
#StageOpps #StageOppsNov17

and WomenArts present

Submission opportunities for women in theatre.

##Opportunities with hashtags are for selected populations.
**Opportunities starred are for women only.



THE WOMEN IN THE ARTS AND MEDIA COALITION, INC. will present the 2018 Collaboration Award recognizing Women 
Working With Women.

The $1,000 Collaboration Award and additional honorable mentions are designed to encourage professional women in the arts and media from different specializations to work collaboratively on the creation of a new artistic work.  As the aim of the award is to encourage women to work collaboratively with women of other disciplines, each collaborative team must be comprised of female members of different Coalition associations, unions, guilds or affiliate member organizations. Eligible teams may submit any form of creative collaboration on a new work that had its first public performance within the last two years, 2016-2018. A Public Performance can include--but is not limited to--a staged reading, gallery show, screening, concert series, festival, etc.
Submissions will be judged on the basis of artistic excellence and diversity.  All topics and subjects will be considered.  Special attention shall be given to those projects which reflect the goals of the Coalition:  to advance women’s work and women’s issues. 
The team that has been selected and the honorable mentions will be invited to be recognized at an awards ceremony in New York in October 2018.  Women outside of New York may send a designee to speak about their project and accept the award.

Teams of two or more women working together on the creative project may apply for the 2018 Collaboration Award. Applicants must be members in good standing of two different organizations and/or affiliates with The Coalition.

Member Organizations include: Actors’ Equity Association, Associated Musicians of Greater New York Local 802 AFM, Dramatists Guild, League of Professional Theatre Women, New York Women in Communications, New York Women in Film & Television, Screen Actors Guild-American Federation of Television and Radio Artists, Stage Directors and Choreographers Society, and Writers’ Guild of America, East.

Affiliate Member Organizations include: BOLD, Drama Desk, International Center for Women Playwrights, Inc., The Lambs, Inc., Los Angeles Female Playwrights Initiative, National Theatre Conference, Professional Women Singers Association, Theatre Resources Unlimited, 365 Women A Year: A Playwriting Project, WomenArts, The Women’s Media Center, Women Make Movies, and Women in Music.

The link to the application can also be found online at www.womenartsmediacoalition.org. A pdf of the application may also be accessed in order to work on the submission offline.
Deadline:  The deadline for the return of completed applications is 11:59 p.m. Wednesday, February 14th, 2018.  Award winners will be announced by September, 2018.

Send all inquiries and questions to: collaborationaward2018@womenartsmediacoalition.org

Quotes from past winners:

"The Award offers much-needed encouragement during this time of virulent anti-feminist, anti-arts, anti-culture rhetoric, --rhetoric and policy that have very real economic consequences for women trying to sustain a career in the theatre. As someone being told my work is 'too feminist' to be produced now, I depend on organizations like this one to keep me from losing heart."

-TD Mitchell playwright 2015 winner

“We are so honored to be accepting this award. One of the best aspects of making this very unconventional film was working together. We got it done using our creativity, mutual respect for one another, quality Skype-time with our families back home, plain old hard work, and as much good humor as we could muster. It means the world to us to have our film embraced by an organization that celebrates women in collaboration.”

-Jane Edith Wilson and Grace Lee, 2013 Winners

“It was and honor for Stefanie and I to receive the Collaboration Award.  It came at a critical moment for the DEVELOPMENT of Electric Baby as the award supported our work together on two DEVELOPMENTAL workshops and our world premiere production of the play at Quantum Theatre in Pittsburgh.  Not only did this award support our work financially it gave our collaboration recognition in the field.  Stefanie continues to be a key collaborator of mine on subsequent projects and having our relationship recognized publicly is invaluable.”

- Daniella Topol, Director, 2011 Winner

“New work needs momentum.  It’s simply not a reality that a play can be written in the attic and then magically find a production.  Or that one production will lead to a second or third production.  People need to hear about work.  They need to hear about the artists who make the work.  There is no question that this award not only helped The Electric Baby become a better play, but it gave the baby a life.”

- Stefanie Zadravec, Playwright, 2011 Winner

“The Collaboration Award’s encouragement of women working together is terrific.  It made all the difference in providing my collaborator and I with the time and support we needed to create a complex and dynamic theatre work.”

- Kristin Marting, Director, 2008 Winner

“The evening of the Collaboration Awards was imbued with theatrical magic.  Wendy directed an excerpt from my play, Birds, that captured the spirit of the play with great response from a wildly supportive audience. Birds is the third play of mine that we worked on together. It was a beautiful jumping off point for us in our process. It provided the opportunity for us to mine even deeper in our exploration of the world of this complicated play, and the support, enthusiasm and appreciation of this body of amazing women helped carry us through to the next step of our artistic journey.”

- Jen Maisel, Playwright, 2006 Winner


Pride Films & Plays Seeks Short Plays for History Lezons Festival
We already observe Women's History Month. Now it's time to celebrate Women-Loving-Women's History Month. Pride Films & Plays is seeking short plays about women who refine, define, and redefine the expression "out with the old." Whether you're spotlighting women once considered yester-gay's news or reminiscing of days gone bi, we want to pay homage to the formidable fortitude of our foremothers, be they factual figures in history or fictional figures of your own creation. As long as your play explores some aspect of women-loving-women's history, it can be set in any historical time period and can be in any genre. The "History Lezons" festival of short plays will be curated by Allison L. Fradkin, Literary Coordinator of Pride Films & Plays' LezPlay Contest, and Iris Sowlat, director/producer and member of our LezPlay InQbator program. Performances will take place at Pride Arts Center in Chicago the first two weeks of March 2018.
  • When/Where: March 4-13, 2018 in Chicago, IL
  • Deadline: December 15, 2017  
  • Application Fee: Free
  • Eligibility: Submissions are open to playwrights who identify as women. Plays can be up to 10 pages and include up to 5 characters. Playwrights may submit 2 scripts for consideration. Scripts that have been previously produced will be accepted, but they must have been produced outside of Chicago.
  • Categories: New Plays
  • Address: N/A
  • Contact: pridewomen@gmail.com  
  • Submission Information

Tennessee Williams/New Orleans Literary Festival One-Act Play Contest
The top nine finalists will receive a panel pass ($75 value) to the Festival. Their names will be published on this site.
  • When/Where: March 21-25, 2018 in New Orleans, LA
  • Deadline: November 1, 2017  
  • Application Fee: $25
  • Eligibility: Plays must not have been previously produced, published, performed, or patronized in any way, including in a formal staged reading. Workshopped readings are accepted provided that the audience was limited to participants of that workshop. Students and faculty of the University of New Orleans FTCA and Creative Writing Workshop are ineligible. Plays submitted to this contest in previous years that did not win are eligible. Plays that have won or placed in any other playwriting contest are ineligible. All entries are considered for publication in a future Festival anthology. Simultaneous submissions accepted; please notify the Festival if your play is accepted elsewhere.
  • Categories: New Plays
  • Address: One-Act Play Contest
    Tennessee Williams/New Orleans Literary Festival
    938 Lafayette Street, Suite 514
    New Orleans, LA 70113
  • Contact: info@tennesseewilliams.net 
  • Submission Information

Stage Door Productions Original One Act Festival
Six plays shall be selected for production in the spring (March/April/May) of 2018. Of those six selected, one shall win the Grand Prize $150 and one shall win runner up $100 as determined by the festival play readers. Of the remaining four, one shall will an Audience Favorite Prize $100 to be determined by the audience attending the festival performances. 
  • When/Where: Spring 2018
  • Deadline: November 1, 2017  
  • Application Fee: Free
  • Eligibility: All submissions must be original, unpublished one act plays of 20 pages or less. Submissions must be received by email between August 1, 2017 and November 1, 2017. Any submissions not adhering to the following guidelines may be eliminated from consideration.
  • Categories: New Plays
  • Address: N/A
  • Contact: diane@stagedoorproductions.org 
  • Submission Information


Apparitions Radio Horror Plays
Apparitions is podcast of horror-themed radio plays, hosted by Professor Mortimer of Haunted Manhattan. Professor Mortimer is the alter-ego of theatre-maker, voiceover-artist, and tour-guide Robert A. K. Gonyo, the producer and host of Apparitions.
  • Deadline: Ongoing 2017
  • Application Fee: Free
  • Eligibility: APPARITIONS, a podcast of new radio horror plays seeks original, previously un-produced scripted radio plays. Scripts should require a cast of six or less, and run no more than 30 minutes in production. Submissions may range from suspense, to gore, to mystery, to comedy, but all must fall under the umbrella of the “horror” genre. Please note, this call is for radio plays, written specifically for the audio medium. NYC-based writers are encouraged to apply, as the show records in NYC, however all scripts will be considered. Scripts will be licensed under a profit-share agreement
  • Categories: Radio Horror Plays
  • Contact: theprofessor@apparitionspodcast.com   
  • Submission Information

Keegan Theatre's Boiler Room Series - Search for New Plays & Musicals
Keegan Theatre, a professional, non-equity theatre in Washington, DC, is accepting submissions for development during its 2017-2018 Season AND possible inclusion as a full, world premiere production in a future mainstage season. Six pieces will be selected for inclusion in a festival sampling of new works in development at Keegan Theatre. Five pieces will be selected for a workshop process that culminates with a public staged reading. 
  • Deadline: 2017
  • Application Fee: Free
  • Eligibility: All submissions must be full length plays or musicals aligned with the theatre's mission of taking audiences to the vital heart of theatre: extraordinary artists in an intimate setting exploring the human condition. Submitted work should not have had any significant development or a full production at another theatre. We're looking for truly NEW works here.
  • Categories: Full length plays and musicals
  • Contact: jsticklin@keegantheatre.com    
  • Submission Information

365 Women a Year: A Playwriting Project
Welcome 2017 playwrights! We are entering our third year of writing pieces about 365 historical women a year! We would love to have you write with us.
  • Deadline: December 31, 2017
  • Application Fee: Free
  • Eligibility: Choose a woman or women to write about. We are looking for 365 NEW women that our project has not yet covered.  We do not accept repeats from previous years yet.  You can make sure you don’t claim a repeat by searching through our historical women alphabetically.  If you are not sure who to write about, scroll down for a list of available women
  • Categories: You can write about as many women as you want and they can all be in the same piece, or separate pieces. It is okay if the piece is simply about the historical woman or women, but they don’t appear. Any length welcome from 2 pages-full length. Any number of characters. Any language. Any genre. Musicals included.
  • Contact: 365womenayear@gmail.com
  • Submission Information

Urban Stages Emerging Playwright Award
Our $500 Emerging Playwright Award (coupled with press coverage) is given to playwrights who show excellence and dedication throughout this process – from development to the stage. Out of hundreds of submissions a year, we select 15-20 plays for readings. From these, we select 1-3 plays annually to go on to our workshopping phase. Our workshops are meant to prepare a play for our Off-Broadway stage. From our workshops, we select 1-2 plays for full productions, complete with a playwright’s contract and compensation (separate from the award).                                      
  • Deadline: Submissions are ongoing.
  • Application Fee: None.
  • Eligibility: Plays may have been developed or produced elsewhere, but never produced in New York City. Plays from overseas and throughout the US are accepted and considered, but special attention will be given to playwrights who live in or near New York.
  • Categories: Full Length Plays
  • Contact: (212) 421-1380
  • Submission Information


Moon Over Buffalo
  • Casting "Moon Over Buffalo," by Ken Ludwig. Synopsis: The hilarious Moon Over Buffalo centers on George and Charlotte Hay, fading stars of the 1950's. At the moment, they’re playing Private Lives and Cyrano De Bergerac in rep in Buffalo, New York with five actors. On the brink of a disastrous split-up caused by George’s dalliance with a young ingénue, they receive word that they might just have one last shot at stardom: Frank Capra is coming to town to see their matinee, and if he likes what he sees, he might cast them in his movie remake of The Scarlet Pimpernel. Unfortunately for George and Charlotte, everything that could go wrong does go wrong, abetted by a visit from their daughter’s clueless fiancé and hilarious uncertainty about which play they’re actually performing, caused by Charlotte’s deaf old stage-manager mother who hates every bone in George’s body.
  • Auditions: November 2017
  • Production Dates: Rehearses Nov. 18; Runs Jan. 20-February 2018 
  • Pay: No
  • Audition Information

Alice in Christmas Land
  • Casting "Alice In Christmas Land," performed by a year-round inter-generational musical theatre company in Manhattan with volunteer actors and staff, ages 6 to 106. Synopsis: Mixing Lewis Carroll's Wonderland with the winter wonderland of holiday time, there are plenty of parts: from Santa and his elves to the Queen of Hearts and a snowman and Humpty Dumpty, and new characters.
  • Auditions: November 2017
  • Production Dates: Rehearsals begin Nov. 13.; runs through Dec. 31 in NYC.
  • Pay: No
  • Audition Information

For more Onstage opportunities, visit Backstage.com; ActorsAccess.com; and Playbill.com.


The Hangar Theatre, an AEA theatre in Ithaca, NY, is launching a new annual production of A Christmas Carol this December and is looking for a Dresser. The dresser will assist in the creation of this new production.
  • Position Type: Contract
  • Eligibility: Responsibilities include (but not limited to): maintaining/laundering/repairing costumes; assisting with quick changes, assist with organization of all paperwork. Ideal candidates will have experience working with Equity actors and children as well as previous dressing experience. Salary and housing. A vehicle is necessary. Special consideration given to candidates with housing in the Ithaca area. 
  • Application Information

Wardrobe Supervisor
Moscow Ballet seeks a skilled and energetic Wardrobe Supervisor for the Great Russian Nutcracker North American Tour October 31, 2017 – December 31, 2017. A likely candidate must have the ability to work as a team with two other Wardrobe technicians, one American and one Russian. 
  • Position Type: Contract
  • Eligibility: Must have excellent sewing, stitching and altering skills. Duties include altering and repairing men’s and women’s costumes. The costume complexity ranges from simple garments to multi-piece, extremely delicate costumes. Knowledge of classical and romantic tutus is required. Wardrobe is responsible for issuing and collecting costumes as needed, assisting with quick changes, spot cleaning, laundering/handwashing and repairs. 
  • Application Information

Audio/ Video Engineer
Indiana Repertory Theatre is currently accepting resumes for an Audio/Video Engineer. This is seasonal position with benefits, contract runs approximately late August through May. Indiana Rep is a mid-sized LORT (C and D stages) theatre, producing a wide variety of existing and new work for adults and children (currently 9 productions) located in downtown Indianapolis.
  • Position Type: Contract
  • Eligibility: Duties include operating sound and/or video for shows, dance concerts, and one-off events; assisting the Senior Engineer and the Resident Sound Designer; attending rehearsals and meetings as needed; maintenance, repair and upkeep of audio and video equipment. Skills required: Current working knowledge of large format sound systems, experience in professional theatre, multi-projector video systems, headset and 70v distributed systems, playback and editing software for audio and video, I.P. based A/V distribution, and Apple networking, proficiency with live mixing, recording and reinforcement. At the IRT, we believe that diverse ideas, backgrounds, cultures, and traditions enrich the quality of work we present on the stage. We are committed to all forms of diversity in all areas of our work. Please send letter and resume to irtsound@gmail.com and include the words “Audio/Video Engineer Search” in the subject line.
  • Application Information


Annenberg Foundation
The Annenberg Foundation does most of their funding in the arts, culture, and humanities to organizations in the counties of Los Angeles, Orange, Riverside, San Bernadino, and Ventura. The Annenberg Foundation's arts and humanities grants are available to agencies that serve the greater Los Angeles region, typically with budgets over $5 million.
  • Deadline: Ongoing
  • Application Fee: Free
  • Eligibility: Arts, culture, and humanities in greater Los Angeles region
  • Address: 2000 Avenue of the Stars, Suite 1000S
    Los Angeles, CA 9006
  • Contact: info@annenberg.org  
  • Application Information


ARTErra is a private structure of incentive for artistic creation which aims to facilitate encounters between different artists and aesthetic disciplines. ARTERRA is strongly committed to offering the residents a cheerful and productive stay. Because of that, partnerships have been established with several partners such as the Municipality of Tondela and Lobão da Beira and many others crafters, schools and artists.
  • Deadline: Ongoing
  • Application Fee: Free
  • When: 1 week- 6 months
  • Eligibility: Curriculum Vitae; and Bio, Portfolio, videos, photos , music; Description of the project to be undertaken at ARTERRA, including the project’s objectives, needs and expectations of residence ,work methodologies, and all the details necessary to understand the proposal
  • Address: N/A
  • Contact: arterra.geral@gmail.com 
  • Application Information
Green Olive Arts
Green Olive Arts is an international art studio and urban art residency in Tetouan, Morocco, specializing in connecting the creatives of the world with the culture, beauty and creatives of Morocco. Our mission is to resource creative individuals of both emerging and established artistic talent from around the world in seasons of inspiration, production, collaboration and cultural exchange here in Morocco.
  • Deadline: Ongoing
  • Application Fee: Free
  • When: 1 week to 4 months
  • Eligibility: 8 studio spaces are available. Applications will be assessed and Residencies awarded by our local Selection Panel according to caliber of the artist's work and fit of the artist's residency proposal with the goals and capacity of Green Olive Arts. Approved applicants may expect a phone interview request before a final decision.
  • Address: B.P. 10001 Sidi Al Mandri, Tetouan, Tetouan 93000, Morocco
  • Contact: arthouse@greenolivearts.com
  • Application Information

Artcroft Center for Arts and Humanities
Residencies of an average of 2-8 weeks for visual artists, writers, actors, and performance artists. Residency provides housing, studio, and meals; artist responsible residency fee ($40/day), deposit (10% of residency fee), travel, materials, and local transportation.
  • Deadline: Ongoing
  • Application Fee: $25
  • When: 2-8 weeks
  • Eligibility: Residencies are available to established and emerging visual and literary artists 18 years of age and older without regard for race, gender, sexual orientation, or religion.
  • Address: Artcroft Center for Arts and Humanities, 2075 Johnson Rd., Carlisle, KY 40311
  • Contact: artcroft@msn.com 
  • Application Information


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#ScreenOpps #ScreenOppsMarch25

#ScreenOpps FILM FESTIVALS  She/Her Fest  She/Her Fest was created to empower, recognize, and promote art created by women identifying filmm...