
WMM Workshop - Have a New Project? Looking for Funding? Meet Catapult Film Fund

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We're thrilled to announce that WOLF AND SHEEP (Shahrbanoo Sada) won the Art Cinema Award, the top prize at the Directors' Forthnight!!


The Human Rights Watch Film Festival begins June 10, and is co-presented by the Film Society of Lincoln Center and IFC Center. The program features 18 powerful films that brings human rights struggles to life. The distinguished slate features PA supported SONITA (Roksareh Ghaem Maghami), JACKSON (Maisie Crow), and OVARIAN PSYCOS (Joanna Sokolowksi, Kate Trumbull-LaValle).


More PA supported directors were recently honored! The Alliance of Women Film Journalists presented the EDA Awards at the DOXA Documentary Film Festival.  CAMERAPERSON (Kirsten Johnson) received the Feature Documentary Award, while THE PRISON IN 12 LANDSCAPES (Brett Story) took home two awards, the Colin Low Award for Canadian Documentary, and Best Female Directed Film. 

Congrats to all of the filmmakers!



We're very excited about the International Collective of Female Cinematographers - an incredibly talented group of women lensers that has just formed! Check out the organization via their recently launched website, which also includes a detailed database of their current members here!

Meet the Funder:
Catapult Film Fund

Lisa Kleiner Chanoff, Co-Founder
Wednesday, June 1st | 6:30pm


WMM is excited to be joined by Lisa Kleiner Chanoff, co-founder of the Catapult Film Fund, who will share information about the fund and answer your questions. In case you don't know, Catapult specifically provides development funding to documentary filmmakers who have a compelling story to tell, have secured access to their story, and are ready to shoot and edit a trailer or sample piece for film funding purposes. Also, Catapult recently started accepting applications on a rolling basis. Many WMM fiscally sponsored films have received Catapult grants including: CAMERAPERSON, TRAPPED, E-TEAMTHE ARRIVALSASK THE SEXPERTGROWING UP IN OIL, and the UNTITLED MISSOURI DOCUMENTARY among others. Join us to find out how you too can become a Catapult-funded filmmaker.

Register now for this workshop! 


Meet the Funder: 
Fork Films

Kat Vecchio
Manager of Grants and Investments
Wednesday, June 8th | 6:30 - 8:30pm

Are you working on a film with a strong focus on social justice? Fork Films awards grants to full-length non-fiction films (more than 70-min in length) that foster a culture of understanding and work towards a more peaceful and just society using the power of storytelling, strong character and craft. Fork Films funds documentary projects in all stages of development from pre-production to post. Grant awards generally range from $10,000 to $50,000. Joining us to shed light on Fork Film's funding application process and what they look for in both a project and proposal is Kat Vecchio who oversees the grant-making and investment arm of Fork Films, where she plays a key role in developing Fork Films grantmaking strategy and review process. Come armed with questions, film ideas and learn everything you need to know to decide if your film might be a good fit for Fork Films.

Register here

Check out the entire Spring workshop season lineup

All WMM workshops and events are open to the general public and our offices are ADA compliant. 

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