
#StageOpps #StageOppsMarch16

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Submission Opportunities Newsletter for Women in Theatre

You can view #StageOppsMarch16 online by clicking on the links below.


Special Opportunity

Midtown International Theatre Festival: Summer
Seeking 10 minute plays, short subject plays/musicals (30-60 minutes), full-length plays (60-90 minutes), full-length musicals (60-120 minutes), and Variety Acts (cabaret, sketch comedy, magic, standup, and improv).

MITF: Summer is one of the oldest and biggest theatre festivals in New York City. Our Midtown location is safe, clean, convenient, and close to the offices of industry members. We set ourselves apart from other festivals as we do not require application or participation fees.
We're looking for any kind of play or musical that fits our guidelines:
  • 30 - 90 min. long (musicals may run up to 120 min.)
  • Easy to produce in a no-frills festival
  • Any genre. (Short subject plays/musicals using guns as props will not be considered. Full-Length plays/musicals using guns as props are accepted).
  • Union or non-union
  • Word document or PDF file. Pages MUST be numbered and script must be in standard playscript format: 12 pt Times Roman; character names in the middle on their own line; line spaces between speeches and stage directions; indented stage directions; 1" margins all around.  
The Festival will take place at the Workshop Theater's Main Stage and Jewel Box Theaters, 312 W. 36th St., NYC. MITF: Summer runs from July 16 - August 7. The Short Play Lab runs Saturday, July 16 - Sunday, July 17 in the Jewel Box Theater. The Festival provides a theatre (the WorkShop Theater's Main Stage and Jewel Box), shared scenery (rehearsal cubes, a table, and 4 chairs), and front-of-house staff. Shows must be fully produced (off book!).

To submit a project, mark it clearly "MITF: Summer," and let us know whether it is a full-length or short, a play or a musical, a variety act, a 10-min. play, or a staged reading. We'll curate the entries as they come in, so you can start working on them as soon as possible. Please send all playscripts and all Variety submissions (video reels, YouTube, etc.) to: john.chatterton@gmail.com by April 22nd with the special StageOpps code. We look forward to your submissions!

Don't forget to email specialoppscode@gmail.com to get the special code for this month's Special Opportunity!
#ScreenOpps online 
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#StageOpps online 

Ongoing additional Funding Resources
on the WomenArts website.

To sign up to receive any of our newsletters or to change your preferences, link here.

The Women in the Arts & Media Coalition is a coalition of member organizations; if you are a member of one of our member organizations, you are a member of the Coalition!  The purpose of the Coalition is to focus the power of our member organizations and use that combined strength to address issues of concern to women in theatre, film, tv, radio, and new media. We are committed to being the link between our member organizations as we collaborate to impact the various topics that affect women in our industry through advocacy, networking, and events. 

Affiliate Member Organizations:

We are adding new Member Organizations all the time! 
Watch this space ... or, better yet, join with us if you haven't already!
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