
SDC Opportunities - September 2013

SDC - Stage Directors and Choreographers Society
 OPPORTUNITIES -  September 2013

Please note:  Applications and guidelines for all programs are available at www.sdcweb.org (look under Foundation)
Dates and Deadlines (see details below):
09/02 National: George C. Wolfe Fellowship application deadline
09/04 New York: Observership with Erica Schmidt application deadline
09/09 Florida: Observership with Marcia Milgrom Dodge application deadline (not posted yet) 
09/12 National: SDCF Masters of the Stage - Discovering Talent and New Work posting date
09/16 National: Reginald Denham Fellow selected
09/16 New York: DCN: Topic TBD
09/23 National: Zelda Fichandler Award submission materials due
09/26 National: SDCF Masters of the Stage - Directing and Choreographing New Musicals posting date
09/24 New York: Broadway Salutes
09/30 National: George C. Wolfe Fellow selected

10/01 Kentucky: Guest director selected for University of Lousville
10/03 National: Directing with Technology and Multimedia
11/04 Ohio: Presentation of the Zelda Fichandler Award at Cincinnati Playhouse

Outside Opportunities:
Immediate Oregon: Oregon Shakespeare Festival Fellowships available
09/06 National: USArtists International application deadline
10/15 Pennsylvania: Penn State Musical Theatre faculty position application deadline 
 10/15 Vermont: University of Vermont Theatre faculty position application review begins

See opportunity details below.  For further questions after reading details, please email Foundation@SDCweb.org.

The new George C. Wolfe Fellowship will be awarded to a talented director or choreographer with significant accomplishment to date and vast potential for the future. Financial support will be provided to artists who harbor a deep desire to expand their capacity for and access to new ways of working. 

For further details on applying and eligibility, please see George C. Wolfe Fellowship Guidelines and Application at SDCweb.org.


Through this program, we offer 25 grants to shadow master directors and choreographers mounting new productions across the country.  SDCF provides each Observer with a weekly stipend of $200 plus a small project travel stipend. Only those who have applied for this program - are eligible to apply for these opportunities and only they receive full details.  Applications for this year are now closed.  Application for projects beginning July 1, 2014 will be available online in April, 2014.
At its 2013 Emerging Artist Symposium on Musicals, Robyn Goodman, Commercial Producer and Founder of Second Stage Theatre, spoke with SDCF Producing Director Ellen Rusconi about discovering talent and developing new work in today's dynamic theatre climate. Goodman infuses her perspective as an actor turned producer with a well-rounded view of production from page to stage and everything in between. Listen as she offers insight on keeping up with trending audience interest and younger sensibilities, procuring a strong design team, giving a memorable interview, and recognizing commercial viability in unexpected places.
In October of 2006, Mary Orr Denham established the Denham Fellowship through a bequest to SDCF in honor of her late husband, Reginald H.F. Denham. The Denham Fellowship is “an annual award to aspiring young directors, and particularly women directors, to further develop their directing skills”. 
Applicationsfor this Fellowship were accepted through July 31, 2013, and application is now closed. For further information on SDCF Fellowships, visit SDCF Programs for Emerging Artists  (scroll to Fellowships).

Produced in association with SDC, DCN's are typically held one Monday of each month at SDC, 1501 Broadway, Suite 1701, and focus on exploring a topic of interest to directors and choreographers with invited distinguished guests. Attendance is free and open to the public.

For information on this program, visit SDCF Conversations and Events.
With this award, SDCF recognizes the profound impact and honors the legacy of the foundaers of regional theatre and celebrates the creativity and artistry of theatre around the country. Named after Zelda Fichandler, a founder of the American regional theatre movement, the award celebrates significant achievement in the field, singular creativity and artistry, and a deep investment in a particular region. This award is not for lifetime achievement; the intent is to honor an artist for both accomplishment to date and promise for the future.  This award presents an unrestricted grant of $5,000 to an outstanding director or choreographer making an exceptional contribution to the national arts landscape through theatre work in a region. This year, the award will honor achievement in the Central region.    
For more information, visit Zelda Fichandler Award at SDCweb.org.  Please direct any questions to Ellen Rusconi at SDCFPrograms@SDCweb.org.

At its 2013 Emerging Artist Symposium on Musicals, SDCF hosted Tony-nominated Dan Knechtges (Lysistrata Jones, Xanadu, Spelling Bee) in conversation with Producing Director, Ellen Rusconi, on his experiences directing and choreographing new musicals. From his theatre experiences while growing up in Cleveland to his transition from performer to director/choreogrpaher, this discussion-peppered with a dash of humor, sentiment, and survival jobs- examines Dan's process of learning to create musical theatre and launching a career. The conversation explores key tactics when working with stage managers and writers, time management when developing a new work, and elevating taste in the most unlikely yet scrumptious ways.

The fifth annual Broadway Salutes, a free public event celebrating the dedication and tenure of individuals in the Broadway community, takes place on Tuesday, September 24, beginning at 3:30pm in the Times Square Visitors Center on 7th Avenue between 46th and 47th Streets. The event will recognize the myriad of artists, technicians, and craftspeople who have made Broadway great for decades and will give special recognition to those individuals working today who have worked 25, 35, and 50 years in their respective theatrical craft - including stagehands, wardrobe workers, hair and makeup artists, theater owners, actors, producers, playwrights, casting directors, general managers, publicists, ushers, designers, musicians, directors, choreographers, and more.  Broadway Salutes is presented by The Broadway League and The Coalition of Broadway Unions and Guilds (COBUG) and administered in part by SDCF and SDC.  To reserve your spot, please email rsvp@broadwaysalutes.org.
At its 2013 Symposium on Plays, Marianne Weems and Erica Laird of The Builders Association spoke with SDCF Producing Director Ellen Rusconi about the process of creating theatre with heavy use of multi-media elements. Listen as they share the intricacies involved in rehearsing and maintaining a piece when working with both human and non-human counterparts and how to fuse the two symbiotically to create a piece of holistic, organic art. These innovative theatre artists speak to a director's responsibility when employing these mediums and identify the financial and professional requirements of mounting and sustaining this visionary artform.
OREGON SHAKESPEARE FESTIVAL offers paid professional development opportunities beginning in October for a Director, a Lighting Designer and Scenic Designer, with complimentary housing, round trip airfare, and stipend ($6000 Director, $5000 Designers) awarded to recipients. .  Directors: This is a four-month Fellowship. Candidates must have directed a minimum of three (3) Equity productions. Designers: This is a four-month Fellowship. Candidates must have designed at least three (3) non-academic productions and/or live events. Equivalent work in film, television and/or other relevant industry may also be considered. Candidates must be able to commit full time to the position.  There are no age requirements and/or academic requirements for any of the above opportunities. 
Please contact Sharifa Johka, FAIR Experience Manager at OSF, with further questions including extended deadline date  at 541.482.2111 ext. 203 or sharifaj@osfashland.org.  More information about OSF and the FAIR program can be found at osfashland.org/FAIR.


USARTISTS INTERNATIONAL provides support for American dance, music, and theater ensembles and solo artists invited to perform at significant international festivals anywhere in the world outside the United States and its territories.  The application deadline for the first of three grant rounds of the  2014 program is September 6, 2013 for projects between November 1, 2013 and October 31, 2014. For more information, visit midatlanticarts.org.  Direct questions to Brigid Zuknick, brigid@midatlanticarts.org.


PENN STATE MUSICAL THEATRE PROGRAM seeks a dance faulty member with expertise in musical theatre dance repertoire to serve as Head of Dance for Musical Theatre. Dance curricula in the School of Theatre serve two distinct degree programs: the BFA in Musical Theatre and the BA in Theatre-Dance Emphasis. Successful candidate will be appointed at a rank and salary commensurate with experience, tenure track possible. For more information, please visit https://theatre.psu.edu/people
UNIVERSITY OF VERMONT, DEPARTMENT OF THEATRE seeks an innovative and collaborative Theatre Historian/Dramaturge with an interdisciplinary approach for a full-time tenure track assistant professor position. Starting date: August 2014. PhD required. For informations please visit https://www.uvmjobs.com

SDCF programs are made possible by the National Endowment for the Arts,
the New York State Council on the Arts with the support of Governor Andrew Cuomo
and the New York State Legislature , Stage Directors and Choreographers Society
and many generous corporations and individuals.

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