
LPTW , WAM Coalition, & WomenArts Theatre Funding Newsletter

Theatre Funding Opportunities

Over the summer, the League of Professional Theatre Women and the WAM Coalition have teamed up to take over the WomenArts Funding Newsletters. We’re all very excited to be continuing these fabulous newsletters that get funding and submission opportunities out to artists!

* Indicates a women-only opportunity.


* 8th Annual Six Women Playwriting Festival  NO FEE
The Eighth Annual Six Women Playwriting Festival is now accepting submissions for their 2014 Festival themed: Up, Down and Sideways, Moving into new spaces. The festival will be held the weekends of: April 10th, April 17th, and April 24th in Colorado Springs, Co. 
Playwright entries must be unpublished works and not previously professionally produced. The festival is open to any women 16 years of age and up and is limited to one submission per playwright. Previously submitted plays from prior festivals will not be accepted and will not be returned or receive a response. The Six Women Playwriting Festival is unable to accept electronic submissions and entries postmarked after the September 30th, 2013 deadline will not be accepted or returned.
http://www.sixwomenplayfestival.com Deadline: September 30, 2013.

* Kentucky Foundation for Women Artist Enrichment Grant Program  NO FEE
Provides opportunities for feminist artists and arts organizations to enhance their abilities and skills to create art for progressive social change in Kentucky. Grants range from $1,000 – $7,500 (typical award is between $3,000 – $5,000). Applicants may request funds for a range of activities including: artistic development, artist residencies, the exploration of new areas or techniques, or to build a body of work. Open to individual artists and nonprofit arts organizations. Applicants must have resided in Kentucky at least one year prior to application. See website for complete guidelines and application forms. Rae Strobel, Grant Program and Community Building Coordinator, The Kentucky Foundation for Women, 33http://www.sfperformingarts.org/temp-cat/adult-resident-company2 West Broadway, Suite 1215, Louisville, KY 40202
rae@kfw.org, http://www.kfw.org. Deadline: September 6, 2013

Guggenheim Fellowships  NO FEE
For advanced professionals in all fields, including the creative arts (in the field of performing arts, artists must perform their own original material to be eligible), to further the development of scholars and artists by assisting them to engage in research in any field of knowledge and creation in any of the arts, under the freest possible conditions. Grants are to individuals only (but are not available to students) and have been averaging $43,200 for U.S./Canadian fellowships – amounts are adjusted to the needs of the fellows, considering their resources and the purpose and scope of their plans. Appointments ordinarily made for one year and always for at least six consecutive months. NOTE: The Foundation has suspended its Latin American and Caribbean competition for the year 2013; check back next year to see if program has resumed. John Simon Guggenheim Memorial Foundation, 90 Park Ave., New York, NY 10016
fellowships@jsgmf.org; http://www.gf.org. Deadline: September 19, 2013

Variations Theatre Group Harvest Theatre Festival  No Fee to submit, but $300 Deposit if Selected
Seeking plays of 30 minutes or shorter with a maximum cast size of 20. Festival will run for three weeks, with a winner being chosen each round. The winner of the final round will receive a $1,000 prize and the opportunity to develop the play into a full length production with VTG next season. 2 submissions per playwright. Submit completed application form (available on website), character breakdown, and your script in PDF or doc format by e-mail.NOTE: Electronic submissions only.                    harvest@variationstheatregroup.com, http://www.variationstheatregroup.com. Deadline: September 21, 2013

Polarity Ensemble Theatre Dionysos Cup Festival of New Plays  NO FEE
Open to Chicago-area playwrights only. Seeking full-length plays for a festival of staged readings. Four selected playwrights will go through a six month development process, and staged readings will be followed by open discussions to provide playwrights with feedback. Playwrights will then have two months to revise their scripts for consideration for full production. One script per playwrights. Submit full hard copy of script with name and contact information on the title page, along with a synopsis. Also e-mail a copy of the script. Polarity Ensemble Theatre, 135 Asbury Ave., Evanston, IL 60202
scripts@petheatre.com, http://www.petheatre.com. Deadline: September 15, 2013

Theatre Three One-Act Festival  NO FEE
Seeking plays of a maximum of 35 minutes that are unproduced and have a maximum cast size of 9 and minimal set requirements. No adaptations, musicals, or children’s plays. Multiple submissions OK. Submit one copy of script with a cover sheet containing author’s name and full contact information, SASE, cover letter, synopsis, and resume. Selected plays will be presented for 10 performances and playwrights will receive a small stipend. NOTE: No e-mail submissions. NO FEE. 15th Annual Festival of One-Act Plays, Attn: Jeffrey Sanzel, Artistic Director, Theatre Three, PO Box 512, Port Jefferson, NY 11777-0512
http://www.theatrethree.com/. Deadline: September 30, 2013

Southern Appalachian Repertory Theatre ScriptFest- NO FEE
Seeking original, unpublished, unproduced full-length plays and musicals in English. No one-acts; no film or TV scripts, children’s plays, translations, or adaptations. Adaptations of novels and short stories are acceptable. Only one submission per playwright. Submit 2 hard copies of script, 3-ring hole punched in a binder; do not include author’s name or other information in the scripts. Also include a synopsis page with synopsis, character breakdown, and any other notes. Provide one additional, separate title page with author’s name and full contact information, as well as a resume. If submitting a musical, include a score and/or a recording of at least 4 songs on cassette or CD. SART ScriptFest, PO Box 1720, Mars Hill, NC 28754-1720
scriptfest@mhc.edu, http://www.sartplays.org/guidelines.htm. Deadline: September 30, 2012

American Blues Theater Blue Ink Playwriting Award  Fee: $5
Seeking submissions of original, unpublished, unproduced full-length plays written in English. Winner receives $500 and a staged reading. Open to all styles and genres. Submit script with title page containing author’s name, full contact information, and page count. A second page should list only the title of the play, list of characters, and a list of acts and scenes. Include playwright’s bio or resume in a separate attachment. One submission per playwright. Submit script by e-mail only, as a PDF or doc file. Submit fee by postal mail. FEE: $5. American Blues Theater c/o Blue Ink: 800 W. Cornelia, Ste. 204, Chicago, IL 60657
blueink@americanbluestheater.com, http://www.americanbluestheater.com. Deadline: September 1, 2013
BolderLife Festival  FEE: $10
BolderLife Festival is happy to announce that we are now accepting play submissions. We are seeking short plays that share our vision and mission of exploring life and inspiring change through art and education. The 2012 program highlighted topics such as conflict transformation, living with illness, cultural diversity, and sexuality. These plays should be no longer than 10 minutes in performance length and should have no more than 4 roles.

http://www.bolderlifefestival.com. Deadline: September 1, 2013

The American Theatre Wing Jonathan Larson Grants  NO FEE
The Jonathan Larson Grants, established seventeen years ago with the resources of the Jonathan Larson Performing Arts Foundation and gifts from the Larson Family to honor the memory of Tony Award and Pulitzer Prize recipient Jonathan Larson, recognize and support emerging composers, lyricists and book writers. The grants will be celebrated at a reception featuring performances of the winning artists’ work in the spring. Artists seeking a Jonathan Larson Grant must submit an online application, along with the required attachments, in order for the review committee to evaluate the artist’s work. The application deadline for the 2014 grants is September 30th, 2013. To be considered for this grant, applications must be submitted online no later than midnight on September 30th. If you are unable to access the internet to submit an online application, please contact the ATW offices by September 23rd to make arrangements to submit a paper application.
http://americantheatrewing.org/larsongrants/ Deadline: September 30, 2013

Three-D Seeks Submissions  NO FEE
New York Playwrights only. Three-D is a group of artists interested in developing a new play through a workshop period with the playwright, followed by a fully staged production in the spring or summer of 2014. The play must be divisible into three sections. Playwrights whose plays are selected for further review will be asked to meet with Three-D artists to discuss the particulars of the project. If you have a play that fits this criteria, please send us the play in its entirety. If you are interested in developing a play with Three-D that you have not yet written, please send an outline of your play idea and a writing sample of another play that you have completed—any length is fine. PDF’s only. The subject line of your email should read as follows: PLAY NAME by YOUR NAME. In the body of the email, please include a brief synopsis of the play (2-5 sentences) and a character breakdown (ex/ 3F, 2M). Please send submissions to: projectthreeD@gmail.com. Deadline: September 30, 2013


WomenArts Funding Archive
WomenArts is a worldwide community of artists and allies that works for empowerment, opportunity, and visibility for women artists. WomenArts coordinates Support Women Artists Now Day (SWAN Day), an annual international holiday celebrating women’s creativity, and maintains a website with helpful information for women artists. WomenArts does not make cash grants, but the Funding Resources section of their website lists many funding opportunities.

New York Foundation for the Arts 
NYFA continues to research and update information in NYFA Source, which continues to promote the mission of NYFA’s former Hotline to “empower artists by providing them with complete and accurate information about resources that will facilitate their artistic work.” Additionally, as part of NYFA Source’s ongoing development, UI will regularly produce analytical reports about the patterns of support represented in the database.

The Playwrights Center – $50/year
One of the nation’s most generous and well-respected theater organizations, the Playwrights’ Center focuses on both supporting playwrights and promoting new plays to production at theaters across the country. The Center has helped launch the careers of numerous nationally recognized artists, notably August Wilson, Lee Blessing, Suzan-Lori Parks, Jordan Harrison, Carlyle Brown, Craig Lucas, Jeffrey Hatcher, Melanie Marnich, and Kira Obolensky. Work developed through Center programs has been seen nationwide on such stages as the Yale Rep, Woolly Mammoth, Guthrie, Goodman, and many others.

The Official Playwrights of Facebook
A Facebook Group for playwrights with monthly updated submission listings and funding opportunities.

Kanjy is a community for writers. Kanjy fosters sharing, discovery and creation among screenwriters, playwrights and industry professionals. Opportunities highlights can be found here.

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