
Coalition Free & Discounted Events - February & March

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Women Arts Day 2024!

(previously known as SWAN Day)

Saturday, March 23

early afternoon (exact time TBA)

at SVA Theater

333 West 23rd Street

Talkback after the films with the Directors and Producers ~

Food, Drink, and Networking ~

More soon!



Screening Series

In a new partnership, New York Women in Film & Television (NYWIFT) and BAM (Brooklyn Academy of Music) are thrilled to present a collection of groundbreaking contemporary films that delve into science and technology in the modern world. These urgent documentaries and empowering fictions take us from the depths of outer space to the on-the-ground action of a Hasidic women-run ambulance corps and beyond.

Films include To the End (Rachel Lears), Space: The Longest Goodbye (Ido Mizrahy), My Love Affair with Marriage (Signe Baumane), Every Body (Julie Cohen), 93Queen (Paula Eiselt), Chilly & Milly (William D. Caballero), and Over-Flow (Elizabeth Ramjit). 

Join us Tuesdays at 7 PM at BAM for six weeks of free STEM-focused screenings, followed by Q&A’s with the filmmakers.

Reserve Tickets



Black History Month TV and Streaming Calendar 2024 from Rotten Tomatoes

Black History Month from the Library of Congress

Black History Month from the History Channel

NMAAHC Online Exhibitions (National Museum of African American History & Culture)

Schedule of Events from the Association for the Study of African American Life and History

Events from the Smithsonian Institution

The 1619 Project from the Pulitzer Center

Black Theatre History Podcast

Seven Essential Podcasts Hosted by Black Women

28 Podcasts by Women of Color You Should be Listening To

Black Movies on Netflix from Oprah Magazine

Black Women Poets You Should Know from The Lily

15 Black Female Artists Who Are Dominating the Music Industry

25 Songs by Black Women that Rocked the World from the 1920s- 2020

Top 30 Black Female Painters

Black Women in Rock

Black Women and Pleasure


Whether or Not You are an Organizational Member, 

You Are Now Able to Join the Women in the Arts & Media Coalition! 

With our new Individual Memberships, you no longer need to be a member through your organizational affiliation. For artists and media professionals who are not currently affiliated with one of our member organizations, this is a way to join our community. For artists and media professionals who are affiliated with one of our full member organizations, this is a way to receive additional perks and support the Coalition. 

As an individual member, you will be able to:

  • Attend all events, in person and virtual (with coalition discount if paid event);
  • Receive all newsletters, including the NEW WAMCollaboration Newsletter;
  • Access to our NEW WAMCollaboration Google Group (connecting artists for collaborative opportunities);
  • Be included in our NEW online Directory of Members and their disciplines, with links to social media (with or without contact information as preferred);
  • Serve on committees;
  • Receive perks and discounts; 
  • Submit your events (if free or discounted to Coalition members) to be posted and shared in our Newsletters, Blog, and/or Communal Calendar;
  • Submit to all of our prizes and contests for FREE.

Individual Memberships are only $25 per year.

($15 per year DONATION REQUESTED for members of our full member organization to cover the administrative costs of registering you.)


Student Memberships

With our new Individual Student Memberships, you can join the Women in the Arts and Media Coalition for ONLY $10 PER YEAR. To be eligible for a student membership, one must be actively studying their discipline, and not yet a practicing professional. You do not need to be matriculated in a graduate, undergraduate, or professional full-time program.

Student members will have their own directory and their own Google Group. There is also a separate Student Collaboration Award to which student members can submit. 



The $1,000 Collaboration Award and additional honorable mentions are designed to encourage professional women in the arts and media from different specializations to work collaboratively on the creation of a new artistic work. The aim of the award is to encourage women to work collaboratively with women of other disciplines. Eligible teams may submit any form of creative collaboration on a new work that had its first public performance within the last two years. A public performance can include, but is not limited to a staged reading, gallery show, screenings, concert series, etc. Due to the NEW Individual Memberships, you will no longer need to be a member of a member organization to be eligible for submission. You can now apply by joining the Coalition as an Individual Member. Members of our full member organizations will need to register.

The WAMCollaboration Google Group & Newsletter! The Women in the Arts and Media Coalition is creating a WAMCollaboration Google Group that will allow artists to network and seek out collaborators for their projects. Start finding collaborators now; the submission process will begin soon.

Conversations in America:
2020 Vision - The Year We Saw Everything

You can still see Conversations in America: 2020 Vision - The Year We Saw Everything, a compilation of short plays and films, monologues, songs, and more.
Special thanks to SAG-AFTRA and WomenArts who were gold sponsors of the event.
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#ScreenOpps #ScreenOppsJan25

 #ScreenOpps FILM FESTIVALS Submission deadline has been extended for the WAM Coaliation Collaboration Awards - STILL OPEN! Playwrights, Sc...