
#ScreenOpps #ScreenOppsJune24



Women Calling the Shots: 32nd Annual Hamptons International Film Festival

A partnership between the Hamptons International Film Festival (HIFF) and New York Women in Film & Television (NYWIFT), Women Calling the Shots is in its 21st year. The series gives voice to the creative visions of women through film and video, including scripted, documentary, animation and experimental works.

o When/Where: November 13-24 

o Deadline: June 28

o Application Fee: $15-20

o Eligibility:  SHORTS ONLY: Films must be 20 minutes or less in running time. (There will be no exceptions for films with extended running times.)

  • Completion Date: Films must have been completed after January 31st, 2023.

  • Previous submissions will not be accepted.

  • Submitted films must not have been released theatrically or have received a U.S. television broadcast.

  • Submitted films must not have been released publicly online prior to the festival.

  • You must be a member of NYWIFT or another WIFT chapter in order to qualify.

o Categories: Shorts

o Submission Information

San Francisco Transgender Film Deadline 

Founded in 1997, the San Francisco Transgender Film Festival (SFTFF) builds a strong and diverse community through the power of transgender cinema. SFTFF is the world's first and longest-running Transgender Film Festival, and co-presents year-round screenings in collaboration with other LGBT film festivals. Our programs strengthen awareness of transgender identity, history and culture, support emerging and established independent filmmakers working with transgender themes and provide a dynamic and inclusive forum for dialogue about local and global transgender issues.

o When/Where: November 13-24 

o Deadline: June 4 (Regular Deadline), June 25 (Extended Deadline) 

o Application Fee: $15-20

o Eligibility: The San Francisco Transgender Film Festival (SFTFF) seeks entries for our 2023 Festival (November 13-24, 2024). This year we are PRIORITIZING Films 20 Minutes or less. SFTFF accepts narrative, documentary, experimental, animated films and music videos. All work should be created by transgender/genderqueer people. We prioritize short films, but accept all screening lengths. The San Francisco Transgender Film Festival was founded in 1997 as North America's first transgender film festival. We exhibit groundbreaking, provocative, outrageous, courageous, moving and innovative works that show the complexity of lives lived on the transgender spectrum.

o Categories: Feature, Short, Documentary 

o Submission Information

Lavender Riot Film Festival: An Unapologetic LGTBQ+ Film Fest 

First Ever LGBTQ+ Film Festival in Clarksville, Tennessee on October 2. The festival will showcase local LGBTQ+ filmmakers, directors, producers, and actors. The event will be help on APSU campus and off campus at various locations through downtown. The event kicks off at 10am and carriers on until 9pm. 

o When/Where: October 2 

o Deadline: June 3 (Early Bird Deadline), August 5 (Regular Deadline) 

o Application Fee: $5

o Eligibility: We are looking for LOCAL LGBTQ+ individuals to showcase their work. We ask the submissions follow time length rules and that artists be flexible with times of presenting on the day of the Festival. We ask that filmmakers be present when their film is being shown. Time slots will be chosen by the board of the Lavender Riot Film Festival. 

o Categories: Feature, Short, Documentary 

o Submission Information

The East Village Queer Film Festival 

East Village Queer Film Festival (EVQ) celebrates queer film in all it's glorious diversity. We welcome filmmakers who entertain, explore and promote queer-themed issues and as well as the downtown avant garde. EVQ's further goal is community building through queer cinema. EVQ promotes the work of queer film and fosters a highly inclusive environment for all artists. You don't have to be LGBTQ+ to submit your film but you do have to be Queer!

o When/Where: August 21-25 

o Deadline: June 10 (Extended Deadline) 

o Application Fee: $40-$45

o Eligibility:You don't have to be LGBTQ+ to submit your film but you do have to be Queer! 

o Categories: Feature, Short, Music Video 

o Submission Information

Lady Filmmakers Festival 

Lady Filmmakers Festival is a trend-setting and forward-thinking film festival known by veteran Hollywood insiders and rising indie filmmakers alike for screening outstanding films from around the world and having top notch speakers and networking events. Lady Filmmakers is dedicated to creating a fun and fulfilling festival experience. All festival events take place in the world-famous Beverly Hills, California.  In 2021, we hosted in-person screenings in Beverly Hills as well as virtual screenings available worldwide. We also launched the Lady Filmmakers Channel in Spring 2021 accessible online and through devices such as Apple TV, Roku, and more will be added to maximize availability to showcase alumni films from prior festivals. 2020 included virtual screenings and events as well as a Myrtle Beach, South Carolina drive-in. Lady Filmmakers celebrates women in leadership roles and the men that hire, work with, and work for these talented female storytellers. The week long festival includes film screenings, script readings, musical performances, art exhibitions, industry panels, networking events and of course hosted parties with live entertainment! Online festival will take place over a minimum of 1 week with virtual events leading up to the festival and during. Lady Filmmakers looks for great storytelling in any genre and length! At least one woman must fill the role of Writer, Director, Producer, Cinematographer, Production Designer and/or Editor to qualify to screen at our festival. Our main programming themes are: *Ladies Illuminate- documentaries, social awareness, or family issue films  *Ladies Kick Butt- action, comedies, or experimental films  *Dance- music videos and dance films  *Family Friendly- films appropriate for families with children  *Halloween Teasers- horror, thrillers, scary, creepy, and/or freaky films Short Screenplay finalists will get a staged reading in front of a live audience at the festival. One or more shorts may be optioned to participate in the Script 2 Screen Program.  Feature Screenplay finalists will be offered a taped table read of their script. The festival will provide the space and refreshments for the table read along with assisting the writer with finding a director for the reading and helping with casting. Musician finalists are invited to perform at one of the parties during the festival. Art finalists are invited to exhibit art during one of the festival events.Long after the festival is complete we continue to promote our "Alumni" filmmakers, cast, and crew throughout the year!

.o When/Where: September 25-30

o Deadline: July 13 (Final Deadline), August 2 (Oops I forgot Deadline) 

o Application Fee: $67.50-$140

o Eligibility: FILM SUBMISSIONS- At least one woman must be credited in one of the following positions in each selected film: Writer, Director, Producer, Cinematographer, Production Designer, and/or Editor.

o Categories: Feature Film, Documentary, Short Film, Documentary Shorts 

o Submission Information 

NewFest: The New York LGBTQ+ Film Festival 

Founded in 1988, The New York LGBTQ+ Film Festival is one of the world's largest and most respected annual celebrations of the year's best queer films from the U.S. and abroad--featuring over 150 films from more than 30 countries, as well as special events that bring together filmmakers, celebrities, movie lovers, industry professionals, and the LGBTQ+ community. NewFest will celebrate its 36th annual edition of The New York LGBTQ+ Film Festival in October 2024--throughout Manhattan and Brooklyn, and virtually nationwide--with nearly two weeks of premieres, panels, and parties. NewFest's collection of narratives, documentaries, shorts programs, and special events showcases the best in LGBTQ+ film and media. NewFest is distinctive among LGBTQ+ film festivals for its high-quality programming, outstanding press coverage, community engagement, savvy audiences, and sensational parties. The festival's impact in terms of propelling the work and careers of emerging filmmakers is historic and global, and uniquely channels the collaborative creative energy of New York City to celebrate queer films. The New York LGBTQ+ Film Festival is produced annually by NewFest, New York's leading LGBTQ+ film and media organization. NewFest gives voice and visibility to the full spectrum of LGBTQ+ experiences by championing films, supporting storytellers, and engaging audiences in order to inspire dialogue, shift cultural bias and empower our community.

.o When/Where: October 10-22

o Deadline: June 12 (Late Deadline), July 28 (Extended Deadline) 

o Application Fee: $40-$100

o Eligibility: BFilms should be of interest to, and inclusive of, the LGBTQ+ community. We are seeking narrative, documentary, experimental, and animated films (both features and shorts) in 35mm, 16mm, or DCP (upon acceptance, NewFest will provide projection options for the specific venue in which the film will screen—IF THE FILMMAKER CANNOT PROVIDE THE CORRECT PROJECTION FORMAT, THE FILM WILL NOT BE SCREENED). Rough cuts and works-in-progress are eligible for submission if the completed film will be ready for QC by September 1st, 2022. Please label the screener "Rough Cut" and specify what is missing (i.e. temp sound, needs color correction, etc). By submitting your work to NewFest, you grant to NewFest a non-exclusive license to use an excerpt of your submission of up to two minutes in length, for promotional purposes only. Still photos from your work are requested with your submission and are required for all films selected for the festival. Good stills make a difference in film placement and press coverage, particularly for short films. Even the shortest short can get press coverage or festival prominence with a captivating still. Stills must be in TIFF or JPEG format and 300dpi (dots per inch). You are also encouraged to enclose a synopsis, production credits, press information, and other collateral regarding your film.

o Categories: Feature Film, Documentary, Short Film, Documentary Shorts 

o Submission Information 

New York Film Week 

We are an international film festival taking place in October each year. The 6th edition runs from October 23 — 27 2024 in NY, a city that breathes film in every possible way. Our goal is to raise awareness and promote the various aspects of international cinema in all its forms. Previous Premieres include movies from Laura Poitras, Armando Iannucci, Noah Baumbach, Wash Westmoreland, Martin Scorsese, Takashi Miike, Céline Sciamma, Yolande Zauberman, Lee Chang-dong, Kelly Reichardt, Andrea Arnold, Christophe Honoré and many more. First-time and established filmmakers are being selected and every film genre is considered. The festival only shows bold and iconic content, something to remember. We look forward to reviewing your entry.

o When/Where: October 23-27

o Deadline: July 1 (Regular Deadline), September 9 (Late Deadline), September 30 (Extended Deadline)

o Application Fee: $35-$70

o Eligibility: New York Film Week is being held from October 23rd to October 27th, 2024. The Festival takes place annually in the second half of October. The aim of the Festival is to raise awareness and promote the various aspects of international cinema in all its forms: as art, entertainment, and as an industry, in a spirit of freedom and dialogue. In addition to the sections mentioned in the following paragraphs, the Festival also organizes special events such as film workshops and industry days.

o Categories: Feature, Short, Animated, Documentary 

o Submission Information

Actors Networking Film Festival 

The Actors Film Festival is an annual gathering that unites actors, directors, and producers with a shared passion for storytelling. Our mission is to celebrate compelling narratives without any regard to your background. We strive to foster a strong community of artists and provide an inclusive platform for everyone to share their creative expressions. Join us in this vibrant celebration of diverse talents and the art of filmmaking.

o When/Where: August 25-28 

o Deadline: June 10 (Regular Deadline), June 30 (Late Deadline), July 20 (Extended Deadline) 

o Application Fee: $20-$80

o Eligibility: Submissions must be in Full HD (1920 x 1080) or HDV (1280 x 720).

  • All submitted films should be no more than 5 years old by July 2024.

  • All submitted work must be finalized. We do not accept any work in progress. Additionally, please note that we do not provide feedback on submitted work.

  • All non-English films must have English subtitles (.SRT).

  • We accept films that have been shown at other festivals.

  • We cannot accept films made by anyone connected with the festival committee or members of the staff.

  • The judging panel is entirely independent of the festival committee, and their decision is final.

  • The festival reserves the right to use brief clips, 10% or shorter, from the selected films to promote the festival on media and other related promotions.

  • Entrants shall inform the festival of any changes to contact details.

  • Send us a downloadable link such as www.dropbox.com or any similar longer period files.

o Categories: Feature, Animated, Documentary, Short 

o Submission Information 

Big Apple Film Festival

Big Apple Film Festival is currently accepting film and screenplay submissions for our fall festival. Big Apple Film Festival (Fall Edition) takes place November 18-21 in the heart of NYC. In addition to film screenings, the festival includes a Screenplay Competition, Agents and Managers Conference, Agents and Managers Networking Lab, Film Distribution Summit, Industry Networking Panels, Awards Presentation and Reception.

o When/Where: November 18-21

o Deadline: May 21 (Film Freeway Discount Deadline) June 11th (BAFF Discount Deadline), July 2 (Film Freeway Early Deadline), July 23 (BAFF Early Deadline), August 13 (Regular Early Deadline), September 4 (Late Entry Deadline), September 1 (Final Entry Deadline) 

o Application Fee: $60-$90

o Eligibility: Big Apple Film Festival accepts submissions for feature films, short films, feature documentaries, short documentaries, animation, web series, music videos, student films, feature length screenplays, short screenplays, scripts for television/web series pilots and virtual reality.

o Categories: (Narrative Feature, Documentary Feature, Environmental Outdoor Feature, Indigenous Feature, Narrative Short, Documentary Short, Outdoor Short, Animated Short)

o Submission Information 

Twisted Arts Film Festival 

Founded in Tulsa, OK, Twisted Arts was created to highlight local, national, and international LGBTQ+ artists through year-round programs which include an annual fall film festival, monthly film screenings & performances, a LGBTQ+ youth filmmaking Summer camp, members-only sneak peeks, access to year-round short films, special events, and private screenings with directors, actors, and other queer media icons. Tulsa's newest LGBTQ+ film festival, Twisted Arts Film Festival, was created to screen first-run LGBTQ-themed full-length films and 20 to 30 short films of all genres. It is our mission to highlight works made by Oklahoma filmmakers and the best queer cinema from around the world. We strongly encourage submissions from women, people of color, transgender people, intersex people, asexual people, non-binary people, disabled people, and other underrepresented people and communities

o When/Where: November 7-10 

o Deadline: June 30 (Regular Deadline), July 31 (Late Deadline) 

o Application Fee: $11.25-$20 

o Eligibility: Twisted Arts Film Festival accepts short films of length less than 20 min from any genre about LGBTQ+ people and their communities.

o Categories: Shorts 

o Submission Information 

Los Angeles Women in Film Festival 

The LA Women in Film Festival champions female identifying filmmakers and female driven storytelling. We will be accepting submissions from FEMALE IDENTIFYING DIRECTORS, WRITERS, MAJORITY FEMALE CREW (at least 50%) and/or FEMALE DRIVEN STORIES of ANY GENRE. We are an affiliate festival of the LA FILM FESTIVALS organization that has the dual emphasis of discovering great talent with the purpose of promoting their work to both the LA public and the entertainment industry, as well as showcasing the work of seasoned professionals and well known stars. LA Film Festivals began with the biannual LA Comedy Festival in 2001, adding the biannual LA Indie Film Fest in 2007. The LA Film Festival family has since expanded to 12 independent film festivals, including LA Horror Film Fest, LA Action Film Fest, LA Sci-Fi Film Fest, LA Animation Film Fest, LA Black Film Fest, LA Asian Film Fest, LA Latinx Film Fest, LA Queer Film Fest, LA Women in Film Fest and LA Student Film Fest.  Over the years, LA Film Festivals have attracted thousands of filmmakers from around the world. Each festival features live screenings in our own Let Live Theater in the heart of Los Angeles. Our 80-seat theater, in the heart of Hollywood, is outfitted with a Christie DLP projector and seven JBL speakers throughout the venue, delivering top notch quality in an intimate screening environment. Filmmakers whose work is accepted into our festival will receive free passes to screenings, invitations to networking events and are eligible for awards consideration.

o When/Where: August 22-25 

o Deadline: May 3 (Fashionably Late Deadline), May 24 (Final Deadline), June 14 (Extended Deadline), July (Last Chance Deadline)

o Application Fee: $25-$90

o Eligibility: 1. All Films must feature work produced by female identifying filmmakers and female driven storytelling. We will be accepting submissions from FEMALE IDENTIFYING DIRECTORS, WRITERS, MAJORITY FEMALE CREW (at least 50%) and/or FEMALE DRIVEN STORIES of ANY GENRE. 

o Categories: Feature, Short, Document, Web-series, TV Pilot, Animation, Music Video 

o Contact: https://www.lafilmfestivals.com/la-women-in-film-fest

o Submission Information

Image Out Rochester LGBTQ Film Festival

ImageOut is a premier LGBTQ+ film festival in Rochester, NY. We present LGBTQ+ arts and cultural experiences showcasing films, other creative works and artists to promote awareness, foster dialogue and build community. ImageOut is recognized and respected as a major arts and cultural organization in New York State, celebrating and bringing visibility to LGBTQ+ artists and themed work. This year, we are hosting our 32nd annual Fall Film Festival on October 10-20, 2024. We are also hosting our 4th annual First Cut Film Festival on April 25-28, 2024. ImageOut is an Iris Prize partner and is one of the few select LGBTQ+ film festivals from around the world who can outrightly nominate a film for the Iris Prize Shorts Film Competition in Cardiff, Wales. It is one of the richest shorts film competition in the world.

o When/Where: October 10-20

o Deadline: July 25 (Regular Deadline), August 15 (Extended Deadline) September 12 (Late Deadline) 

o Application Fee: $7.50-$30 

o Eligibility: All films submitted with LGBTQ+ content will be considered for the film lineup selection. Submission fees are non-refundable. Rochester is home to a large hard-of-hearing and deaf community. We encourage filmmakers to provide closed captioning for their films. If your film includes captions (as opposed to subtitles), please contact us for a fee waiver code. Films selected for the lineup are all eligible for the Jury and Audience awards. Submissions should ideally be film works from the last couple of years. Please contact us if your title is older than two years.

o Categories: Feature, Short

o Submission Information

Los Angeles Latinx Film Festival 

The LA Latinx Film Festival champions work produced by filmmakers of Latinx decent as well as stories about Latinx culture and heritage. We will be accepting submissions from LATINX DIRECTORS, WRITERS, MAJORITY LATINX CREW (at least 50%) and/or LATINX STORIES of ANY GENRE. We are an affiliate festival of the LA FILM FESTIVALS organization that has the dual emphasis of discovering great talent with the purpose of promoting their work to both the LA public and the entertainment industry, as well as showcasing the work of seasoned professionals and well known stars.  LA Film Festivals began with the Biannual LA Comedy Festival in 2001, adding the biannual LA Indie Film Fest in 2007. The LA Film Festival family has since expanded to 12 independent film festivals, including LA Horror Film Fest, LA Action Film Fest, LA Sci-Fi Film Fest, LA Animation Film Fest, LA Black Film Fest, LA Asian Film Fest, LA Latinx Film Fest, LA Queer Film Fest, LA Women in Film Fest and LA Student Film Fest. Over the years, LA Film Festivals have attracted thousands of filmmakers from around the world. Each festival features live screenings in our own Let Live Theater in the heart of Los Angeles. Our 80-seat theater, in the heart of Hollywood, is outfitted with a Christie DLP projector and seven JBL speakers throughout the venue, delivering top notch quality in an intimate screening environment. Filmmakers whose work is accepted into our festival will receive free passes to screenings, invitations to networking events and are eligible for awards consideration.

o When/Where: December 5-8 

o Deadline: May 3 (Early Bird Deadline), June 7 (Regular Deadline), July 12 (Late Deadline), August 9 (Fashionably Deadline), August 30 (Final Deadline), September 20 (Extended Deadline), October 11 (Last Chance) 

o Application Fee: $22.50-$91

o Eligibility: All Films must feature work produced by filmmakers of of Latinx decent as well as stories about Latinx culture and heritage. We will be accepting submissions from LATINX DIRECTORS, WRITERS, MAJORITY LATINX CREW (at least 50%) and/or LATINX STORIES of ANY GENRE. 

  • Film Entrants must submit online screeners through FilmFreeway for consideration. 

  • Entry forms and payment will not be processed without accompanying Preview Copies in one of the accepted formats for film applicants. 

  • All entries must be in English or - SUBTITLED, DUBBED, unless special arrangements have been made with festival. 

  • All films selected for screening at the festival grant LA FILM FESTIVALS the right to use stills and excerpts of up to two minutes for promotional purposes. 

  • LA Film Festivals is not responsible for any lost, stolen or damaged entries. 

  • Exceptions to the festival regulations must be authorized by one of the Festival Directors. 

  • Multiple entries are permissible, but each entry must be accompanied by a separate Entry and fee. 

  • Submissions will not be returned. 

  • All fees are nonrefundable. 

  • Submission to the festival is not a guarantee that your film will be screened.

o Categories: Feature, Short, Documentary, Documentary Short, TV Pilot, Music Video 

o Submission Information

Los Angeles International Screenplay Awards Diversity Initiative 

is hosting a Diversity Initiative to bring attention to those groups who are underrepresented in Hollywood.Our judging panel of Oscar and Emmy winning producers, writers, directors, and executives are looking to endorse the best diverse talent and bring them to literary representatives ASAP!

o When/Where: August 23 

o Deadline: April 5 (Early Bird Deadline), April 26 (Regular Deadline), May 17 (Late Deadline) June 21 (Final Deadline) 

o Application Fee: $39-$139

o Eligibility: Material is accepted via electronic submission only.

  • There is no limit to the number of projects you may submit.

  • Submitted scripts must be received by midnight of deadline dates and submission fee payment must accompany your material. All entry fees are non-refundable

  • All submitted material must be original, and all rights must be wholly owned by the writer(s).

  • Material must be submitted by the writer. Material written by writing teams must be submitted by one of the writers, with consent of the other(s). All writers must be credited on title page.

  • If a writing team is chosen as a winner, prizes will be given to the writer submitting the project. Each team is responsible for dividing or sharing the prize money, with no direction from L.A. International Screenplay Awards administrators, staff, or judges.

  • Revisions, rewrites, addenda, or substitutions of either corrected pages or new drafts of the entered material are accepted upon payment of a discounted administrative fee.

  • By using our service, you authorize us to use any trusted third-party online and cloud-based services and databases for hosting, managing and/or transmitting your submission file(s).

  • All copyright, ownership and derivative rights to the material submitted to L.A. International Screenplay Awards remains with the original rights holders and/or author.

  • All writers, without regard to age, gender, country of origin, native language, or sexual preference at least 18 years of age are eligible.

  • The material submitted must be in English.

  • All material submitted to other competitions or contests is eligible.

  • There are no limitations or restrictions as to date of authorship.

  • The material submitted must not be encumbered by any obligation to, or option held by, any third party prior to entering the competition.

  • Any submitted work that becomes optioned, published, produced or purchased between the time of submission and the end of the judging period will be ineligible.

  • Material should be submitted in standard screenplay format, font, spacing and margin.

  • No limitations regarding title page content. Title and name of writer and contact information on cover page is recommended.

  • Adaptations of source material or other literary work must be properly referenced and credited.

  • Feature scripts that exceed 130 pages will be disqualified.

  • All material must be submitted electronically as a PDF digital file.

o Categories: Feature, TV Pilot 

o Submission Information

New York Screenwriting Awards 

New York Screenwriting Awards, is an international screenplay competition based in New York. Screenwriters who would need recognition to be able to contact agents and producers can submit their screenplays. New York Screenwriting Awards has four editions per year. Spring, Summer, Fall, and Winter editions. Winners will be announced on the NewY work Screenwriting Awards website, via emails, and FilmFreeway. Winners of each category will receive a prestigious digital certificate and the official laurel. New York Screenwriting Awards has been run by MAE Media House, one of the most prestigious creative writing consultancies in New York, since 2015.

o When/Where: June 20 

o Deadline: April 5 (Early Bird Deadline), June 10 (Regular Deadline), September 25 (Late Deadline)

o Application Fee: $18-$60

o Eligibility: Trailers must be included in your FilmFreeway submission, to be considered for official selection.

  • We do not accept student films or "Works in progress."

  • Films must have been released, no earlier than January '2020

  • Those who submit films, must own the rights to the film, own the rights or have proper clearance for the original or selected music featured in the film, and footage.

  • All Non English films submitted, must include English captions.

  • This festival reserves the right to make amendments/revisions to the event itinerary, or postpone due to possible/forthcoming COVID-19 restrictions.

  • By submitting: You consent for our festival to use still shots and/or footage from your play or film, for promotional purposes.

  • We do not pay screening fees to films selected to screen in our festival.

o Categories: Short Film 

o Submission Information

Peach Theatre and Film Festival 

The PEACH Theatre and Film Intl. Festival is a unique and rare experience that merge two beautiful genres of arts and entertainment. Both theatre and film, showcasing a series of short films and selected plays, in one of the world's most famous cities, internationally known for being the home of entertainment. Los Angeles, California. Our mission is to select films and plays based on content, quality, and merit. It is also our volition to honor the creatives selected, with integrity and respect for their hard work, discipline and sacrifice to get their productions completed and ready for display. As playwrights, filmmakers and entertainment professionals ourselves, we understand what it takes, and for that reason, we salute you! Continue history with us! 

o When/Where: November 12-14

o Deadline: April 5 (Early Bird Deadline), June 10 (Regular Deadline), September 25 (Late Deadline)

o Application Fee: $35-$55

o Eligibility: Trailers must be included in your FilmFreeway submission, to be considered for official selection.

  • We do not accept student films or "Works in progress."

  • Films must have been released, no earlier than January '2020

  • Those who submit films, must own the rights to the film, own the rights or have proper clearance for the original or selected music featured in the film, and footage.

  • All Non English films submitted, must include English captions.

  • This festival reserves the right to make amendments/revisions to the event itinerary, or postpone due to possible/forthcoming COVID-19 restrictions.

  • By submitting: You consent for our festival to use still shots and/or footage from your play or film, for promotional purposes.

  • We do not pay screening fees to films selected to screen in our festival.

o Categories: Short Film 

o Submission Information

East Village Queer Film Festival 

East Village Queer Film Festival (EVQ) celebrates queer film in all it's glorious diversity. We welcome filmmakers who entertain, explore and promote queer-themed issues and as well as the downtown avant garde. EVQ's further goal is community building through queer cinema. EVQ promotes the work of queer film and fosters a highly inclusive environment for all artists. You don't have to be LGBTQ+ to submit your film but you do have to be Queer!

o When/Where: August 21-25

o Deadline: April 1 (Regular Deadline), May 6 (Late Deadline), June 10 (Extended Deadline) 

o Application Fee: $20-$55

o Eligibility: You don't have to be LGBTQ+ to submit your film but you do have to be Queer! 

o Categories: Feature, Short, Music Video 

o Submission Information

SF Queer Film Festival 

Our festival is looking for ground-breaking indie films by under-represented Queer storytellers. Unlike the older LGBTQIA+ film festivals, we do not adhere to the status quo and offer an alternate platform for out-of-the-box thinkers and content creators. We do not disqualify films based on premiere status or date of completion. We select films on merit and not based on the names attached to the project. This festival is created by filmmakers for filmmakers.

o When/Where: August 23-25

o Deadline: May 18 (Regular Deadline), June 18 (Late Deadline)

o Application Fee: $20-$55

o Eligibility: Film must be directed by LGBTQI+ individual(s).

  • Subject matter should be related to the LGBTQI+ community.

  • Films streaming on VOD platforms and Youtube/Vimeo are NOT eligible. 

o Categories: Feature, Short, Documentary, Music Video 

o Submission Information

Women's Comedy Film Festival in Atlanta 

The Women's Comedy Film Festival in Atlanta is a theatrical screening event in Atlanta for independent films featuring female filmmakers, actors, directors, writers and producers from all over the world. This is an amazing opportunity to showcase the talent of female directors, writers, actors, and everything in between right here in one of the world's fastest growing film communities. The Women's Comedy Film Festival also recognizes exceptional filmmaking and screenwriting with awards and nominations by our judging panel. Submit your film if you meet AT LEAST ONE of the following requirements:

o When/Where: March 16, 2025

o Deadline: April 30 (April Early Deadline), May 31(Spring Early Deadline), July 31 (Summer Early Deadline),  August 31 (Labor Day Deadline), September 30 (Fall Early Deadline), November 30 (Regular Deadline), December 31 (Late Deadline), January 31 (Final Deadline) 

o Application Fee: $22.50-$50

o Eligibility: Script writers, in addition to submitting your script to the festival we also provide optional script coverage. Script coverage with our festival includes the price of your submission fee. Your work will be analyzed by a Cinema Life filmmaker who's produced award-winning films, has extensive writing experience, and also understands the indie way of filmmaking.

o Categories: Feature, Animated, Documentary, Comedy Short

o Submission Information

San Diego Asian Film Festival 

Since 2000, the San Diego Asian Film Festival has been one of the premier platforms for Asian American cinema and has grown into the largest showcase of Asian and Pacific Islander cinema in the western United States. The festival is borne out of the love for independent film and the desire to showcase the diverse Pan Asian experience through film and other arts. SDAFF supports both Asian and non-Asian artists by giving them a venue to showcase their work, and it gives the community access to quality films that otherwise would never show in San Diego.

o When/Where: November 7-16 

o Deadline: April 22 (Regular Deadline), June 3 (Late Deadline), June 24 (Extended Deadline: Shorts), July 15 (Extended Deadline: Features)

o Application Fee: $40-$60

o Eligibility: Films/videos entered into competition must be directed or principally acted by an artist of Asian or Pacific Islander descent, or contain subject matter relating to Asian or Pacific Islander cultures or communities. Clarify questions of eligibility prior to submission of entry.

  • Entries must have been completed after August 1, 2022. For feature-length films, the date of first public premiere (if any) must be after October 1, 2022.

  • Feature length entries cannot have been previously exhibited in San Diego at another film festival or commercial venue, or be available for broadcast, home video, or online for American audiences, before Nov. 20, 2023.

  • Each project entered into competition must pay an entry fee. There is no limit to the number of qualifying entries by any entrant so long as an entry form and fee accompanies each entry.

  • Non-English dialogue must be subtitled in English.

  • Films/videos cannot be re-entered into competition if previously rejected by the San Diego Asian Film Festival.

  • Entrants shall obtain all licenses, royalties, and permits necessary to present their work. Entry will assume all costs arising from the use of patented, trademarked, franchised, or copyrighted music, materials, devices, processes, or dramatic rights used in production of work.

  • Short films previously exhibited on the Internet are eligible for entry.

o Categories: Feature, Short, Documentary, Documentary Short 

o Submission Information

The East Village Queer Film Festival 

East Village Queer Film Festival (EVQ) celebrates queer film in all it's glorious diversity. We welcome filmmakers who entertain, explore and promote queer-themed issues and as well as the downtown avant garde. EVQ's further goal is community building through queer cinema. EVQ promotes the work of queer film and fosters a highly inclusive environment for all artists. You don't have to be LGBTQ+ to submit your film but you do have to be Queer!

o When/Where: August 21-25 

o Deadline: April 1 (Regular Deadline), May 6 (Late Deadline, June 10 (Extended Deadline) 

o Application Fee: $40-$45

o Eligibility:You don't have to be LGBTQ+ to submit your film but you do have to be Queer! 

o Categories: Feature, Short, Music Video 

o Submission Information

aGLIFF/Prism Film Festival 

There is no more important place for your LGBTQIA+ film to screen in the Southwest. aGLIFF is the longest-running queer film festival in the US Southwest and the Fourth oldest in America. We are also the oldest film festival in Austin (older than AFF and SXSW).  PRISM, our 35th annual marquee LGBTQIA+ film festival will be held in-person August 24 - 29, 2022. All films submitted through FilmFreeway and selected will be eligible for cash prizes, $500 for shorts and $1000 for features, as awarded by the jury. aGLIFF is a nominating partner for the Iris Prize, the annual £30,000 prize allowing the winner to make their next film, the largest prize for an LGBTQIA+ film in the world

o When/Where: August 22-27 

o Deadline: March 1 (Early Bird Deadline), April 1 (Regular Deadline), May 1 (Late Deadline), May 31 (Extended Deadline) 

o Application Fee: $10-$45

o Eligibility: aGLIFF accepts films of any length and genre that are about or of interest to the LGBTQIA+ community. We strongly support authenticity in filmmaking and believe LGBTQIA+ stories should be told by LGBTQIA+ filmmakers - writers, directors, producers - use your Director's Statement or your Cover Letter to introduce yourself and your team. And yes, trans characters should be played by trans actors.

o Categories: Feature, Animated, Documentary, Comedy Short

o Submission Information

Manhattan Short Film Festival 

During one week of the year over 100,000 film-lovers gather in over 500 Cinemas across 6 Continents to view and vote on the Finalists Films' in the 25th Annual MANHATTAN SHORT Film Festival - MANHATTAN SHORT is more than just one of the largest short film festivals in the world....it's the World's First Global Film Festival. If making short films is about getting your work out there, nothing compares to MANHATTAN SHORT.

o When/Where: September 26 - October 6

o Deadline: July 31 (Regular Deadline) 

o Application Fee: $30-$50

o Eligibility: Films Must Be 20 Minutes and Under in Length.

o Categories: Short Film, Screenplay, Music Video 

o Submission Information

Los Angeles Asian Film Festival  

Los Angeles Asian Film Awards, originally called Las Vegas Asian Film Awards (LVAFA), was an independent festival that resides beneath the umbrella of AOF MegaFest, which is in its 19th year, is the largest film event of its kind in the world. Held in Las Vegas at the Premiere Theaters and Locations, the show regularly exceeds 20,000 guests and attendees. After a first successful annual event in Las Vegas with the legendary AOF MegaFest in summer 2021, it moved to Los Angeles, the center of the world film industry. Opportunities at Los Angeles Asian Film Awards are literally like no other in the world; Los Angeles Asian Film Awards can put more resources together and offer a wide variety of industry guests, seminar speakers, and panelists. We invite you to join festival director, Award-Winning Filmmaker and Writer Lureen Wu and honorable judge, director Roger Christiansen ("Friends," "Hannah Montana," "Tango Down") as they bring you a selection of pure Asian Cinema for Screenings and Awards. The situation surrounding COVID-19 has caused much pain in the film and entertainment industries, and no group has been affected more than Asian Filmmakers, Writers, and Creators. The Los Angeles Asian Film Awards is a hub and platform for Asian filmmakers to have their works seen and voices heard. Festival Director Lureen Wu was born and raised in Shanghai, China. She worked as a TV director in Shanghai for years, including TV documentaries, TV commercials, celebrity talk shows, and music videos. Early in her career in Shanghai, Lureen worked with the Emmy Award-winning television interviewer, Nancy Merrill, in the English talk show "Nancy Merrill: Minds of Millionaires" on the international channel of Shanghai TV Station(SMG) and CCTV NEWS. After moving to the United States, Lureen continued pursuing her career in film. She worked with filmmakers who are part of some best-known movies and TV shows such as Friends, Les Misérables(2012), The Big Bang Theory, Saw, Sex and The City, Iron Man 2, Grey's Anatomy, The Princess Diaries, Stranger Things, Game of Thrones......Our Festival is open to ALL Asian filmmakers, talents, and writers of all genres and lengths.

o When/Where: December 7-8

o Deadline: March 31 (Early Bird Deadline), May 31 (Regular Early Deadline), June 30 (Regular Deadline), July 31 (Regular Late Deadline), August 31 (Late Deadline), September 30 (Extended Deadline) November 15 (Final Deadline) 

o Application Fee: $40-$55

o Eligibility: We are Accepting submissions for feature Narrative and Documentary, short Narrative and Documentary, Music Videos, TV Commercials, short/feature scripts. All genres are welcome. The festival programming staff will place your film in the appropriate category. To Enter for Competition your film or Project must have a writer, producer, talent or director of Asian descent in order to be eligible for awards.

o Categories: Feature, Short, Documentary, Documentary Short, Animation

o Submission Information

Chelsea Film Festival 

The Chelsea Film Festival (CFF) has been selected in the "TOP 10 BEST FILM FESTIVAL IN NORTH AMERICA" (#6) by USA Today in 2019 among 19 other film festivals in the USA.CFF is an organization dedicated to supporting films and the artists who create them by providing a creative forum for exchange and discovery with the public. The Festival attracts filmmakers, artists and audience members from across North America and around the globe. It premieres independent feature-length, documentaries and short films with a Global Focus. Chelsea Film Festival aims to raise an awareness about foreign independent films and discover upcoming talents. The Chelsea Film Festival is an international film platform for world lovers.

o When/Where: October 17-20

o Deadline: March 31 (Official Deadline), May 31 (Late Deadline), July 7 (Extended Deadline) 

o Application Fee: $9-$100

o Eligibility: Entries must be New York City premieres and have been completed in 2021 or 2022. Films shown in other festivals or public screenings in New York are not eligible for consideration. Contact us directly at info@chelseafilm.org if your film is a WORLD PREMIERE.

o Categories: Feature, Short, Documentary, Documentary Short, Animation

o Submission Information

Reel Sisters of the diaspora Film Festival & Lecture Series 

The Reel Sisters of the Diaspora Film Festival & Lecture Series is a two-day annual film festival founded by African Voices magazine. Established in 1997, Reel Sisters (www.reelsisters.org) is dedicated to providing opportunities for women of color to advance their careers in the film industry. Reel Sisters accepts films written, directed, or produced by women/non-binary filmmakers of color. Reel Sisters is the first Academy Qualifying Film Festival for short narratives devoted to women of color across the globe. Reel Sisters is an IMDb qualifying film festival. Reel Sisters celebrates our 25th Anniversary in 2022! APPLICATION INFO: YOU MUST SUBMIT PRODUCTION STILLS/PHOTOS and a TRAILER for your submission to be ELIGIBLE AND COMPLETE. You can screenshot photos from your film if you were unable to hire a photographer. Reel Sisters is a competitive festival and films are selected by an independent jury. Please submit films early as deadlines away staff if you have any issues uploading your film and making it downloadable for our production staff if you receive an acceptance letter.

  • We will need downloadable trailer links from FilmFreeway or Vimeo to help promote your film in our festival. You must submit the trailers and photos with your application. If your materials are not submitted with your application, your film will be disqualified.

  • Complete the details required, providing brief synopsis of the film, credits, production stills and trailers. We accept photographs in all formats including JPEGs, TIFFs and EPS (electronic photos must be 300 dpi resolution for promotional purposes). 

  • All accepted films will be notified via email. Please make sure ALL of your Contact Information is up-to-date. If your email changed between the time you submitted your film and our Notification Date, please update it ASAP so we can correspond with you.

o Categories: Feature, Short, Documentary, Documentary Short, Animation

o Submission Information

Los Angeles Black Film Festival 

The LA Black Film Festival is a bi-annual film festival that celebrates independent Black filmmakers and seeks to elevate Black voices and stories in the film community. We will be accepting submissions from BLACK DIRECTORS, WRITERS, MAJORITY BLACK CREW (at least 50%) and/or BLACK CENTERED STORIES of ANY GENRE. We are an affiliate festival of the LA FILM FESTIVALS organization that has the dual emphasis of discovering great talent with the purpose of promoting their work to both the LA public and the entertainment industry, as well as showcasing the work of seasoned professionals and well known stars. LA Film Festivals began with the biannual LA Comedy Festival in 2001, adding the biannual LA Indie Film Fest in 2007. The LA Film Festival family has since expanded to 12 independent film festivals, including LA Horror Film Fest, LA Action Film Fest, LA Sci-Fi Film Fest, LA Animation Film Fest, LA Black Film Fest, LA Asian Film Fest, LA Latinx Film Fest,re final. The festival provides quality customer service and does not offer fee waivers. The fee covers a small fraction of the administrative costs for running a professional Oscar qualifying film festival. Reel Sisters accepts all genres and formats with a special interest in submissions from animated and web series producers. Send us films that will make our audience "cry, dance, laugh, sing and explore." The festival curates events throughout the year so all entries will be considered for Reel Sisters Tea & Cinema series. Join our worldwide community of film professionals in celebrating stories produced, directed and written by women of color!

o When/Where: October 19-20

o Deadline: March 29 (Earlybird Film Deadline), April 30 (Regular Deadline), May 24 (Final Deadline) 

o Application Fee: $30-$55

o Eligibility: Please read our guidelines carefully before submitting your film as we do not issue refunds for entry fees. It is your responsibility to ensure your film meets our criteria and submission guidelines. We rarely accept films longer than 90 minutes. Your film must have a women of color as co-producer, co-director or co-writer, if the lead producer/director is male.

  • We only accept films via FilmFreeway. PLEASE DO NOT EMAIL US ANY VIDEO LINKS. If you submit to FilmFreeway via a Vimeo link, you must provide a passcode to view. You must make your film downloadable for our production staff if your film is accepted. If you do not make your film downloadable by the requested deadline, your film will not be eligible for consideration. 

  • Please contact FilmFree LA Queer Film Fest, LA Women in Film Fest and LA Student Film Fest. Over the years, LA Film Festivals have attracted thousands of filmmakers from around the world. Each festival features live screenings in our own Let Live Theater in the heart of Los Angeles. Our 80-seat theater, in the heart of Hollywood, is outfitted with a Christie DLP projector and seven JBL speakers throughout the venue, delivering top notch quality in an intimate screening environment. Filmmakers whose work is accepted into our festival will receive free passes to screenings, invitations to networking events and are eligible for awards consideration.

o When/Where: September 19-22

o Deadline: February 2 (Welcome Deadline), February 23 (Early Bird Deadline), March 29 (Regular Deadline), May 3 (Late Deadline), May 31 (Fashionably Late Deadline), June 21 (Final Deadline), July 12 (Extended Deadline), August 2 (Last Chance Deadline)

o Application Fee: $40.50-90 

o Eligibility: All Films must feature work produced by black filmmakers and black driven storytelling. We will be accepting submissions from BLACK DIRECTORS, WRITERS, MAJORITY BLACK CREW (at least 50%) and/or BLACK CENTERED STORIES of ANY GENRE.

  • Film Entrants must submit online screeners through FilmFreeway for consideration.

  • Entry forms and payment will not be processed without accompanying Preview Copies in one of the accepted formats for film applicants.

  • All entries must be in English or - SUBTITLED, DUBBED, unless special arrangements have been made with festival.

  • All films selected for screening at the festival grant LA FILM FESTIVALS the right to use stills and excerpts of up to two minutes for promotional purposes.

  • LA Film Festivals is not responsible for any lost, stolen or damaged entries.

  • Exceptions to the festival regulations must be authorized by one of the Festival Directors.

  • Multiple entries are permissible, but each entry must be accompanied by a separate Entry and fee.

  • Submissions will not be returned.

  • All fees are nonrefundable.

  • Submission to the festival is not a guarantee that your film will be screened.

o Categories: Feature, Short, Pilot, Web-Series 

o Submission Information

The Her Vision International Film Festival 

We welcome filmmakers and screenwriters from around the world! We accept feature films and shorts as well as feature-length and short scripts. Our main goal is equality and empowerment in the cinematic arts. The Her Vision International Film Festival is here to highlight the achievements of women and female-identifying directors, writers, editors and producers. In addition to our mission of equality, we also underscore the importance of unity. For example, our first year's Feature Film Winner was a female producer/writer with a male director. We also welcome and encourage LGBTQ creatives. You may submit a screenplay or a film if you are a male or male-identifying director or writer if your story shows a female with some agency or shows the plight of being a female or a member of the LGBTQ community. We are here to encourage and empower creatives regardless of gender. If you have questions as to whether you or your project qualifies, feel free to reach out; Caterinacampagna26@gmail.com. What also makes our festival stand out is that we have a Rewrite and Re-edit section. Screenwriters know that writing is rewriting and filmmakers know that shooting the ending that you really want is sometimes only possible after a deadline. To that end, we offer you a chance to resubmit your work with a half-off your original submission fee discount. Thank you for bringing your passion to the table! 

o When/Where: June 22-23

o Deadline: January 3 (Regular Deadline), May 15 (Extended Deadline), June 5 (Last Chance Deadline) 

o Application Fee: $8-55

o Eligibility: your screenplay is written in Italian or Spanish they will be accepted.

  • All screenplays must be submitted as a pdf.

  • The writer of the project or an authorized party is the only person who can submit a project.

  • For the Her Vision International Film Festival, 50 pages and above is considered a feature-length screenplay. Of course, under 50 pages is a short screenplay.

  • Stage plays will be accepted at this festival.

    The runtime for a short film is 49 minutes or less.
    Music Videos will be considered short films.
    Commercials will also be considered short films.
    If you have a half-hour TV pilot, that will fit into the shorts category. Half-hour Web Series are also eligible for short film consideration.
    If your project is in a language other than English, Italian or Spanish, please make sure that it is subtitled in English.
    If your project is chosen to be screened it must be sent in as a DVD.

  • Projects over 50 minutes are considered feature-length films. Fiction and documentaries are welcome. *43-48 minute TV pilots will be eligible for this category.* If your project is in a language other than English, Italian or Spanish, please make sure that it is subtitled in English. If your project is chosen to be screened at the live event it must be sent in as a DVD.

o Categories: Short Film, Feature Film

o Submission Information

Atlanta Women's Film Festival 

The Atlanta Women's Film Festival is a live screening of short films and table read events that takes place in Atlanta, GA. This event is an amazing opportunity to promote female filmmakers, directors, writers, producers, actors, and female-centered storylines to our incredibly supportive film community. There will be live screening blocks of films with Q&As with the filmmakers, table reads for the screenplays in our competition, live panels with influential women in the film industry, and networking events for anyone that would like to attend. Script writers, in addition to submitting your script to the festival we also provide optional script coverage. Script coverage with our festival includes the price of your submission fee. Your work will be analyzed by a Cinema Life filmmaker who's produced award-winning films, has extensive writing experience, and also understands the indie way of filmmaking.

o When/Where: October 13 

o Deadline: November 30 (Early Bird Deadline), December 31 (Holiday Deadline), January 31 (New Year Deadline), February 29 (Regular Deadline), March 31 (Spring Deadline), April 30 (Late Deadline), May 31 (Extended Late Deadline), July 31 (Final Deadline) 

o Application Fee: $15-60

o Eligibility: Please fully fill out your submission profile to avoid hold-ups in the judging process. Points may be taken off of overall scores for incomplete profiles.

o Categories: Short Film, Feature Film, Documentary, Animated, Music Video, Podcast  

o Submission Information

The Women's Independent Film & Television Festival 

The Women's Independent Film & Television Festival is a chance to share and celebrate greatness in the world of female filmmaking. Our incredible community ranges from directors, to producers, to screenwriters, to actors, to content creators! Whatever the medium: We build this festival to shed light, deliver opportunity and celebrate the achievements of women in the world of filmmaking, storytelling and beyond! We're going into our 3rd year celebrating The Women's Independent Film & Television Festival and we're so excited for this year's work, partnerships, competitions and more. Whether a finalist or not, all officially selected filmmakers will be invited to join us at the Women's Independent Film Awards for screenings, networking, resources, collaboration, learning, partnerships and for our official premieres and awards ceremony blocks. The Women's Independent Film & Television Festival was created to encourage female content creators with unique backgrounds to share their stories/ The festival will promote the work of women filmmakers and recognize them globally for their achievements in film. Women have to be involved in the creation of ALL submitted films! That can be either as directors, producers, writers, performers, etc. Just as long as they were involved in the creation of the submitted work.

o When/Where:  October 1-4 

o Deadline: November 30 (November Deadline), January 31 (January Deadline), February 29 (February Deadline), March 31 (March Deadline), April 30 (April Deadline), May 31 (May Deadline), June 30 (Regular Deadline), July 31 (Regular Deadline), September 1 (Final Deadline) 

o Application Fee: $10-52

o Eligibility: All entries should be sent via FilmFreeway with a secure online screener.

  • Each accepted film must be submitted in the .mp4 or .mov format, preferably.

  • By submitting to the festival you confirm that you own the rights of the film, including the rights to the music in the film.

  • By submitting to the festival you give consent to the festival programming staff to screen your work in front of the private audience of the Women's Independent Film Festival community.

  • There is no minimum running time.

  • Submission fees are non-refundable

  • Films must have been completed on or after Jan 1st, 2019.

  • All genres are welcome

  • Filmmakers may submit multiple entries as long as each film is submitted with its own Entry Form, online screener and paid Entry Fee.

o Categories: Short Film, Feature Film, Documentary, Experimental 

o Submission Information

The Women's Independent Film Festival 

The Women's Independent Film Festival is a chance to share and celebrate greatness in the world of female filmmaking. Our incredible community ranges from directors, to producers, to screenwriters, to actors, to content creators! Whatever the medium: We build this festival to shed light, deliver opportunity and celebrate the achievements of women in the world of filmmaking, storytelling and beyond! We're going into our 3rd year celebrating the Women's Independent Film Festival and we're so excited for this year's work, partnerships, competitions and more.  Whether a finalist or not, all officially selected filmmakers will be invited to join us at the Women's Independent Film Festival for screenings, networking, resources, collaboration, learning, partnerships and for our official premieres and awards ceremony blocks. The Women's Independent Film Festival was created to encourage female content creators with unique backgrounds to share their stories/ The festival will promote the work of women filmmakers and recognize them globally for their achievements in film.  Women have to be involved in the creation of ALL submitted films! That can be either as directors, producers, writers, performers, etc. Just as long as they were involved in the creation of the submitted work.

o When/Where: October 1 - 4 2024

o Deadline: October 30 (October Deadline), November 30 (November Deadline), January 31 (January Deadline), February 29 (February Deadline), March 31 (March Deadline), April 30 (April Deadline), May 31 (May Deadline), June 30 (June Deadline), July 31 (Regular Deadline), September 1 (Final Deadline) 

o Application Fee: $10-$60

o Eligibility: All entries should be sent via FilmFreeway with a secure online screener. Each accepted film must be submitted in the .mp4 or .mov format, preferably.  By submitting to the festival you confirm that you own the rights of the film, including the rights to the music in the film.  By submitting to the festival you give consent to the festival programming staff to screen your work in front of the private audience of the Women's Independent Film Festival community.  There is no minimum running time. Films must have been completed on or after Jan 1st, 2019.  All genres are welcome Filmmakers may submit multiple entries as long as each film is submitted with its own Entry Form, online screener and paid Entry Fee.

o Categories: Shorts, Feature Film, Documentary, Animated

o Submission Information

NYWIFT Member Screening Series 

The New York Women in Film & Television Member Screening Series is a unique opportunity for NYWIFT members to showcase their work in a theatrical setting. The series features a diverse array of projects from both established and emerging filmmakers in celebration of our community of women filmmakers. The NYWIFT member screening is open to all current members of NYWIFT. Films are selected and notified on a rolling basis for screening in the series. Due to high demand, screening is not guaranteed though we do our best to accommodate as many members as possible. Films may be short or feature length and may be paired with other film(s) for the screening. All genres are welcome. Projects must feature at least one current NYWIFT member in a key creative role. Films should have been completed within the last 4 years. If you have submitted your film in the past we encourage you to submit it again now for future consideration. 

o When/Where: The series takes place September through November and January through June.

o Application Fee: None 

o Eligibility: For the 2022-2023 season, we are envisioning a mix of virtual and in-person screenings, subject to change. Due to high demand, we cannot guarantee everyone an in-person slot. But alternately if you have a strong desire for your film to screen virtually, please note it in your submission.

  • Screenings are followed by a Q&A with the filmmaker / creative team.

  • Please note: By submitting your film, you confirm that you have or are able to attain the rights to screen this film in a public setting.

  • Please be aware that a public NYWIFT screening may disqualify you from submitting to certain other festivals. By submitting your film to us, you acknowledge that you are ready and willing for your film to screen publicly now.

o Categories: Feature, Short, Documentary, Documentary Short, Animation

o Contact: If you have any questions, please contact Katie Chambers at kchambers@nywift.org.

o Submission Information


A Timeless Romance 

Casting "A Timeless Romance," a Hallmark-style summer romcom set in a historic bed and breakfast. Production states: "I've produced 30+ features, this will be my 8th romcom. I shoot extremely low-budget, but the films look good. To get a perfect idea of the level of film, please take a look at the trailer for my movie Christmas At The Holly Hotel."

o Roles: Various 

o Pay:Rate: $200.00 / day Total Pay: $1,800.00 for an estimated 9 days of work

o Audition Information 


Script Awards Los Angeles 

Since 2016, we awarded 167 authors and selected an additional 563 authors. We reward ideas, talent, and narrative structure. The script is the core of any project. We want to enlighten the unique talent of writing and the original skill of storytelling, regardless of the genre and style. The Script Awards Los Angeles is an International script and authors competition.  The contest was previously named the Script Showcase.

o When/Where: September 30 

o Deadline: June 6 (Deadline 1), July 2 (Deadline 2), July 22 (Deadline 3), August 12 (Deadline 4), September 3 (Deadline 5), September 24 (Deadline 6) 

o Application Fee: $5-80 

o Eligibility: Every submission MUST come with: at least a logline or best: a 10 lines synopsis (in "overview"), an author biography, City / State. THESE ELEMENTS ARE MANDATORY Cherry on top: a writer's note or short letter of intent is greatly appreciated by the judges.

o Categories: Feature, Short, Documentary 

o Submission Information

Manager, Post Production - HBO 

The East Coast Post-Production department is responsible for overseeing the entire post-production process for HBO's documentaries, sports programming, comedy specials, and live/near live entertainment series.  The position of Manager of Post-Production; East Coast Post-Production Executive operates as a liaison between HBO executives, show productions, and outside Post and Finishing vendors. This individual must operate on both a technical and an executive level.

o Responsibilities: Work closely with HBO East Coast Programming, Production, Marketing, Media Relations, and Legal Executives to ensure that all workflows, budgets, schedules, media assets and program elements are executed and delivered in a timely and technically accurate manner within budget and on schedule.

  • Oversee multiple projects at various phases simultaneously.  Will ensure that show pertinent information such as schedules, workflows, contacts, and technical specifications are tracked and when appropriate disseminated to relevant departments including marketing, media relations, QC, content enhancements, awards, and archive.

  • Collaborate directly with production and vendors to plan the best post-production workflow (pre-production through archive) to achieve the creative vision, including staffing/crew, post facilities and vendors, technical specifications, proper finishing requirements, and schedules.

  • Effectively manage and trouble shoot technical complications that may arise throughout the production/post-production process; ensure adherence to technical specifications while remaining on time and within budget.

  • Thoroughly review post-production budgets for Production Executives for veracity and completeness.

  • Distribute and maintain show specific Delivery Requirement documents which dictate deliverables for the duration of each project.

  • Supervise the creation of music and effects mixes for our foreign language department and DCPs used for premieres, events, festivals, and awards.

  • Grow and maintain relationships with key post-production talent and vendors. 

o Salary: $72,660.00 - $134,940.00 salary per year.

o Submission Information

The Ryan Hudak LGBTQ+ Dramatic Writing Award

The Ryan Hudak LGBTQ+ Dramatic Writing Award is open to New York State playwrights and screenwriters, including those who live within the five boroughs of New York City.

o Deadline: June 18 

o Application Fee: None 

o Eligibility: Applicants must meet the following criteria:

  • Must be a working playwright or screenwriter. Acceptable forms of playwriting or screenwriting include stageplays, screenplays, teleplays, libretti, radio plays, and audio dramas. No audio is accepted.

  • Must self-identify as LGBTQ+.

  • Must be a current full-time resident of New York State for a minimum of 12 months at the time applications close.

  • Must be at least 25 years of age at the time the application closes.

  • Cannot be enrolled in a degree-seeking program of any kind.

  • Can be past recipients of any NYFA grant or fellowship programs, except past recipients of the The Ryan Hudak LGBTQ+ Dramatic Writing Award.

  • Cannot be a NYFA employee, members of the NYFA Board of Trustees or Artists' Advisory Committee, and/or an immediate family member of any of the above.

o Contact: apply@nyfa.org

o Application Information

m ss ng p eces: Office Manager (NY)

m ss ng p eces, a globally recognized creative production company, is seeking an Office Manager to oversee its Greenpoint, Brooklyn office. The Office Manager will keep operations flowing and provide high-level administrative support to our NY-based senior staff. This is an opportunity for the right candidate to be involved in a dynamic and industry-disrupting company with the best in the business.

o Requirements 

  • General reception duties (answering phones, greeting clients)

  • Keeping the office clean and well-stocked

  • Providing client services during in-person meetings

  • Managing schedules for NY executives

  • Booking travel for staff

  • Acting as a liaison to our accounting and sales teams

  • Managing and delegating special projects from senior staff including writing, design, research, and Case Study management

  • Entering and auditing sales data in the company's system

  • Tracking, logging, and storing hard drives

  • Entry and coding of executive expenses

  • Managing maintenance, deliveries, or production team needs

  • Coordinating with vendors (HVAC, plumbing, building management, etc.) to keep office inspections up to date

  • Managing intern(s)

  • Overseeing MP merch inventory, director/client gifts, festival ticketing allocation

o Salary: $45,000-50,000/year

o Submission Information

Torch Literary Arts 

Torch Literary Arts welcomes submissions of original creative work by Black women writers. We are interested in work that challenges and disrupts preconceived notions of what contemporary writing by Black women should be. Your stories and poems are valuable and necessary. Write freely and submit what you are excited to share with the world. Submissions are accepted for Friday Features only. We accept submissions on a rolling basis. Simultaneous submissions to other journals are welcome as long as they are identified as such and we are notified immediately upon acceptance elsewhere.                    

o Deadline: Rolling Basis 

o Application Fee: No Fee 

o Eligibility: Include a one (1) page cover letter noting the title(s) of the work(s) submitted.

  • Upload your text submission as a Word (DOC, DOCX) or portable document format/PDF (PDF).

  • Typed, double-spaced (poetry may be single-spaced) pages.

  • Numbered pages.

  • Margins should be set at no less than 1" and no greater than 1.5".

  • Poetry: submit up to five (5) poems totaling no more than eight (8) pages.

  • Fiction, Hybrid genre: 12-point font. No more than ten (10) pages or 2500 words (whichever is achieved first). Excerpts of longer works are welcome if self-contained.

  • Drama/Screenwriting: submit one act or a collection of short scenes no longer than ten (10) pages. Excerpts of longer works are welcome if self-contained. Indicate if a performance video or dramatic audio reading will be available with the text submission if selected.

  • Restrictions: We do not reprint previously published work for TORCH Friday Features.

o Categories: Scripts 

o Submission Information 

LA Independent Women in Film Awards 

LA Independent Women Film Awards focuses on international and U.S. film and script projects of all genres. Every season, the IMDb qualifying fest recognizes projects with a female producer, director, lead actress, writer, cinematographer, editor, composer, etc. All topics related to women's thoughts, women's fate, life conditions, women's views and so on are welcome to participate. All the winners will be promoted through various online magazines in California and can request to receive certificates and laurels. All the winners can request for screening through our festival. Our mission is designed to help create a platform for our filmmakers to be seen, but more importantly, get them the industry exposure to help sustain their craft for many years to come.The members of our jury will be award winning artists working in media from all over the world. All the award winners can request to be a jury member of a new edition of the festival in order to vote for one of the categories. LA Independent Women Film Awards is an outstanding event for promoting female artists working in media from all over the world.

o When/Where: May 26 

o Deadline: April 12 (Regular Season Deadline), May 12 (Final Season Deadline) 

o Application Fee: $30-$60 

o Submission Information

Hollywood Cineverse Screenplay Competition 

What's your story? THE HOLLYWOOD CINEVERSE SCREENPLAY COMPETITION would like to know! Our competition welcomes emerging writers, celebrates diversity, and upholds the collective experience of enjoying cinema. We're a small-scale, indie screenplay competition that meets for annual gatherings in the heart of Hollywood, Los Angeles. Part of an alliance of indie festivals around the world, this is a great opportunity to get your work seen both in the U.S. and globally. Official selections of our festival are screened each year at trendy venues in Los Angeles. Writers are encouraged to join us at these events for Q&As, an awards presentation, and an opportunity to mingle with an enthusiastic audience. Selected works have the opportunity to win a variety of awards, accolades, distribution opportunities, and prizes (see below). Our awards are IMDb certified! We welcome scripts from all over the world, and of all genres. We accept short, feature, and pilot scripts up to 120 pages long. Come, grab a drink with friends, and check out the latest scripts from L.A. and across the globe. We pride ourselves on a diverse and open community who loves indie cinema of all kinds. When you submit to our festival you enter into a local filmmaking and film loving community. Join CINEVERSE, submit your script, and get your work seen! It all starts here

o When/Where: September 3

o Deadline: January 1 (New Year Deadline), February 29 (Winter Deadline), March 31 (Spring Deadline), April 30 (Regular Deadline), May 31 (Late Submission Deadline), June 30 (Last Chance) 

o Application Fee: $30-50

o Categories: Feature Script, Short Script 

o Submission Information


Based in NY and LA, A24 is the Academy Award-winning film and TV studio behind feature films such as Minari, Midsommar, Moonlight, Ex Machina, Uncut Gems, and this summer's Zola and The Green Knight. A24 TV productions include the Emmy-winning series Euphoria for HBO starring Zendaya, Hulu series Ramy from Golden Globe-winner Ramy Youssef, the eponymous variety series from viral comedy sensation Ziwe for Showtime, the forthcoming Joseph Gordon-Levitt Apple series Mr. Corman, and the Netflix anthology series Beef starring Oscar nominee Steven Yeun and Ali Wong.

o Seeking: Various Roles 

o Location: Los Angeles, CA & New York, NY 

o Website: https://a24films.com/jobs 

The Kate Spade New York Foundation

o To honor Kate Spade's legacy of empowering and inspiring women and girls, the National Council for Behavioral Health is excited to provide complimentary Mental Health First Aid training to communities throughout the five boroughs of New York City and New Jersey and in partnership with organizations that specifically support these populations. 

What is Mental Health First Aid?

Just as CPR helps you assist an individual having a heart attack, Mental Health First Aid helps you assist someone experiencing a mental health or substance use-related crisis. In the Mental Health First Aid course, you learn risk factors and warning signs for mental health and addiction concerns, strategies for how to help someone in both crisis and non-crisis situations, and where to turn for help.

The National Council for Behavioral Health shares Kate Spade New York Foundation's belief in "the power of women to transform their communities" through empowerment.  In support of this mission, we are offering through a competitive application process, select Mental Health First Aid and Youth Mental Health First Aid training, fully funded!  

o Location: New York, NY 

o Website

o Application information


Roy W. Dean Summer Grant 

Now entering its fourth decade, the Roy W. Dean Film Grants fund independent feature films, documentaries, web series, and short films with budgets of $500,000 or less that are unique and make a contribution to society that, without its help, might otherwise never get made.

o Deadline: June 30  

o Application Fee: None 

o Eligibility:we want a one page synopsis (or outline) of the film and the first 10 pages of your script. Please be sure also include the following:

  • Style, format and approach to the material, including any distinct visual or technical elements.

  • What are your plans for distribution?

  • Are you the producer, director, what?

  • How is this project unique and how does this project benefit society?

  • What is your relationship to the material?

  • List name and position of proposed key production personnel (producer, director, cinematographer, editor, etc.) List their relevant experience or credits.

o Contact: artistdevelopment@filmindependent.org

o Application Information

Sloan Distribution Grant

The Sloan Distribution Grant is a $50,000 grant awarded by Film Independent to a film that is entering its distribution phase. Eligible films must depict themes, stories and characters grounded in real science, technology or economics.

o Deadline: Rolling

o Application Fee: $65

o Eligibility: Applicants must be the producer of a narrative fiction feature film.The film should prominently feature science, mathematics and/or technology in the story and/or have a leading character that is a scientist, engineer or mathematician. Films with innovative marketing and distribution plans are encouraged to apply. All submitted films must be at least 70 minutes in length. Applicants must be legal residents of the United States. Film must be entering its distribution phase.

o Contact: artistdevelopment@filmindependent.org

o Application Information

Panavision New Filmmaker Program

Panavision believes in helping students and beginning filmmakers achieve their dreams. More than 25 years ago, Panavision launched the New Filmmaker Program, an ongoing grant program that loans camera packages to film schools, training programs, and independent filmmakers – at little or no charge. Panavision's commitment to the industry's future provides student and beginning filmmakers the opportunity to work with professional grade equipment early in their careers.

o Deadline: Rolling

o Application Fee: Free

o Eligibility: Submit your proposals at least two months before you plan to shoot. Due to the high demand for Panavision cameras and equipment, it is essential that you plan ahead and contact us early.

Proposal materials will not be returned.

The New Filmmaker Program does not discriminate as to the nature of the project that can receive equipment grants. Any form, from experimental to documentary to musical to traditional narrative, is welcome.

Camera grants are available only for productions in the United States. Customs laws make transportation of cameras out of the US prohibitive. No exceptions.

The New Filmmaker Program will not allow cameras to be used on projects that perpetuate racial or sexual stereotypes and prejudices. Pornography is absolutely unacceptable.

Grant recipients must obtain insurance from an outside insurance agent. Students can generally have the school issue the necessary policies. Plan ahead! This can take several weeks to implement. The process varies from school to school, so check with your film department. Productions that are not attached to a school must obtain the necessary insurance from an independent broker. Panavision must receive proof of insurance two weeks prior to prep dates. EQUIPMENT WILL NOT LEAVE THE BUILDING WITHOUT PROPER INSURANCE. NO EXCEPTIONS!

Approved proposals are subject to a service fee for equipment.

Anamorphic lenses are not available via the New Filmmaker Program

All gear is requests are subject to availability

o Contact: nfp@panavision.com

o Application Information

Catapult Film Fund

Catapult Film Fund provides development funding to documentary filmmakers who have a compelling story to tell, have secured access to their story, and are ready to shoot and edit a piece for production fundraising purposes. Our mission is to enable filmmakers to develop their films to the next level at a moment where funding is hard to find.

o Deadline: Rolling

o Application Fee: Free

o Eligibility: Applicants must be 18 years of age or older. Catapult does not fund student films.

Documentaries must be 28 minutes or longer in length. We do not fund series.

Animation is okay. Documentary/narrative hybrids will be considered on a case-by-case basis.

Development funds must specifically be used for the process of completing a fundraising piece, which may include writing, shooting and editing once story and characters are in place.

Applicants must own the copyright of their production, and have artistic, budgetary and editorial control over their project.

Applicants should preferably have previous film or television production experience in a principal role (director, co-director, producer, co-producer) as demonstrated by submitting a previously completed work sample.

Applicants who have not yet produced or directed their own feature length documentary should demonstrate that they will be working with an experienced filmmaker in a principal role.

Catapult only makes grants to 501(c)(3) organizations. In most cases, this will mean getting a 501(c)(3) fiscal sponsor for the project. A film production company or individual, including applicants from outside the US, may submit an application without a fiscal sponsor in place. Please see the FAQ section for more details.

o Contact: info@catapultfilmfund.org

o Application Information


18th Street Arts Center

18th Street Arts Center values art making as an essential component of a vibrant, just, and healthy society. Its mission is "to provoke public dialogue through contemporary art making." Founded in 1988, 18th Street Arts Center has fostered and supported the work of many of Los Angeles' most engaging artists, and has built bridges to artist communities around the globe.

o Deadline: Ongoing

o Application Fee: Yes

o When: Ongoing

o Eligibility: The Visiting Artist Residency Program accepts applications from working, professional artists who demonstrate a deep commitment to their practices. The program is open to artists of all generations, nationalities, and disciplines. Applicants are required to cover studio rental costs themselves. Although we primarily support visual artists, 18th Street Arts Center will consider applications from performing artists, writers, and filmmakers as well. 

o Address: 1639 18th Street, Santa Monica, CA 90404

o Contact: 310-453-3711

o Application Information


NOTE: For more resources, visit our pages of Resources - Funding, Submissions, and more.

NYFA SOURCE - The New York Foundation for the Arts maintains the most comprehensive national directory of awards, services and publications for artists in the NYFA Source section of their website.

backHer- Women specific grants for all fields


FILMFREEWAY - Film/Video artists can check FilmFreeway at:


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