



Did you know the Rockettes have a series of reunion events happening this week?  They pretty much bought out the above show (Joanna was a Rockette).  If YOU want to join the party this Sunday, just call the box office and use our discount code: KICK29
(212) 246-8140 or (212) 947-3499

If they're sold out

, book for December 6 . . .  

Our women continue to get hired and/or generate their own work. 
OLYVE HALLMARK ABBOTTone of our Cinderella writers, is already a published writer - check out her books on Amazon.com (her last book, Come Sundown, was ranked in the Top 50!) RC Alum TV performers might find TV-Live or Dead especially fascinating.
TERRY BAUGHAN was the 1st Place Winner in her college alumni association's short story contest, published, April 2015.
DOTTIE BELLE is a former Rockette, featured in the upcoming Diet Coke documentary; now runs her own business as a personal physical therapist - www.fitnessforever.biz
a member of Actor's Studio, is continually writing & performing.
KATHY CONRY continues to direct and choreograph professionally while producing projects for her ministry.  
CYNTHIA DARLOW is a working actress in NYC and a current member of TACT
DIANE FINDLEY  is coming to Broadway again soon in Gotta Dance.
ANDREA FRIERSON is a singer, actor, and writer living in New York City.  Currently, she performs her one-woman show, "me & ella" throughout the U.S.  
BETTY GALVANO has a new book, "Zapped By The Spirit" released September, 2015
SUSAN GARVEY was cast in Calendar Girls ("Annie Clarke") & is pulling double-duty as Myra Brhul" in Deathtrap about the same time (Oct. 29 - Nov. 22) Next Stop Theatre!
PATRICIA HILL  continues behind the camera with Mr. Robinson (NBC)
LIZ HODES continues to produce & perform out of her home in NYC.  Next up:  State of the Union, Nov 15, 2015  Contact:  lizhodes@yahoo.com

SUNNY KEYSER's daughter, Jen Halpern, casting director, also produces an annual "Rescue Men" calendar featuring men who adopt our furry friends: www.rescuemen.org

MARSHA KRAMER continues to work in LA; most recently on Modern Family
FRANCINE MANCINI continues to perform her original music & lyrics for her rock band, "NO UTURNS."  www.nouturnsad.wix.com/rock
DIANE PHELAN, our 2013 RC Rising Star is in "King and I." www.dianephelan.com
GRACE KILEY's Ongoing and Master Classes in Acting & Directing.  Contact her directly at gracekiley@gmail.com
MARY JANE HOUDINA teaches Pilates, adult jazz & tap  @ 5-6-7-8 Dance Arts (Brewster, N.Y.) & @ Logrea Dance Academy (Ossining, N.Y) regularly.  She continues to choreograph professionally, most recently "High Society".
LEE KELLEY s available for coaching
MELANIE MAYRON is actively directing; watch for her name in Pretty Little Liars, Grace & Frankie; and Jane the Virgin.
ANNIE O'DONNELL continues to perform & can be seen in features like, Jersey Boys & The Artist while continuing to guest star regularly.
DENISE PENCE continues her weekly broadcast, "The Cinematic Arts" for Gatewave Radio & is an Associate Member of Articulate Theater Company. (www.articulatetheatre.com)   www.denisepence.com 
CHERYL STEINTHAL  is a retired Rockette currently active with the Original Florida Follies (performers are 61-92 years young). She choreographed their next show, "A Brand New Day"  http://www.theoriginalfloridafollies.com
AMANDA TREES recently co-authored and starred as "Alice" in Alice Are You, based on Alice in Wonderland, performed in Brooklyn to a sold out crowd. www.aliceareyou.com

Contact us with your Goings On!
Paid up member's latest news is repeated on our website: Then & Now
(special thank you to Francine Mancini for web updates)

WEBSITE     FACEBOOK     BLOG (Nov, 2015)

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