
Just Added to the Coalition Communal Calendar (End of July)

- Women's International Film Festival - Friday, July 29th (Cranford Theater, NJ, Free)
- Women's International Film Festival - Friday, July 29th (T. Thomas Fortune Cultural Center, NJ, Free)
- Women's International Film Festival - Saturday, July 30th (Newark Museum of Art, Free)
      - All three of these are (perhaps expectedly) by the same group (Women in Media - Newark, https://www.eventbrite.com/o/woman-in-media-newark-33846425029), but I did check and make sure all three nights showcase different movies with different themes for each night

- Lookout: MISS CHELOVE - Until July 31st (Current exhibition at the National Museum of Women in the Arts, https://nmwa.org/exhibitions/lookout-miss-chelove/)
      - Alongside this, the NMWA also has a set of online exhibitions to look through, which may be nice to advertise as well given that not many people may be able to visit DC in the next 13 days (https://nmwa.org/whats-on/exhibitions/online/)

- 2022 Bridgeport Film Fest (LGBTQ Film Festival, CT), July 22nd-24th  (https://www.facebook.com/events/991213868258144/?source=3&action_history=null)

- Page to Stage: The Harmfulness of Tobacco (Nyack Library, NY, Free), July 27th
      - Part of a wider discussion series that utilizes the Phoenix Theater Ensemble, for whom part of their mission is inviting and celebrating diversity into the theater (https://visitnyack.org/event/page-to-stage-tobacco-nyack-library-2022/)

- SONS OF KEMET / MAKAYA MCCRAVEN / L'RAIN / DJ LINDSEY (Summerstage in Central Park, July 31st, Free/No RSVP)
      - Aligns with seeking to foster diversity in the arts, https://cityparksfoundation.org/events/sons-of-kemet-makaya/

- MASS presents "parTy boi: Black Diamonds in Ice Castles," to explore the epidemic of crystal meth addiction in LGBTQ communities of color (July 28th, University Theatre ODU, Norfolk VA), https://www.eventbrite.com/e/mass-gilead-present-party-boi-black-diamonds-in-ice-castles-tickets-307135860627

Check out the Coalition Communal Calendar for more events of interest! 

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