
As Your Classes Go Online, WMM is Here to Support You ðŸ’œ

As Your Classes Go Online, WMM is Here to Support You

Dear Friends,

We write to you in the midst of very unusual times. First of all, we hope you are safe and healthy. Second, physical social distancing doesn't have to mean social isolation, and we're busy brainstorming ways we can help you bridge the virtual distance. In that vein, film has always offered a way of moving people, inspiring discussion, and creating shared experiences, so we want to make it possible to incorporate film into your online classes.  As many of you scramble to rapidly transition to online teaching, know that Women Make Movies is here to support you. Here are some specific ways we can help: 

  • If you have a Woman Make Movies DVD you were planning to show in class this semester, we'll provide a temporary link at no charge. Contact Amy for assistance.
  • We are currently hosting a no-cost, virtual film festival to commemorate #WomensHistoryMonth. Please feel free to share the fest with your students.   
  • Digital site licenses are available for most WMM films. We're offering a 50% discount on DSLs through May 31, 2020. Promo code: DSL30M
  • Many WMM films are streaming on Kanopy. (See below for a sampling of new releases and bestsellers on the platform.)  
  • Our 2018 and 2019 releases are available as on-demand rentals on Vimeo for $50. While this is usually a 1-week option, we are temporarily extending all 1-week rentals to 3-months, so they last through the end of the semester. Browse available on-demand rentals now. 

We're busy brainstorming other ways we can be of help. If you have requests or ideas, please reach out.

Logistically, all staff are working remotely for the foreseeable future. The best way to reach us is by email. If you call, just leave a voicemail, and we will return it. But know that we are working regular hours and attending to business.  We're here if you need us.

In solidarity and support,

The Team at Women Make Movies

Explore New Releases and Bestsellers Available on Kanopy

Five cultures. Five Women. One Story
Former right-wing extremist. Why people stay and leave.
Feminist Conversation 40 Years Ago and Today

Immigrant. Housekeeper.
City Councilwoman. 
Laws that seek to control a pregnant woman's body.
A Muslim Filmmaker Confronts the New "White Right"  

Two women cross the US-Mexico border to give birth.
The first all-female Hasidic ambulance corps in NYC.
Visionary Cuban-American Dramatist Maria Irene Fornes 

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