
Women's History Month - Free Events & Opportunities Online for March 2021

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Women's History Month
Free Events & Opportunities Online
March 2021
Conversations in America: Submissions to "2020 Vision" by 3/21/21
Hospice from New Federal Theatre
Gabriel from New Perspectives Theatre - only one more day to view
Women's History Month - Online Events and Links to Explore and Learn
Coming Together Through Creativity from The Actors Theatre Workshop
Conversations In America: 
“2020 Vision”—The Year We Saw Everything
(Submissions accepted February 14th - March 21st
from Valentine’s Day to the Spring Equinox)
"It’s up to all of us – Black, white, everyone…” Michelle Obama

“Women's empowerment is intertwined with respect for human rights.” Mahnaz Afkhami

“A woman is like a tea bag - you never know how strong she is until she gets in hot water.” Eleanor Roosevelt

"I just want to recognize that women are never congratulated for their hunger. We are never rewarded for taking up space musically. So, I just wanted to take a second to thank everybody for what we teach each other and that is to hunger for more, to not accept less, to make sure our voices are heard because the point of view that we have is required."
Jeanine Tesori, Composer

 No one is able to hide anymore. No one. 

We are still in a health, social, economic, political crisis which has impacted all of us. The stress of our lives multiplied over the last few years and exploded in 2020. Now time for change and renewal is at hand. How do we move forward?

How can we as artists discuss what justice for all of us looks like? What do we want for our future? How can we increase compassion and understanding to give voice to those voices that fall on deaf ears? How do we find ways for those deaf ears to hear, see and feel outside their understanding? Art can be the language of constructive action towards being heard. We want to work toward an understanding and developing movement forward through our art.

Some Topics to launch from:

Pandemic: How it has changed/impacted/escalated our lives

Discrimination: How has it changed? Not changed? What questions should we be asking?What are the answers? 

BLM: social/racial justice, behavior, protesting, outsiders looting, How we are coming together?

#MeToo: equal pay, equal treatment in the office, the world… constant harassment in life and work  

Division in the Country: We have never been so divided. How do we find common ground? How do we actually make these United States exactly that - United? Can we? Can this new administration?

Concentrate on one, or draw on more than one, it is all up to you and your imagination. Go for it! Written and performed pieces 3 to 5 minutes tops. 

We will host a virtual evening to perform, display, discuss and enlighten the many sides of these issues that impact us all. Looking for: Scenes, Short plays, Short films, Monologues, Music, Poetry, Dance, Paintings, Sculptures and Photography - again nothing to exceed 3-5 minutes.
The entire evening will run 75-90 minutes with no intermission and will be via Zoom link. We will have a cast of professional NY actors reading the chosen pieces, and all art for the evening - photography, paintings, sculptures, music - will be put on display.

As in the past, this is open to all members of our organizations and affiliate organizations (see the list here).

Send your submission to: conversations@womenartsmediacoalition.org

 From New Federal Theatre:
written by Pearl Cleage
directed by Awoye Timpo
Featuring Petronia Paley and Margaret Odette

Premieres Saturday, March 6, 2021 – 7 PM,
Streaming ends, Monday, March 8 @ midnight
Free admission, Donations Welcome.

From New Perspectives Theatre, ONLY ONE MORE DAY to see GABRIEL
by George Sand in an excellent production from On Her Shoulders, dramaturgy supported by the League of Professional Theatre Women.
by George Sand

NPTC's On Her Shoulders Program, part of our Women's Work Project, returns with an exciting new translation/adaptation of a script from 1839! Women's Work LAB member Lynn Marie Macy has fashioned a powerful script from what has long been considered a "problem play", part novel and part dramatic work.

Join us for a virtual presentation available until Wednesday, March 3rd, on NPTC's YouTube Channel. 

Admission is Free, with a requested Donation.

The handsome, heroic heir to a vast estate, raised as a man to follow a man’s pursuits and to despise women, is devastated to learn at the age of seventeen that he is in fact a she. Gabriel courageously refuses to give up her male privileges, and her tragic struggle to work and fight and love in all the ways she knows how offers a window into the obstacles faced by George Sand, the prolific intellectual woman whom the popular press portrayed as a promiscuous, cigar-smoking oddity in trousers. 

Macy directs a cast that includes Bill Blechingberg*, JD Daw*, AndrĂ© DeSandies, Laura E. Johnston*, Anya Krawcheck, C. Amanda Maud*, and Bess Miller (* Member Actors' Equity)

Dramaturg Melody Brooks introduces the reading with a brief "Play in Context" lecture, which situates the script in its historical time and place. Luisa Battista is providing her video expertise to create a virtual experience that does justice to writing and to the talents of our wondeful cast.

When you register for GABRIEL on Event Brite, you will automatically receive the link to view the presentation at any time until midnight, on Wednesday, March 3rd.

You will also receive a brief biography of George Sand.

The program is free, but we hope audiences will find it worthy of a small donation. As a special thanks, donors will receive the Play In Context essay in addition to the biography.
If you have already registered for a free ticket, but wish to make a donation and receive the essay, you may do so via PayPal. Please specify in the NOTE section, or send us a message at newper37@gmail.com .

Coming Together Through Creativity
Wednesday, March 24 at 7pm EST - FREE
from The Actors Theatre Workshop

The COVID-19 pandemic has been challenging for everyone but it has also created opportunities to connect with people in our community in new ways. When we discovered in March that our creative educational programs were just as life-changing online, we developed a new class that would allow us to connect with each other while learning creative exercises to combat the stress of a more isolated life.

Join us for our free class, Coming Together Through Creativity, led by our Artistic Director and Founder Thurman E. Scott, 
on Wednesday, March 24th at 7PM ET,
as we use our voices to build new bonds
during these unprecedented times. 

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