
#ScreenOpps #ScreenOppsJan19

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Submission Opportunities Newsletter for Women in Film & Video

You can view #ScreenOppsJan19 online by clicking on the links below.



Special Opportunity

Visions Film Festival & Conference

An undergraduate event run by students for students. Hosted by the Film Studies Department at the University of North Carolina Wilmington, Visions programs a diverse range of short films and papers from the last 2 years that showcase the talents and achievements of undergraduate students. Visions was the first international joint film festival and conference catered specifically to undergraduate students and is in its 9th year!

This year, Visions will be held on April 11th & 12th, and the call for entries is open now! Our regular deadline for submitting short films and film-related papers is January 4th, 2019 and the late deadline is January 25th, 2019.  Because we want to see your awesome film work, we invite you to submit for 50% off! It doesn't cost anything to submit a paper abstract, so you really have nothing to lose.

Follow this link to submit your film: https://filmfreeway.com/Visions9FilmFestivalConference

Follow this link after you submit your film: https://goo.gl/forms/BeEn2IjZcz3UrX7j2

Follow this link to submit your paper abstract: https://goo.gl/forms/aTgh64DaFqug5P0I2

Visit our website: visionsffc.org

Not an undergraduate? That's okay! Another fun way to help our cause is by spreading the word! If you're feeling especially generous, give our Indiegogo fundraiser some love and receive awesome perks for doing including event-access badges!

Have questions? Email the Programming Director, Marika Adair, at visions9programming@gmail.com

There is a 50% discount off the submission fee for #ScreenOpps subscribers! Don't forget to email specialoppscode@gmail.com to get the special code for this month's Special Opportunity!

#ScreenOpps online 
#StageOpps online
Ongoing additional Funding Resources online

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