
Newsletter: Happy Holiday Wishes

New York Coalition of Professional Women in the Arts & Media

Happy Holiday Wishes!
We wish you all the best this holiday season and hope you will join us in the new year as we work harder than ever to address issues of concern to women in our industries!

Our goal is to work with leaders in the arts and media to get issues that concern us all discussed and acted upon. From ageism to new forms of media - we are in the thick of it, and we want to hear from you! Got a topic that you feel needs attention? Let us know!
Upcoming Events and News
Collaboration Award Event
We are known for our Collaboration Award, which honors two or more women from different organizations,  who are collaborating on a work. In March we will have an event to announce the recipients. You can learn more about the award here.   

Stay Tuned for News of Date and Location!
Meet & Greets*New This Year*
Everyone knows its all about relationships in our industries, so we are scheduling networking opportunities between two or more of our member organizations in 2011.

Who do you want to meet? Email us and let us know.
Special Discount!
herFLiX & NYWIFT have teamed up to determine their favorite theatrical films directed by women. Here are 3 in a DVD Collector's Box - Perfect forHoliday gift giving!

herFLiX is graciously donating a portion of the proceeds to NYCWAM, so help yourself and us!

Use the code "WAM"
for a special
We're Getting
A New Name!
For legal reasons, we can't quite tell you what it is yet we wonder if you can figure it out?
Women in the
Arts &

We would be grateful if you would consider donating to the Coalition this year. It is completely tax deductible, and will enable us to do even more to help women in the arts and media.
Again, we hope your holiday season is bright, safe and fulfilling. We look forward to hearing from you, and seeing you at our events in 2011 and beyond!
Your Member Representatives at NYCWAM

--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The New York Coalition of Professional Women in the Arts & Media, Inc., was organized in 1990, bringing together unions, guilds and professional organizations to work toward the advancement of women in the performing arts and media industries. The Coalition addresses and actively pursues improvements in social conditions, such as education, health care and equal opportunity, which affect the quality of life of members.  We are committed to being the link between our member organizations as we all seek to impact the various topics that affect women in our industry. The Coalition will continue to be a central resource for the cross-collaboration of women in our member organizations.

PO Box 2537 Times Square Station, New York, NY 10108 * 212.592.4511 * women@nycwam.org

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