
#StageOpps #StageOppsDec16

and WomenArts present

Submission opportunities for women in theatre.

##Opportunities with hashtags are for selected populations.
**Opportunities starred are for women only.


Art House Productions is seeking monologues and art by women of color for the third annual “In Full Color," moving this year to February 2017.

The hit show is returning with more women's stories about love, loss, family, food, work, culture, education and more. Our writer-actresses have spoken about everything from being mistaken for a terrorist and dating while Asian to what really matters about Black lives. 

“In Full Color” was founded in 2015 and gives underrepresented women of color a platform to share their stories while creating culturally aware communities. We spark conversations about diversity, prejudice, cultural exchange and other increasingly important topics. IFC has also inspired an educational outreach program, Thinking In Full Color.

The production is open to women writers of Black, Hispanic, Middle Eastern or Asian descent, of a mixed-race background, or belonging to any other ethnic minority group.

Selected writers will work with director and founder Summer Dawn Hortillosa and perform their pieces at Art House Productions, 136 Magnolia Ave., Jersey City, N.J. Non-performing writers may also be paired with an actress of similar background. Submissions may be poetry or prose, should be five minutes max and have minimal set/tech requirements. Limited prop storage is available. Non-union, non-pay.

All submissions should be sent to summerhortillosa@gmail.com. The timeline for the project is as follows:
Submissions Due: Monday, Dec. 26
Acceptances Emailed By: Saturday, Dec. 31
Rehearsals: TBA between Jan. 9 and Feb. 15; Each performer will have 2 to 3 rehearsals
Tech Rehearsal/Runthrough: Wednesday, Feb. 15, time TBA
- Thursday, Feb. 16 at 8 p.m.
- Friday, Feb. 17 at 8 p.m.
- Saturday, Feb. 18 at 8 p.m.
- Sunday, Feb. 19 at 3 p.m. (followed by Q&A/talkback)

The application deadline has been extended to December 30th (till 11:59 pm) for #StageOpps subscribers. Don't forget to email specialoppscode@gmail.com to get the special code for this month's Special Opportunity!


Conversations in America: Under the Gun
The series will be a creative evening of works that attempt to reach beyond emotions and find ways to discuss critical issues in America. This first conversation is about the gun violence problem in the United States. Yelling and screaming have not changed a thing, so what might? We are asking you, our members, to write, paint, sculpt, photograph, film, make music, and/or dance to a better understanding of this volatile subject where entrenched and automatic responses have become knee jerk reactions on both sides of the conversation. 
  • When/Where: March 2017 in New York, NY
  • Deadline: January 22, 2017
  • Application Fee: Free
  • Eligibility: A female-identified member of one of our full or affiliate member organizations must submit and be the primary engine of the project submitted, but it may have any additional collaborators, female or male, members and non-members.
  • Categories: Short plays and Monologues, Short Films, Music, Poetry, Dance Pieces, Paintings, Photographs, Performance Art, and written and performed pieces with a running time of 10 minutes or less. 
  • Address: N/A
  • Contact: underthegun@womenartsmediacoalition.org  
  • Submission Information

East End Fringe Festival
This diverse and intimate theatrical event will debut Summer 2017 at the historic Vail-Leavitt Music Hall.  As a catalyst for cultural and community development, The East End Fringe Festival is dedicated to connecting adventurous emerging and established artists, appreciative audiences and supportive businesses and organizations to foster the growth of creative arts on Long Island.
  • When/Where: July 26- August 6, 2017 in Riverhead, NY
  • Deadline: Early Bird December 15, 2016, Regular March 16, 2017
  • Application Fee: Free before December 15, 2016, $25 after 
  • Eligibility: We are interested in receiving new, creative and edgy works from a very diverse population, all inclusive.
  • Categories: Plays and Poetry
  • Address: N/A
  • Contact: eastendfringefestival@gmail.com
  • Submission Information

Festival of New Theatre
We are looking for bold, theatrical voices and are passionate about supporting the craft of both emerging and established writers in service of our commitment to developing new work for the American theatre. The purpose and power of the theatrical event has always been to come together in the theatre and discover a new understanding of ourselves. By developing and producing work that explores and celebrates the human experience, we engage in a dialogue about what it means to be human, what it means to be an American and what it means to be a global citizen, in the 21st century. 
  • When/Where: 2017 in Rochester, NY
  • Deadline: Window to submit January 1- April 30, 2017
  • Application Fee: Free 
  • Eligibility: Please do not send us the first draft of a play. Due to the number of scripts we receive, we can only read any play one time, so make sure you are sending us your best work. Plays for consideration in our play development series must not have had more than one production at another theatre.
  • Categories: Full-Length Plays
  • Address: 75 Woodbury Boulevard, Rochester, New York 14607
  • Contact: 585.232.4382
  • Submission Information

Humana Festival
Since its inception, the Humana Foundation has placed an emphasis on civic and cultural development in communities where Humana has a meaningful presence. In a long-standing and thriving partnership, the Humana Foundation supports Actors Theatre of Louisville and its remarkable Humana Festival of New American Plays, demonstrating a joint commitment to artistic exploration and appreciation at home, across the region and around the globe
  • When/Where: March 17-19, March 24-26, March 31- April 2, April 6-9, 2017 in Louisville, KY
  • Deadline: Year round but recommended by August 1, 2016
  • Application Fee: Free 
  • Eligibility: New, previously un-produced full-length plays from literary agents. If no agent, submit a letter of inquiry along with a synopsis and a 10-page selection from one of your plays. 
  • Categories: Full-Length Plays
  • Address: Actors Theatre of Louisville, 316 West Main Street, Louisville, KY 40202
  • Contact: 502.371.0956 
  • Submission Information


Midtown Festival
MITF is now committed to three Festivals. MITF: Spring is entering its second season. Our Midtown location is safe, clean, convenient, and close to the offices of industry members. It is the Festival of tomorrows' producers today! We set ourselves apart from other festivals because: (1) we are the Festival where new producers work alongside seasoned pros and (2) we have implemented a new Profit Sharing Policy (PSP).* Every play now has the opportunity to earn their piece of the pie!  
  • Deadline: For Short Subjects and Full-length plays is February 4, 2017; For Variety Acts and Short Play Lab is February 18, 2017
  • Application Fee: Free but $250 fee for Staged Readings
  • Eligibility: Short Subjects and musicals 30 - 60 min. long, Full-lengths and musicals 61-90 min. long, Easy to produce in a no-frills festival. AEA showcases are welcome. Any genre. (Short subjects using guns as props will not be considered; full-lengths can use guns as props). Plays must be sent in Word Document or PDF File. Pages MUST be numbered and script must be in standard playscript format. The estimated running time of the play must be clearly indicated.
  • Categories: Spring is a combination of full-lengths, short plays, and musicals, children's plays, a Variety division (Magic Acts, Improv, Stand-up, Cabaret, Sketch Comedy, etc), the Short Play Lab, and staged readings.
  • Contact: john.chatterton@gmail.com 
  • Submission Information

WomenArts Blog
As part of our celebration of SWAN Day 10, we want to feature new voices in the WomenArts Blog. We are especially interested in writers who can provide diverse perspectives in terms of race, class, religion, age, sexual preference, gender identity, disability or other characteristics.  We will pay for every article we publish that has not been published elsewhere.
  • Deadline: Ongoing
  • Application Fee: Our maximum fee will be $200 for articles of 500 – 1,000 words that we publish that have not been published elsewhere.  The fee will be negotiated on a case by case basis for shorter or previously published articles. WomenArts reserves the right to edit every article, and we will retain non-exclusive publishing rights. The author will have the right to publish the article on her own website or elsewhere after we have published it.
  • Eligibility: We prefer articles that are 500 – 800 words in length. It is extremely rare for us to publish articles longer than 1,000 words.  We will also consider shorter articles if they fit one of the categories below.
  • Categories: Inspiring Women – Articles about extraordinary or inspiring women artists and their accomplishments; articles about women artists overcoming obstacles; reports on festivals of women artists. Gender Parity Research & Actions – Articles summarizing research studies, legal actions, demonstrations or other activities related to the struggle for gender parity in any art form. Helpful Resources – Articles with tips for women artists on publicity, fundraising, crowd-sourcing, job-hunting or other business aspects of their work; articles about helpful directories, websites or other resources.
  • Contact: 510.868.5096
  • Submission Information

**Chameleon Theatre Company**
Chameleon Theatre Company is a Philadelphia-based company producing theatre from a woman’s perspective, especially plays dealing with issues such as gender, sexuality, feminism, ageism and violence. We tell stories from underrepresented social and political perspectives and about lesser-known female historical figures whose achievements deserve a wider audience. Chameleon performs new work and Philadelphia premieres and pursues production opportunities nationally and internationally.

Metropolitan East Village Chronicles, Volume 13
Metropolitan Playhouse, New York's OBIE Award-winning explorer of America's Theatrical Heritage, is currently accepting submissions for new plays inspired by the life and history of New York's Lower East Side.  Submissions will be evaluated by Metropolitan's artistic staff, and we will produce up to 10 of the submitted plays in April 2017, as part of our 8th Annual East Village Theater Festival.
  • Deadline: December 30, 2016
  • Application Fee: Free
  • Eligibility: Plays MUST pertain specifically, though not necessarily exclusively, to the East Village and Lower East Side of Manhattan. 
  • Categories: New plays no longer than 30 minutes that can be played by 5 or fewer actors. Theme for 2017 Chronicles is Prosperity.
  • Contact: EVC13@metropolitanplayhouse.org  
  • Submission Information

2017 New Works Contest 
MultiStages, a multicultural, multidisciplinary theatre company located in New York City, is seeking original, unproduced, high quality full-length multidisciplinary plays by established and emerging writers for its eighth New Works Contest. The Contest Winner will receive a Workshop Staged Reading with professional actors or a Fully-Staged Production at a reputable theatre in New York City under an AEA approved code. The Finalists will receive a Staged Reading with professional actors in the New Works Festival.
  • Deadline: December 31, 2016
  • Application Fee: Free
  • Eligibility: Original, unproduced, high quality full-length multidisciplinary plays by established and emerging writers.
  • Categories: Workshop or Production
  • Address: New York City
  • Contact: contact@multistages.org  
  • Submission Information

Urban Stages Emerging Playwright Award
Our $500 Emerging Playwright Award (coupled with press coverage) is given to playwrights who show excellence and dedication throughout this process – from development to the stage. Out of hundreds of submissions a year, we select 15-20 plays for readings. From these, we select 1-3 plays annually to go on to our workshopping phase. Our workshops are meant to prepare a play for our Off-Broadway stage. From our workshops, we select 1-2 plays for full productions, complete with a playwright’s contract and compensation (separate from the award).                                      
  • Deadline: Submissions are ongoing.
  • Application Fee: None.
  • Eligibility: Plays may have been developed or produced elsewhere, but never produced in New York City. Plays from overseas and throughout the US are accepted and considered.
  • but special attention will be given to playwrights who live in or near New York.
  • Categories: Full length plays
  • Address: Urban Stages, 555 Eighth Ave., RM 1800, New York, NY 10018
  • Contact: (212) 421-1380
  • Submission Information


SheROCKS 2017
  • SheROCKS celebrates women who are culture curators, innovative artists, and industry moguls dominating the arts world and impacting their communities. Each year we receive submissions from artists around the world for a chance to be one of 14 featured artists at our consecutively sold out event boasting 350+ attendees
  • Auditions: Submissions open until December 31, 2016
  • Production Dates: March 25, 2017 in Washington, D.C.
  • Pay: No
  • Audition Information

Haste Theatre
  • Oyster Boy director Jesse Dupre
  • Auditions: By Appointment December 10, 15,2016, January 22, 24, 2017
  • Production Dates: Rehearses February 13-March 1, in London Bridge, UK. Performances run March 2-May 7, touring the UK.
  • Pay: Yes
  • Audition Information

interACT Theatre Productions
  • Rasheeda Speaking director Margaret Leone
  • Auditions:December,2016
  • Production Dates: Rehearsals begin Jan 5 and will be scheduled around availability of the actors. Performance Dates are February 10-12, 2016. All rehearsals and performances will take place in Maplewood and South Orange NJ. 
  • Pay: No
  • Audition Information

For more Onstage opportunities, visit Backstage.com; ActorsAccess.com; and Playbill.com.


Assistant Technical Director
Our primary goals are four-fold: to nurture the next generation of playwrights through workshops, readings, and full productions of new plays; to develop and nurture Atlanta's artistic community through rigorous theatre training; to catalyze the dialogue essential to the vitality of our neighborhood and our city; and to enhance Atlanta's reputation nationally as a thriving center for live performance. 
  • Position Type: 40 hours a week. Night and weekend hours required. Required attendance at tech rehearsals, load-ins, electric hangs and opening nights as assigned.
  • Eligibility:  Be able to lift at least 65 pounds. Must be comfortable with heights. Have a valid driver's license. Have a working knowledge of all standard shop equipment (table saw, pneumatics, drill press, etc.). Knowledge in drafting in ACAD or equivalent. Be able to create working/shop drawings from drafting. Able to create a cut list from shop drawings. Possess excellent verbal communications skills. Must be self-directed with strong management/leadership skills. Enjoys creative problem solving. Must be able to appropriately conduct themselves in a professional setting. Basic understanding of wiring is a plus. Experience with small, tight budgets and bringing projects in within budget. Minimum of two years’ experience in a producing theatre or equivalent education.
  • Application Information

Production Manager
Constellation Theatre Company seeks a full-time Production Manager to oversee scheduling, budgeting, contracting and the execution of all aspects of physical production, including scenery, lights, costumes, props, paint, sound, and projections for all productions, workshops, readings and events.
  • Position Type: Full Time
  • Eligibility: A minimum of 5 years professional experience as a Production Manager; Thorough knowledge of all areas of theatrical production; Demonstrated ability to develop and work within approved budget; Strong computer skills, including proficiency in Excel, CAD programs, Word, Powerpoint; Ability to identify and resolve problems in a timely manner and gather/analyze information skillfully; Ability to work well in group problem-solving situations; Ability to work under pressure on many projects and work with people of varying experience levels; Strong communication, diplomatic and leadership skills; Willingness to be flexible, collaborative, highly motivated, organized and responsible.
  • Application Information

Wig/Make-Up Artisan
Utah Festival Opera and Musical Theatre is seeking individuals to serve as Wig and Make-Up Artisans for our 2017 summer season. Each summer UFOMT produces 6 main stage productions. All shows perform in repertory. Wig and Make-Up staff members build, changeover, and provide run support for all shows. 
  • Position Type: Contract
  • Eligibility: Qualified applicants should have a strong background in styling and application, ventilation experience, and should be highly motivated and ready to work in a fun and exciting environment in the beautiful mountains of Northern Utah. Cosmetology license a plus.
  • Application Information

Artistic Director
59E59 Theaters is committed to creating a diverse and inclusive environment and is proud to be an equal opportunity employer. Applicants from populations underrepresented in the theater field are strongly encouraged to apply. 
  • Position Type: Full-time
  • Eligibility: An innovative thinker and a brave visionary who is financially knowledgeable. A demonstrable success record as an accomplished theater artist, with experience in a diverse repertoire. Minimum education Bachelor Degree or equivalent combination of education and experience. Graduate Degree is a plus. Minimum of eight years of significant professional artistic experience and responsibility as an artistic director, programmer, freelance director, producer, literary manager, or another artistic leadership role. Experience in theater management in environments of comparable scope and scale. Experience supervising and mentoring staff through feedback, coaching and professional development. Eligible to work in the United States.  
  • Application Information


The Puffin Foundation
The Puffin Foundation Ltd. has sought to open the doors of artistic expression by providing grants to artists and art organizations who are often excluded from mainstream opportunities due to their race, gender, or social philosophy.
  • Deadline: December 31, 2016
  • Application Fee: Free
  • Eligibility: Fine Arts and Video/Film.  These must be the primary category of the project.  The Fine Arts category includes a broad range of creative endeavors such as painting, drawing, weaving, crafts, collage and sculpture.  Photograph and digital media projects should not be submitted since they will be considered in 2018.  We will not consider Fine Arts/artwork proposals intended to supplement a theater or music work since those are disciplines we fund in even years.  Proposals for radio based projects may be submitted under the Video/Film category.  Projects in other disciplines will not be considered.
  • Address: Puffin Foundation Ltd. Application Request, 20 Puffin Way , Teaneck, NJ 07666-4111
  • Contact: info@puffinfoundation.org 
  • Application Information


NOTE: Visit WomenArts' Residencies With Ongoing Deadlines page for more opportunities. 

Green Olive Arts
Green Olive Arts is an international art studio and urban art residency in Tetouan, Morocco, specializing in connecting the creatives of the world with the culture, beauty and creatives of Morocco. Our mission is to resource creative individuals of both emerging and established artistic talent from around the world in seasons of inspiration, production, collaboration and cultural exchange here in Morocco.
  • Deadline: Ongoing
  • Application Fee: Free
  • When: 1 week to 4 months
  • Eligibility: 8 studio spaces are available. Applications will be assessed and Residencies awarded by our local Selection Panel according to caliber of the artist's work and fit of the artist's residency proposal with the goals and capacity of Green Olive Arts. Approved applicants may expect a phone interview request before a final decision.
  • Address: B.P. 10001 Sidi Al Mandri, Tetouan, Tetouan 93000, Morocco
  • Contact: arthouse@greenolivearts.com
  • Application Information

Atlantic Center for the Arts Residency #166
Atlantic Center for the Arts is an innovative nonprofit artists-in-residence program that provides artists with an opportunity to work and collaborate with some of the world’s masters in the visual, literary, and performing arts. Since the program began in 1982, over 3500 artists have been served from the US and around the world.
  • Deadline: January 22, 2017
  • Application Fee: $25
  • When: June 25- July 2017
  • Eligibility: Programs require various documents that can include word documents, images, scores, sound files, or other materials. Some artists also require a document with links to online videos. The submission website does not allow you to edit your files after you complete your submission.
  • Address: 1414 Art Center Avenue, New Smyrna Beach, FL, 32168
  • Contact: iriascos@atlanticcenterforthearts.org 
  • Application Information

Artcroft Center for Arts and Humanities
Residencies of an average of 2-8 weeks for visual artists, writers, actors, and performance artists. Residency provides housing, studio, and meals; artist responsible residency fee ($40/day), deposit (10% of residency fee), travel, materials, and local transportation.
  • Deadline: Ongoing
  • Application Fee: $25
  • When: 2-8 weeks
  • Eligibility: Residencies are available to established and emerging visual and literary artists 18 years of age and older without regard for race, gender, sexual orientation, or religion.
  • Address: Artcroft Center for Arts and Humanities, 2075 Johnson Rd., Carlisle, KY 40311
  • Contact: artcroft@msn.com 
  • Application Information

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#ScreenOpps #ScreenOppsMarch25

#ScreenOpps FILM FESTIVALS  She/Her Fest  She/Her Fest was created to empower, recognize, and promote art created by women identifying filmm...