
Films to Celebrate Native American Heritage Month

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This is the story of the courageous all-female Apache 8 firefighting unit which has protected their reservation and responded to wildfires around the nation for 30 years. The group, which recently became co-ed, earned the reputation of being fierce, loyal and dependable--and tougher than their male colleagues. Despite facing gender stereotypes and the problems that come with life on the impoverished reservation, the women became known as some of the country's most elite firefighters. The film focuses on four women from different generations of Apache 8 crew members who speak tenderly and often humorously of hardship, loss, family, community and pride in being a firefighter.

Order the DVD Stream on Kanopy | Ask about digital licensing Watch the trailer

OHERO:KON - UNDER THE HUSK follows two Mohawk girls on their journey to become Mohawk women. Friends since childhood, Kaienkwinehtha and Kasennakohe are members of the community of Akwesasne on the U.S./Canada border. Together, they undertake a four-year rite of passage for adolescents, called Oheró:kon, or "under the husk." This is a story of a traditional practice that challenges young girls spiritually, mentally, emotionally, and physically, shaping the women they become.

Order the DVD | Stream on Kanopy | Ask about digital licensing Watch a clip 
Explore more titles from our Native American Collection and
get any 5 films below for only $495! Use promo code: NAHM18. 

Femicide on the Trail of Tears
Mohawk Workers in NY City Who Built the Skyscrapers

LaDonna Harris:
Comanche Activist

Girls on the Kahnawake Rez

Classic Film on Representation and Native Identity

Song Journey:

Native Female Musicians
Ordering Information

To take advantage of this special offer, call 212-925-0606 x 3600 or email orders@wmm.com and mention promo code NAHM18 when placing your order. This offer expires 12/1/18 and cannot be combined with any other offer.

About WMM: 
From cutting-edge documentaries that give depth to today's headlines to smart, stunning films that push artistic and intellectual boundaries in all genres, Women Make Movies (WMM), a non-profit feminist social enterprise based in New York, is the world's leading distributor of independent films by and about women. Our Production Assistance Program assists women directors with their productions from concept through completion with fiscal sponsorship, consultations and other technical assistance. We work with creative, ground-breaking films which win awards at festivals around the world. Films and filmmakers we have supported have been nominated for or won Academy® Awards in 12 of the past 13 years.

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