
Meet the Broadcaster: Discovery Channel

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Citizenfour (Laura Poitras) won the Grierson Award for Best Documentary on a Contemporary Theme - International, congrats!

My Enemy, My Brother
 (Ann Shin) has just been short-listed for a Documentary Short Subject Academy Award
Maya Gallus (A Female Gaze) was selected to participate in this year'sWomen in the Director's Chair.

Chanelle Aponte Pearson (So Young, So Pretty, So White) has been nominated for the 2015 euphoria Calvin Klein Spotlight on Women Directors 'Live the Dream' grant for directing the series 195 Lewis.
WMM is hiring!

Women Make Movies is seeking a is seeking an energetic, dedicated and highly motivated full-time
Marketing and Outreach Manager to promote and publicize the organization, our programs, and our collection of films to our customers, potential customers, filmmakers and the media. For more details and to apply, click here.
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About WMM:

Since our beginnings in 1972, WMM has grown from a feminist filmmakers' collective into an industry-leading nonprofit media arts organization and distributor. For over 40 years, WMM has transformed the landscape of filmmaking for women directors and producers, bringing the issues facing women around the world to screens everywhere. Now, with more than 550 films in our catalog, including Academy®, Emmy®, Peabody and Sundance nominees and award winners, WMM is the largest distributor of films by and about women in the world. Women Make Movies. By Women. About Women. For Everyone. 

November workshops and webinars. Don't miss these great opportunities!

Wednesday, November 11th | 6:30-8:30pm
Regular Rate: $30.00 | (discount rate) $20.00

With 100.8 million subscribers in the U.S. alone, Discovery Channel is a valuable destination for viewers searching for programming spanning science and technology, exploration, adventure, and the environment. The recent appointment of John Hoffman as Executive Vice President of Documentaries and Specials at Discovery Channel, Animal Planet and Science, following his distinguished past at The Public Good Projects and HBO, his home of 17 years, signals a renewed commitment by Discovery Communications to place the highest value on documentary films.

Join us to learn about the newest developments at Discovery and their focus on producing original documentary programming from development through production, commissioning and acquiring films and specials, and developing cross-platform programming.

WMM is delighted to welcome two of the documentary team's decision makers, John Hoffman and Alexandra Moss, Director of Development and Production, Documentaries and Specials, for a candid and wide-ranging conversation about Discovery from the inside, what they are looking for and how best to get on their radar screen. Click here to register.

Upcoming webinar:

Wednesday, November 18th| 3:00-5:00pm
Regular Rate: $25.00 | (discount rate) $15.00
Click here to register.

In this webinar, Tracie Holder, filmmaker and fundraising consultant, will help you understand what makes a film funding proposal a standout, grab the attention of potential funders and gives you the best shot at funding.  The focus of our time will be spent analyzing a successful funding proposal aimed at understanding how the filmmaker has successfully translated their vision for the film into a written proposal that captures the attention of the reader.  This webinar is aimed at any filmmaker who is thinking of applying for grants, is in the middle of a fundraising campaign or just needs to refresh their knowledge and put her/his best foot forward.  Holder is a filmmaker who has raised over $2million in grants for films and works with WMM as a fundraising consultant to the filmmakers in our Production Assistance Program.   In that role she has helped hundreds of filmmakers refine their proposals and win awards from foundation and government agencies.   

All WMM workshops and events are open to the general public and our offices are ADA compliant. 
Women Make Movies gratefully acknowledges the support of our funders: The National Endowment for the Arts, the New York State Council on the Arts with the support of Governor Andrew Cuomo and the New York State Legislature and the New York City Department of Cultural Affairs in partnership with the City Council. The Andy Warhol Foundation, the Academy of Motion Picture Arts & Sciences, and the Hollywood Foreign Press Association. 


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