
#ScreenOpps #ScreenOppsMay20

and WomenArts present

Submission opportunities for women in film/video.

##Opportunities with hashtags are for selected populations.
**Opportunities starred are for womxn only.

Special Opportunity 

Check back next month for new Special Opps!

COVID-19 Financial Assistance & Resources

The Actor’s Fund
To help our community manage during this public health crisis The Actors Fund has partnered with several industry organizations to provide emergency financial assistance to those who have immediate financial needs. Please note, while some of the funds are for members of entertainment unions, you do not need to be a union member to receive help from The Actors Fund. Please know that we are experiencing an extremely high volume of requests and ask for your patience during this time.
Emergency financial assistance is available for people who are unable to pay their basic living expenses (food/housing/health care) over the next two months. We ask that if you have the resources to cover that period, please wait to apply. These are unprecedented times and we all must steward our resources very carefully.
  • Deadline: Rolling
  • Application Fee: Free
  • Eligibility:
    • Based on current financial need (inability to pay next two month’s bills)
    • A minimum of five years of recent entertainment industry employment with earnings of at least $6,500 for three out of the last five years OR a minimum of 20 years of industry employment with a minimum of 10 years of earnings of at least $5,000 (please note that income from teaching does not qualify)
    • Eligibility requirements for dancers—three years of recent dance earnings of at least $2,000 a year
  • Address:  
    • The Actor’s Fund National Headquarters
      729 7th Ave 10th floor
      New York, NY 10019
  • Contact:
    • New York City: 800.221.7303
    • Chicago: 312.372.0989
    • Los Angeles: 888.825.0911
Arts and Culture Leaders of Color Emergency Fund
The Arts and Culture Leaders of Color Emergency Fund is intended to help those pursuing careers as artists or arts administrators whose income has been directly impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic. This fund is for those who self-identify as BIPOC (Black, Indigenous, People of Color). If you fit this description and you are in need of short-term, immediate financial assistance – we would like to help.
  • Deadline: Rolling
  • Application Fee: Free
  • Eligibility: All BIPOC artists who need financial assistance during this crisis are encouraged to apply.
  • Address:  N/A
  • Contact: info@aacdmv.org
Emergency Survival Fund for LGBTQ2S Artists, Performers & Tip-Based Workers
Glad Day Bookshop has set up an emergency fund to help LGBTQ2S artists, performers & tip-based workers. This fund is not meant to help people recover lost income.
  • Deadline: Rolling
  • Application Fee: Free
  • Eligibility: All LBBTQ2S artists, performers, & tip-based workers are encouraged to apply.
  • Address:
    • Glad Day Bookshop
      499 Church Street
      Toronto, Ontario, Canada
  • Contact: michael@gladday.ca
Foundations for Contemporary Arts Emergency Grants
Created in 1993 to further FCA's mission to encourage, sponsor, and promote work of a contemporary, experimental nature, Emergency Grants provide urgent funding for visual and performing artists.
  • Deadline: Rolling
  • Application Fee: Free
  • Eligibility: All artists in need are encouraged to apply.
  • Address:
    • Foundation for Contemporary Arts
      820 Greenwich Street
      New York, NY 10014
  • Contact: info@contemporary-arts.org
NYC COVID-19 Response & Impact Fund
The NYC COVID-19 Response & Impact Fund was created to aid nonprofit service providers struggling with the health and economic effects of the coronavirus. It will give grants and loans to NYC-based nonprofits that are trying to meet the new and urgent needs that are hitting the city. Priority will be given to nonprofits addressing essential healthcare and food insecurity as well as arts and culture.
  • Deadline: Rolling
  • Application Fee: Free
  • Eligibility: All nonprofit service providers in need are encouraged to apply.
  • Address:
    • The New York Community Trust
      909 Third Avenue 22nd Floor
      New York, NY 10022
  • Contact: rps@nyct-cfi.org
NYC Employee Retention Grant
To help small businesses deal with the impact of COVID-19, the City has launched the Employee Retention Grant Program to help retain employees as businesses face decreased revenue. This program is available to New York City businesses with one to four employees that can demonstrate at least a 25% decrease in revenue as a result of COVID-19. Eligible businesses will receive a grant covering up to 40% of their payroll for two months. Businesses can access up to $27,000.
  • Deadline: Rolling
  • Application Fee: Free
  • Eligibility: 
    • Must have their business located within the five boroughs of New York City.
    • Demonstrate that the COVID-19 outbreak caused at least a 25% decrease in revenue.
    • Employ 1-4 employees in total across all locations. 
    • Have been in operation for at least 6 months.
    • Have no outstanding tax liens or legal judgements.
  • Address: N/A
  • Contact: https://www1.nyc.gov/nycbusiness/contactus
Rauschenberg Emergency Grants
Expected to roll out in late May or early June, these will provide visual artists, media artists, and choreographers up to $5,000 worth of assistance for medical emergencies. Applicants must be US citizens or permanent residents.
  • Deadline: Rolling
  • Application Fee: Free
  • Eligibility: 
    • Artists must be U.S. citizens or permanent residents.
    • Applicants must demonstrate current and ongoing activity in artistic discipline/s.
    • Applicants cannot be enrolled in any degree-seeking program.
  • Address:
    • The Robert Rauschenberg Foundation
      381 Lafayette Street
      New York, NY 10003
  • Contact: emergencyfunds@nyfa.org
SAG-AFTRA Disaster Relief Fund & SAG-AFTRA Motion Picture Players Welfare Fund
The SAG-AFTRA Foundation and the SAG-AFTRA Motion Picture Players Welfare Fund (MPPWF) have a COVID-19 Disaster Fund to provide urgent financial support to SAG-AFTRA members and families affected by this global pandemic.
  • Deadline: Rolling
  • Application Fee: Free
  • Eligibility: All SAG-AFTRA members in need are encouraged to apply.
  • Address: N/A
  • Contact: https://sagaftra.foundation/emergency-assistance-contact/

Film Festivals

Atlanta Women’s Film Festival 
The Atlanta Women's Film Festival is a live screening of short films and table read events that takes place in Atlanta, GA. This event is an amazing opportunity to promote female filmmakers, directors, writers, producers, actors, and female centered storylines to our incredibly supportive film community. There will be live screening blocks of films with Q&As with the filmmakers, table reads for the screenplays in our competition, live panels with influential women in the film industry and networking events for anyone that would like to attend.
  • When/Where: October 3rd, 2020
  • Deadline:  May 31st (Extended Deadline), June 30th (Late Deadline), July 31st (Extended Late Deadline), August 31st (Final Deadline)
  • Submission Fee: $45-$100
  • Eligibility: You DO NOT have to be a female to submit to this festival, however, all films entered must feature a female in at least one of the following: Director, Writer, Lead Actor, Producer, Female Focused Storyline. We currently project in 1080p, 23.976. (30 fps and 25 fps are also accepted, we will convert them) .mov or .mp4 formats are accepted.
  • Categories: Narrative Feature and Shorts, Documentary Feature and Shorts, Music Videos, Trailer, Web Series 
  • Contact: caroline@cinemalife.org
Female Filmmakers Fuse Film Festival
We celebrate both emerging and established female filmmakers during a three day jammed pack festival in Los Angeles, California!
Films that will be selected will showcase the talents of what female filmmakers can and have done. But don’t let the name fool you! Men and all identifying individuals have submitted and have been official selections of the festival, and some have even won! We do not discriminate, we encourage diversity, equality and inclusion; which has been lacking in this industry. If you support that, WE support you!
  • When/Where: November 6th-8th, 2020
  • Deadline: June 30th, 2020 (Regular Deadline), July 31st, 2020 (Late Deadline), August 31st, 2020 (Extended Deadline), October 24th, 2020 (Notification Date)
  • Application Fee: $15-$65
  • Eligibility: The film must feature a female lead in the production aspect; producer, director, cinematographer and or writer. The film can have male roles in production, but the major key crew members must be female. We are currently only taking online submissions.
  • Categories: Shorts, Features, Web Series, Student Films
  • Address: N/A
  • Contact: femalefilmmakersfuse@gmail.com
Toronto Feedback Female Film
Since 2016, the FEEDBACK Film Festival has been showcasing the best of Female Directors, Producers, Writers, and female lead talent. As of July 2018, we now will be showcasing a Film Festival every single month in the heart of downtown Toronto at the Carlton Cinemas.
NOTE: This festival is still taking place each week despite the COVID-19 virus. All festival dates have been relegated to private screenings with the same Audience FEEDBACK videos made for the short films, and recorded script readings performed by professional actors for the screenplays.
  • When/Where: July 30th, 2020
  • Deadline: April 18th, 2020 (Late Deadline)
  • Application Fee: $40-$55
  • Eligibility: 
    • All film submissions must have at least 3 out of the 4 major positions held by a female (director, producer, lead actor, writer).
    • One major exception is that if the film is directed by a female, then the submission is immediately valid..
    • OR, the film's major plot and lead characters are female driven.
    • All screenplay submissions must be written by a female writer.
  • Categories: Shorts, Scripts
  • Address:
    • Feedback Film Festival
      20 Carlton Street
      Toronto, ON M5B 2H5, Canada
  • Contact: torontofestival@femalefilmfestival.com
LA Women in Film Festival
The LA Women in Film Festival champions female identifying filmmakers and female driven storytelling. We will be accepting submissions from Female Identifying Directors, Writers, Majority Female Crew (at least 50%) and/or Female Driven Stories of any genre.
  • When/Where: July 23rd - July26th, 2020
  • Deadline: March 6th (Regular Deadline), April 10th (Late Deadline), May 15th (Extended Deadline), June 5th (Last Chance), June 17th (Notification Date)
  • Application Fee: $22.50-$50
  • Eligibility:
    • All Films must feature work produced by female identifying filmmakers and female driven storytelling. We will be accepting submissions from FEMALE IDENTIFYING DIRECTORS, WRITERS, MAJORITY FEMALE CREW (at least 50%) and/or FEMALE DRIVEN STORIES of ANY GENRE. 
    • All entries must be in English or - SUBTITLED, DUBBED, unless special arrangements have been made with festival. 
    • Film Entrants must submit online screeners through filmfreeway for consideration. 
  • Categories: Shorts
  • Address:
    • LA Women in Film Festival
      916 N. Formosa Ave.
      Los Angeles, CA 90046
      United States
  • Contact: info@lafilmfestivals.com
Women In Horror Film Festival
The Women in Horror Film Festival was founded in late 2016 by filmmakers Vanessa Ionta Wright and Samantha Kolesnik. We are a filmmaker and screenwriter focused festival dedicated to celebrating and showcasing women creatives in genre film, as well as promoting inclusion and diversity in order to foster an equal and level playing field. 
Winners in select categories will receive a truly one-of-a-kind "Lizzie" trophy. Each trophy is hand-painted ensuring that no two Lizzies are exactly alike. Winners in all categories will be awarded and announced live at the event.
ALL Finalists will receive 2 full weekend passes to the event which include all parties, screenings, workshops, and panels.
  • When/Where: February 25th-27th, 2021
  • Deadline: May 1st (Midterm Deadline), August 1st (Late Deadline), October 1st (Extended Deadline), December 1st (Notification Date)
  • Application Fee: $11.25-$40
  • Eligibility:
    • All films entered are required to have 3 or greater of the following different specified creative roles fulfilled by women: (Director(s), Writer(s), Cinematographer(s), Producer(s), Composer, SFX Artist, Editor, Production Designer and/or lead talent).
    • Any unproduced screenplay or TV pilot must be written by or co-written by a woman.
  • Categories: Shorts, Features, Student Films
  • Address:
    • Earl and Rachel Smith Strand Theatre
      117 North Park Square
      Marietta, Georgia 30060
      United States
  • Contact: wihfilmfest@gmail.com
Female Voices Rock Film Festival
The Female Voices Rock Film Festival aims to celebrate women in the industry. Our goal is to put a spotlight on those filmmakers who are still underrepresented and give them the recognition they so rightly deserve.
The festival will take place in the beautiful and historic Village East Cinema in Manhattan.
  • When/Where: September 29th - October 3rd, 2020
  • Deadline: March 1st (Regular Deadline), June 1st (Late Deadline), September 1st (Extended Deadline), September 15th (Notification Date)
  • Application Fee: $15-$30
  • Eligibility: All films entered are required to have two or greater of the following different specified creative roles fulfilled by women: Director(s), Writer(s), Cinematographer(s), Producer(s), Composer, SFX Artist, Editor, Production Designer and/or lead talent). Any unproduced screenplay or TV pilot must be written by women.
  • Categories: Shorts
  • Address:
    • Village East Cinema
      181-189 2nd Avenue
      New York, New York 10003
  • Contact: mariana@femalevoicesrock.com
Manhattan Short Film Festival
During one week of the year over 100,000 film-lovers gather in over 400 Cinemas across 6 Continents to view and vote on the Finalists Films' in the 23rd Annual MANHATTAN SHORT Film Festival - MANHATTAN SHORT is more than just one of the largest short film festivals in the world....it's the World's First Global Film Festival.
  • When/Where: Sept 24th-October 4th, 2020
  • Deadline: July 31st, 2020
  • Application Fee: $35-$75
  • Eligibility:
    • Films Must Be 20 Minutes and Under in Length.
    • For pre screening selection purposes we ask for either:
      • Online Screeners 
      • DVDs or Blu Ray sent to our mailing address
    • If film is successful we ask for Apple Prores QT files at (23.98).
  • Categories: Shorts
  • Address:
    • Manhattan Short Film Festival
      319 Lafayette Street # 126
      New York, NY 10012
  • Contact: info@manhattanshort.com


Quinner - HBO Series
Quinner is a scripted/documentary show about the lives of the people in the world of trivia.
  • Roles: 
    • Shelly (Female;27-33;Lead)
    • Amy (White;Female;37-43;Lead)
  • Audition: Online Submissions
  • Shoot Dates/Location: TBD, summer of 2020, in NYC
  • Union: SAG-AFTRA
  • Pay: Paid
So Far Bound - Pilot Episode
Casting the pilot episode for "So Far Bound," a comedy/drama about a group of strangers from around the world who run away to the same, far-off place; meet at random; then start a hotel in that new land.
  • Roles: 
    • Fen (East Asian Female;25-34;Supporting)
    • Jaya (East Indian or LatinX Female;25-34;Supporting)
    • Kat (White Female;25-34;Supporting)
    • Nia (African or Afro-Caribbean Female;25-34;Supporting)
    • Val (Native American or LatinX Female;65-84;Supporting)
  • Audition: Online Submissions
  • Shoot Dates/Location: Shooting November 2020 in Los Angeles, CA.
  • Union: SAG-AFTRA, Travel, food, and lodging will be provided.
  • Pay: Pays $500/total.
Thrupple - Short Film
Casting for "Thrupple," a short film. Synopsis: Three millennials “nesting” together in a polyamorous relationship navigate through the complexities of their arrangement while trying to overcome the difficulties of "New Age" love.
  • Roles: 
    • Piper (African-American or LatinX Female;25-30;Lead)
  • Audition: Online Submissions
  • Shoot Dates/Location: Shoots this summer in NYC.
  • Union: SAG-AFTRA Short Project Agreement
  • Pay: Pays $100/day.
Meeting Ms. Leigh - Feature
A young writer in desperate need of inspiration begins an affair with an enchanting enigmatic older woman during a weekend in Santa Monica. It’s a weekend neither will ever forget.
  • Roles: 
    • Amber Leigh (White Female;29-40;Lead)
  • Audition: Online Submissions
  • Shoot Dates/Location: Two rehearsals TBD; shoots for ten days from July 13th-24th (weekdays only) in and around Santa Monica, CA.
  • Union: SAG-AFTRA
  • Pay: Pays $125/day, ten-day shoot (may not be needed every day).
For more OnScreen opportunities, visit Backstage.com; ActorsAccess.com; or Playbill.com. 


Associate Producer – Erin Burnett Outfront, CNN
WarnerMedia is looking to hire an Associate Producer for Erin Burnett Outfront. The AP works closely with show producers to find best video and elements for segments and packages within CNN systems and elsewhere. 
The AP’s responsibilities include: 1.) cutting soundbites and VOs, 2.) producing in-house packages, orders and creates graphics, 3.) being responsible for calling elements in the control room, 4.) pitching both package and guest ideas for the program and helping producers with research for guest segments, 5.) working closely with rights and clearances, affiliate desk and assignment desks to ensure best video is used and sourced properly, 6.) coding video and creating banners, 7.) working under extremely tight deadlines, 8.) working closely in the control room with writers, line producer and senior producers on best sound bites and VOs for live reads and teases.
  • Type: Full Time, Permanent
  • Eligibility: 
    • A bachelor's degree in journalism or related field of study is preferred, or equivalent experience.
    • Minimum of three years of experience in network television or major-market news production. Newsroom & live control room experience preferred.
    • Familiarity with CNN video databases such as Mediasource is very helpful.
    • Graphics production experience including experience with the "Viz Pilot" graphics device helpful.
    • Non-linear video editing experience is also important.
    • Must demonstrate strong research skills.
    • Must be team-oriented, able to take direction from producers and control room personnel, capable of meeting deadlines and functioning calmly in high-pressure situations including breaking news.
    •  Must be computer literate, have strong internet research skills, and the ability to learn internal digital video archives.
Editor/Cinematographer - VMLY&R
At VMLY&R, we create connected brands. We resist the usual ways of seeing, doing and thinking — harnessing creativity, technology and culture — to reimagine the entire connected consumer experience. Our goal? To create work that becomes part of people’s lives, to drive value for our clients and, in the best of cases, to impact the world.
VMLY&R is looking for an experienced editor to join our team. You’ll put your storytelling skills to work to produce commercials for broadcast, social platforms, website content and other digital and interactive media. We’ll expect you to stay ahead of current interactive technologies and trends and incorporate them into your daily work.
As part of the WPP Group, VMLY&R offers one of the best overall compensation packages in the business.
  • Type: Full Time
  • Eligibility: 
    • Three years of relevant experience, including experience with integrating video and visual effects.
    • Standouts will have experience with Adobe After Effects and Photoshop.
    • Video or still camera experience is a plus.
    • Include the link to your reel with your submission.
Video Producer - Prometheus Global Media
Billboard and The Hollywood Reporter are premier media properties focused on covering the entertainment and music industries via leading digital destinations and original video programming (See samples at YouTube dot com /Billboard and /Hollywood Reporter.) We are looking for an experienced Video Producer based in New York who will be a key member of a growing production team working in a fast-paced entertainment news-based environment. 
The ideal candidate is someone enthusiastic about music, moving images and popular culture. He/she will produce and project manage a wide range of content including: behind-the-scenes docs., weekly music-themed series, multi-part features, special event coverage and more. 
The Producer will act as a liaison between internal departments, vendors, talent teams, and company creative leads. This is a full-time position located at our Midtown Manhattan office reporting to the Director of Production.
  • Type: Full Time
  • Eligibility: 
    • 4+ years of experience creating and managing the production of premium digital video.
    • Background in video entertainment, news or similarly related digital consumer media is required.
    • A track record of producing high visibility video for large-scale audiences.
    • The ability to work with high-end talent and their teams for participation in video projects.
    • A desire to work unconventional hours, multi-task and facilitate quick turn-a-rounds for a news-based entertainment organization.
    • Ability to think independently, strategically and efficiently across multiple events and platforms.
    • A track record of coming up with creative solutions for logistical challenges.
    • Ability to closely supervise post-production, maintaining editorial integrity and quality control.
    • Passion for creating engaging, non-fiction programming.
    • BA/BS required.
    • All applications must include a link to an online producing reel.
Video Editor/Producer - Literally Media
Literally Media is looking for a self-driven video editor/producer to steer our new video initiatives across our sites (Cracked.com, KnowYourMeme.com, Cheezburger.com, and eBaumsWorld.com). This position is for someone with strong leadership skills who wants to take some of the biggest humor/entertainment sites on the web and help translate them to video. The ideal candidate is someone who thrives working both independently and as a part of a team and has a great sense of humor.
This position will have a leading role in all of our video initiatives including in-office shoots, one-off projects, video podcasts, translating web content to video, livestreams, and more.
This role is for a video editor/producer so the responsibilities of the candidate will include shooting, producing, editing and publishing video content.
  • Type: Full Time
  • Eligibility: 
    • Minimum of 3 years of professional editorial video experience.
    • High skill level in Adobe Premiere, AfterEffects, and Photoshop.
    • High skill level in audio cleanup, mixing, and sound design.
    • High skill level shooting and producing content.
    • Must be able to work out of our Brooklyn office.
    • Submit 5-10 applicable pieces that have you edited/created.
Associate Producer/Editor – SportsNet New York
NBC Universal is looking to hire an Associate Producer/Editor for SportsNet New York. The Associate Producer/Editor will report to the Director and Feature Programming, and will write, shoot, produce and edit short form and long form video/audio/visual content for SNY.
  • Type: Full Time, Permanent
  • Eligibility: 
    • Must have a Bachelor’s Degree.
    • Passionate sports fan with broad knowledge of the sports industry and New York market.
    • Strong editorial judgment.
    • Strong interpersonal skills as well as written and verbal communication skills. 
    • Experience in post-production editing and knowledge of Avid Applications a must.
    • Ability to complete assigned tasks in a timely, efficient manner.


NYC Department of Cultural Affairs (DCLA)
The NYC DCLA is dedicated to supporting and strengthening New York City's vibrant cultural life. Among our primary missions is to ensure adequate public funding for non-profit cultural organizations, both large and small, throughout the five boroughs.
They have many grants tailored to the needs of artists living and working in the city throughout the year.
  • Deadline: Ongoing
  • Application Free
  • Eligibility: Independent Artists and Groups
  • Contact: 212.513.9300
The Film Collaborative Fiscal Sponsorship
Fiscal Sponsorship is used when a non-profit film or film-related project or event wants to secure funding from individual, foundation, government or corporate sources that give only to nonprofit organizations with IRS tax-exempt status. To be considered exempt, an organization must hold a current 501(c)(3) certificate from the IRS.
To be considered for Fiscal Sponsorship projects must be consistent with the TFC’s charitable purposes, be creative, artistic and/or educational, not a work for hire and represent an imaginative contribution to the film or video art form.
TFC accepts applications from persons of any gender and ethnicity. The project may be in any stage of development, production and or post production or distribution.
  • Deadline: April 22nd, 2020
  • Application Free
  • Eligibility: 
    • Documentary feature & short films and other works of nonfiction.
    • Narrative feature & short films and other narrative works.
    • Transmedia/multi-media projects with film/video as a primary component of the work.
    • Film related events such as film festivals or screening series.
  • Contact: contactus@thefilmcollaborative.org
The Film Independent Camera Grant
The Film Independent Camera Grant is a program for Film Independent Fellows and alumni. Film Independent will select a qualified filmmaker, on a rolling basis, who will be loaned a digital camera body (based on availability) to use for their narrative or documentary short, feature film production or web series. The grant includes an ARRI Alexa SXT Plus camera body OR a Blackmagic URSA Mini Pro 4.6K.
  • Deadline: Rolling
  • Application Fee: $65
  • Eligibility: 
    • Applicants must be the director, producer or cinematographer of a narrative or documentary short, feature film production or web series.
    • Applicants must be either: A) alumni of Film Independent’s Artist Development programs; B) alumni of the LA Film Festival; C) a past Film Independent Spirit Award Nominee; or D) solicited by Film Independent. Grant recipients must show proof of production insurance.
    • Camera body will be awarded for prep and principle photography. Dates must be provided in the application.
    • Project must be at least 75% financed when applying.
    • If the applicant is not the cinematographer, a cinematographer must be attached.
    • If awarded, grant winner(s) must be, or become, Film Independent Members.
  • Contact: info@cinereach.org
Sloan Distribution Grant
The Sloan Distribution Grant is a $50,000 grant awarded by Film Independent to a film that is entering its distribution phase. Eligible films must depict themes, stories and characters grounded in real science, technology or economics.
  • Deadline: Rollling
  • Application Fee: $65
  • Eligibility: 
    • Applicants must be the producer of a narrative fiction feature film.
    • The film should prominently feature science, mathematics and/or technology in the story and/or have a leading character that is a scientist, engineer or mathematician.
    • Films with innovative marketing and distribution plans are encouraged to apply.
    • All submitted films must be at least 70 minutes in length.
    • Applicants must be legal residents of the United States.
    • Film must be entering its distribution phase.
  • Contact: jkushner@filmindependent.org
Panavision New Filmmaker Program
Panavision believes in helping students and beginning filmmakers achieve their dreams. More than 25 years ago, Panavision launched the New Filmmaker Program, an ongoing grant program that loans camera packages to film schools, training programs, and independent filmmakers – at little or no charge. Panavision’s commitment to the industry's future provides student and beginning filmmakers the opportunity to work with professional grade equipment early in their careers.
  • Deadline: Rolling
  • Application Fee: Free
  • Eligibility:
    • Submit your proposals at least two months before you plan to shoot. Due to the high demand for Panavision cameras and equipment, it is essential that you plan ahead and contact us early.
    • Proposal materials will not be returned.
    • The New Filmmaker Program does not discriminate as to the nature of the project that can receive equipment grants. Any form, from experimental to documentary to musical to traditional narrative, is welcome.
    • Camera grants are available only for productions in the United States. Customs laws make transportation of cameras out of the US prohibitive. No exceptions.
    • The New Filmmaker Program will not allow cameras to be used on projects that perpetuate racial or sexual stereotypes and prejudices. Pornography is absolutely unacceptable.
    • Grant recipients must obtain insurance must from an outside insurance agent. Students can generally have the school issue the necessary policies. Plan ahead! This can take several weeks to implement. The process varies from school to school, so check with your film department. Productions that are not attached to a school must obtain the necessary insurance from an independent broker. Panavision must receive proof of insurance two weeks prior to prep dates. EQUIPMENT WILL NOT LEAVE THE BUILDING WITHOUT PROPER INSURANCE. NO EXCEPTIONS!
    • Approved proposals are subject to a service fee for equipment.
    • Anamorphic lenses are not available via the New Filmmaker Program
      All gear is requests are subject to availability
  • Contact: nfp@panavision.com
Cinereach develops, produces, finances, and supports feature-length fiction, nonfiction and hybrid films crafted for the big screen. We look for projects (at any stage) that create deep and lasting impressions through story, character, or cinematic approach. We seek to work with both unknown and established filmmakers who may face creative, financial or systemic obstacles to realizing ambitious visions. Our films range widely in content and style. Please visit our Films page to review our recent work.
  • Deadline: Rolling
  • Application Fee: Free
  • Eligibility: Projects eligible for consideration must be feature-length (over 60 minutes), and intended for theatrical exhibition.We do not currently consider short films (under 60 minutes), serialized or episodic work, web series, virtual or augmented reality, or other immersive/interactive work.
  • Contact: info@cinereach.org
Catapult Film Fund
Catapult Film Fund provides development funding to documentary filmmakers who have a compelling story to tell, have secured access to their story, and are ready to shoot and edit a piece for production fundraising purposes. Our mission is to enable filmmakers to develop their films to the next level at a moment where funding is hard to find.
  • Deadline: Rolling
  • Application Fee: Free
  • Eligibility:
    • Applicants must be 18 years of age or older. Catapult does not fund student films.
    • Documentaries must be 28 minutes or longer in length. We do not fund series.
    • Animation is okay. Documentary/narrative hybrids will be considered on a case-by-case basis.
    • Development funds must specifically be used for the process of completing a fundraising piece, which may include writing, shooting and editing once story and characters are in place.
    • Applicants must own the copyright of their production, and have artistic, budgetary and editorial control over their project.
    • Applicants should preferably have previous film or television production experience in a principal role (director, co-director, producer, co-producer) as demonstrated by submitting previously completed work sample. -Applicants who have not yet produced or directed their own feature length documentary should demonstrate that they will be working with an experienced filmmaker in a principal role.
    • Catapult only makes grants to 501(c)(3) organizations. In most cases, this will mean getting a 501(c)(3) fiscal sponsor for the project. A film production company or individual, including applicants from outside the US, may submit an application without a fiscal sponsor in place. Please see the FAQ section for more details.
  • Contact: info@catapultfilmfund.org


The Fiore Center
The Joseph A. Fiore Art Center at Rolling Acres Farm is a program of Maine Farmland Trust (MFT) that actively connects the creative worlds of farming, conservation and the arts.
The purpose of the Fiore Art Center is to stimulate and advance the dialogue between human and environment within the context of agriculture and today’s culture at large. We hope to instill passion for preservation through the arts, create awareness and build community.
We do this through exhibitions and public educational events, through research and application of ecologically sustainable farming practices and by hosting residencies for artists on a historic farm.
  • Deadline: Ongoing
  • Application Fee: $15 if not from Maine
  • When: Ongoing
  • Eligibility: All residency positions are open to emerging, mid-career and established artists/writers.
  • Address:
    97 Main Street
    Maine Farmland Trust, attn. Anna Witholt Abaldo
    Belfast, Maine 04915
    United States
  • Contact: 207-338-6575
18th Street Arts Center
18th Street Arts Center values art making as an essential component of a vibrant, just, and healthy society. Its mission is “to provoke public dialogue through contemporary art making.” Founded in 1988, 18th Street Arts Center has fostered and supported the work of many of Los Angeles’ most engaging artists, and has built bridges to artist communities around the globe.
  • Deadline: Ongoing
  • Application Fee: Yes
  • When: Ongoing
  • Eligibility: The Visiting Artist Residency Program accepts applications from working, professional artists who demonstrate a deep commitment to their practices. The program is open to artists of all generations, nationalities, and disciplines. Applicants are required to cover studio rental costs themselves. Although we primarily support visual artists, 18th Street Arts Center will consider applications from performing artists, writers, and filmmakers as well.
  • Address: 1639 18th Street, Santa Monica, CA 90404
  • Contact: 310-453-3711

Other Resources 

NOTE: For more resources, visit our pages of Resources - Funding, Submissions, and more.
NYFA SOURCE - The New York Foundation for the Arts maintains the most comprehensive national directory of awards, services and publications for artists in the NYFA Source section of their website.
backHer- Women specific grants for all fields
WITHOUTABOX - Film/Video artists can check Withoutabox at:

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#ScreenOpps #ScreenOppsMarch25

#ScreenOpps FILM FESTIVALS  She/Her Fest  She/Her Fest was created to empower, recognize, and promote art created by women identifying filmm...