 440 1989, http://www.transartists.org/air/hawthornden-castle.  Deadline: Ongoing

Creative Arts Residencies at the Rockefeller Foundation Bellagio Center (August 19-November 27, 2014, Bellagio, Italy) – 4-week residencies between August and November, 2012. Open to composers, novelists, playwrights, poets, video/filmmakers and visual artists from around the globe, with the goal of bringing together people of diverse expertise and cultures in a thought-provoking creative environment. Spouses/life partners may accompany the resident, or may apply for a concurrent residency. The Center also offers collaborative residencies for two to four persons working on the same project. Residents will engage with each other over meals and informal presentations, and interact with the participants of international conferences hosted at the Center. Applicants must demonstrate a history of significant achievement in their discipline. Individuals from developing countries and young artists with significant accomplishments — exhibitions, publications, performances — are particularly encouraged to apply. Residency provides housing and studio/work space. Residents are responsible for travel, food, and materials. NOTE: Application must be completed online in English. Applicants from developing countries who have trouble accessing online forms may contact the office by phone or e-mail to discuss alternative ways to submit application. Hard copies of work samples should be sent to the program administrators in New York. NO FEE. Residency address: Bellagio Center, Villa Serbelloni, Bellagio (Lago di Como) 22021, Italy; Administrative address: Program Administrators, Institute of International Education (IIE), Bellagio Competition, 809 United Nations Plaza, 7th Floor, New York, NY 10017, T: (212) 984-5537, bellagio_res@iie.org, http://www.rockefellerfoundation.org/bellagio-center/residency-program/arts-literary-arts-residency/overview. Deadline: December 1, 2014

Creative Arts Residencies at the Rockefeller Foundation Bellagio Center (August 19-November 27, 2014, Bellagio, Italy) – 4-week residencies between August and November, 2012. Open to composers, novelists, playwrights, poets, video/filmmakers and visual artists from around the globe, with the goal of bringing together people of diverse expertise and cultures in a thought-provoking creative environment. Spouses/life partners may accompany the resident, or may apply for a concurrent residency. The Center also offers collaborative residencies for two to four persons working on the same project. Residents will engage with each other over meals and informal presentations, and interact with the participants of international conferences hosted at the Center. Applicants must demonstrate a history of significant achievement in their discipline. Individuals from developing countries and young artists with significant accomplishments — exhibitions, publications, performances — are particularly encouraged to apply. Residency provides housing and studio/work space. Residents are responsible for travel, food, and materials. NOTE: Application must be completed online in English. Applicants from developing countries who have trouble accessing online forms may contact the office by phone or e-mail to discuss alternative ways to submit application. Hard copies of work samples should be sent to the program administrators in New York. NO FEE. Residency address: Bellagio Center, Villa Serbelloni, Bellagio (Lago di Como) 22021, Italy; Administrative address: Program Administrators, Institute of International Education (IIE), Bellagio Competition, 809 United Nations Plaza, 7th Floor, New York, NY 10017, T: (212) 984-5537, bellagio_res@iie.org, http://www.rockefellerfoundation.org/bellagio-center/residency-program/arts-literary-arts-residency/overview. Deadline: December 2, 2014
Elsewhere Collaborative (April-November, 2014, Greensboro, NC) – Residencies between 2-6 weeks for creative artists working in all media. The collaborative is a three-floor former thrift store turned into a living museum. Residents constantly compose and re-imagine the environment through projects that respond to layers of objects, artworks, collections, architecture, histories, and concepts within the building. Residents enter into an evolving collaborative artwork, inhabit production spaces, and establish living sites throughout the museum, using the resources from the 58-year-old inventory. Residency provides housing, workspace, and materials; artist responsible for program fee ($500), travel, and participation in food co-operative ($50/week). See website for application and complete guidelines. NO FEE. Elsewhere Collaborative, 606 and 608 S. Elm St., Downtown Greensboro, NC 27406, http://www.goelsewhere.org/residencies/. Deadline: January 11, 2015
Santa Fe Art Institute (August – December, 2014, Santa Fe, NM) – Residencies of an average of 1-3 months for visual artists and writers. Residency provides housing and studio space. Artist responsible for travel, materials, and residency fee ($1,000/month). Financial aid packages available. FEE: $35. Katie Avery, Residency Director, Santa Fe Art Institute, 1600 St. Michael’s Dr., Santa Fe, NM  87505, (505) 424-5050, residencies@sfai.org, http://sfaiblog.org/residency/application/.Deadline: January 31, 2015

HERE Artist Residency Program (HARP) 2015 (NYC, NY) - HERE has been one of New York’s most prolific producing organizations since 1993, and today, stands at the forefront of the city’s presenters of daring new hybrid art. We have a long history of supporting unique and innovative artists, ensuring them the opportunity to develop and perform original work as well as assist them in enhancing their skill in all areas of artistic work. Through the HERE Artist Residency Program (HARP), artists are able to develop their work in a peer-based program designed to nurture new and unique work. Our community of mid-career resident artists meet monthly, show works-in-progress, develop workshop productions, and mount full-scale productions. HERE is currently accepting applications to HARP which commissions and develops new hybrid works over a 1- to 3-year period. For more information regarding the HERE Artist Residency Program and how to apply, please visit: http://here.org/programs/harp/. Deadline: February 3, 2015.

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#ScreenOpps FILM FESTIVALS  She/Her Fest  She/Her Fest was created to empower, recognize, and promote art created by women identifying filmm...