
#StageOpps #StageOppsMarch24



Philadelphia Women's Theatre 10th Annual Festival

The Philadelphia Women's Theatre Festival is now seeking playwright submissions for our 10th Annual Festival! This milestone year is a celebration of where we've been, where we are going, and the multiplicity of stories, voices, and experiences that make up womanhood. PWTF fosters and encourages women in the performing arts by offering unique opportunities for exposure, professional, artistic and personal development and a platform for performance. PWTF is a women's theatre festival committed to diversity, equity and inclusion by embracing all people and viewpoints. We embrace intersectionality and serve people of all colors and backgrounds, inclusive of our BIPOC, non-binary, and trans community members. In years past, we've focused on specific themes, from motherhood to hometown heroes and- mental health. This year, as we enter our second decade of existence, we aim to simply CELEBRATE. 

  o Deadline: March 11

o Application Fee: No Fee 

o Eligibility:This year we are seeking submissions in two categories: Full length plays, Monologues or shorter one person shows

These will be presented as staged readings during our August 2024 Festival. "Staged reading" means minimal (if any) blocking and no tech. While finished pieces are preferred, we will accept a sample of a work in progress. If you are submitting a monologue or one person show, please be sure to indicate in the application if you will be performing the work yourself, or if actors and a director are needed. Submissions are due March 11th, 2024. All selected playwrights receive a stipend. The festival will take place August 7th-18th, 2024. 

o Categories: Monologues, Full-Length Plays 

o Contact: If you have any questions about the play submission process or our season, please reach out to Glynnis at glynnis@phillywomenstheatrefest.org.

o Submission Information 

Veterans Repertory Theater (VetRep) seeks 10-minute plays from veterans

Veterans Repertory Theater (VetRep) is launching a 10-minute play competition for playwrights who meet one of the following criteria:

  o Deadline: July 3

o Application Fee: No Fee 

o Eligibility:  Must be a completed play, ten (10) minutes or less in length; Any genre/any subject matter; does not have to be related to veteran's service 

  • Must not be a musical, screenplay, children's play, adaptation, translation, or fan fiction play 

  • Must be the entrant's own original work and cannot be co-authored

  • Must be typed in the English language 

  • Must not have been previously produced or published. (Plays that have had a workshop, reading, or non-professional production are permitted).

  • Must not be under option, commissioned, or scheduled for professional production or publication at the time of submission

  • Must not violate the intellectual property rights of any third party 

  • Playwrights may submit more than one play Winners and finalists will be notified via email no later than December 31, 2023.

  •  (Note: We will make every effort to have results back to submitters ASAP, however, in order to ensure fair treatment of each submission and to plan for any contingencies which may arise, we are providing a worst-case scenario for our timeline).

  • There is no participation or submission fee. There is no guarantee that winners' or finalists' work will be produced by VetRep.

o Categories: 10 minute plays 

o Contact: info@vetrep.org

o Submission Information 

Sewanee Writers' Conference

We are now accepting applications to the 2024 Sewanee Writers' Conference! The Conference dates are July 16-28. Apply now to work with our stellar faculty line-up for this summer! The application deadline is March 15. There is no application fee, and scholarships and fellowships are available.

o Deadline: March 15

o Application Fee: None 

o Eligibility: Playwriting contributor and scholarship application manuscripts should be a play or an excerpt of a play (please send 20 pages minimum), standard playscript format. Scholarship applicants should submit current work that has been workshopped or produced. Fellowship applicants should submit a full-length play or the equivalent in length of a collection of shorter works, all of which have seen production.

o Categories: Plays

o Submission Information


Fade to Black: 10 Minute Plays 

Building on the growing success and popularity of our previous years, Shabach Enterprise presents its 12th season of the Fade To Black Play Festival, Houston's only short play festival celebrating the new works of African American playwrights.

o Deadline: April 1 

o Application Fee: None 

o Eligibility: Playwright must be the sole author of the submitted work.

  • Playwright must publicly and openly identify themselves as African-American, Black, or of the African diaspora.

  • Previously published or produced work by the author or theatre/company is not allowed (See definitions below).

  • Play must run no longer than 10 minutes long on stage, but no shorter than 8 minutes. (Conduct informal readings to ensure).

  • Play should accommodate a "bare-stage" set requiring only a minimum of removable stage props and require basic lighting and sound cues.

  • Play must not be a musical.

  • Play must not be written for children or youth.

  • Play must not contain characters that are under 17 years old.

  • Play must not be a re-submission of previous Fade To Black play festival seasons.

  • Play must not be considered a translation or adaptation.

  • Play must not be a film. Screenplays/Scripts written for television or cinema will not be accepted.

  • Play should be "stand-alone", a separate body of work that has not been extracted from a larger, previously written play.

  • Author must be at least 18 years of age.

  • Play must be submitted in a PDF format.

o Categories: Short Plays

o Submission Information 

Fade to Black: Monologues 

Building on the growing success and popularity of our previous years, Shabach Enterprise presents its 12th season of the Fade To Black Play Festival, Houston's only short play festival celebrating the new works of African American playwrights.

o Deadline: April 1 

o Application Fee: None 

o Eligibility: Length: Playwright must be the sole author of the submitted work.

  • Playwright must publicly and openly identify themselves as African-American, Black, or of the African diaspora.

  • Monologue must run no longer than 3 minutes long on stage, but no shorter than 1 minute. 

  • Monologue should accommodate a "bare-stage" set requiring only a minimum of removable stage props and require basic lighting and sound cues.

  • Monologue must not be a musical.

  • Monologue must not be written for children or youth.

  • Monologue must not be a film. Screenplays/Scripts written for television or cinema will not be accepted.

  • Author must be at least 18 years of age.

  •  Monologue must be submitted in a PDF format.

o Contact: fade2blackfest@gmail.com

o Categories: Monologues 

o Submission Information 

Emory - Brave New Works 

Biennially, The Playwriting Center of Theater Emory produces Brave New Works. This festival provides theater professionals and students with the space and resources to conduct creative experimentation, create new works for the stage, and test the dramatic product on an audience. For three weeks, the Brave New Works festival of new and evolving plays gives playwrights a laboratory to work with a director and actors, revise and rewrite their scripts, and share the results with members of the Emory and Atlanta community.

o Deadline: March 1 

o Application Fee: None 

o Eligibility: 

o Contact: lydia.fort@emory.edu 

o Categories: Full-length Plays  

o Submission Information 


Welcome! We seek challenging, entertaining plays and musicals that are appropriate for teen and younger actors and/or audiences, as well as shows that have the potential to cross over to universities or community theatres. Please read all guidelines on this page carefully and browse our website to learn more about us before submitting. Prospective Authors (19 and Under): You may submit one play only through our New Voices One-Act Competition. Submissions run from January 1, 2024 through May 1, 2024 at 11:59 p.m. Pacific. Prospective Authors: US-based BIPOC playwrights only may submit full scripts. Other authors may email a query (instructions below) about a single play. You may query again when you've heard back from us on your current query or submission. Current YouthPLAYS Authors: Log in first and then submit as many scripts as you like. We accept unsolicited submissions of full scripts only from current YouthPLAYS authors, US-based BIPOC authors age 20 or older (please identify yourself as BIPOC in the Note the Publisher) and for the New Voices One-Act Competition for Young Playwrights.

o Deadline: May 1 

o Application Fee: None 

o Eligibility: Please make sure the query includes all of the following in the body other email (no attachments): The play's title.

  • A brief synopsis.

  • The approximate running time.

  • A cast breakdown (e.g. 2 males, 4 females, 8+ any gender). Please address specifically whether the play contains any significant young (teen or younger) characters.

  • The producing groups for which you think the play is most appropriate (e.g. high schools, middle schools, TYA theatres, etc.).

  • Production/development history.

  • Any encumbrances (e.g. some part of it is published in a non-exclusive anthology). Also, please disclose any agency representation at this time.

  • Why you believe this play is a fit for our mission.

  • Again, do NOT include the script, in whole or in part, with your query.

o Contact: submissions@youthplays.com.

o Categories: Full-length Plays  

o Submission Information 

Fade to Black: Monologues 

Building on the growing success and popularity of our previous years, Shabach Enterprise presents its 12th season of the Fade To Black Play Festival, Houston's only short play festival celebrating the new works of African American playwrights.

o Deadline: April 1 

o Application Fee: None 

o Eligibility: Length: Playwright must be the sole author of the submitted work.

  • Playwright must publicly and openly identify themselves as African-American, Black, or of the African diaspora.

  • Monologue must run no longer than 3 minutes long on stage, but no shorter than 1 minute. 

  • Monologue should accommodate a "bare-stage" set requiring only a minimum of removable stage props and require basic lighting and sound cues.

  • Monologue must not be a musical.

  • Monologue must not be written for children or youth.

  • Monologue must not be a film. Screenplays/Scripts written for television or cinema will not be accepted.

  • Author must be at least 18 years of age.

  •  Monologue must be submitted in a PDF format.

o Contact: fade2blackfest@gmail.com

o Categories: Monologues 

o Submission Information 

Constellation Stage & Screen

The Woodward/Newman Award is an exclusive honor offered by Constellation Stage & Screen, started through the support of Joanne Woodward, Newman's Own Foundation, and the Newman family, celebrating Paul Newman & Joanne Woodward's tremendous history of work on stage and screen. It presents the best unpublished play of the year with a cash prize of $3,000 and a full production as part of Constellation's Mainstage season. Please note that there are significant changes to our submission and selection process from previous years. In order to make the Woodward/Newman Award accessible to all, we have eliminated submission fees as well as the contest format. The Woodward/Newman Award will continue to be awarded to an unpublished new play once per year and come with a $3,000 cash prize and a full production. Submissions will be accepted and reviewed by our literary team on an ongoing basis, and will be considered for the award as well as for all 8 production slots in our season. So a play that is not selected for the Woodward/Newman slot in our season, may still be considered and selected for production. This will allow us to now accept open submissions for all types of plays (including TYA shows). Plays submitted prior to September 1 will be considered for the 2023-24 season, while plays submitted beyond that date will be considered for the 2024-25 Season. All submissions will be kept on file for 2 years after submission.

o When/Where: Bloomington, IN 

o Deadline: September 1

o Application Fee: $10 Administrative Fee 

o Eligibility: We are currently accepting submissions for the 2024-25 Woodward/Newman Award. The award recipient and finalists will be announced by May 15, 2024. The winner will be awarded $3,000 and a full production (including housing/transportation).

  • "Full-length" plays should have a complete running time of between 1 hour 15 minutes (75 minutes) to 2 hours 15 minutes (135 minutes). TYA shows should have a complete running time of over 40 minutes.

  • Plays submitted must be unpublished at the time of submission (independently published is acceptable).

  • Each play should be individually submitted at the following link: CONSTELLATION STAGE & SCREEN PLAY SUBMISSION.

  • You will be asked to submit your play as an attachment and all other information (bio, history, synopsis, character breakdown) will be entered into a form. Musical submissions may upload demos as an attachment or include a link to a shared folder.

  • Limit of 2 play submissions per year.

  • If you have any questions, please email literary@seeconstellation.org.

o Categories: New Works, Drama, Theatre 

o Address: 411 E 7th ST Bloomington, IN 47408

o Contact: literary@seeconstellation.org

o Submission Information 

Equity Library Theater of New York Winter 2024 Virtual Play Festival, seeking short plays

Submissions are being accepted for the Equity Library Theater of New York Winter 2024 Virtual Play Festival. Seeking short plays (no more than 20 pp/minutes), from playwrights from around the globe. Also seeking monologues (no more than 5pp/minutes). Musicals welcome! We post your YouTube link of the performance to the festival site for voting. One submission per playwright. No submission fees. Please include name, address, telephone number and email address on your submission. We do not produce your work; we provide a venue for you to present actors performing your play. There are no costs involved for anyone. Seeking actors and directors, too!

o Deadline: May 1  

o Application Fee: No Fee 

o Categories: Plays

o Contact: equitylibrarytheater@gmail.com

o Submission Information 

Kingdom Theatre: Writers for Black History and Women's History Month celebrations February and March 2024 

Seeking playwrights diverse works regardless of gender, race, culture or orientation for our history celebration events convening February and March of 2024.  Seeking full lengths, shorts and 1 act.  The plays for Black History month and Women's History month does not have to be about those months. Selected plays will be featured throughout our Special events throughout both months. Selected plays will be showcased with 1 full production. 

o Deadline: None Given 

o Application Fee: If Selected, there is a $100 fee. No fee to submit. Submit at, actressclassy@gmail.com

o Eligibility: We provide the following,

1.Creative Staff 

2. Cast 

3.Venue for cold readings, rehearsals and performances. 

4. Press and industry professionals to see your work 

o Categories: Plays, One-Acts 

o Contact: actressclassy@gmail.com 

o Submission Information 

New York Theater Festival Fall/Winter Fest 

WELCOME TO THE BIGGEST AND MOST PRESTIGIOUS PLAYWRIGHT/MUSICAL We strongly believe that self producing a play or a musical can offer a very important tool for the growth of every playwright's work. Once a playwright sees their work onstage, it provides an opportunity for the playwright to improve or modify their story. It's also a great opportunity to invite people from the industry to see your production. People are more likely to go see a show than to read an unsolicited script, as some industry people receive on average thousands of submissions per month, and they understand that the journey for a show to be successful often goes through several productions. Our team is completely dedicated to help get your work seen. We are always with you to help, from the first moment of your tech rehearsal to the closing of your last show. You will never be left alone during the process. We will help you to choose some of the 85 set/furniture props we offer to dress your stage for your run, and give you a complete crash course on how to use the audio/light/video system, which are intentionally very user friendly.After we show you how to use the tools we provide and how to utilize the space, you will be able to rehearse your tech rehearsal with whatever plan works best for you and your production. A team member will be present to provide prime responses to every inquiry, as well as a telephone # you can call anytime during relevant hours throughout the run of your show. In 11 years and 19 seasons we have successfully hosted 1,200 plays and 300 musicals and rewarded with cash prizes over 300 artists who participated in our Festival. Yours could be the next production onstage!

o When/Where: New York, NY 

o Deadline: TBD o produce and support work that embodies the vast medley of identities and groups that comprise the entire LGBTQIA+ community. At Stay True Theatre Company, we pride ourselves on creating, producing, and performing pieces of theatre by, for, and with the LGBTQIA+ community. We believe in staying true to who we are, and expressing identity through the arts opens the doors to understanding, acceptance and community.     

o When/Where: New York City

o Deadline: Rolling

o Application Fee: Free

o Eligibility: We are always accepting submissions for new work written by LGBTQIA+ playwrights. Send a PDF of your play, musical, devised manual or other written work. 

o Categories: New Works, theatre, imusica, comedy

o Contact: staytruetheatrecompany@gmail.como Submission Information 

Freshwater Theatre 

Freshwater Theatre prides itself on constantly working with new artists, expanding our family. We're always on the lookout for new scripts and new technical artists to work with.

o Deadline: Ongoing

o Application Fee: Free

o Eligibility: While we certainly are interested in world premieres of new plays, we also are very interested in second and third productions of new works, as we believe this to be the key to finding the works that will propel theater into the future.
We will only respond to playwright submissions for plays that come into serious consideration for future production. We cannot give any specific time frame on if/when a response will be given.

o Categories: New Plays 

o Contact: info@freshwatertheatre.com

o Submission Information 


Creative Nations 

The Black and Latino Playwrights Celebration is a workshop and showcase featuring the work of student and professional Black and Latino playwrights.

o Deadline: April 15

o Application Fee: No Fee 

o Eligibility: April 15, 2024 deadline will be considered. Notification of selected writers by June 30, 2024.

Play scripts may be delivered by regular mail, in person or using the submission form. Include a stamped self-addressed envelope if you wish your manuscript returned. 

o Categories: Full-Length Plays

o Submission Information 

Creative Nations 

Creative Nations, an all indigenous-led artists collective founded at The Dairy Arts Center in Boulder, Colorado, is launching the First Storyteller's Festival in 2024. The festival is focused on developing new work from Indigenous artists across the continent. We are purposely avoiding defining the festival by any specific genre, and encourage creators from any discipline that is performed on a "stage" to submit (with the word "stage" being loosely defined). The festival will take place in Boulder, CO in the fall of 2024 (dates to be announced soon). The event will include: Staged readings (or the equivalent for different genres) of pieces in early stage development Workshop production of a piece by a member of Creative Nations

o Deadline: April 1

o Application Fee: No Fee 

o Eligibility: Submissions and questions should be sent to FirstStorytellersFestival at gmail dot com by April 1st, 2024. We will notify everyone who submits whether or not they were selected. There is NO FEE to submit (as there never should be).

o Categories: Full-Length Plays

o Submission Information 

The Playwrights Realm: Native American Artist Lab 

We believe art is better when everyone can participate - which is why you don't need an agent or an MFA for us to read your plays. Once a year, we open submissions for the programs below, which everyone can apply to!

o Deadline: March 11

o Application Fee: No Fee 

o Eligibility: Scratchpad Series jumpstarts The Realm's relationship with early-career playwrights from around the country. Participants will spend a week in New York City for a developmental reading of their play with top-notch professional collaborators—director, cast, and The Realm's artistic staff. If the playwright is based outside of New York, The Realm will provide travel and housing or per diem. To be eligible you must:

  1. Have a script that would benefit from dramaturgical conversation with The Realm and 15-hour developmental reading process reading. (Plays can be anything from a rough first draft to a play that is close to production-ready.)

  2. Be able to be present in New York City for a process of between 3-6 days, at a time agreed upon by both you and The Realm

o Categories: Full-Length Plays

o Submission Information 

Love Letters to the Black Man Series (Remix) v3 

Black Girlz Productions is currently accepting submissions for our Love Letters to the Black Man Series (Remix) v3. Writers will receive an honorarium and credit for their work. ll be decided amongst the director, playwright, and GSC's Artistic Director.

o Deadline: March 1 

o Application Fee: No Fee 

o Eligibility: We are seeking monologues or open letters around the theme of APOLOGY (to the black man). The word count max is 350 words. Writers can submit up to three monologues. PDF or Microsoft Word is acceptable. Writers can submit monologues that have been previously produced. 

o Application Fee: No Fee 

o Eligibility: All genres/submissions accepted from playwright that live no further than 30 miles from Manhattan and provided they are between 5 and 90 minutes long. Productions must run with a complete cast and crew from NYC or 30 miles radios. Equity productions are welcome to participate. PLAYS AND MUSICALS SUBMITTED MUST BE UNPRODUCED, OR PRODUCED BEFORE 2017, IN WHICH CASE CAN ONLY PARTICIPATE WITH A COMPLETELY NEW CAST AND CREW

o Categories: Full-Length Plays, Musicals 

o Submission Information 

Stay True Theatre Company

Stay True Theatre Company is a small theatre company based in New York City, founded in Summer 2019 in honor of World Pride by Andrew Victor Myers and Morgan Bartholick, following a one-off production benefitting Gay Men's Health Crisis. In 2020, Anne Karyna Bakan joined the administrative staff as the company's new Associate Artistic Director. Together, Andrew and Anne strive t

o Categories: Monologues 

o Submission Information 

RadioPlays Festival 2023-2024

Application period is August 1 2023 - April 30, 2024 (Productions will air continuously) Works must feature some aspect of LGBT liThis 2023-2024 season the All Out Arts "RadioPLAY" Program has 2 Divisions: SHORTs! Short subjects: Extended LGBT-themed scene or 1-Act. 3 to 5 characters. 12 to 25 minutes runtime. Must be complete and stand alone as a finished work. SHOTS! Very short dialogue bits: 2 characters. 2 to 10 minutes runtime. (Okay. A 3rd character bit-part or VO if it's really needed). Think of these as blackout skits, short dialogue bits, etc. Must feature some aspect of LGBT life.

o Deadline: April 30

o Application Fee: No Fee 

o Eligibility: Please complete all fields on the following pages, attaching requested information or providing the appropriate links. Note this application should be finished in one sitting. Once completed in its entirety, please click "Submit" at the end, to officially submit to this Festival program.

  • APPLICATION REQUIREMENTS: Please complete the application fully. Incomplete applications can not be considered. (Script revisions are expected, but staying within length limits). 

  • Submit any required work samples for your work: Text attachments must be in .RTF, .PDF, or .DOC file formats. Supporting files: Do not upload video or audio files; give Links to them only. Video/Audio links may be on Vimeo, YouTube, Dropbox, or other services. Please make sure you give us a full link and any password required to audit them.

  • Submissions: Please attach a complete, current or draft version of the text. SHORTS (of 10-30 min. long) and SHOTS! (4 to 12 min) will both be considered for this season's program. Complete rules on the website.

  • If this work is NOT yet a radio-script: you will be asked to also submit a 2-page excerpt in Radio-Script format, with detailed ambient, blocking, and sound design notes.

o Categories: Radio Plays, Shorts 

o Submission Information 

Carlos Annoni International Playwriting Prize 

The Carlo Annoni International Playwriting Prize is now open for submission of short and full-length plays with topics concerning the LBGTQ+ community, including love, diversity and identity in a time of gender fluidity. We are willing to accept both full-length plays and short plays. We accept plays already represented. €1000 awarded to two best plays (one in English and one in Italian) and special jury mentions in multiple categories. The award ceremony will take place in September 2024 in Milan.

o When/Where: Milan, IT 

o Deadline: April 30

o Application Fee: No Fee 

o Eligibility: Send your submission to info@premiocarloannoni.eu.

o Categories: Full-Length Plays 

o Submission Information 

The Tank Presents 

Each season, our The Tank Presents program serves hundreds of emerging artists as they create over 1000 performances of new works in music, theater, film, dance, comedy, and storytelling. As part of our mission to remove the economic barriers from the creation of new work, we never charge our artists to use our space for their performances! In addition, we also provide free rehearsal space, as well as free marketing and promotion of their event. Our The Tank Presents presenting model removes the daunting cost of space rental from the equation of art making, and provides an affordable home for emerging artists to create art that pushes the boundaries of their mediums. Through this program, artists can present readings, works-in-development, short runs of full theatre productions, screenings, concerts, storytelling festivals, comedy shows, and more.

o Deadline: None Given 

o Application Fee: None 

o Eligibility:  To submit work for consideration as part of Tank programming, please email submissions@thetanknyc.org with the following information:

  • Show title

  • Discipline (theater, music, comedy, etc.)

  • Approximate running time

  • Summary of piece

  • Brief summary of artistic goals

  • Brief explanation of how the piece exists in the world (i.e. - art exhibit, soundscape, outdoor experience, digital hybrid)

  • Sample of work that will give us a sense of what it is you're trying to make and that you know how to make it

  • Bio of lead artist(s)

  • The name of the Tank show you viewed
    Submissions are accepted on a rolling basis.

o Categories: Plays 

o Contact: submissions@thetanknyc.org

o Submission Information  

Live & In Color 

Live & In Color is looking for playwrights, composers, and lyricists of color and/or other underrepresented communities interested in developing their new musical in the Fall of 2024. The selected musical submission will have a two-week workshop in the fall at The Bingham Camp in Salem, Connecticut culminating in a staged presentation to an invited audience. Writers receive a $1,000 stipend plus housing, meals, and travel. We provide support including a several month development period based on needs of the composer/writers leading up to the retreat. Live & In Color staff will continue to support the development of your peace beyond the retreat including a reading for industry and Broadway Alums.

o Deadline: March 1 

o Application Fee: None 

o Eligibility:  MUSICAL SUBMISSION GUIDELINES The musical must be performed: 

  • with 4 actors (or less)

  • All submissions should include:

  • Single page synopsis

  • Single page character breakdown

  • Demo of score (2-3 songs)

  • Sample of dialogue (~15 pages)

  • Brief production/development history (properties with prior full productions not accepted)

o Categories: Musicals 

o Submission Information  

NY Theatre Festival Spring/Summer 2024 

This is a unique opportunity to invite people from the industry to see your production! People are more likely to go see a show than to read an unsolicited script - some industry people receive on average thousands of submissions per month. They understand that the journey for a show to be successful often goes through several productions and this is your chance to show that you can start that process!  Our dedicated team is here to help you get your work out. We are with you from the moment you begin tech rehearsals, all the way through to your closing performance. You will never be left alone during the process. We will help you choose from the 85 set/furniture pieces we offer to dress your stage for your run, and we will give you a complete crash course on how to use the audio/light/video system in just 3 minutes, which are intentionally designed to be very user friendly. 

After we show you how to use the tools we provide and how to best utilize the space, The Festival's team will provide prime responses to every inquiry, as well as a telephone # you can call anytime during relevant hours throughout the run of your show. In 12 years and 22 seasons we have successfully hosted 1,400 plays and 300 musicals, as well as rewarding over 300 participating artists cash prizes.

o Deadline: TBD 

o Application Fee: None 

o Eligibility:  Submissions Accepted from a 30-mile radius outside of Manhattan and only run if the entire cast and crew are from New York City. Plays are considered on a first-come, first-serve basis. The earlier you submit, the better your chances are of having your script invited to the festival.  Each applicant is fully responsible for all elements of their production, including directing, casting, stage-managing.  We know exactly what you need to make your show a success and we welcome you into our community of playwrights and theater innovators!

o Categories: Plays, Musicals 

o Submission Information  

Diversionary: Seeking new, full-length LGBTQIA+ works

Diversionary is always seeking new, full-length LGBTQIA+ works for consideration. Please follow the guidelines below if you would like to submit your work. Because of the volume of submissions, those that do not follow the guidelines will not be considered.                             

o Deadline: None 

o Application Fee: None

o Eligibility: Please send all of the above items as a single document in pdf format to frankie@diversionary.org. For music, please send the items in mp3 format or include a link to be accessed. No physical submissions sent to the theatre will be considered.

  • a one-page synopsis, character breakdown, and playwright bio

  • a development/production history of the submitted work (including date written and any readings, workshops, and full stagings)

  • a ten-page sample of the work

  • three audio recordings of music, twelve minutes total, if it's a musical

o Categories: Full Length Plays, Musicals 

o Contact:  frankie@diversionary.org

o Submission Information 

Murmuration Theatre 

Murmuration Theatre Company is seeking plays that have a cast size between 2-11 for our 2023 & 2024 seasons Accepting work for consideration in the following categories: New Voices Showcase: Curated selection of 4-10 new plays (scripts 2 - 40 pages); fully staged and directed by our creative team. Mainstage Show: a one act or full length play (scripts 35 - 120 pages); fully staged and directed by our creative team. In development: Actor's Lab Performance Series: a monthly selection of scenes or short plays (any length), performed at workshop or staged reading level.Playwrights selected for our mainstage production will receive $30 per performance of their one-act or full length play; playwrights selected for our New Voices Showcase will receive $10 per performance of their short or one-act.

o When/Where: Brooklyn, New York 

o Deadline: None 

o Application Fee: None 

o Eligibility: Please submit PDF copies of scripts via the google form below, and feel free to reach out to murmurationtheatreco@gmail.com with any questions or concerns. Multiple submissions are allowed. Preference will be given to playwrights who are able to attend at least one performance of their work in the NYC area.

  • We will be accepting submissions on a rolling basis, and hope to be in touch with responses within 30 days of submission. Please feel free to reach out after that point if you have not received word from our team.

  • Solo Shows, Theatre for Young Audiences and Musicals will not be considered.

  • New writers as well as writers with voices that have historically been underrepresented in the theater industry (gender identity, sexual orientation, race, ethnicity, religion, ability status, etc.) are encouraged to apply.

o Categories: Full-Length Plays, One-Acts

o Contact:  murmurationtheatreco@gmail.com 

o Submission Information 

Manhattan Repertory Theatre Play Production Program 

Self-Produce a production of your best play in New York City as live theatre comes back to life in this New Renaissance of Theatre. We will do all the work, from hiring a production team and staff, to casting, directing, building costumes, set design, lighting design, payroll and more. From 3 performances to 20 performances for one simple Production Fee. Pre-Pandemic, 2017 - 2019, we produced 60 plays in Midtown Manhattan for playwrights all over the world. Production time frames available: Late Autumn 2021, Winter/Spring 2022.Currently, as we move back into production in New York City, we are only accepting Full-Length plays and Musicals - 60 to 150 minutes. Production fees range from $12,000 to $50,000 depending on the "size" of your production, scenic elements, and the number of performances.                             

o Deadline: TBD

o Application Fee: None

o Eligibility: If you are serious about self-producing your play in New York City, please forward us: An email cover letter with information about you and your work. your play attached as a .pdf, an attached Synopsis of your play, with the approximate running time, and your set, lighting and costume requirements.

o Categories: Full Length Plays, New Plays

o Contact: manhattanrep@yahoo.com

o Submission Information 

The Rep New Works Festival

Currently, we accept full-length play submissions for season consideration and our upcoming New Works Festival.

o Deadline: Ongoing 

o Application Fee: Free

o Eligibility: Please email plays to the Artistic team with the subject line: "Submission: TITLE OF PLAY."

In the body of the email, please include:

• A brief synopsis of the play

• The development history of the play

• A brief, personal bio

Submissions made under these guidelines may be sent to The Rep by email.

o Categories: (musical, play, one-act, 10-minute, etc.)

o Address: 130 Edgar Road St. Louis, Missouri 63119

o Contact: 314-968-7340 PLAYSUBMISSION@REPSTL.ORG 

o Submission Information 

Shubert Fendrich Memorial Playwriting Contest 

To encourage the development of quality theatrical materials for the educational, community and children's theatre markets, Pioneer Drama Service is proud to sponsor the annual Shubert Fendrich Memorial Playwriting Contest.

This is an ongoing contest, with a winner selected by June 1 each year from all eligible submissions received the previous year.  All eligible plays accepted for publication will be considered contest finalists, from which the winner will be selected.  The contest winner will receive a $1,000 royalty advance in addition to publication.

o Deadline: Ongoing

o Application Fee: None

o Eligibility: You can start the submission process by contacting us here.

  • We will only consider manuscripts with a running time between 20 and 90 minutes.

  • Submissions must be family friendly in both subject and language. NO cursing. NO explicitly adult content.

  • We prefer casts that are either balanced or favoring females. The more gender neutral roles, the better.

  • We favor plays and musicals with ensemble casts, where more than just a few have a chance to shine.

  • Plays with elaborate set, costume or technical requirements are not appealing because of the limited resources of many of our customers. Pictures, sketches or descriptions of your vision are always helpful.

  • We recommend your submissions have had at least one production or reading, hopefully staged. We feel this fundamental field test is necessary before a play can be considered for publication since plays are created for the purpose of performance.

  • Manuscripts must be computer-printed in dark ink. We do not require specific formatting. However, your efforts to ensure your script is free of misspellings and typos will help the submissions editor.

  • We hope that Pioneer Drama is your first choice as a publisher, and we encourage you to submit to us exclusively. However, we do accept simultaneous submissions with the understanding that you will accept the first contract you're offered and not use the situation to seek multiple offers from which to choose. If you receive another offer, please notify us immediately so we may rescind your submission.

  • The following information must accompany your submission or query:

  • 100-200 word synopsis.

  • Cast list that indicates the number of female roles, the number of male roles and the number of roles that can be performed by either gender. We do not accept one-person shows.

  • Running time.

  • CD and/or score for musicals. We appreciate the opportunity to hear the music, if possible.

  • Set design(s). Please feel free to provide diagrams and/or pictures.

  • Proof of production or staged reading (i.e., review, program, etc.) A DVD of your performance is ideal, though not required.

  • Age of intended audience.

  • A self-addressed envelope of sufficient size with appropriate postage for the return of your materials. We will NOT return manuscripts or accompanying material if this is not included.

  • Cover letter and/or resume.

o Categories: family friendly

o Address: Pioneer Drama Service, Inc. Attn: Submissions Editor PO Box 4267

Englewood, CO 80155-4267

o Contact: https://www.pioneerdrama.com/ContactUs.asp?ID=6

o Submission Information 

Urban Stages Emerging Playwright Award 

Our $500 Emerging Playwright Award (coupled with press coverage) is given to playwrights who show excellence and dedication throughout this process – from development to the stage. Out of hundreds of submissions a year, we select 15-20 plays for readings. From these, we select 1-3 plays annually to go on to our workshopping phase. Our workshops are meant to prepare a play for our Off-Broadway stage. From our workshops, we select 1-2 plays for full productions, complete with a playwright's contract and compensation (separate from the award).                                      

o Deadline: Ongoing

o Application Fee: None

o Eligibility: Plays may have been developed or produced elsewhere, but never produced in New York City. Plays from overseas and throughout the US are accepted and considered, but special attention will be given to playwrights who live in or near New York

o Categories: Full Length Plays, New Plays

o Contact: 212.421.1380

o Submission Information 

ONSTAGE Audition 

Classics on the Rocks 2024 Season 

Classics on the Rocks is seeking actors of all ethnicities, race, and gender identity for their upcoming 2024 Spring/Summer season. 

o Preparation: To be considered for either or both of these projects please fill out this form to express your interest in our season and submit a video of your 2-min classical monologue for your audition. We are reviewing all videos and will make callback selections based on the submission. Callbacks will be held March 18th.This is a non-union project. Producer may apply for equity showcase code status for The Merry Wives of Windsor. As a company, we are committed to casting actors in any role regardless of race, or gender so feel free to submit any Shakespearean monologue you identify and connect with.

o Audition Information 

For more Onstage opportunities, visit Backstage.com; ActorsAccess.com; and Playbill.com.


2024 San Diego Museum of Art Artists Guild Spring EXHIBITION

This is an online-only exhibition It is open to all visual artists worldwide. All two-dimensional and three-dimensional works are eligible ALL WORKS MUST BE FOR SALE AND SOLD UNFRAMED PRICES SHOULD INCLUDE SHIPPING COSTS WITHIN THE CONTINENTAL UNITED STATES Submitted works must be original and not have bee previously exhibited in an Artists Guild exhibition. NO REPRODUCTIONS, NO VIDEOS, and NO COPIES other artists' works will be accepted. NO EXCEPTIONS!

  o Deadline: March 3

o Submission Information

Here Arts Center, Co-Directors 

For all three of our Co-Directors, what we most seek are people who have a deep and extensive beliefin the development of artists and creation of artistic work that moves in new directions. Our Co-Directors will take their own skills, experiences, and passions to advance the work of multidisciplinary artists (including their own work) to grow HERE as a connected community and to grow the resources available to fuel the vanguard of our national artistic adventure. HERE has a special history and distinctive physical presence in Manhattan, and our Co-Directors will be invested in what is created and presented in those spaces, while being engaged and curious about artists operating in the New York area, throughout the United States, and in countries around the world. They will live in the New York area and maintain an active presence with our community in the HERE space, but may have lived and worked in many other environments With three Co-Directors sharing responsibilities and leadership, we are eager to have three very different and distinct individuals whose perspectives can inform and build on one another. FollowingHERE's decades-long commitment to exploring new directions, we are excited to embrace Co-Directors

  • HERE has spent extensive time discussing and exploring the structure for three Co-Directors. Because we

  • are looking to engage two new individuals at the same time, there are options for how two unique

  • human beings may approach the needs of the HERE team and how they will compliment the current Co-

  • Director, Amanda Szeglowski. Because HERE will be collectively led by three individuals, no single person

  • needs to be outstanding in all areas, as long as we can co-create a team of three who collectively are

  • exceptional in all the capabilities HERE needs to fulfill its purpose.

  • Areas that will be fully shared between the three Co-Directors

  • In these areas, we expect all three Co-Directors to share responsibility and collaborate actively and

  • regularly, including making key decisions together in these through consensus.

  • Setting and Implementing HERE's Overall Strategy

  •  Evolving and Refining HERE's Artistic Vision, and setting annual or multi-year artistic plans

  • Understanding and Carefully Managing HERE's Capacity (Financial, Physical, Human, and

  • Creative)

  • Caring for HERE's people, including direct human support for individuals and holding

  • responsibility for more structured Human Resources needs, challenges, and concerns

  • Representing HERE Externally to the Press and General Public

  • Individual Relationship Development and Nurturing with individuals, ranging from artists to

  • funders to individual donors to partners

  • Fundraising, including identifying new potential sources of funds for HERE and directly

  • participating in relationship building and major gift cultivation and asks

  • Collaborating with the Board of Directors, including sharing service on various Board

  • committees between the Co-Directorsck and are excited to contribute to the growth of the organization in this new era.

o Compensation: Annual salary of $100,000 for each Co-Director. (An increase from previous salary levels.)

o Submission Information


Marketing and Communications Manager, Brick Theater 

The Brick Theater is a not-for-profit dedicated to developing and presenting the work of pioneering emerging artists and career experimenters in Williamsburg, Brooklyn. We are the artistic home for work that pushes boundaries and spans the ever-evolving spectrum of performing arts, theatre, dance, video, virtual reality, and visual arts. By nurturing emerging artists, sustaining ongoing relationships with frequent collaborators, and removing financial barriers for artists to create work, we create a diverse, accessible, and inclusive artistic community for the city's most daring artists. We welcome adventurous audiences with low-cost and sliding-scale ticket prices to make performances accessible to all. Founded in 2002, The Brick has established itself as an essential experimental venue for the production of compelling, new, high-quality work. As a vital part of the New York artistic community, we present 250-300 live performances per year at our two spaces, The Brick and Brick Aux, and welcome over 10,000 audience members each year.

  • The Marketing and Communications Manager is responsible for driving awareness, interest, ticket sales, and attendance for our programing at The Brick Theater and Brick Aux. As the Marketing and Communications Manager, you will create and execute communications, public relations, and social media strategies that amplify The Brick across a variety of mediums and channels and grow physical and digital audiences.

  • The Brick is a small but mighty team that works highly collaboratively but values independent self-motivated people who are able to move a project to completion and contribute to the growth of the theater. Ideal team members are strong project managers and equal parts creative and analytical thinkers who have knowledge of The Brick and are excited to contribute to the growth of the organization in this new era.

o Compensation:  $25 Per Hour 

o Submission Information

Milwaukee Repertory Theatre 

o Seeking: Various Roles 

o Location: Milwaukee, WI 

o Website: https://www.milwaukeerep.com 

For more information: https://www.milwaukeerep.com/about/work-us/jobs/?fbclid=IwAR2lXyj99fIOhY8MmQ5n4XRveG1wEqPl2mL_9w7A1-WVpLoZhqwUDc-2Crc

Milwaukee Repertory Theater is an Equal Opportunity Employer and values and encourages a diverse workforce. We invite you to review jobs that are currently available. 

Full-time employee benefits include health, dental and voluntary vision and disability insurance; flexible spending accounts; retirement plan; parking programs and complimentary tickets.

Application Instructions

Send your letter, resume and salary history (PDF or Word attachments only) to the email address listed in the job listing.

Oregon Shakespeare Festival 

o Seeking: Various Roles  

o Location: Ashland, Oregon

o Website: https://www.osfashland.org

For more information: https://www.osfashland.org/work-with-us?fbclid=IwAR2cqx7fSs1YYwa2I86SMVxJjZ8ns4ba2RqsEr51mMKIVWdiIL7ByQ4Lv8U

Located in the beautiful Rogue Valley of southern Oregon, the Tony Award-Winning Oregon Shakespeare Festival presents a season of eleven plays in rotating repertory across three theaters between the months of February and October. Additionally, OSF offers extensive educational opportunities to students, teachers, and theatergoers of all ages during our performance season.

We offer employment and career opportunities in a wide range of positions (acting, other performing opportunities, scenery, costumes, lighting, marketing, finance, etc.). We encourage you to check our website regularly for openings.

Two River Theater

Two River Theater annually produces a theatrical season that includes American and world classics, new plays and musicals, programs for young people, and festivals of new work. Each year, we also offer 40+ events that reflect our diverse community of Red Bank, New Jersey. Two River celebrates and honors our core values of Artistic Excellence; Education and Community Engagement; Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion; and Operational Excellence. Anyone who joins our team quickly becomes part of putting all of our initiatives into action day in and day out. Two River Theater is led by Artistic Director John Dias and Managing Director Michael Hurst.Two River Theater is dedicated to the goal of building an equitable and culturally diverse work environment and strongly encourages applications from members of underrepresented groups.

o Seeking: Various Roles 

o Location: Red Bank, NJ

o Website: https://tworivertheater.org/jobs/

The Kate Spade New York Foundation

o To honor Kate Spade's legacy of empowering and inspiring women and girls, the National Council for Behavioral Health is excited to provide complimentary Mental Health First Aid training to communities throughout the five boroughs of New York City and New Jersey and in partnership with organizations that specifically support these populations. 

What is Mental Health First Aid?

Just as CPR helps you assist an individual having a heart attack, Mental Health First Aid helps you assist someone experiencing a mental health or substance use-related crisis. In the Mental Health First Aid course, you learn risk factors and warning signs for mental health and addiction concerns, strategies for how to help someone in both crisis and non-crisis situations, and where to turn for help.

The National Council for Behavioral Health shares Kate Spade New York Foundation's belief in "the power of women to transform their communities" through empowerment.  In support of this mission, we are offering through a competitive application process, select Mental Health First Aid and Youth Mental Health First Aid training, fully funded!  

o Location: New York, NY 

o Website

o Application information

For more Offstage opportunities, visit OffStageJobs.com and Playbill.com.


Irene Yamamoto Arts Writers Fellowship

Are you an arts writer of color with less than two years of publishing experience? Do you write critically about theater, dance, and/or performance art? Apply for the Irene Yamamoto Arts Writers Fellowship by March 17, 2024. The Daniel K. Inouye National Center for the Preservation of Democracy at the Japanese American National Museum invites applications to the second annual Irene Yamamoto Arts Writers Fellowship. The 2024 Yamamoto Fellowship will grant two $5,000 unrestricted awards to two emerging writers of color who write critically about theater, dance, and/or performance art. The Yamamoto Fellowship encourages emerging arts writers of color to write about works from their own cultural and political perspectives, enriching and broadening cultural criticism as a practice and profession. Theater, dance, and performance art were selected for 2024 because these art forms are still struggling in the wake of setbacks from the COVID-19 pandemic. The fellowship receives support from Critical Minded, an initiative to invest in cultural critics of color cofounded by the Nathan Cummings Foundation and the Ford Foundation. 

o Deadline: March 17

o Application Fee: No Fee 

o Eligibility: Eligible applicants must:

  • Reside in or be a citizen of the US

  • Be at least 18 years of age 

  • Identify as a member of a community with ancestry in one of the original peoples of Africa, Asia, the Americas, Oceania, or Pacific Islands

  • Have less than 2 years of publication experience, which may include a blog or self-publishing 

  • Have demonstrated a commitment to writing about theater, dance, or performance art

o Contact: democracycenter@janm.org 

o Submission Information 

2050 Administrative Fellowship  

We're now accepting applications for the 2024/25 Season 2050 Administrative Fellowship program — a sister program to our successful 2050 Artistic Fellowship, which supports emerging playwrights and directors. The fellowship represents one of several NYTW initiatives to address the economic barriers that may prevent talented individuals from pursuing careers in the theatre. The 2050 Fellowship is named in celebration of the U.S. Census Bureau's projection that by the year 2050, there will be no single racial or ethnic majority in the United States. This projection provokes thoughts at New York Theatre Workshop about the transformations that will take place in the American landscape—technologically, environmentally, demographically, economically and artistically—now and in the future. They are a catalyst for broader questions about the direction of our field. But we're not waiting for the year 2050 to make the change we wish to see. Instead, we're working to reflect our evolving and beautifully diversifying society now—to ensure there's space for those who will lead us into the future to build the skills they need now The 2050 Administrative Fellowship program is designed to provide first-rate instruction and mentorship to professionals who are underrepresented in the field of theatre administration. We encourage applicants with a unique perspective inclusive of race, color, religion, familial status, gender identity or expression, sexual orientation, national origin, age and physical ability to apply. We are committed to diversity in all areas of our work, on and off stage. NYTW is an Equal Opportunity Employer (EOE), and all qualified applicants will receive consideration.

o Deadline: March 27

o Application Fee: No Fee 

o Eligibility: Commit to a yearlong part-time paid fellowship (20-30hrs/week, Monday-Friday) in one field of interest including Artistic Workshop, Development, Education & Engagement, Executive, Finance & Operations, Literary, Marketing, Producing and Production Management.
Work directly with the department head and their team in the respective area of focus.

  • Attend a two-day intensive seminar where you'll be introduced to the fellowship program, meet NYTW staff, and begin to develop your fellowship goals and plans.

  • Take on significant responsibilities in your department, including day-to-day tasks and long-term collaborative and individual projects.
    Participate in monthly seminar meetings to discuss your work, share ideas, meet other professionals in the field and receive specialized career-development training.

  • Participate in brown bag lunches with members of the NYTW staff and invited guests and attend industry networking and social events.

o Contact: Inquiries may be sent to adminfellowship@nytw.org. Application guidelines, fellowship descriptions, and frequently asked questions can also be found on our website at www.NYTW.org

o Submission Information 

Scholarships and Subsidies for the National Conference

Scholarship and subsidy opportunities are available to folks experiencing critical needs or financial hardship. A minimum of 51% of support will be awarded to Black, Indigenous, and People of Color (BIPOC), TGNC, and disability communities. In addition, TCG encourages multigenerational representation and applications from those who are: 30 years old and under, 60 years old and over. Members of any committees associated with TCG or this National Conference should not apply for these scholarships and subsidies as there may be support through different means; please inquire through your TCG point of contact Should an applicant apply before the early bird registration deadline and not receive a scholarship or subsidy, they will be eligible for the early bird registration rate past the early bird registration deadline.

o Deadline: April 5

o Application Fee: No Fee 

o Submission Information 

The Playwrights Realm: Writing Fellowship 

We believe art is better when everyone can participate - which is why you don't need an agent or an MFA for us to read your plays. Once a year, we open submissions for the programs below, which everyone can apply to!

o Deadline: March 11

o Application Fee: No Fee 

o Eligibility: The Writing Fellowship is at the heart of what we do: helping writers write. Four early-career playwrights receive nine months of resources, readings and feedback designed to help them reach their professional and artistic goals. The culminating event of the program is our INK'D Festival, which features public readings of each Fellows' play. To be eligible you must: Live within commuting distance to Midtown Manhattan, and be able to make it to regular evening writers meetings, rehearsals, and events. Have a script that would benefit from a nine-month, intensive development process.

o Categories: Full-Length Plays

o Submission Information 

The Frank Moffett Mosier Fellowship for Works in Heightened Language

Monetary award to playwright: $3000 for works with a running time of at least 40 minutes. Synecdoche Works may support further development of a submitted work at its discretion.

o Deadline: April 30 

o Application Fee: None 

o Eligibility:  Submissions must be in a heightened version of the English language in order to provide a meaningful challenge to the actors. This includes, but is not limited to, works using meter, verse, rhyming schemes, pidgins, creoles, and code-switching.

  • Plays must contain at least 60% heightened language.

  • Submissions may be translations or adaptations of works in the public domain.

  • No works under 40 minutes are eligible.

  • Authors awarded a grant must be willing to participate in a brief rehearsal process culminating in an online video reading of their submitted work*.

  • Submitted works cannot be currently attached to a theater or production company.

  • Submitted works cannot have had a prior development cycle outside of an educational program.

o Application Information

The Alpine Fellowship 

The winner of the Theatre Prize will receive a cash prize to support the writing of their proposed play, and the runners up will receive travel expense support that must be used to attend our 2024 symposium - dates and venue to be announced.

o Deadline: March 1 

o Application Fee: None 

o Eligibility: Open to all nationalities.

  • Applicants must be aged 18 or above at the time of entry.

  • All entries must be written in English.

  • Applicants can only enter one of our prizes.

  • Limited to one entry per person.

  • Travel expenses can be used for economy travel costs only and are not exchangeable for cash, any leftover travel budget will not be redeemed as cash.

  • Travel expenses can be used for transport only and cannot be used towards accommodation outside of the dates of our symposium.

o Application Information

Playwrights Realm Writing Fellowship & Scratchpad Series 

The Writing Fellowship is at the heart of what we do: helping writers write. Four early-career playwrights receive nine months of resources, readings and feedback designed to help them reach their professional and artistic goals. The culminating event of the program is our INK'D Festival, which features public readings of each Fellows' play.  Scratchpad Series jumpstarts The Realm's relationship with early-career playwrights from around the country. Participants will spend a week in New York City for a developmental reading of their play with top-notch professional collaborators—director, cast, and The Realm's artistic staff. If the playwright is based outside of New York, The Realm will provide travel and housing or per die

o Deadline: February 5

o Application Fee: None 

o Eligibility:  Live within commuting distance to Midtown Manhattan, and be able to make it to regular evening writers meetings, rehearsals, and events. Have a script that would benefit from a nine-month, intensive development  process.

o Application Information

Audible Emerging Playwrights Fund 

In 2017, Audible launched a theater initiative, intended to radically increase access to exceptional plays and performances. A core pillar of the initiative is the Emerging Playwrights Fund, a program that invests in and nurtures self-identifying emerging playwrights, some of our most inventive, delightful, and provocative storytellers. Through the Fund, Audible aims to connect extraordinary performers with remarkable original work, amplifying new voices and harnessing the power and potential of audio to reach millions of listeners. The Fund specifically supports the creation of original dramatic work, written with audio in mind, but theatrical in spirit. Audible is dedicated to commissioning, developing, and producing work that reflects the diversity of our members and our world. To accomplish this, Audible is committed to granting at least 50% of emerging playwright commissions to artists of color and women.

o Deadline: None

o Application Fee: Free

o Eligibility: please submit all of the following to AudibleTheater@audible.com:

  • One full-length script for an original or adapted play (in English language only) that represents your voice ("Script"). The Script can be in any genre and may include one-acts and solo pieces;

  • A short biography; and

  • A brief statement about why audio plays appeal to you.

  • If you have an idea for an original audio play, you are welcome to include a pitch or summary along with your statement (this is encouraged, but not required)

o Contact: AudibleTheater@audible.com

o Application Information 

Steven Schwartzberg Grants for Mental Health & Wellness

Writers are the beating heart of theater, whom we rely upon to take us on journeys and inspire us to think. During these unprecedented times, DGF has created the Steven Schwartzberg Grants to provide financial support for mental health and wellness services for writers. To help connect writers to therapists, DGF has partnered with Advekit, an online therapist matching service, to expand access to mental health support that might be out of your reach.

Please complete the form to receive $1,000 toward therapy through Advekit, courtesy of DGF.

If you already have a therapist or are seeking mental wellness support other than Western talk therapy, DGF is working on ways to support you in your wellness.


NYC Department of Cultural Affairs (DCLA)

The NYC DCLA is dedicated to supporting and strengthening New York City's vibrant cultural life. Among our primary missions is to ensure adequate public funding for non-profit cultural organizations, both large and small, throughout the five boroughs.

They have many grants tailored to the needs of artists living and working in the city throughout the year.

o Deadline: Ongoing

o Application Fee: Free

o Eligibility: Independent Artists and Groups

o Address: New York City Department of Cultural Affairs 31 Chambers Street New York, New York 10007

o Contact: 212.513.9300

o Application Information 

SubletSeries@HERE Program

This creative curated rental program has allowed many upstart companies and emerging artists to realize their full artistic vision on a small budget. The program provides subsidized performance and rehearsal space, technical assistance, and administrative support, including a fully staffed box office. SubletSeries@HERE artists can also access equipment that is not typically available in venues our size such as video projectors, wireless microphones, color scrollers—all for free or at subsidized rates. We accept applications from artists all over the world for the opportunity to show work.

o Deadline: Ongoing

o Application Fee: Free

o Eligibility: Independent Artists and Groups

o Address: HERE Program 145 Sixth Ave New York, NY 10013

o Contact: 212.647.0202

o Application Information 

Annenberg Foundation

The Annenberg Foundation does most of their funding in the arts, culture, and humanities to organizations in the counties of Los Angeles, Orange, Riverside, San Bernardino, and Ventura. The Annenberg Foundation's arts and humanities grants are available to agencies that serve the greater Los Angeles region, typically with budgets over $5 million.

o Deadline: Ongoing

o Application Fee: Free

o Eligibility: Arts, culture, and humanities in greater Los Angeles region

O Application Information


Liberation Theatre Company Writing Residency Program 2024/25

Liberation Theatre Company (LTC), a Harlem, New York-based independent theatrical producer and playwright development company established in 2009, is inviting applications from early-career Black playwrights to participate in the seventh year of our Writing Residency Program for 2024-2025. The residency is supported by the New York State Council on the Arts. It is a rare opportunity burgeoning playwrights have to hone their craft under their own vision through provided resources from an organization that only seeks to uplift their voices. For that I owe Liberation Theater Company an unlimited amount of gratitude. Nathaniel Johnson - Residency Playwright 2017/18 The Writing Residency Program will select four early-career playwrights and provide them with dramaturgical and professional support over a ten-month period, during which time they will each be required to complete a new full-length play. Beginning in May 2024, selected playwrights will attend monthly group meetings to share and refine their works-in-progress in a collaborative, energized setting; meet individually with LTC's Artistic Director and staff who will provide additional support for their artistic needs, concerns and process; and have the resources of a director and professional actors during a table reading as their play begins to take shape. Additionally, through connections with the larger New York City theatrical community, LTC will provide access to theatre tickets (when available) and seek to support, inspire, and assist playwrights in any way a small and dedicated company can. The Residency will conclude in February 2025, with the possibility of public/virtual readings, to be determined by LTC staff, of each playwright's finished play. Upon successful completion of the program, each playwright will receive an honorarium.

o Deadline: April 1 

o Eligibility: To be considered for the Writing Residency Program all applicants must be a) residents of New York City at the time of participation (May 2024 – February 2025). b) Applicants must have written at least two full-length plays or three one-act plays. c) The applicant must not have received a production of any of their work that was more developed than a Showcase presentation under the Actors' Equity Association production code. 

O Application Information

Centaur Theatre Residency - Winterworks 

WinterWorks fosters innovation and creativity in the Montreal performing arts community. Providing a dedicated platform for experimentation and artistry that challenges convention, this year's WinterWorks Festival–previously known as Wildside–is looking to support projects that take artistic risks, ask innovative questions, and explore form. Come and develop the theatrical ambition of your project at Centaur. Open to applications from established companies and emerging artists alike, Winterworks will select exciting, boundary-pushing performance projects that are already under-development, and looking for support towards their next stage of evolution–leading up to their first encounter with an audience.

o Deadline: March 11 

o When: Selected projects will receive a one-week residency period in December 2024, followed by performances in February 2025 during WinterWorks

o Eligibility: Proposals from creators working through all performance disciplines and artistic traditions are encouraged.

  • Works will be performed in-person at the Centaur Theatre, but proposals are also welcome to consider alternative or non-traditional settings, such as the Gallery spa

  • Projects chosen from this call will receive a guaranteed fee; these fees will be negotiated with the Executive Director depending on the scale of the project and number of performances.

  • Please note: The work proposed must already have been the subject of prior research and/or must have completed at least one stage of development. Projects must now be ready for the next stage in their evolution: public presentation in February 2025

O Application Information

Artcroft Center for Arts and Humanities

Residencies of an average of 2-8 weeks for visual artists, writers, actors, and  performance artists. Residency provides housing, studio, and meals; artist responsible residency fee ($40/day), deposit (10% of residency fee), travel, materials, and local transportation.

o Deadline: Ongoing

o Application Fee: $25

o When: 2-8 weeks

o Eligibility: Residencies are available to established and emerging visual and literary artists 18 years of age and older without regard for race, gender, sexual orientation, or religion.

o Address: Artcroft Center for Arts and Humanities 2075 Johnson Rd. Carlisle, KY 40311

o Contact: artcroft@msn.com

O Application Information

Other Resources 

NOTE: For more resources, visit our pages of Resources - Funding, Submissions, and more.

NYFA SOURCE - The New York Foundation for the Arts maintains the most comprehensive national directory of awards, services and publications for artists in the NYFA Source section of their website.

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#ScreenOpps #ScreenOppsOct24

#ScreenOpps FILM FESTIVALS Submissions are now open for the 2025 Women in the Arts and Media Coalition Collaboration Awards  Playwrights, Sc...