
Film/Video Funding Newsletter Febuary 2014

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The Film/Video Funding Newsletter
Febuary, 2014

Ongoing additional Funding Resources
on the WomenArts website.

To sign up for Funding Newsletters and/or to find out more 
about the Women in Arts & Media Coalition, 

The Women in the Arts & Media Coalition is a coalition of member organizations; if you are a member of one of our member organizations, you are a member of the Coalition!  The purpose of the Coalition is to focus the power of our member organizations together and to use that combined strength to address issues of concern to women in theatre, film, tv, radio, and new media.  We are committed to being the link between our member organizations as we collaborate to impact the various topics that affect women in our industry through advocacy, networking, and events. 

Member organizations include:  Actors Equity Association, Dramatists Guild, League of Professional Theatre Women, New York Women in Film & Television, Screen Actors Guild-American Federation of Television and Radio Artists New York Local, Stage Directors & Choreographers, and Writers Guild of America East.

Affiliate member organizations include:  Dancers Over 40, The Rehearsal Club, The Women's Media Center, Professional Women Singers Association, WomenArts, and Women Make Movies. 

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