
Women in the Arts & Media Coalition Newsletter October 2013

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Women in the Arts & Media Coalition, Inc. Newsletter
Newsletter III:10October 2013
In This Issue
Collaboration Award Gala
LPTW Oral History with Tyne Daly
Sweet Dreams Rwanda
Funding Newsletters
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Have you gotten your tickets yet for the Collaboration Award Gala?  It's going to be a fabulous night, and members of our member organizations pay only $20 in advance.  See below for more info.

(REMEMBER:  if you are a member of any of our member organizations, you are a member of the Coalition! 
See list of member organizations at the bottom of this newsletter.)  

We've got a new logo!  We've also got a new web address,www.womenartsmediacoalition.org, but you can still find us for three more years at our old web address and email address.

Meanwhile, we've got two great upcoming events, one from LPTW (free!) and one a co-production of LPTW, NYWIFT, and the Coalition.  See below for all info and come join us.  Or find more member org events on our Online Calendar.

Looking forward to meeting you
and/or hearing from you soon,
 Shellen Lubin and Avis Boone
for the Board of Representatives
Women in the Arts & Media Coalition, Inc.

Collaboration Award GalaCollaborationAward
Join us for the Gala with Keynote Speaker Madeleine Smith (co-creator of The Daily Show with John Stewart) to celebrate Women Collaborating With Women on Thursday, October 24, 2013, at 7 p.m. at the Baruch Performing Arts Center's Engelman Hall, Lexington Avenue and 24th Street (doors open at 6:30).   There will be food, drink, and a raffle with some great theatrical prizes.  Link to buy tickets here.  $20 for members of our member orgs, $25 early bird (until 10/10), $30 non-members, $35 anyone the night of the event.

Jane Edith Wilson & Grace Lee
Stephanie Satie & Anita Khanzadian
Fengar Gael & Lorca Peress 

The Betty R. And Ralph Sheffer Foundation presents
TYNE DALY in conversation with JOHN V. FAHEY.
Presented in collaboration with the The League of Professional Theatre Women.
This evening is produced by Betty Corwin.
Join us for this exciting dialogue with a remarkable theatre woman!
Lincoln Center Library Bruno Walter Auditorium (Amsterdam Avenue & 65th Street)
Monday, October 7 at 6 p.m. first come first served

Sweet Dreams Rwanda              
Sweet Dreams, a documentary film by Lisa and Rob Fruchtman about Ingoma Nshya, the first all-female drumming troupe in Rwanda, featuring the founder, Odile (Kiki) Gakire Katese, the 1st recipient of the Gilder/Coigney International Theatre Award from LPTW, will be playing at the Quad on West 13th Street from November 1-8. 

The Coalition, LPTW, and NYWIFT will be sponsoring a screening Monday, November 4. Exact start time of film is tba, but it should be around 7 p.m.  After the film will be a talkback with the two filmmakers and at least one of the owners of Blue Marble Ice Cream who helped Kiki to bring ice cream as both a treat and an industry to Ingome Nshya and Rwanda.  Tickets will be reduced for this performance to any members of our member orgs: $8 per person.
More information soon. 

Funding Newsletters (originally from WomenArts)FundingNewsletters

JOIN OUR MAILING LIST to receive Funding Newsletters and/or more exciting events, news, and networking info.  (You get to pick what you receive, and we will never send you information that is not requested.)
Link to the Film/Video Funding Newsletter online
Link to the Theatre Funding Newsletter online
Link to ongoing additional Funding Resources
on the WomenArts website.

Member Organizations:              
Actors' Equity Association, Dramatists Guild, League of Professional Theatre Women, New York Women in Film & Television, Screen Actors Guild-American Federation of Television Artists New York Local, Stage Directors and Choreographers, Writers Guild of America East
Affiliate Member Organizations:
Dancers Over 40, Professional Women Singers Association, The Rehearsal Club, The Women's Media Center, WomenArts, and Women Make Movies

We have new Member Organizations pending--announcement soon!

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