
Newsletter: Collaboration Award Gala

New York Coalition of Professional Women in the Arts & Media
It's Almost Here!
Please Join Us March 21st for the 2011
Collaboration Award Gala
Dear SAG Membership!

As a member of the Screen Actors Guild, you automatically belong to the Coalition. Part of our mission is to bring women together to for the betterment of us all. We'd like to introduce you to some women who have done just that, and because you are a SAG member, we're offering you a discount!
(See the sidebar for your discount code.)

You are invited to our Collaboration Award Gala, honoring the winners of our Collaboration Award, which is designed to recognize successful collaborations among women from different specializations on new works or works in progress. There is a wine reception at 6pm, with the presentation beginning at 7pm. You'll get to hear the winning collaborators speak about their journey together, as well as meet with industry leaders. And, as with every Coalition event, there will be opportunities to network with other wonderful women in our fields. Hope to see you there!

Shellen Lubin and Cat Parker
Co-Presidents, NYCWAM  

Collaboration Award Gala
A Celebration of Women working with Women

NYCWAM is proud to announce the winners of its internationally recognizedCollaboration Award: playwright
Stefanie Zadravec (Dramatists Guild) and director Daniella Topol (Stage Directors and Choreographers) for theircollaboration on The Electric Baby.

Monday, March 21st, 2011
Wine reception at 6pm, Presentation at 7pm
Gershwin Hotel 7 E. 27th St., Btwn Madison and 5th

In addition to the award winners, we will also be honoring two additional projects:
Slashes of Light
collaborators Judy Tate & Melissa Maxwell, and
collaborators Anita Chandwaney & MEH Lewis.

Please join us, and the fabulous
lyricist/composer/librettist team
Marcy Heisler & Zina Goldrich,
in a night designed to honor, celebrate, and strengthen the ties of women in our industry!

Oh, and did we mention there were raffle prizes?

We always have wonderful raffle prizes and this year is no exception! Here's a sneak peek at a few items you might get to take home...

LOMBARDI tickets (courtesy of Andrew Frank)
Handmade Necklace (courtesy of Grandma Tommy)
Dance classes (courtesy of Stepping Out Studios)
Basket of Eve Pearl products (courtesy of Eve Pearl)
Facial Creme (courtesy of Badescu Skin Care)
Seminars at The NetWork (courtesy of Paul Michael)
Tickets may be purchased at  our website. 

Use the code
to get your discount! 

Questions or comments can be sent to


Actor's Equity Association    
Amer. Fed of Radio & TV Artists
Dramatists Guild
League of Prof Theatre Women
NY Women in Film and TV
Screen Actors Guild
Stage Dir & Choreographers
Writers Guild of America


Dancers Over 40
The Rehearsal Club
Women's Media Center
Women Make Movies

We would like to thank the following individuals and organizations for making this event possible:

Screen Actors Guild
Sherry Eaker
The Rehearsal Club
& Gale Patron
Yvonne Curry

Quick Links...

The New York Coalition of Professional Women in the Arts & Media, Inc.,
(soon to be renamed Women in Arts & Media Coalition, Inc.)
was organized in 1990, bringing together unions, guilds and professional organizations to work toward the advancement of women in the performing arts and media industries. The Coalitionaddresses and actively pursues improvements in social conditions, such as education, health care and equal opportunity, which affect the quality of life of members. We are committed to being the link between our member organizations as we all seek to impact the various topics that affect women in our industries. 

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