
From the Coalition - A Call to Action

From the Coalition: A Call to Action
Dear Members of the many Organizations which make up the Women in the Arts & Media Coalition, and our Colleagues and Friends:

This is an unprecedented moment in our history. The pandemic continues to be deeply challenging for everyone, and enormously so for the women and men in the country’s creative community. Now, the horrifying and unconscionable murder of George Floyd in Minneapolis, most recent in a line of many other Americans of color who have been targeted, weighs heavily on all of us. We stand in solidarity with the national protests that have followed.  

In the face of enormous fear and anxiety, we need to search for what we can still hold on to. The Women in the Arts and Media Coalition is committed to being a link between our member organizations--focusing on issues of concern to an aggregate membership of more than 100,000 professional women across many artistic disciplines and crafts. No issue is more compelling at this time, or any time, than this simple truth: Black Lives Matter. We stand in solidarity with Black artists, Black arts administrators, and the Black community as we grieve the murders of way too many innocent individuals.

The varied backgrounds and experiences within our creative community are our greatest source of strength, and we are determined to stand up against racism and work to change the inequality that is manifested both inside and outside our creative representation. All of our accumulated knowledge assures us that we are capable of imagining and achieving better.

Thus, with empathy and understanding, we reinforce our mission to stand with all the members of our community against injustice.

Thank you, and please be safe,
Avis Boone & Yvonne Curry
Shellen Lubin
1st Vice President, Past President
leslie Shreve
Special Advisor, Past President

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