
Film/Video Funding News – August 2014 from Women in the Arts & Media Coalition, the League of Professional Theatre Women, and WomenArts

Women in the Arts & Media Coalition,
League of Professional Theatre Women,
Film Submission Opportunities
and Funding News – August 2014

*Opportunities in red are for selected populations.
**Opportunities starred and in red are for women only.

Film Festivals/Calls For Entry

Sundance Film Festival 2014 (Jan 22- Feb 1, 2015, Park City, UT) - Since 1981, Sundance Institute has evolved to become an internationally-recognized nonprofit organization that actively advances the work of risk-taking storytellers worldwide. Originally founded by Robert Redford in the mountains of Sundance, Utah, Sundance Institute has always provided a space for independent artists to explore their stories free from commercial and political pressures. By providing year-round creative and financial support for the development of original stories for the screen and stage, Sundance Institute remains committed to its mission to discover and develop independent artists and audiences across the globe. Deadline: August 11, 2014 (early, films & docs), August 25, 2014  (regular, short films), August 29 (regular, films & docs), September 15, 2014 (late, short films), September 29, 2014 (late, films & docs)

**Vancouver International Women in Film Festival** (March 5-8, 2015, Vancouver, BC, Canada) – Seeking Documentary, Narrative, Animated, and Experimental films in any genre by established and emerging women filmmakers from around the world in the following categories: Short (under 20 minutes), Mid-Length (20-75 minutes), and Feature (over 75 minutes). Submitted films must have women in at least 3 of the key creative roles: writer, producer, director, cinematographer, editor, composer, or lead performer. Film must have been created after March 2011. FEE: $15-$50 CAD. Vancouver Women in Film Festival, #306 – 207 West Hastings St., Vancouver, BC V6B 1H7, Canada, T: (604) 685-1152, FAX: (604) 685-1124, filmfestival@womeninfilm.ca, www.womeninfilm.ca. Deadline: August 15, 2014 (early), September 15, 2014 (regular), October 15, 2014 (late)

**Brooklyn Girl Festival** (March 26-28, 2015, Brooklyn, NY) – Seeks to empower women and their unique and relevant interpretation of the world around them and strengthen the community of women filmmakers. $1.00 from each submission fee will go to the Reel GRRLS scholarship fund, a non-profit organization based in Seattle, WA that offers high school girls the opportunity to learn filmmaking and make their own movies. Submitted films must have a woman in the role of director, writer, producer, director of photography, or lead animator. Seeking entries in the following categories: Dramatic Feature (over 60 minutes), Comedy Feature (over 60 minutes), Documentary Feature (over 60 minutes), Dramatic Short (under 50 minutes), Comedy Short (under 50 minutes), Documentary Short (under 50 minutes), and Experimental or Animated Short (under 50 minutes; includes music videos). FEE: $20-$70. Brooklyn Girl Festival, 227 East 7th St., 7L, Brooklyn, NY 11218, brooklyngirlff@gmail.com, www.brooklyngirlfilmfest.com. Deadline: September 6, 2014 (early), November 22, 2014 (regular), December 12, 2014 (late), December 19, 2014 (extended, via withoutabox.com)

Santa Barbara International Film Festival (January 27-February 7, 2015, Santa Barbara, CA) – Seeking entries in the following categories: Feature Fiction (40+ minutes, Narrative Fiction film), Feature Documentary (40+ minutes, Non-Narrative Non-Fiction film), Feature Animation (40+ minutes, Animated Feature film), Short Fiction (under 40 minutes), Short Documentary (under 40 minutes), Short Animation (under 40 minutes), Feature Local (40+ minutes, must live or be a student in the Santa Barbara County, email: programming@sbfilmfestival.org to inform them your film is a local submission), Short Local (under 40 minutes, must live or be a student in the Santa Barbara County, email: programming@sbfilmfestival.org to inform them your film is a local submission).  Check the website for further information. FEE: $30-$95 ($5 discount with “Premium” Withoutabox account). Santa Barbara International Film Festival, 1528 Chapala Street, Suite 203, Santa Barbara, CA 93101. generalinfo@sbfilmfestival.org, sbiff.org.  Deadline: August 8, 2014 (Early), September 19, 2014 (Regular), November 7, 2014 (Late), December 12, 2014 (Drop).

San Francisco Frozen Film Festival(July 17-20, 2015, San Francisco, CA) – Celebrating “razor’s edge independent films and bands” during July, the coldest month of the year in San Francisco. Seeking entries in the following categories: Filmstock Film (all forms, lengths, and genres; must be shot on 8, 16, or 32mm), Digital Film (all forms, lengths and genres; must be shot with a digital camera), Feature Documentary (45 minutes or longer), Short Documentary (under 45 minutes), Animation, First-Time Director, Student Director (filmmaker must be enrolled in high school or college during production), Surf/Skate Video (videos about skaters, surfers, and snowboarders; winners may be asked to skate or perform at opening gala), Music Video, International Film (made outside the U.S.), Music Documentary, and Environmental Film. FEE: $20-$55. San Francisco Frozen Film Festival, 588 Sutter St. #103, San Francisco, CA 94102, T: (415) 846-1375, FAX: (415) 392-7500, frozenfilmfestival@gmail.com, http://www.frozenfilmfestival.com. Deadline: August 31, 2014 (early), December 31, 2014 (regular), March 31, 2015 (late), May 31, 2015 (extended, via withoutabox.com)

San Diego Black Film Festival (January 29-February 1, 2015, San Diego, CA) – Aims to provide a vehicle for worldwide exposure of quality African American and African Diaspora films. Seeking films in the following genres: dramatic feature, dramatic short, comedy, documentary feature, documentary short, GLBT, animation, Christian, and music video. Feature length films are longer than sixty (60) minutes, and short films are shorter than sixty minutes. The festival programming staff may use their discretion to place your film in the appropriate category. FEE: $40-$125. San Diego Black Film Festival 220 West G Street, Suite E San Diego, CA 92101, T: (619) 685-7215, letter@sdbff.com, http://www.sdbff.com. Deadline: August 29, 2014 (late), September 30, 2014 (WAB extended), October 17, 2014 (Rush/Last Minute, online through website only)

**One In Ten Screenplay Contest**  – Seeking screenplays (90-125 pages) in which at least one of the primary characters is LGBTQ and is portrayed positively. Awards range from $100-$1,000 and submission to up to 5 studios/producers/agents. Screenplays must not have been previously optioned, produced, or purchased prior to September 1, 2012. Submit screenplay with author’s name only on the title page, a 4-sentence (or shorter) synopsis, and an entry form (available on website). FEE: $45. Cherub Productions, One in Ten Screenplay Contest, P.O. Box 540, Boulder, CO 80306, Cherubfilm@aol.com, http://www.screenplaycontests.com/oneinten/submissions.html. Deadline: September 1, 2014

**OUTrageous: Santa Barbara Lesbian & Gay Film Festival** (November 6-9, 2014, Santa Barbara, CA) – Providing a diverse selection of films that entertain, challenge, and educate the lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgendered communities. Seeking projects completed after May 1, 2012 in the following categories: Feature (over 40 minutes),Short (under 40 minutes) Feature Documentary (over 40 minutes), Short Documentary (under 40 minutes). FEE: $15-$60. c/o Pacific Pride Foundation 126 E Haley St. Suite A-11 Santa Barbara, CA 93101, Phone: (805) 963-3636, Fax: (805) 963-9086, info@outrageousfilmfesival.org, http://www.outrageousfilmfestival.org/ Deadline: August 22, 2014 (late), September 5, 2014 (extended, via withoutabox.com)

Ann Arbor Film Festival (March 19-24, 2015, Ann Arbor, MI) - The AAFF provides at least $20,000 in cash and film stock/services to more than 20 filmmakers, serves as a qualifying festival for Academy Award® nomination in the short film category and provides touring opportunities for select filmmakers. All submitting filmmakers will be notified regarding acceptance by approximately February 13, 2015 with the email address provided at the time of submission.  Please add mail@aafilmfest.org to your contact list to ensure receipt of notification.  Please contact Ellie White at submissions@aafilmfest.org if your email changes prior to notification. Fees $30-60. Deadline: August 15, 2014 (early), October 1, 2014 (regular), November 1, 2014 (late).

AFI Fest (November 6-13, 2014, Hollywood, CA) - Submissions are now open and filmmakers are invited to submit narrative, documentary, experimental, animated and short films for consideration for the next edition of AFI FEST. The American Film Institute's annual celebration of international cinema from modern masters and emerging filmmakers, AFI FEST features nightly red-carpet galas, special screenings, conversations and tributes. The Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences recognizes AFI FEST as a qualifying festival for both Short Films categories of the annual Academy Awards®, and AFI FEST is still the only film festival in the United States to hold the prestigious FIAPF accreditation, assuring a high standard of quality and reliability for the international film community. AFI FEST is Los Angeles' longest running international film festival and has been bringing the best in world cinema to the film capital of the world since its launch as FILMEX in 1971. Visit http://www.afi.com/afifest/submissions.aspx for guidelines and to submit. Fees are $55 for short films, $75 for feature length. Deadline: August 8, 2014

The Athena Film Festival (February 5-8, 2015, Barnard, NY) - Now in its fifth year, the Athena Film Festival — a celebration of women and leadership — is an engaging weekend of feature films, documentaries and shorts that highlight women’s leadership in real life and the fictional world. Also, in an attempt to remedy lack of gender parity in film, the Athena Film Festival has created the Athena List, an annual slate of between 3-5 screenplays with female leaders or strong female protagonists that have yet to be made into films. Screenplays can be written by any gender, but must focus on women’s leadership. For submission guidelines and to submit to the festival, or the special Athena’s List slate for unproduced screenplays, visit http://athenafilmfestival.com/submissions/. Deadline: September 15, 2014

**Citizen Jane Film Festival** (November 7-9, 2014) - Accepting submissions for the 2014 festival: films in all genres and short or feature length.  The CJFF programs films made by female filmmakers in all stages of their careers--from first time filmmakers to pioneers in the industry.  If accepted, filmmakers are strongly encouraged to attend the festival in person to participate and collaborate with other female filmmakers throughout the weekend. Beyong the festival in the fall, Citizen Jane continues to support and celebrate female filmmakers through an ongoing film series at Stephens College throughout the year.  They host artist in residences to screen and discuss their films to the public, and they also visit classes and lead workshops. To submit: http://www.citizenjanefilmfestival.com/submit/. No Deadline posted on website, submissions made through Without A Box are still being accepted for the November 2014 festival.
**LUNAFEST** (Ongoing events nationwide, limited submission window) - Since 2000, LUNAFEST has showcased the work of more than 110 women filmmakers and raised nearly $1.75 million for women’s causes throughout North America. They seek unique stories in short film format created by, for and about women. If your film is chosen by the LUNAFEST Board of Advisors, you get a $2,500 award. If chosen it will also be screened by audiences at more than 190 venues throughout North America and serve as vehicle for raising awareness and funds for causes that women care about. $20 Fee, $15 Student Fee, made out to the Breast Cancer Fund. For questions, email lunafest@clifbar.com. To submit, visit http://www.lunafest.org/submit-a-film. Submissions open September 14, 2014 - April 1, 2015.

Ongoing Festivals/Calls for Entry

**Bluestocking Film Series** (Portland, ME) – Screening series for women directors in which all films must pass the Bechdel Test (film must have at least two women characters who talk to each other about something besides a man). Seeking Short (under 45 minutes) films in all genres, particularly films that work against gender stereotypes. NOTE: Screenings will be held bi-annually and submissions are accepted on a rolling basis; if you submit after a specific deadline, your film will be considered for the next series. See website for screening and deadline schedule. FEE: $0-$20. Bluestocking Film Series, Gitgo Productions, 161 Fort Rd., South Portland, ME 04106, T: (207) 772-1326, gitgo_productions@yahoo.com, www.bluestockingfilms.com.

Ford Foundation Freedom of Expression Just Films Initiative – Supports documentary projects that address urgent social issues and help us understand our past, explore our present and build our future, with the goal of expanding the community of emerging and established filmmakers by helping them realize their visions and reach audiences. JustFilms focuses on film, video and digital works that show courageous people confronting difficult issues and actively pursuing a more just, secure and sustainable world. Initiative funds will be distributed through three distinct paths: partnerships with major organizations such as the Sundance Institute and ITVS; collaboration with other Ford Foundation grant-making programs where the introduction of documentary film could help draw attention to an issue or advance a movement, and an ongoing open application process. Open application process begins with submission of a grant inquiry through website. See website for complete application guidelines. Ford Foundation, 320 East 43rd St., New York, NY 10017, T: (212) 573-5000, FAX: (212) 351-3677, http://www.fordfoundation.org/issues/freedom-of-expression/justfilms/for-grant-seekers.


Alter-Cine Foundation Documentary Film Grants – $10,000 Canadian to a video- or filmmaker to assist in the production of a documentary project. Grant is aimed at young video- and filmmakers from Africa, Asia, or Latin America who want to direct a film in the language of their choice on the theme of rights and freedoms, including social and economic rights, women’s rights, and the right to culture, art, and artistic creation. The Foundation particularly supports documentary films that dare to go against the tide, that take the side of the defenseless, and that question common assumptions by giving a voice to the voiceless, enriching our understanding of the world and enabling us to reflect on the need and possibility of changing the world from a perspective of peace, justice, equality and respect for differences. Film may be made in any language, but application and supporting materials must be supplied in French, English, or Spanish. Alter-Cine Foundation, 5371 avenue de l’Esplanade, Montréal (Quebec), H2T 2Z8, Canada, T: 1 (514) 273-7136, alter@mlink.net, http://www.altercine.org/html/en/programme-de-bourses.php. Receipt Deadline: August 15, 2014

**Kentucky Foundation for Women Artist Enrichment Grant Program** - Provides opportunities for feminist artists and arts organizations to enhance their abilities and skills to create art for progressive social change in Kentucky. Grants range from $1,000 – $7,500 (typical award is between $3,000 – $5,000). Applicants may request funds for a range of activities including: artistic development, artist residencies, the exploration of new areas or techniques, or to build a body of work. Open to individual artists and nonprofit arts organizations. Applicants must have resided in Kentucky at least one year prior to application. See website for complete guidelines and application forms. Rae Strobel, Grant Program and Community Building Coordinator, The Kentucky Foundation for Women, 332 West Broadway, Suite 1215, Louisville, KY 40202, T: (502) 562-0045, FAX: (502) 561-0420, rae@kfw.org, www.kfw.org. Deadline: September 5, 2014

**Open Meadows Foundation Grants** – Funding to individuals and to nonprofit organizations for projects that are led by and benefit women. Grants of up to $2,000 support projects that are designed and implemented by women and girls; reflect diversity of community served by project in both its leadership and organization; promote building community power; promote racial, social, economic, and environmental justice; and have limited financial access or have encountered obstacles in search for funding. In addition to general grants, Open Meadows has 6 special targeted funds: the Jeanne Meurer Indigenous Women’s Fund; the Ellen Dougherty Activist Fund for Young Women; the Edie Windsor Fund for Old Lesbians; the India Fund; the Patsy Lu Fund for Women’s Music Projects; and the Susan F. Eastman Fund for Environmental Activists. Organizational budget should not exceed $150,000; small and start-up organizations strongly encouraged to apply. Open Meadows Foundation, PO Box 1363, Bronx, NY 10475, T: (718) 885-0969, openmeadows@igc.org, www.openmeadows.org. Deadline: August 15, 2014

Jerome Foundation Production Grants for Individual Film and Video Artists – Funds New York and Minnesota film and video artists working in the genres of experimental, narrative, animation, and documentary production. Applicants must be residents of New York or Minnesota. Supports production and post-production; not pre-production. See website for complete application guidelines and instructions. Jerome Foundation, 400 Sibley St., Ste. 125, Saint Paul, Minnesota 55101-1928, T: (651) 224-9431, FAX: (651) 224-3439, info@jeromefdn.org, http://jeromefdn.org/apply/mn-nyc-film-video. Deadline for Minnesota: September 26, 2014  Deadline for New York: Ongoing

Lower Manhattan Cultural Council Grants – Supports artists and organizations in Manhattan with three grant programs:
Creative Curricula – Grants of up to $5,000 to teaching artists and arts organizations for in-school partnerships. Applicants must be working in partnership with Manhattan public schools. Supports projects providing in-depth opportunities for students to create and experience the arts at any level K-12. Projects must be semester-long, in-classroom programs that focus either on sequential, skills-based arts study incorporating one or more art forms, or on integrated study of arts and non-arts subjects, collaboratively taught by classroom teacher(s) and teaching artist(s).
Fund for Creative Communities – Grants of up to $5,000 to artist community partnerships and nonprofit organizations. Supports projects and activities that enable Manhattan communities to engage with the arts. Projects that increase access to arts and cultural activities in communities with high need are encouraged. Open to nonprofit organizations, and to artists working in partnership with a community-based organization or a fiscal sponsor. Projects must include a public component.
Manhattan Community Arts Fund – Grants of up to $5,000 for individual artists and small nonprofit organizations. Supports artists and arts organizations that have little access to government funding sources, in the hopes that the grant will help recipients eventually leverage financial support from other sources.
See website for complete guidelines and application instructions for all three grants. Lower Manhattan Cultural Council, 125 Maiden Lane, Second Floor, New York, NY 10038, Contact: Prachi Patankar, Program Manager, Grants and Services, T: (212) 219-9401, ext. 117, mcaf@lmcc.net, http://www.lmcc.net/grants. Receipt Deadline: September 16, 2014

New England Foundation for the Arts Native Arts Program/National Native Artist Exchange - Supports teaching, learning, and collaborating in traditional and/or contemporary Native art forms through travel from one region to another in North America. American Indian, Alaska Native, and Native Hawaiian artists residing in any of the fifty United States may apply. The applicant must identify a collaborating artist and specific project as part of the exchange, which must be beneficial to both artists. Grants of up to $1,5000 will be awarded per exchange. Acceptable expenses include lodging, meals, economy-class travel, materials, and other direct costs of the artist exchange. http://www.nefa.org/grants_programs/programs/native_arts
Deadline: Rolling (requests must be received no later than 2 calendar months prior to departure date)

Corporation for Public Broadcasting (CPB) Greenhouse Fund – Grants for industry training and professional development projects for public TV professionals and independent producers. Eligible projects may involve forums for new technologies, skill-building, showcasing of best practices, mentoring, training that increases mastery, strategies to improve competitiveness, conferences to bring new voices and points of view into the public TV system, or forums to address key issues in public broadcasting. Proposals may be submitted by U.S.-based film producers, production companies, training organizations, media companies, or public TV professionals; must demonstrate feasibility and benefits to the public TV community. Greenhouse Fund, Television Programming Department, Corporation for Public Broadcasting, 401 Ninth Street, NW, Washington, DC 20004-2129, greenhouse@cpb.org, www.cpb.org/grants/greenhousefund/. Deadline: Rolling

MoxieDocs Co-Production Award – A production sponsorship program to support documentary film as a turning point of art and activism, journalism and history. Award provides funding and resources for complete production, post-production, and theatrical distribution to the selected documentary proposal. FEE: $25. Moxie Films, Attn: MoxieDocs, 107 Suffolk St., Studio #517, New York, NY 10002, T: (212) 982-5008, FAX: (212) 353-3707, moxiedocs@moxie-films.com, www.moxie-films.com/moxienew/index.php?page=moxdocscontent. Deadline: Rolling


Recology Artist in Residence Program (2013, San Francisco Bay Area, CA) – Provides local artists working in all media the opportunity to create art using materials they gather from San Francisco’s refuse. Four-month residency includes 24-hour access to a 2,000-sq. ft. art studio, a monthly stipend, and an exhibit at the end of each residency. Open to professional artists who reside within one hour’s drive of San Francisco; students ineligible. Prior to applying, artists must take a tour of the recycling facilities, art studio, and sculpture garden (tours held on the third Saturday of each month at 10am). To reserve a spot and for more information, call Micah Gibson (number below). See website for complete guidelines and application instructions. NO FEE. AIR Program, Recology San Francisco, 501 Tunnel Ave., San Francisco, CA 94134, Contact: Micah Gibson, T: (415) 330-1414, mgibson@recology.com, http://sunsetscavenger.com/AIR/apply.htm. Deadline: September 1, 2014

Kimmel Harding Nelson Center for the Arts Residency (January-June, 2013, Nebraska City, NE) – Two, four, six, or eight-week residencies between July and December for visual artists, writers, composers, interdisciplinary artists, and arts and arts education scholars.  Some “transitional” residencies reserved for recent masters degree program graduates.  Residents receive free housing and a studio as well as a $100 per week stipend. FEE: $35. See website for application form and requirements. Kimmel Harding Nelson Center for the Arts, 801 3rd Corso, Nebraska City, NE 68410, T: 402-874-9600, info@khncenterforthearts.org, http://www.khncenterforthearts.org. Deadline: September 1, 2014

Virginia Center for the Creative Arts (February-May, 2013, Amherst, VA) – Residencies for playwrights, screenwriters, performance artists, and video artists. Average stay is 4 weeks. Residents receive housing, all meals, and studios. Residents responsible for travel, materials, suggested contribution ($30 per day), and deposit ($50). Occasional full funding available. See website for application. FEE: $30. Virginia Center for the Arts, 154, San Angelo Dr., Amherst, VA 24521, T: (434) 946-7236, FAX: (434) 946-7239, vcca@vcca.com, www.vcca.com. Deadline: September 15, 2014

Jentel Artist Residency (January 15 – May 13, 2013, Banner, WY) – Residencies of an average of one month for visual artists and writers, including playwrights and screenwriters, who are 25 and older and live in the U.S. (citizenship not required). Organization provides housing, studio facilities, and a $400 stipend toward the cost of food and travel. Artists are responsible for travel, materials, and deposit ($100). Outreach opportunities are available, though not required. FEE: $20. Jentel Artist Residency, 130 Lower Piney Creek Rd., Banner, WY 82832, T: (307) 737-2311, FAX: (307) 737-2305, jentel@jentelarts.org, www.jentelarts.org. Deadline: September 15, 2014

MacDowell Colony (Up to eight weeks between February 1 – May 31, 2013, Peterborough, New Hampshire) – Residencies of up to eight weeks (average stay is five weeks) providing artists with time and space to create lasting works of the imagination. Artists in the disciplines of Architecture, Film/Video Arts, Interdisciplinary Arts, Literature, Music Composition, Theatre, and Visual Arts encouraged to apply. Artists collaborating on a project must submit individual application forms and appropriate work samples, but may submit a joint description of the work they intend to do at the Colony. In addition, you may submit an example of a collaborative work (either completed or a work in progress); specify workspace needs (i.e. separate studios). Submit application form (available on website), work sample, project description, and two references. Note: No e-mail applications. FEE: $30. The Admissions Coordinator, The MacDowell Colony, 100 High St., Peterborough, NH 03458, T: (603) 924-3886, admissions@macdowellcolony.org, www.macdowellcolony.org/apply.html. Receipt Deadline: September 15, 2014

Hawthornden Castle (Midlothian, Scotland) – International 1-month retreats for creative writers of all types from anywhere in the world to work without disturbance. Residency provides individual room/study in shared house and meals. Artist responsible for travel. Applicants must be published writers. Contact them for application instructions. NO FEE. Hawthornden Castle, Lasswade, Midlothian, EH18 1EG Scotland, United Kingdom, T: +44 131 4402180, FAX: +44 131 440 1989, http://www.transartists.org/air/hawthornden-castle. Deadline: Ongoing

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